Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 24

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Helen looked at Logan with regret in her eyes. “This is my fault.”

  Logan glanced down at his wife. They had been waiting in the ER for about twenty minutes, and he knew she was feeling terrible on Tiffany’s behalf. However, he couldn’t let her think this crime was her doing. “This is not your fault. A man took a child and violated her. He then became obsessed with her. He has been linked to the murder of another little girl. He is selfish. He saw a way to get to his obsession and took it. He is the one to blame, Helen, not you.”

  Helen watched as Jody walked into the ER. She knew she needed to tell her friend why Tiffany had been hurt and dreaded Jody’s reaction. She felt Logan squeeze her hand. “This was not my sin.”

  “No, it wasn’t.” Logan pulled his wife close. He watched Jody making her way toward them.

  “Helen. I got your message about Tiffany.” Jody said.

  Helen looked at her friend. “Toby is back with her now. She was beaten pretty badly.”

  Jody looked confused. “Why would someone do that? She is very sweet.”

  Helen looked at Jody. She knew she needed to let Jody know what was going on. There was a good probability that Jody would be the monster’s next target. “Jody, it could have been you. The man that did this was trying to get to me.”

  Jody looked surprised. “Why?”

  Helen looked at Logan. How many times was her husband going to have to hear her confess her past? He nodded his head for her to continue, and she glanced back at Jody. “When I was a child I was taken and sexually assaulted. I was never supposed to get away, but I did. He saw me on TV saving Lidia. He thinks I belong to him and is trying to take me again.”

  Jody sat down beside Helen. She took Helen’s hand in hers. “I’m here. We are friends, and I am not going anywhere. Tiffany will be ok.”

  Helen had thought that maybe Jody would not want to be near her. She was touched by her friend’s vow. “Thank you.” She whispered as she hugged Jody.

  Jody looked at Helen “I don’t give my friendship to just anyone. When I do, it is for life.”

  Logan looked up and saw Detective Benion enter the ER. He watched as she made her way to them. “Helen, Detective Benion is here.”

  Detective Benion stopped in front of the trio. “Do we know how she is?”

  Logan answered the detectives question. “Not yet. Toby is with her now. We are waiting for him to come out.”

  The detective continued speaking. “I know you may all look at this as a bad thing, but this could be to our advantage.”

  Helen looked at the officer surprised. “How can this be positive?”

  Detective Benion wanted to make sure that Helen was aware of all that could have happened. She was blunt with her answer. “This man was patient. He was willing to wait for you. When you and Logan started dancing, it triggered something in him. If that trigger had never been touched, there is a good chance that you would have walked out of your house one day never knowing the danger and not return. He was patient, and that patience would have been your death. He is changing how he does things. You and Logan getting married made him careless. He will make a mistake, and we will get him.”

  Helen shuddered at the thought of this man taking her. She leaned into Logan as he put his arm around her. “The closer Logan and I became the more out of control he got.”

  Logan finished. “You can’t get much closer than husband and wife.”

  “We now know he has been on campus. We are not going to send anyone there. We have campus security dressing as students looking for the telltale sign he was there. When they spot his cigar butts, they will not touch them. We will be one step ahead this time.”

  Logan was concerned. “How do we keep Helen and her friends safe?”

  Detective Benion looked at Jody. “That is where you can help.”

  Jody was curious, “How?”

  “We have an undercover officer ready to escort you to class. He will be posing as your boyfriend to this man’s prying eyes if you let him. To everyone else, he is Helen’s bodyguard.”

  Jody did not hesitate “I’m in. This guy is going down after what he has done to my friends. He’s sick, and if I can help, I will.”

  Logan looked at Helen and noted how pale her face was. He pulled her closer knowing she needed his strength. “Helen this man will be caught. God has brought all of this about. He has put you and me in every situation to get this guy to react.”

  Helen nodded. She trembled in her husband’s arms.

  Logan looked up and noticed Toby entering the waiting area. “Toby is coming. Let’s focus on Tiffany for a little bit. You need a break.”

  Toby saw the group and headed that way. When he reached them, he did not wait to be asked. “They are reading her x-rays and MRI now. She was given something for the pain and something to help her sleep. I have never seen someone in that much pain.”

  Helen asked, “What is the next step?”

  “I’m not sure. They didn’t even want me to stay with her, but Tiffany was too distraught to be alone. They are telling me only what they feel I need to help her.”

  Detective Benion smiled “I will be right back. They will tell me everything. Helen and Jody, do you want to come see your friend?”

  Helen looked at Logan. He smiled “I’m right here. Go ahead.”

  Detective Benion questioned the doctor about the injuries that Tiffany had sustained. She made notes and asked if anyone had bagged the clothes for evidence. The detective was satisfied that they had done their part. She informed the hospital staff that a CSI would be by to take the evidence as well as clip Tiffany’s nails. When she was done speaking, she headed to Tiffany’s room. What she saw made her sick. She still could not believe that Helen had gotten away from the man that had caused Tiffany’s injuries. He was an animal.

  Helen and Jody looked up at Detective Benion when she entered the room. They were relieved with what she had to say. “Tiffany has some broken ribs and a broken wrist. They found nothing else wrong, and it does not appear that she was assaulted sexually. She will be kept overnight, but it looks like she will mend.”

  Helen breathed a sigh of relief. She tried not to blame herself but still felt responsible. Looking at her friend was alarming. Her face was bruised. She had an IV dripping into her. A tear escaped down Helen’s cheek. She looked at Jody who was also crying and spoke softly. “I am so sorry.”

  Jody looked at Helen and was honest. “Helen we knew something was wrong. Tiffany and I talked about it many times. As a matter of fact, we did feel at times like we were being watched. This is not your fault.”

  Helen looked at the bed as Tiffany stirred. She opened her eyes slightly before closing them again. Her heart broke for Tiffany as she heard her whimper. “It is ok. Jody and I are right here. You are safe.” She said softly hoping her friend could hear her.

  Detective Benion came back into the room followed by a man with a kit. She explained that they were going to scrape and clip Tiffany’s nails for evidence. Helen and Jody stepped away from the bed. They watched as the CSI did his job. He was gentle. Tiffany did not even stir.

  The nurse came in and smiled at Helen and Jody. “I’m just going to take her vitals.” The nurse was also gentle, but the pressure of the cuff made Tiffany whimper. The nurse comforted her in a soothing voice. “Just about done. I know it hurts.” The nurse finished and then she turned to talk to the women. “We will be moving her upstairs in a few minutes.”

  Helen knew that her mother would be the perfect person to stay with Tiffany. She asked the nurse if that would be allowed. “Will it be ok for my mom to stay the night with her?”

  The nurse smiled gently. “I think that will be all right.”

  Helen looked at Jody “I’ll go tell the others.”

  Helen left the room and went to the waiting ro
om. She saw Logan and went right to him. His arms opened and she walked into them. Helen told everyone that they were keeping Tiffany overnight. Ester and Elaina were there as well now. Helen asked if Ester would spend the night with Tiffany. Ester agreed without hesitation.

  Helen had another question. “Has Detective Benion been out to speak to you all about Tiffany’s injuries?”

  Logan answered. “She hasn't been back out.”

  “She has some broken ribs. Her wrist is broken as well. She was beaten, but nothing else was done to her. No head trauma was seen. The doctors are hopeful she will mend.” Helen gave them the news.

  Ester spoke. “The nice thing is this week is spring break. She should look a bunch better by the time classes resume.”

  Logan was surprised. He was not aware that Helen had the week off. He looked at her and noticed that she seemed just as surprised.

  Helen spoke “That’s right. I forgot about having the week off. With everything that is going on, it slipped my mind.”

  The rest of the day flew by. The sleeping meds wore off, and Tiffany woke up. She was in pain but did not want to sleep any longer than she already had. The group visited with her for a while. When Ester saw how tired Tiffany was getting, she shooed everyone away.

  It was evening now, and Helen was in Elaina’s kitchen cooking with her. They worked in silence. Helen tried to keep it together, but the day caught up. Tears started running down her cheeks as she started to sob.

  Elaina was waiting for the dam to burst. She knew Helen was holding in the events of the day. When she saw the tears, she walked over and gave her a motherly embrace. “Your heart is so sweet, Helen. I know this day has been hard. This week has been hard. God will get us through it.” Elaina comforted her.

  Helen cried into her mother-in-law’s shoulder. She was so tired. Every day seemed to hold a new horror. She was not sure how much more she could take. Her heart broke at the fear that Tiffany must have felt at her childhood rapist’s hands. He may not have raped Tiffany’s body like he had Helen’s, but Helen knew a part of Tiffany was violated. She allowed each tear to cleanse her heart of the heavy weight of the week. When she was done, Elaina kissed her forehead.

  “Do you feel better?” Elaina asked gently.

  Helen nodded “I do. Thank you.”

  They finished the meal and took it to the table. Logan watched his wife and mother put food on the table. He knew Helen had been crying. When they called him and Toby, Logan held out Helen’s chair for her to sit down. He caressed her cheek with his hand. They all sat and ate. The mood was serious as they talked about the day’s events.

  Helen and Logan did the dishes. She smiled as he played with her hand. Had it really been less than two weeks since they met? Now they were married. It was crazy. She looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed her. Their first kiss had been last Sunday. “I love you, Logan” she whispered.

  “I love you too.” He said softly.

  The couple finished the dishes. They went into the living room and sat for a while with Elaina and Toby before leaving.

  Logan pulled into the driveway. He opened Helen’s door and helped her out. He was not sure how things would go as they readied for bed. She broke into his thoughts.

  “What are you thinking?” she asked.

  He looked down at her. “I was wondering if it was going to be awkward for you again tonight sleeping with me.”

  “If I am honest about this evening, I can’t wait to go to bed. I am tired. I am ready to fall asleep in your arms. They make me feel safe.” She said.

  Logan was relieved. “I’m ready for your arms too.”

  The couple went inside. After locking up, they went upstairs to the room. Logan grabbed his clothes and headed to the bathroom. Helen changed in their room. He knocked and then walked in. She was already on her side of the bed. She watched him turn off the light. When he lay down beside her, she rolled into his waiting arms. They prayed like they had decided they would do the night before.

  Helen rolled over and looked at Logan. “A goodnight kiss?” she asked.

  He smiled. “I need a goodnight kiss after today.”

  Logan had intended to keep it simple. When his lips touched hers, it did not go that way. It was all Helen’s fault.

  Helen felt Logan’s lips on hers. She was tired, but she needed him to kiss her. When he went to break off the kiss her hand grabbed the back of his head.

  He did not need to be asked. He deepened the kiss. He pulled her up against the length of him.

  Helen knew if asked Logan would stop. She was not afraid of his body. She just needed his kiss. When he ended the kiss, Helen thanked him. She was not sure why but she did. Helen did not resist when he pulled her closer. She cuddled into him and closed her eyes.

  Logan knew it was time to stop. He was glad that Helen was not afraid of his reaction to her, but he knew she had an emotional day. Logan would not take advantage of that. He eased his lips away from hers. Logan chuckled when she thanked him for the kiss. He pulled her into his arms and rested his chin on her head. He could feel her even breathing within minutes. She was asleep. He soon followed her in slumber.