Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 11

  Chapter Ten

  Sunday morning in church proved to be interesting for Helen. She and her mother were sitting in a pew when she felt someone sit next to her. The closeness of the person startled her a little bit. It took her a moment to look up, and when she did, it was into the familiar green eyes of Logan.

  He leaned down “Is this seat taken?”

  Giving him a playful look, she pretended to be annoyed “I was sitting here until this really rude guy came and sat on my lap.”

  Logan gave her a playful wink and smile. “If you point him out I will give him a sound thrashing,” he said as he looked around seemingly to find the person of her annoyance.

  The pastor walked onto the stage at that point cutting off the playful banter. Without even thinking, Logan’s arm went around Helen’s shoulders. She leaned into him like it was the most natural thing in the world. If you had asked either of them what they were doing, they would have told you they did not even realize that they had done it.

  People around noticed, though. Unaware of the stir their actions had caused, the couple sat and listened to the announcements. When it was time to stand and worship, they stood together with his hand on the small of her back. At that moment, it seemed natural to them. Though they were both very aware of each other, they were more interested in worship. When it was time to sit and listen to the sermon, Logan’s arm went around Helen again. She leaned against him and listened to what God had to say through the pastor.

  After service, Helen was surprised to see a rush of people coming their way. She was suddenly very jumpy. She stood in front of Logan but could feel his hands on her shoulders reassuring her he was there. Everything was going to be ok.

  Logan felt Helen tremble. He had not been aware that they would draw a crowd in the church, but it seemed they had. He stood behind her and supported her. They were asked many questions about the dance lessons. All of them were very discreet, but Logan knew that could change. He was ready when one person asked point blank if they were seeing each other. By the time the last question was asked, Helen’s trembling was evident. He steadied her but knew she was feeling out of control. As the last person walked away, she slumped back against him.

  “Thank you.” was all she could get out of her mouth.

  Elaina and Ester had watched the entire thing. Both knew Helen well, but both were surprised that Logan seemed to know her too. He did just what she needed him to do when she needed it most. They watched as he held her steady. The couple smiled and answered questions, Logan, doing most of the talking. They knew she was uncomfortable with the attention, but it still surprised them when after it was over she sought out comfort from Logan. They watched her slump back against him and smiled as Logan’s arms came around to comfort her.

  Elaina and Ester had already decided to take Sunday lunch together at Elaina’s house. Helen and Logan did not know it, but that did not seem to matter. When Logan led Helen to his car and opened the door, she got in without question. Elaina and Ester got into the back seat, and Logan drove.

  Elaina broke the silence “We are having lunch at the house, Logan.” he met her eyes in the rearview mirror. He nodded his head to say he had heard her and drove to the house.

  With Elaina breaking the silence, Helen turned and looked at her mom. “Did you see all of those people?”

  “I did. How are you doing?”

  “I’m not sure. I have never felt like that at church. It was a bit much.” Helen answered honestly.

  “It may happen again.”

  “I know, but this time I will be ready for it. I did not realize how curious people would be about the benefit. One lady was bold enough to ask if we were a couple.”

  “What did you say to that?” Ester was shocked at such brashness.

  Helen cocked her head to the side and wrinkled her nose “I don’t know. Did you answer that one Logan?”

  “Yes, I did.” Logan answer was short and simple. Helen wasn’t fooled.

  “What did you tell her?” Helen asked.

  “What would you have told her?” Logan avoided the question with a question.

  Helen was confused but after some thought answered honestly “I am not sure what I would have said. Now, will you tell me what you said?”

  “I told them it’s complicated.”

  They were pulling into the driveway now. “It’s complicated. What does that mean?” Helen asked.

  Logan put the car in park and then turned and looked at her “It means our mothers are in the back seat. The church people are in the church. If you and I decide that we would like to be more, we will talk about it first. Until then, it’s complicated.”

  “Do you want to be more?” Helen asked quietly.

  “Can we take a walk later and talk about this?” Logan asked in a gentle voice.

  Helen saw him glance in the mirror. They had parked the car, but neither of the women in the back seat had made a move to exit the vehicle. Both were focused on the front seat, and neither looked ashamed of it. Helen suddenly realized how bizarre it was. She busted out laughing.

  Ester tried to look sorry but failed. “We should go in.” was the only thing she could say.

  Elaina was not so shy about her opinion. “Make sure you let us know what you two decide. I mean we are your mothers so we should be first. I’m curious what ‘it’s complicated’ means too.”

  Helen went into another fit of giggles as they all started to exit the car.

  Once inside the house, Logan and Helen set the table for lunch. Elaina had a crockpot stew that had been going since early morning. Helen sniffed the air and smiled. It smelled really good.

  Logan watched Helen. It had been less than a week since he had met her. Logan did not know why he seemed to be falling so hard for her, but he was. The benefit was in another two weeks and the thought of he and her not seeing each other every day brought out an emotion he had never had. Logan watched her sniff the air again and smile. He could not help it as he smiled too. She looked at him, and her smile widened. “It smells great,” she said. “I did not realize how hungry I was until I walked in the door.”

  “It does smell good. I love it when my mom pulls out the crock pot. There is nothing like a slow cooked meal.” Logan said as he walked around the table to her.

  “They are easy to make too,” Helen said. “I love to find new recipes online for crock pot meals. I can put it together before I go to class and eat when I’m done with school.”

  “You like to cook?” Logan asked.

  “I enjoy it. It is relaxing. I like baking too.” Helen smiled.

  “Helen, what is going on with us?” Logan asked

  She looked up at him. Her heart was very vulnerable when it came to him, but for some reason she trusted him. A part of her wondered how that could have happened in less than a week, but it did. She weighed her answer carefully “I don’t know. The last time I remember being this trusting I was nine.”

  Nine! She had only been nine. Logan realized that Helen had no idea what she just confessed to. He did not want her to close up, so he smiled when all he wanted to do was weep for the child she had been. His hands shook a little as he pulled out her chair. Logan hoped he could keep the emotion out of his voice as he responded. “I have never felt so trusted. We had a rocky start, but I hope you know that I have never wanted anything inappropriate from you.”

  “I know that you are not going to do something I would find offensive. You are great at making sure I am more than comfortable.” she looked at him again noticing that something had changed “Are you ok?”

  “I just thought of something was all” he answered.

  “Care to share?” she cocked her head to the side.

  Logan looked at her sitting there clueless to what she had revealed, he smiled gently. “Not today, but I will share it with you eventually.”

  Helen smiled and nodded. T
hey could hear their mothers coming with the bread and stew. Now it was time to eat and enjoy great company.

  “This is great Elaina.” Ester commented on the stew after they blessed the food.

  “Thank you. My mom used to make this in the oven. When I realized I could do it in the crockpot, it became one of Logan’s favorite dishes too.”

  Logan smiled at his mom “You are right on that. I can honestly say I miss Sunday dinners.”

  The rest of the meal went by with lots of laughter. When it came time to clean up, Logan volunteered himself and Helen. “We can clean up. Helen and I like doing the dishes.” He said as he winked at her.

  Helen could feel herself blush. “It is no trouble Mrs. Day.”

  Helen and Logan cleared the table and started the dishes. They stood at the sink washing and rinsing. Logan could not help himself. Like before, he reached over into the dish water. His hand took hers, and they stood there with their fingers playing on one another’s palms. Helen leaned into Logan as his thumb caressed her palm. She wondered how something so simple could seem so intimate. Helen could feel her heart pounding in her chest. His touch brought something out in her that she did not understand.

  Logan looked down at Helen. Her face was flushed. The feelings the simple touch evoked were so intense it shocked him. He knew that they should get back to work, but this simple touch was so personal he did not want it to end. He caressed her palm with his thumb and watched her mouth open as she took a short breath. Her eyes looked up and locked with his. He saw her nibble on her bottom lip. He slowly leaned down. Her eyes widened, but she did not pull away. Very gently he put his lips on hers. He touched her lips lightly and then pulled away. He looked into her eyes as she looked into his eyes.


  He gently moved his lips to her forehead. He closed his eyes as he asked, “What are we going to do with all of this?”

  Neither one had an answer they just looked at each other. At that moment, both were content not to know. Logan leaned down and kissed her gently one more time. Helen kissed him back. Their hands were shaking just a bit as they finished the dishes.

  Ester had walked in on the intimate scene. She did not want to intrude, so she quietly walked back out. Her heart smiled at the thought of her sweet, shy daughter finding someone that broke through her anxiety.

  Dishes finished, Logan took Helen’s hand, and they headed into the living room. Their mothers were sitting and talking as the two walked in. Logan did not let go of Helen’s hand but led her toward the women.

  “Do either of you mind if we take a walk?” he asked in a respectful tone.

  “Of course, we don’t mind” Ester answered. “You two go out and enjoy the fresh air.”

  Logan led Helen out of the house, and the couple walked down the backyard to the woods. They were still hand in hand. Helen breathed in the fresh air and smiled. She looked up at him and blushed as she remembered their kiss. Logan smiled at her. They continued to walk in silence each in their thoughts. The silence was not uncomfortable. It was a time to think and wonder about the path ahead of them.

  Logan broke the silence first. “Did I cross a line by kissing you?”

  Helen smiled and touched her other hand to her lips. “No. I don’t have any experience Logan, but your kiss was gentle.” her face suddenly became a bit more serious. “Logan, I know you are aware of my secret.” she could not look at him now. “I know that if we go down this path, I will have to be more open with you, but for right now, is this enough?” She looked up as she asked the question. Her eyes reflected a pain he did not understand but wanted to.

  They had stopped walking now. Logan leaned against a tree but did not let go of her hand. He wanted to make sure that he worded everything he was going to say perfectly. After a brief pause, he looked into her eyes. “I am willing to wait for you forever.” his voice hoarse with emotion, “The second I saw you Helen I knew I was yours. That sounds corny I know, but it is true. I have a past. Until I met you, I was never ashamed of it. I see you as pure regardless of the pain you have had to endure. Pain that you had no choice in. I just want you to know that I am willing to hear everything when you are ready. In many ways, I wonder if I am good enough for you.”

  Helen’s eyes widened in surprise. “How could you not be? What sin has done in your life, Logan, God has wiped clean. If He can’t see it, I surely can’t. I don’t have a clue why I trust you. The answer must be God. The thought of our future is scary for me in many ways, but it also makes me happy. For the first time in a long time, I feel like I may have a future. I want to see where this leads. I know that without a doubt.”

  “I guess we just take everything day by day.” Logan stated his thoughts softly. “If it is ok with you, when I start picking you up this week, I would like to start praying together.”

  “That would be great Logan. I can’t imagine trying to figure this out any other way.”

  “So, I guess the answer is yes.” Logan knew he lost her at that point.

  Confusion crossed Helen’s face as she asked, “Yes to what?”

  “The question we were asked today at the church. Are we dating? I would like to say yes if you are ok with it.”

  Helen was suddenly very happy. “I would like that too.” she stated in a shy whisper.

  Logan cleared his throat, he had something else he needed to tell her too. “There is something else I wanted to give you a heads up about.”

  “Ok” Helen responded.

  “When we start practice tomorrow, our dance is going to get a bit more face to face. Even now when I kissed you, we have been side by side.”

  Helen had known this part was coming, she had also hoped it would be later. Helen also knew it would be ok. She looked up at the man that seemed to be gently taking the bricks of her heart down and said in a whisper. “Grapes.”

  Logan smiled. The trust she had placed in him was humbling. He could not imagine that in one week his entire world became centered on this stunning woman. He was falling in love with her. He was okay with that fact. He would not fight this journey but see it through to what God would have it be. Looking into those beautiful blue eyes, Logan replied “Grapes.”

  Helen looked up into Logan’s face. She blushed as she remembered the kiss from earlier. Helen was scared and excited, but she trusted God and knowing that He was in charge made her look forward to this journey. She was falling in love. Helen was opening herself up to another human in a way she never dreamed she would be able to. She knew that this path would have its ups and downs, but for once she was willing to travel it.

  The couple walked back to the house as they had left, hand in hand. The only difference was the fact that they now knew they had a future to look forward to. What that future held for them was still uncertain. They were both at peace knowing that for God it was not uncertain at all. His plan was already there waiting for them to follow.

  Logan and Helen walked back into the house quietly, what they came upon stopped both of them short. Ester and Elaina were on their knees in prayer. The couple heard the whispered prayers being sent to heaven on their behalf.

  “…Mom?” Logan’s voice cracked with emotion.

  Helen spoke at the same time he did “Mamma?” tears were in her eyes.

  Elaina and Ester came to their feet. They walked toward their children and embraced them as a couple. Ester spoke first “We love you both. When the Spirit urged us to pray, we did. God is a part of who we all are. We knew this would be a time for you both to be open to His calling in your lives. We prayed for wisdom and obedience.”

  Elaina started when Ester stopped “You don’t have to tell us you are dating. We can see the feelings that you both are having. We just want you to know that we are praying for you. We are praying for what God has for each of you as individuals and what He may have for you as a couple.” with that said, she kiss
ed her son and then Helen. Ester kissed her daughter and then Logan.

  “Now enough of all of this personal stuff.” Ester started “How about we make plans for the Days to come over this week to watch the news again?”

  Helen laughed through the tears. She and Logan looked at each other in relief. Elaina looked from one to another “Now you two did not think we were going to ask for details, did you?”

  Logan answered for both of them “We were hoping you wouldn’t.”