Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 20

  Chapter Twenty

  It was almost time for Logan to drop Helen off at her college. She only had two classes that day. One started at three o’clock and the other at four thirty. They were driving to campus, and looking at Helen, it was obvious she thinking back on the day.

  After Detective Benion had left the Kiser home, Helen and Logan had held each other on the sofa. Her mom and Elaina had come home after a while and told the two of them to go and get the marriage license. The two women were dragging in half a grocery store by the looks of things. Seeing it had lightened Helen’s spirit. The two moms also had Logan go out and grab a box of crockpots from the trunk.

  Grabbing the paperwork that Jeff had said they would need, the couple looked at each other and walked out the door. Logan opened the car door for her. When he got into the driver’s side, he reached over and grabbed her hand. “Are you ready?”

  Helen smiled at her future husband. “I am.”

  The two went to the courthouse and found that they were indeed expected. They were recognized by some of the staff and asked some questions about the dancing. The two chatted and then politely excused themselves.

  They went home at which time their mothers asked them to call and get an idea about friends that they might want at the wedding.

  Helen called Tiffany and Jody.

  Logan called his agent and best friend, Toby. He had to take time explaining some but not all things to Toby, but it sounded like Toby was going to pack a bag and start driving. It was only a two to three-hour drive.

  After that, she and Logan went and looked at wedding bands. They bought two that fit perfectly before getting a quick bite to eat. When they finished eating, they went back to the house.

  When the couple walked in, Ester told Helen she needed to see her upstairs. When they went into Ester’s room, there was a wedding dress on the bed.

  “…Mamma?” Helen whispered.

  “I wanted you to have this. I know I said about going and buying a dress, and you can do that, but I wanted you to see this first.”

  “Will you help me try it on?” Helen asked as she looked at her mother’s wedding gown. The lace appeared very delicate. The neckline was not too low. It was simple and elegant. Helen loved it.

  Ester did not even answer as she lifted the dress off the bed and started to undo the pearl buttons. Helen undressed and raised her arms as her mother put the dress on her. She turned so that Ester could button her up. It fit perfect.

  “I love it. I don’t need a new dress this one is lovely.” Helen looked in the mirror as she spoke. She caught a look on Ester’s face and knew her mother was thinking of what happened. She turned and looked at her mom “I know this has not been easy for you, but I promise I will sit and talk to you about this. I just can’t talk about it today. Is that ok Mamma?”

  Ester nodded her agreement. “Only happy thoughts are allowed now. You look stunning Helen.”

  Logan looked over at his soon to be wife. Their day had been full of activity and all that surrounded their upcoming nuptials. Logan noted the peaceful look on Helen’s face. He was happy to see that. Pulling into the campus parking lot, Logan could tell Helen was still deep in thought. She had no idea he had parked. He touched her hand with his lips causing her to jump. He smiled at her when she glanced at him.

  “I’ll give you a penny for your thoughts.” He said softly.

  Helen smiled at Logan. “I was just thinking about our day. It has been scary and beautiful all at the same time. We are going to be married in only a few hours. It is happening so fast.”

  Logan looked at her and agreed, “It has been a very busy day, but I don’t think I have ever been so sure of anything in my life aside from my walk with Christ.”

  “I love you,” Helen whispered suddenly very shy again.

  Logan observed her blushing cheeks and smiled. He leaned down and kissed her lips. “I love you too,” he whispered then kissed her again.

  Helen noticed Jody and Tiffany coming toward the car. “I think our time is up for now.”

  Logan saw the duo. He winked at Helen and got out of the car. The pair reached them as he was opening the door for Helen. He leaned down and kissed Helen’s forehead. “I will see you at the church tonight.” He whispered softly.

  Helen and her friends watched Logan leave the lot. She knew they were dying to know why what how and when. When they asked, Helen told them that she would explain it to them but just not that day.

  Classes flew by, and before she knew it, they were heading back to the parking lot. Jody was going to drive them to the church. Helen would change there. Tiffany had an entire bag full of hair products. She insisted that a ponytail was not a proper wedding hair due, and Jody agreed. The ladies had no idea the danger that was lurking so close to them as they chatted.

  They had taken his area. He went to watch Helen but saw the police looking at his spot. He laughed. She had gotten his message. He had been trying to see her, but the police were looking now. He would have to watch her when she was at school. He would also have to take her from there. That was ok. He only needed a minute of her friends being distracted. He was willing to wait. He had been patient before, and he could be again.