Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 12

  Chapter Eleven

  He waited outside her house for her to come out. He knew it was almost time for her to go to practice her dancing. He stood there smoking enjoying each drag he took. He was giddy with the anticipation of seeing her again. He did not see her much on weekends. Her mother was home. Monday was there again. He could not wait until he was with her again. His eyes narrowed at the house. Her bedroom light had come on at the regular time, but where was she? He had almost given up when the front light came on. He held his breath and waited, but she still did not come out. His frustration mounted when he understood why she had stayed inside. Watching the car pull into her drive, he almost howled in rage. That dance instructor was there. His anger built as he watched her let Logan into her house. That whore would pay for betraying him like this. He punched the tree beside him until blood started to pour from his fist. Glaring at the house, he waited a few more minutes. When the couple came out, another plan began to take shape in his head.

  Logan pulled into the driveway. He was still thinking of the day before when he and Helen had spoken honestly about the path their lives seemed to be taking. Logan smiled at the thought of seeing her and praying with her about their future for the first time. He got out of the car and walked up to the house.

  Helen was excited and was up before her alarm went off. She knew that Logan was going to be picking her up. She also knew that they would start the day praying. The praying together seemed like more of a testimony to their feelings for each other than anything else they could have done. She had just gotten out of the shower and dressed when Logan texted her saying that he was almost there.

  Logan knocked on the door and waited for Helen. The hair on the back of his neck stood up, and he looked around. He did not see anything but was still uneasy. He smiled when Helen opened the door. He noted that her eyes shined with her feelings for him.

  “Hi” she whispered.

  “Hi.” he whispered back as he reached out and touched her hand.

  She moved to the side, and he went into the house. Shutting the door behind them, Logan took Helen’s hand again and led her to the couch. “I’m not quite sure how this works.” he started, “I thought you could go first, and I will finish.”

  Helen smiled up at him. She suddenly felt very shy, but she had to concur. She would rather go first. “Ok. I can go first.” She agreed and then bowed her head. “Father God, we come to You today for Your guidance in our lives. We ask that in all of our ways and deeds we honor You. We ask for Your hand of protection over us as we practice. I ask You to help me trust Logan. Help me not to be afraid. Help me to trust him enough to tell him if I am. I thank You for all that You have done for us. I thank You for all that You are going to do. I love You. In Jesus name, I pray. Amen.”

  Logan began his prayer “God in Heaven, I am new to this. I want more than anything to be Yours first. Help me to be that. Help me to know what You would have me do for You. I thank You so much for saving me. I also thank You for Helen. Whatever our future is, I pray that You will hold it in Your hand. I pray that we will listen to Your voice. Help me to know You more each day. I pray this in Your Son’s holy name, the name of Jesus. Amen.”

  The couple looked up at each other. They were sitting side by side on the sofa holding each other’s hands. Logan’s heart raced at the look of trust in her eyes. Very slowly he leaned down and touched her lips. Helen kissed him back. They drew apart for a second to look at each other. “One more...” Logan whispered as he took her lips again.

  Helen could not seem to take a breath. She knew that Logan was going to kiss her. She wanted him to. When he leaned down and touched her lips with his, she kissed him back. Her heart soared when he whispered he wanted one more. She leaned into his kiss. It was soft, gentle, and sweet. When they pulled away from one another, she was smiling and blushing. “We should go.” her voice sounded breathless even to her.

  Logan tweaked her nose and agreed. They both stood and headed for the door. Helen grabbed her backpack knowing she had classes after practice. Logan opened the door, and they walked out. Helen put her key into the deadbolt and locked it behind them. Logan guided her to the car and opened the door for her. She slid in, and he went around to his side. Neither realized they were being watched.

  Logan drove to the studio, and they got out. They walked in together catching the camera crews’ attention. Cameras rolled. Holding his hand out to her, Logan asked, “Shall we?”

  Helen took his hand winked at him and said, “After you keep your promise about the turn, we shall.”

  True to his word Logan took his position behind her and gave her a solid turn. She laughed and fell on her butt. He extended his hand and pulled her up. This time he pulled her close to him. Her smile vanished. “It’s ok...” he assured her softly. He started his next lesson then.

  Helen tried to listen but having him up against her was scaring her. She tried not to say it but could not help it. “Grapes.” she whispered and then added, “Logan I’m scared.” She was trembling at his touch, but she had a hard time remembering it was his. When he pulled her close, all she could think about was being hurt. What that man had done to her had left a mark deeper than she had realized. She tried to picture Logan but could not.

  Logan released her and stepped away. The fear in her voice shook him to his core. He was trying to think of a way to help her. The cameras were rolling and capturing everything. It hit him what to do.

  Logan walked over to Ty. “Could we have a minute without the cameras?”

  “Sure. How long do you need?” Ty could see Helen’s struggle.

  “Could you give us twenty minutes? Maybe you could go get some coffee.”

  Ty smiled. “No problem. She sure is shy. I feel sorry for her when she has these attacks.”

  Logan agreed “Me too.” Of course, he knew it was so much more than anxiety attacks.

  The crew left leaving them alone. Helen stood in the center of the room. She looked at Logan and then looked away. He walked over to her. “Helen. Do you trust me?” Logan asked his question softly trying to put her at ease.

  She nodded her head. “I do Logan. It is just that I can’t see you. I am trying.” tears started to spill down her cheeks.

  “Helen. Listen to me. Look at me. See me.” Logan said gently.

  Helen looked at him. He moved toward her, and she backed away. He stopped and repeated what he said. “Listen to me. Look at me. See me.”

  He moved toward her again, but this time he did not stop talking. “I want you to look at me. Don’t take your eyes off of me. Look and see that it is me...” his arms slid around her, and she tensed. “Who do you see, Helen?” Logan asked.

  Helen looked up at him. “I see you.” she felt his hold tighten. “Please, Logan I’m scared.”

  He did not release her this time but asked, “Who do you see?”

  “I see you.” he pulled her closer. She was shaking violently now.

  “My sweet Helen, who do you see?” his voice was gentle. She looked up and saw he had tears in his eyes. He was hurting for her. She could see it now.

  “I see you, Logan.” She leaned into his embrace and cried. She cried for the little girl that she never got to be. She cried for the teenager who never had her first kiss or first dance or first crush. She mourned all that was lost that day so long ago and held on to what was there and now. She could feel Logan’s tears falling on her shoulder and knew he was sharing her pain. She no longer saw anyone but Logan when he embraced her. She could feel God’s healing Hand through the man that held her gently in his arms.

  Logan held her close. His heart broke when he heard the sobs that came from deep within her. Logan did not know what her thoughts were. He did not know the pain that brought the sobs. All he knew was she was hurting. It was her pain that brought real sorrow from Logan. He did not try
to stop the tears. She hurt, and that made him hurt. He allowed tears to fall from his eyes and down his cheeks. He held her closer to him with each sob that came from her. He felt her leaning into him accepting the comfort he offered. He whispered comfort to her. When the tears were spent and the sobbing ceased, he did not let go. He was there.

  Helen gained control of herself. She felt warm now by the embrace that a few short minutes ago had frightened her. She felt at that moment more cherished than she ever felt she would. Never in her wildest imagination could she have seen this man. She pulled slightly back from Logan and looked up into his face. He did not try to hide the fact that he had been crying with her. She lifted her hand and traced a tear with her finger. She wiped it away. “Thank you. I did not even know I needed that” she confessed.

  Logan put his forehead against hers. “I can’t imagine the pain you must be going through. I just know that I won’t hide how much it hurts me to see you in that pain. You touch my soul, Helen.”

  Logan knew the camera crew would be back in a couple of minutes. He did not care. He held her close until the door opened and they could hear the crew coming back to film.

  Ty walked in and smiled at the couple. “Are we ready to go?”

  Helen looked at Logan and answered, “We are ready if you are.”

  Logan smiled down at her. “I guess we are ready.” He looked at Helen and added a question “How about a quick spin?”

  She laughed in delight. She did enjoy getting dizzy. The cameras came on to her laughing up into Logan’s face. She spun and hit the ground in giggles. Logan held his hand out again. She took it and allowed him to pull her close. No fear was there just peace that passed all understanding.

  The day went on with Logan teaching Helen to accept his lead. He held her close teaching her the dance. She accepted and learned from him. His encouragement helped her gain confidence with her footing. His compassion helped her gain confidence in herself. Falling in love with Logan was easy. She did not try to fight it.

  The camera crew had been talking over the coffee earlier that day about the fact that these two were meant for each other. As they filmed and watched through the day, they gave each other knowing smiles and glances. This was one of the best assignments. Watching these two fall for each other was heartwarming, and the crew loved it. They may not have known the entire story, but they could see the spark was now a flame. Before everyone knew it, Helen’s alarm sounded and their time that day was up.