Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 25

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Helen woke early Sunday morning. She watched Logan sleep a little bit before she got out of bed. She grabbed her stuff and went to the bathroom to shower. Knowing they were having guests for breakfast, Helen finished in record time. She dressed in some black slacks and a pink sweater. It was still March, and that meant it was still cold in PA. Opening the bathroom door as she grabbed her toothbrush hoping her husband would take the hint she was giving him.

  Logan was awake as soon as Helen left the bed. He heard her grabbing her clothes. He had wanted to talk her back into bed, but had known he couldn’t because it was Sunday. He heard the shower turn on and waited for her to finish. He wondered if she was going to let him know when he could brush his teeth. He chuckled at her silent invitation when she opened the door and started brushing her teeth.

  Logan joined his wife at the sink with a grin. When they were done brushing their teeth, he pulled her to him and kissed her. “Good morning” he winked.

  “Good morning.” She smiled up at him. “I’ll go make breakfast while you get ready.”

  Logan pulled her to him one more time before letting her go down to make breakfast. He went back to their room and grabbed his stuff before he headed to the bathroom again. Logan showered dressed and then started down the stairs. He heard Helen talking and walked into the kitchen only to see his mom and Toby dressed for church. He greeted them with a smile. “Good morning.”

  Logan grinned as he up behind his wife and kissed her neck. “Good morning again to you.” He said as he chuckled at her blush.

  Toby and Elaina couldn’t miss Helen’s red cheeks. Elaina scolded her son. “Shame on you, Logan!”

  Logan did not even try to look sorry. Instead, he gave his wife a flirtatious wink before getting a cup of coffee.

  Helen placed the last of the food on the kitchen table as she smiled at her husband’s antics. The group blessed the meal and ate.

  When she was finished eating, Helen called Ester to see how Tiffany was doing. Ester assured her Tiffany was doing much better. They had taken the IV out of her arm, and she would be ready to leave around noon. Helen updated everyone as they headed out the door for church.

  Jeff watched Logan and Helen walk in with Elaina and Toby. He had heard what had happened to Tiffany from Ester. Jeff was also aware of Toby’s decision to follow Christ. He greeted them all warmly before he asked about Tiffany.

  Helen told Jeff what she had heard that morning.

  Jeff shook his head. “It is a shame such evil exists in the world.” He looked at Helen “Jen informed me she told you about Robert. I am glad you listened to her. I’ve been trying to get her to talk about that day for years. I knew she had come to a peace about it, but I still think she needed to talk. My sermon is going to be different today. Jen felt led to share our story.”

  Logan watched Helen’s face. It held such sympathy. She was so sincere when she responded, “I will be praying for you both. What she told me changed how I view what happened to me.”

  Jeff looked at Toby then he smiled as he spoke. “I hear we are brothers now.”

  Toby smiled back and answered with confidence. “I have made a choice to serve Christ. In one weekend, I found Christ and had my faith in Him tested to the limit.”

  Jeff looked at Logan and Helen. He couldn’t resist a bit of teasing. “Well it could be a bunch more exciting. You could have met the love of your life and married her all within two weeks.”

  Helen laughed “Need I remind you, Pastor Jeff, marriage was your idea.”

  Logan did not look sorry. “Best idea ever.”

  Jeff excused himself and went to greet other people.

  Helen looked up at Logan “I agree the best idea ever.”

  Jody entered the church and glanced around. Spotting Helen, she waved before walking toward the group.

  Helen greeted her friend warmly. “Hi. How are you doing?”

  Jody rolled her eyes. “I kid you not. Some people need Jesus, so they don’t hurt other people. I think I may be one of them.”

  Helen laughed “Gee don’t hold back.”

  Jody started explaining why she was frustrated. “Now I don’t mind safe driving, but when I am running late, ten miles an hour under the speed limit is just too slow. I kept my cool until I noticed the toddler in the backseat without a car seat. Well, that lady hit her brakes, and that kid went flying against the seat.”

  Helen’s eyes widened before her face showed her anger. It was obvious that she was a bit upset at what was being said. “Good grief that is basic safety.”

  “I know right?” Jody continued. “Well, she pulled over, and so did I. I wanted to make sure the little guy was alright after his tumble. I watched that mom pull her kid out of the car and spanked him even though his face was bleeding. I thought maybe she was mad he had gotten out of his car seat and was responding in fear. Guess what? I looked in the back seat there was no booster or car seat in the car at all.”

  Helen anger was obviously rising. Logan was having a blast watching her. He waited to see what she would say.

  Helen spoke again. “I might have forgotten all about the love of Jesus and slapped her.”

  Jody was happy someone understood what she was saying “That is what I almost did. I remembered I was a Christian, though, and stopped myself. Instead, I told her she was not a good mom.”

  Logan about died as Toby’s mouth dropped open. Helen agreed with her, “I might have even told her she was a stupid one.” Helen looked at Logan and Toby’s faces. “What?”

  The look on her face made them shrug their shoulders. Neither one answered seeing that Helen may have a little temper they were unaware of.

  Jody continued “All I could think about was that one baby we saw at the hospital. That was a brutal rotation. One of the most preventable accidents is to put your kid in a flipping car seat.”

  The church service was getting ready to start and Logan knew it was time to sit down. He nudged Helen a little getting her attention as he made a mental note to ask about that incident later. Logan had his hand on the small of his wife’s back as he led her to a pew. Sitting down, they made room for his mother, Toby, and Jody to join them. Logan knew it was time to get his heart ready to hear the message.

  The group listened to the announcements. Like last Sunday when they stood to sing Logan’s hand was at Helen’s waist. They worshiped in song, and then it was time for the message to start. Both the Pastor and Jen were on stage, and everyone waited for God to share His heart through the pastor and his wife.

  Toby listened to the message as Jeff’s wife began to speak. He was surprised at what had been done to Jen. The pure evil of a man that would beat a pregnant woman until she lost her baby was unfathomable. Jen talked about how she blamed herself for not protecting her unborn child. She also talked about the ultimate thing that set her free from that guilt. Jen realized that another person had sinned against her. She spoke of forgiving her attacker and showing grace, instead of embracing a guilt that didn’t belong to her. Toby glanced at Helen and watched as she moved toward Logan. He knew she was trying to absorb what Jen was saying.

  Helen listened to Jen knowing she had heard most of the story before. When Jen brought up the fact that she forgave the man that killed her child, Helen flinched. She leaned into Logan as she thought of forgiving the man that was doing his best to hurt her again. She continued to listen to what Jen had to say. The verses she quoted from the Bible were powerful.

  Logan felt Helen’s response to what was being said. He knew in his heart that forgiveness would have to come for her to heal. Maybe when the man was behind bars and unable to hurt her, she could work on that part. He listened to Jen read from Matthew chapter six verses fourteen and fifteen. The words were absolute. Forgive and be forgiven. Don’t forgive and don’t be forgiven. This one was going to be hard on Helen. L
ogan prayed from his heart asking God to guide him.

  At the end of service, Pastor Jeff had an altar call. He asked those struggling with the pain of being sinned against to come and lay it there. Helen was all but hiding under Logan. She didn’t go to church to be comfortable, but this was categorically overwhelming. Helen looked at the people going forward. She wondered if any had been hurt as she had been. She knew she should go up but was fighting it. Logan stood and held out his hand. She looked up with tears in her eyes as she took his hand and allowed him to lead her to the altar.

  Logan could feel the war inside of Helen. He knew this was a lot for her. He was her husband. It was time for him to lead.

  Helen laid it all there. She put the anger resentment and hatred she had for the man who hurt her at the feet of her Savior. Helen asked God to help her keep it there. She asked that the man be caught soon and that God would protect her. She asked it all in His will and not hers.

  Logan also laid his anger and hatred at the foot of the cross. The man had taken so much from his wife. Logan was angry about it and knew he had murderous thoughts toward the man. He asked that God would give him the grace to forgive the unforgivable.

  Husband and wife knelt side by side and hand in hand. They poured everything out to Christ. They knew they were heard. They both knew peace.

  Toby watched Logan lead Helen to the altar. Toby could feel in his spirit that it was right. He still struggled with the fact that such an act needed to be forgiven. Toby remembered Tiffany. He thought of her bruised face and body. If he had to be honest, he would do harm to the man that did that to her. He also thought of things from his past. Deep hurts that had been done to him as a child. Toby looked at the altar and gave in. He had to lay what hurt him most at the altar. He went and knelt beside his friend.

  Logan could sense when Helen was ready. He stood and offered her his hand again. She had such peaceful look on her face as she took his hand. He loved this woman. She was so brave and strong. He knew she got her strength from God, but each time Logan watched her grow in God another piece of his heart melted.

  Toby joined Logan and Helen as they headed back to their seats. Elaina and Jody were sitting with tears in their eyes. They were touched by what they had witnessed in the church service. There were a lot of hurting people that needed to hear what was said that morning. It was beautiful to watch what Jen’s faithfulness to her Savior was able to do.

  As people made their way back to their seats, Jeff led singing again. He ended with the song; It is Well with My Soul. Elaina had invited his family over for lunch. Jeff was glad he had accepted. To know what Helen had endured and to see her honor Jesus by laying it at the altar was amazing. Jeff was ready to fellowship with this family. He could not help but feel sorry for Helen as he watched a repeat of last Sunday. As soon as the service was dismissed, Logan and Helen were rushed.

  Helen had forgotten what happened the previous Sunday. Pastor Jeff had no sooner dismissed the service when a crowd gathered around her and Logan. As far as she had come, Helen was still uneasy. When the men got too close, she leaned back against Logan. When asked if they were dating, Logan smiled and informed them all that they were married. That answer brought, even more, questions appropriate as well as inappropriate. After a while, the crowd did slowly evaporate. Helen was visibly relieved.

  Elaina reminded Jeff that he and his family were coming for lunch. He smiled and said they would be there shortly. The group made their way to their cars and drove to Elaina’s house.

  Ester and Tiffany were already there waiting for them. As everyone piled out of the cars and into the house, a celebration of family and friends began. Each person seemed to pause at some point and get lost in their thoughts. Toby was one of them.

  He looked at Helen and her two friends. They seemed to have gotten close fast. Tiffany had beautiful long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. She was not as short as Helen, but she was not much taller either. When he looked into Tiffany’s eyes, he melted. Helen, on the other hand, had light blond hair. She was very tiny. A person could get lost in her expressive blue eyes. Looking over at Logan, he knew that his friend had for sure. Tiffany and Jody were slim, but Helen was tiny. Logan towered over her in size. When he looked down at Tiffany, Toby could see he was a solid foot taller than her.

  Jody was not short like the other two, but she was not tall either. If he had to guess, she was about five foot five. Her skin was a darker caramel, and her hair was jet black. Tiffany and Jody were beautiful. He found Tiffany stunning, but in reality, he knew most would find Jody stunning. Her African heritage was evident in how she carried herself. Her eyes were a dark chocolate brown. The contrast between her skin and eyes was stunning. Her hair was short and curly. It framed her face drawing out her high cheekbones. These three were a contrast of beauty. The one beauty they had in common, however, was the light of Jesus shining through them. His mind went back to the moment when Tiffany started speaking.

  Tiffany informed everyone that the first person that made her laugh would be in trouble. You could tell she was still shaken up, but in good company, she relaxed and enjoyed herself.

  Lunch turned into supper. Logan enjoyed watching Helen with Jeff and Jen’s children. The boys were six and eight. She laughed at every joke they told. When six-year-old Todd climbed onto her lap, she cuddled him close. Not to be left out eight-year-old Greg snuggled in next to her. It was evident she was a natural with children. She never once looked like she needed to be rescued. He pictured her as the mother of his children and smiled. He knew that she might have issues getting pregnant because of what happened. He did not care. He had no problem adopting.

  Helen smiled at Logan. He was walking toward her with a grin. He picked up Greg and settled him on his lap. “What is your name?”

  “I’m Greg. That is Todd.” His head nodded toward his brother.

  Logan let Greg down as Jen called for the boys. Toby and Tiffany were sitting on the sofa across from them. Jody was on the chair. He looked at Helen when he remembered her and Jody’s conversation at the start of church. “What were you and Jody talking about at church? It was about car seats.” He was surprised when Tiffany answered.

  Tiffany heard the question and knew it could only be one thing. She replied without thinking “There was a car accident. A baby was sitting on her mother’s lap instead of being strapped into a car seat. She went through the windshield when the father lost control. The seat that could have saved her life was in the back seat.” She leaned into Toby without thinking and finished. “Her little body was the first for us. The lab and morgue are in the same area. The pathologist in our hospital is in charge of autopsies. It was….” She trailed off.

  Jody finished “Preventable. It was brutal.”

  Helen leaned into Logan remembering that day. The picture of the little girl’s body was embedded in her brain. She felt him put his arm around her and kiss her head. She looked over and smiled as Toby comforted Tiffany.

  Toby enjoyed the day. He never in his life thought he would find a family like this and was sorry it was getting late. He knew the day was soon going to end. He enjoyed being near Tiffany. When she leaned into him, it seemed natural to comfort her. He smiled as he remembered her thanking him for not leaving her the day before. Tiffany was very sincere as she confessed she was not sure she would have been a good patient had he not been there. He was not certain if he would see her again after that week but he hoped so. Toby lived in New York City. He had always loved living there until now.

  Jen and Jeff were the first to leave with Todd and Greg in tow. Jody and Tiffany were next. Poor Tiffany looked exhausted.

  Helen helped Elaina clean up and then she Ester and Logan left. Tomorrow would be there soon enough. She wondered what Logan had planned for the dance lesson. For the first time, she was not worried about it.
  As the trio entered the house, Helen started laughing. Ester knew her daughter was tired. Whenever Helen got tired, the strangest things popped into her head.

  Logan looked at his wife. She found something hysterical. She was getting ready to tell them when she hiccupped and went into another fit of giggles. “If you mix a Pit Bull with a Poodle do you get a Pitdoodle or a Poopit?”

  Logan laughed not because he found it funny but because Helen found it hysterical. His wife was laughing like a loon.

  Ester laughed too. “I think you need to take your wife upstairs and put her in bed. She always has the craziest things come out of her mouth when she is tired.”

  Logan listened to Ester and led his giggling wife up to bed. Just like the night before, he changed in the bathroom and she changed in their room.

  When Logan got into bed, Helen came into his arms. He was enjoying this marriage. He knew there was more to come, but he was satisfied with holding her.

  The couple did not forget to pray. Helen thanked God for the message at church. Logan did as well. They prayed for continued safety. They added their friends now to that list.

  After prayer, Logan turned Helen to face him. He breathed her name as he touched his lips to hers. Logan felt Helen lean into him and like he had done the night before Logan deepened it. He enjoyed this nightly ritual. When it was time to do more, it was ok. Helen was his wife. He jumped when her hand touched the skin of his stomach.

  Helen was enjoying the kiss. She loved the way her husband kissed her. When he deepened the kiss, she did not mind. Her hand was on his shirt. He moved, and her hand touched his skin. She smiled when he jumped. She giggled as she said, “Whoops.” before her tone became more serious. She propped her head on her hand and rested her elbow on the bed. “Logan, how do you think I will know when I am curious enough to become your wife physically?”

  Logan could see his wife’s concern. He was taken a bit back by her honest question but was happy she felt comfortable with him enough to ask it. He stacked his hands behind his head and answered the question the best he could. “I’m not sure. I guess one day a kiss will lead to that. I can read you well. I honestly don’t know, though.”

  “I guess we can cross that bridge when we come to it.” Helen leaned down and kissed him.

  Helen’s kiss was a sweet, simple kiss, and he loved it. He smiled as his wife snuggled into him and went to sleep. It was not long before Logan joined her.