Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 18

  Chapter Eighteen

  Logan sat on the chair near Helen’s bed. The door was open ensuring the situation stayed innocent in appearance. It was just him, Elaina, and Ester in the house with Helen now. Jeff and Jen had left a few minutes earlier.

  Helen whimpered again in her sleep drawing his attention. He walked over and sat on the side of her bed. Helen flinched away until he spoke softly to her. “It’s me. I’m here.” Sensing her calm at his voice, Logan went back to the chair and continued his vigil over her.

  Ester witnessed the scene for the third time that night from the doorway. She had an idea and decided to act on it. Leaving the doorway, she went to get the things she would need. After a minute, she came back with two bean bags and a blanket. By that time, Logan was once more at Helen’s side calming her. “Logan?”

  Logan turned and saw Ester. “Yes?”

  “This is not going to work. We all need to sleep. She is going to need us to be rested too. I have some bean bags. I sleep on the floor every year on Christmas Eve with Helen.” she was not sure how else to put her idea into words other than just to say it. “Stay on top of the blanket.”

  Logan was confused. “Ester, I’m not following you.”

  “Share the bed. She needs you tonight. I can sleep here on the floor. It will keep it from being inappropriate. You just can’t keep getting up and down from the chair. You need to be rested. She needs you to be rested.”

  Logan knew what she said made sense, but a part of him was worried what people would think if they found out. He thought for a little bit before he took his sneakers off and laid down beside Helen. She whimpered, but when he touched her, she rolled into his arms and calmed. Pulling her against him, Logan closed his eyes and rested.

  Ester had seen the conflict in Logan’s eyes. She was relieved he gave in to her request. As she watched him pull Helen into his arms and comfort her, Ester laid the bean bags down beside the bed. She wrapped herself up in her blanket and sought her Lord in prayer.

  Jeff and Jen were driving home. Both of them were spent by the evening’s events. Jen had told Jeff the thoughts she had outside the kitchen door. Jeff agreed with her. If Logan was indeed the tool, some honest questions needed to start being asked and answered. He had told Logan that he would be back the next morning to check on them. Jeff knew what he needed to do. He looked over at his wife and told her. “I feel I need to spend some time tonight in prayer. Are you ok if I do that?”

  Jen looked at her husband. She was extremely grateful God had chosen him for her. She found the thing that attracted her most to him was his willingness to obey God. She knew he was just as drained as she was, but he was willing to stay awake and talk to Christ about everything that was happening. “I am always ok with you obeying God.”

  Jeff pulled into the driveway and got out of the car. He opened his wife’s door, and the two walked up to their home. They had asked Lauren one of the teens at their church to watch the kids for them. It was a little before eleven, and they knew she needed to get home.

  They walked in the front door. Jeff thanked Lauren and paid her. Jen waited on the porch until Lauren had gotten into her car and turned it on. The couple said a quick prayer together before Jen kissed her husband and headed to bed.

  Jeff walked into the den and shut the door. He did not go over to his desk but knelt in front of his chair in a position of prayer. Jeff prayed until well after midnight and then sought his bed. He pulled his wife into his arms before kissing her forehead. Jeff thought about the things that he felt God had revealed to him. He knew that as things happened God would show him exactly what to say to both Helen and Logan. If this had been any other couple, Jeff knew he would be a bit more reluctant, but God had given him pause with Logan and Helen from the start. Their road was to be traveled as a couple. The fast pace was not going to slow down because God had a plan. Jeff did not understand this plan, but he felt firm in what God was asking him as a pastor to do. With that assurance, Jeff closed his eyes and joined his wife in sleep.

  Helen woke up feeling disoriented. She tried to stretch her arms but instead found another arm there. Helen yelped and tried to get out of bed. Helen was in such a hurry she became tangled in her blankets and almost fell out of bed. In a flash, the extra arm caught her. She looked up into kind green eyes. “Logan?” Helen’s eyes widened more as they focused past Logan and on Pastor Jeff.

  Logan had felt Helen stir. He had known she was waking up. Logan knew the second she realized he was there. He had caught her before her panic made her fall out of bed. He noticed her eyes widen at something behind them. He turned “Jeff?”

  When Jeff had shown up at the house, Elaina had let him in and explained that Ester and the “kids” were upstairs. She told him that Ester was in the room with them so that Logan could get some sleep but also as a safeguard so that the appearance of evil would not come into play. Jeff understood and went up the stairs to Helen’s room. Ester was awake sitting in the chair. He offered to stay so that she could get some breakfast.

  He had been sitting there for about twenty minutes before Helen had stirred. As tragic as things were and the circumstances that had Logan in Helen’s bed, Jeff could not help but chuckle at the faces both of them were giving him. “Your mom explained everything. I just offered to sit in here until you woke up so Ester could get some breakfast.”

  Logan was relieved “I was hoping that you were not mistaken about why I was in Helen’s bed.”

  “I understand, but Helen looks like she could use some more intel on the subject.” Jeff smiled at her.

  Logan turned to explain to Helen why he was there. The words caught in his throat. If he had thought her beautiful before, he was even more stunned now. Her morning look was adorable. He suddenly realized it was a good thing they had a chaperone.

  Helen saw the goofy look that crossed Logan’s face. She smiled feeling a bit insecure. “Logan?” she whispered.

  Logan heard Helen whisper his name and snapped out of it. It was time to explain. “After you fainted last night, I brought you up here. Your mom stayed with you until the officers and Jeff and Jen left. Once they left, I told your mom I was not leaving you, and she didn’t argue. The door was left open, and I was on the chair. You were so restless that I was going back and forth from the chair to your bed often. After a few hours, your mom brought in these two bean bags.” he gestured to them and continued, “She told me she would sleep on the floor and that I needed to sleep in your bed on top the blankets. She said it would not be inappropriate as long as she was in the room and I was not underneath the blankets with you.” Logan knew he had not done anything wrong, but he could see how this could lead down a path he did not want it to go.

  Helen listened to his explanation. Her face relaxed as she came to understand what had happened and why Logan was with her now.

  Jeff leaned forward. The praying he had done last night had given him insight into what needed to be done now. He placed his elbows on his knees. “Do you two minds if I ask you both some questions? I spent some time in prayer about this situation. I feel like God has given me some absolute direction for your lives. I even feel He allowed me to be in this room at this time to help provide some guidance.”

  The couple nodded their agreement. Helen now leaned against Logan in the bed.

  “Helen, if I were to ask you to be honest, who would you tell me your future husband would be?”

  Helen blushed as she answered, “Logan.”

  “Logan who would you tell me your future wife would be?”

  “Helen. She is the one that I know God wants me to marry and spend my life with.” Logan answered with confidence.

  Jeff put some thought into how he needed to word the next thing he knew he needed to say. “Logan, how did it feel to wake up beside Helen?”

  Logan looked at Helen. “I was glad to be beside her. She felt
right in my arms. Her morning look is adorable.”

  Jeff chuckled at Helen’s blush. He asked her the next question. “Helen, once you realized it was Logan, how did you feel?”

  “I liked it. I wanted to brush my teeth and have him kiss me,” she admitted honestly.

  “This danger to Helen is not going away until this man is caught. No one knows when that will be. Everyone knows that as long as Logan is near you, this man is going to have to fight to get you. If it is God’s will that Logan is here, and I believe it is, how can you both avoid temptation? Even after this man is caught, there are going to be things which only the two of you can deal with together. You both have gone through more in a week as a couple than most couples do in years.”

  Logan could see Jeff’s point. “I agree, but you seem to be avoiding something. What is it you are trying to say?”

  Jeff did not know any other way to say what he knew should happen other than to just say it. He took a deep breath and said what God wanted him to say. “Helen, you need to let Logan be your husband as soon as it can happen. Logan, you need to take Helen as your wife. I’m not saying that, Helen, you should do something you are not ready to do yet with Logan. I am saying with as close as you two are becoming mentally it could be a problem. Emotions can have a life of their own. The fact is, Logan, you need to be with Helen whenever you can to keep her safe. The best way to do that and the most guarded from emotions that can lead us astray is for you two to marry. God set the pace. He has not let you two down. I’m just asking you both to trust Him as this pace continues.”

  Helen was at a loss. She honestly did not know what to say. She shook her head no.

  Jeff looked at Helen. He knew deep down inside she already knew the answer. “Helen. I know this is a lot to digest. I would like to ask you one question. Can you say that if you and Logan wake up in your bed a week from now no matter how innocent the reason you would not let one kiss turn into something more? I’m not asking if you would want to compromise. I’m asking if you have ever felt like you should not do something because you knew you could compromise?”

  Helen blushed as she remembered the night Logan had teased her with that one kiss that was more intense than the others. She knew she needed, to be honest, so she was. “No, I can’t be sure that I would not sin at the moment.”

  Logan had listened to what Jeff was saying. What he also knew was that deep down the man was right. However, this was bizarre. When Helen answered, he knew she was starting to understand what could happen. She felt so good in his arms, and he knew that one kiss could lead to wanting more. “Jeff, could you give us a minute alone door open of course?”

  Jeff left, and Logan knew what he needed to do. He also knew she would say yes, but that did not mean he could not make it special. Logan looked down at Helen. He leaned down and kissed her forehead. “The moment I met you I knew I wanted to know you better. In that first week, I knew I wanted to be more than dance partners for a benefit. You have helped me see the need for God in your quiet way of handling the pain life has given you. I told Jeff at our meeting on Tuesday that I knew you would be my wife.” Logan watched her eyes widened a bit at that confession. “I love you so much. I am satisfied with kisses that in the months to come will lead to more. I don’t need more than that until you are ready. I love you. I’m asking you. Helen, would you marry me? Let me protect you. Let me lay beside you at night and hold you close and safe.”

  Helen could not have imagined a more beautiful way of being asked. She knew this was her future and that God was telling her to say yes, but as she listened to Logan speak, she wanted to say yes too. She wanted to say yes not just to please God but because she loved this man. “I will be your wife. I love you too. I want you to hold me. I want to find out what happens after kisses make you feel funny. I want to do that with you. I wish we could wait, but I understand why we can’t.”

  Logan gave her a lopsided grin. “My kisses make you feel funny?”

  Helen blushed “I think you already know that. I did have one question. How did I get into my pajamas?”

  Logan put his hands up “It was not me I promise. Your mom was the one who took care of that.”

  Helen’s stomach growled. She blushed as she said, “I think I need to find something to eat, but first, follow me.”

  Logan followed her as she walked across the hall to the bathroom. She opened a drawer and handed Logan a package with a toothbrush. Logan busted out laughing. She grabbed hers from the cup and put some toothpaste on it. Logan took the toothpaste she offered, and they both stood there in the bathroom brushing their teeth.

  Their teeth were now brushed. Logan did not hesitate. He leaned down and kissed her. Logan deepened the kiss as he had done before. Helen leaned into him, and he deepened it more. Logan knew it was time to end the kiss. When he pulled away, Helen’s face made him smile. The words she said next made him laugh.

  “Yes. I can see what the pastor means about all this emotion stuff.”

  Logan held out his hand. “I think it is time to go tell our mothers the news.”

  Helen took his hand and allowed him to lead her down the stairs to the kitchen. Logan opened the door, and Helen walked in first. Helen knew the day was going to get harder. Detective Benion was going to come back and finish talking to her. She also knew she wanted to embrace this happy moment and share it. The kitchen was full of the people she cared about. Her mom was at the stove cooking more food. Elaina was at the sink doing dishes. Jeff was at the table with Jen sipping coffee. All eyes went to the couple as they entered. Logan came up behind Helen, and she leaned back against his chest.

  Logan looked at Ester and spoke “I know that Helen and I have only known each other less than two weeks, but I also know that she is my future. I would like to ask for your permission to marry her.”

  Ester was not surprised by what Logan said. Jeff had talked to her about the leading he sensed from God. She knew in her heart this was right. “You have my permission, Logan.” she looked at the peace on her daughter’s face and asked, “Is this what you want?”

  Helen nodded her head. “It is what I want.”

  Jeff stood up and went over to the couple. “You need to make sure that you go over to the courthouse and get your license. There is a three-day waiting period but under exceptional circumstances that can be waived. If it is ok with you both, I have a judge that is a friend I can talk to about this.”

  “I do not see a problem if he says yes then we will talk about when to say our vows.” Logan agreed.

  Helen nodded her agreement. It was happening so fast again. She said a quiet prayer to Christ to give her strength and calm her spirit. She felt Logan’s hands on her shoulders and knew that those hands would be holding her the rest of her life. It made her smile. Helen’s smiled widened as she felt Logan’s breath on her ear when he leaned down to whisper, “I hope that smile is for me.”

  Helen looked at him “It is for you. I love you.”

  The couple walked toward the table and sat down as Ester put more food on it. The conversation was light, and the company was great. Jeff left the table when his cell rang. He went into the living room to talk.


  “Hi, Jeff it’s Randy Hartman. How are you?”

  “Judge Hartman? I’m good what can I do for you?”

  “Well now, I was hoping you could tell me. I have been up all night praying for you. I have never felt God prompting me so much to call someone.”

  Jeff could hardly believe it. “Well, Randy, do you have a moment for a story?”

  “I think if I say no God will not be happy.”

  Jeff went on to tell the judge what was going on. He explained everything and left nothing out. It took the better part of an hour, but Jeff was sure that he had covered everything.

  “It seems that these two should get married as soon as they can. Three
days may not seem like a long time, but if he is there with her, I can see the temptation. It sounds like Satan is trying to get a foothold every place he can. We’ll take this temptation back. I will text you all of the information they need to bring to the courthouse. If you could text me their names, I will have a license ready for them at the clerk’s office. They can be married before the end of the day.”

  Jeff was amazed at the number of things God was putting in place. “I will do that. I can’t tell you how much it means to me that God is not only using you to get this done for them but also confirming that this is the path He wants them on at the pace He has set. Would you like me to let you know when the ceremony is? I know they would love to meet you and talk to you?”

  “You know? I think I will take you up on that. God has never used me like this, and it would be great to see this happen.”

  “I will keep you in the loop throughout the day” Jeff promised.

  Jeff and Randy talked a bit more and then hung up. Jeff looked at the door to the kitchen. He knew with Helen he needed to be a bit careful with how he stated the latest news. He said a prayer and headed for the kitchen.

  Jeff had just left the room when it dawned on Helen that she and Logan were to be practicing. “Logan, we were supposed to be at the studio today.”

  “The crew was informed last night that you were not feeling well so today would be canceled.” he answered.

  Ester spoke then “Today will be busy until class anyway. We need to find a beautiful dress for the ceremony.”

  Elaina had some things to say too “Logan, you need to take Helen and find some wedding bands. There are a couple of jewelry shops in the area. Helen, you need to invite anyone that you may enjoy sharing this special day with. Logan, you need to do the same. I will keep my list to ten guests or less.”

  Ester was onboard with that as well. “I agree we mothers can limit our invites to ten or less, but you two should have whoever you want there. It will be short notice, but I’m sure some will try to come.”

  Logan looked at Helen thinking she would be uneasy about things, but if he knew her, and he thought he did, she looked like she was getting ready to be a bit of stinker. He did not have to wait long. He watched her school her features before she spoke.

  “If it is tonight after class we may need to consider borrowing some crockpots for a little reception afterward.” Helen winked at Logan.

  Both women stopped and looked at her. His mother spoke first. “My goodness do you think it could be tonight. Well, that means we need to get the ball rolling. I’m not saying it can’t be done, but it will be a bit of a challenge.”

  Jen like Logan caught on to Helen’s game. She almost lost it when Elaina had looked so alarmed about the challenge.

  Ester agreed, “We will need to make sure everything is in those pots by no later than two o’clock.”

  Helen was having fun. Logan was watching her have fun. He knew there was a good chance they would need to wait three days but watching his mom and her mom get excited was comical.

  Ester thought for a moment. “Well even if you could get married today is there a reason not to wait until tomorrow?” she asked.

  Helen answered before Logan could, “I don’t know. Logan did you plan on spending the night again tonight?” she smiled as she asked the question already knowing his answer.

  Jen tried not to laugh. She got up and started clearing the table. She knew exactly what Helen was trying to get Logan to say. She knew she would laugh if he said it.

  Logan did not miss a beat but went along with her little game “I was. I don’t think it is safe here for you.”

  Helen looked at the women then “We should be married tonight then if we can get the time waivered. The pastor was a bit concerned about that. He is worried about temptations and such.”

  Jen let out a little snort at that one.

  Ester spoke up then. “Well if the pastor is concerned about that, we should be too.”

  Elaina agreed. “The more I think about it, the more I realize we can make this happen. Are you sure it can’t wait until tomorrow?”

  Helen was having so much fun. “I would like to follow Pastor Jeff’s advice. I think the sooner the better.”

  Helen had just spoken those words when Jeff walked in. “I’m glad you feel that way.” He had no idea that she had been joking. “You will never guess who was on the phone. It was Judge Hartman. He had been praying for me all night. When he called, he asked what he could do for me. He plans on getting you the license for today. You can be married tonight.”

  Logan watched Helen’s face. He knew she had been joking, but the joke was over. He knew what to do.

  “Could you give us a minute?” he held out his hand to Helen and led her out of the room.

  Helen was having fun until the pastor had given life to her joke. She was starting to feel a bit afraid again. Logan asked for a minute, and she took his hand. As soon as they were in the living room, he pulled her into his arms and held her close. She waited for him to speak.

  “I am spending the night tonight. I would prefer to sleep in bed with my wife and hold her through the night rather than sleeping on the sofa down here.”

  When Logan said the words ‘my wife,' a part of Helen melted. If she had to be honest, she would like that too. Helen pulled back. “When you put it that way, I have to say I agree.” she tipped her head back stood on her tiptoes and kissed him. His arms tightened around her as he returned her kiss.

  “I love you.” he whispered.

  “I love you too. It is just very weird.” Helen said softly.

  The couple turned and walked back into the kitchen. Helen spoke first, “Do you ladies think we can pull this off?”

  Elaina answered “Like I said, it is a challenge, but we can do it. It’s only eight o’clock in the morning. We have all day to do this.”