Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 16

  Chapter Sixteen

  It was Thursday already. Logan was heading to Helen’s to pick her up for their dance lesson. If he had to be honest, they did not need much more work. He knew that that didn’t make any difference. Logan had all intentions of taking the full three weeks. He had until next Friday night at which time he and Helen would be dancing at the dinner benefit. Logan pulled into her driveway and got out of the car.

  Helen had seen Logan pull in. She had opened the door before he had made it to the porch. Helen stepped out and watched him come up the walk. She enjoyed looking at him. She smiled at the fact that he was the only man she had ever looked at like she was.

  “What are you thinking about? It is bringing a different smile to your face.”

  Helen giggled as she answered “I thought that you sure are purtty.” she tried to sound Southwestern as she drawled it out.

  Logan threw back his head and laughed, of all the answers she could have given him, he could not have predicted that one. As he reached the top of the stairs, he leaned down and kissed her forehead “I think you sure are purtty too.”

  She turned and walked into the house. He followed still chuckling at what she had just said. The more she opened up to him the more she surprised him. Even yesterday the day after they had their first date he sensed a change. She seemed more confident during practice and had even joked with some of the camera crew. He shut the door behind him and followed her to the sofa.

  Helen watched Logan as he came and sat beside her. She loved him. When he sat down, she reached up and touched the side of his face. He smiled down at her. His smile vanished as she leaned up and kissed him. He leaned down giving her more access to his mouth. She deepened the kiss just a little and then pulled back and smiled at him. The look on his face was hilarious. Helen laughed and asked, “Are you ok?”

  “I just was not expecting you to do that. It was nice but a bit surprising. I'm not used to you being this comfortable with me. I’m enjoying it.” Logan decided, to be honest.

  Helen smiled “I am more comfortable with you. Opening up with you has allowed me to quit hiding from you. I still get embarrassed sometimes with what you know. When that happens, I just keep telling myself that I was a child there was nothing I could have done that would have stopped what happen. It was not my sin. It is not my sin.”

  The couple looked at each other lovingly a few more minutes and then prayed. They held hands as they went before the throne of God as a couple.

  The rest of the day had gone by in a flash. Before Helen knew it, Logan was picking her up from college. She, Jody, and Tiffany were sitting on the bench they had occupied before. She watched as he got out of the car and came toward them.

  “Hi Jody Tiffany how are you doing?” he greeted.

  Tiffany answered first “I’m doing well. How are you, Logan?”

  “I can’t complain. I get to work all day with my baby.” he winked at Helen as he said that knowing he was sounding and acting cheesy.

  Jody laughed “You are such a good man, Logan. I hate to tell you, but your ‘baby’ ruined the grading curve again. I think you need to keep her out later or something. She is all sorts of trouble.”

  Logan laughed at that. “I will try Jody. Just for you, I can give it a shot.” Logan thought for a minute and then added “You know Jody? I have never actually seen her pick up a book and study. This may be harder than you think.”

  Jody looked at Helen “Well you can’t blame me for trying.”

  “I think,” Helen started “what you need to do is stop blaming me. I see you doing your nails in class. You need to study.”

  Jody exaggerated her sigh. “Class is very boring. I have to do something, and my nails do need the attention. I just can’t bring myself to study more than an hour.”

  Tiffany had to add her opinion too. “I have seen you doing your nails in class too. I was going to ask to borrow your file the one day. Remembering the last grade you got stopped me, though.” she teased.

  Helen looked at Logan. “Are you ready to go? I’m thinking Jody is going to start complaining about tomorrow’s test.”

  He held out his hand and helped her up. “I am.”

  “Keep her out late” Jody ordered as they all said goodbye.

  The couple headed to the car. Jody and Tiffany watched Logan open the door for Helen before he went and got into the driver’s side. They looked at each other and smiled. They enjoyed watching their new friend find her wings.