Read A Prelude To A Dance Page 26

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  On Monday morning, it took Logan all of one second to figure out that his gentle little bride was not an early morning person. The alarm went off at 5am sharp. Helen sat straight up in bed and yelped. She looked at the clock annoyed and then lay back down dramatically with a groan.

  Logan had been awake before the alarm had gone off. He had witnessed the entire thing and chuckled at her. She pushed him out of bed which made him laugh harder.

  Helen was not happy the alarm went off. She could tell that Logan found that funny. Two could play at that game. She pushed him onto the floor. When he laughed harder, she threw his pillow at him. “I think you should get ready first.” she announced as she fluffed her pillow and pulled the blankets back up. She yelped again when Logan gave her backside a playful swat.

  “That is for pushing me on the floor.” he laughed as she turned and looked at him. His smile faded when he saw the look on her face. She was smiling now. It was a look that said she was not mad but she would get even. He held up his hands and said, “Truce?” Helen’s smile was just a little too sweet. Logan suddenly felt like he may have opened up a new part of Helen best left closed.

  When Logan wanted a truce, Helen just smiled at him and gave him her answer. “No. You may want to watch your back husband. I plan on taking my time with this one. You won’t even see it coming.”

  Logan laughed and grabbed his clothes. He was heading to the bathroom. He looked over his shoulder and said, “I look forward to it.”

  Before she knew it, it was her turn to shower. Helen was thinking of all sorts of things she could do to get even with her husband. She decided she would fight fire with fire. She smiled as she thought of her revenge. He would not be expecting what she had planned at all. She got out of the shower and dressed. After she had brushed her teeth, she headed down the stairs. She breathed deeply and smiled at the scent of her morning brew. Coffee…she loved her morning java.

  Logan sat at the table and watched his wife. She smiled sweetly at him, but he was not fooled for a second. His wife was up to something. He observed her as she poured herself a cup of coffee and added her cream and sugar. He was a bit more worried when she looked over her shoulder and winked making him choke on his coffee.

  Helen was enjoying the mind games she was playing. She knew what she was going to do. She also knew it was not going to be any time that morning. He didn’t, and Helen took full advantage of that. Her husband looked worried when she winked at him. She giggled as she heard him choke on his coffee. She walked over and pulled the chicken out of the fridge. She put it in the crock pot and started seasoning it. She added some celery and carrots. Next, she pulled the potatoes out of the refrigerator and started peeling them. When she was done, she chopped them up and put them into the pot too. She looked over her shoulder and asked her husband a question. “Do you like a little heat or a lot?”

  Logan watched his wife getting the crock pot ready. He was still a little concerned about her plan for revenge but was enjoying watching her cook too. He could smell the onion and garlic spices. When she asked about the heat, he answered, “Medium would be ok.” He watched her pull out a habanero pepper and half it. It was a tiny pepper, but even Logan knew it could pack a punch. She chopped half of it up fine and added it to the pot.

  Helen mixed everything together and then washed her hands. She added a little water to the pot and then plugged it in. Helen set the timer to start at 1 pm. She took out the rice steamer and put in rice, salt, onion, and water. Helen set that timer to start at 5 pm. She took sips of coffee as she puttered around the kitchen.

  Logan did not know why but watching Helen do these everyday things made him want to kiss her. She had just set the timer on the rice when he decided he should. He got up and walked up behind her. Pulling the hair off her neck, he kissed her ear. She turned in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her.

  When Logan kissed her ear, Helen felt warmth in her that she had never felt before. She wondered what that meant. When Logan ended the kiss, Helen looked up into his eyes. “What was that for?”

  “I’m not sure why but watching you cook made me want to kiss you.” he said as he went back to the table.

  Helen grabbed her coffee and joined him. They had around fifteen minutes before they had to leave. She looked at Logan “Can I ask you a question?”

  Logan looked at his wife. “Sure.”

  “When you kissed my ear my tummy got warm. Do you know why it would do that? I mean my ear and my belly are not connected.” Helen had no idea what she was asking, so she never broke eye contact. She did get concerned when her husband blushed. He paused before he answered her but not more than a couple of seconds.

  Logan coughed. He was caught off guard with that question. At first, he thought maybe this was her revenge. The look on her face told him something different. He could feel himself blush. He thought for a moment on how to put his answer delicately. He coughed again and then answered her. “I do know what it means. To put it one way it is your body’s way of saying it likes my body.” He waited for her to realize what he meant.

  Helen thought about what he said. She thought she understood. “It is a good thing, right? When I am curious, it is ok. It will give me a clue to when I’m ready. Right?”

  Logan was surprised at how open Helen was with this. She was honestly trying to understand how things were going to work. He had to agree with her “I do think it is a good thing. I think it gives both of us a clue. Our bodies were created to be one. As a married couple, we are a bit different. The becoming one is a bit more of an adventure for us.”

  Helen smiled. She liked the way he put that. “That means we are on an adventure together.”

  It was almost time to leave, but Logan wanted to make sure this talk was finished before they prayed. “Is there anything else?”

  Helen thought a moment before she asked “Is there a too soon? If I feel like I am ready tomorrow, would that be too early to be appropriate?”

  Logan answered honestly “We are married. If you decided that now was the time, it would be okay. We are allowed to touch each other. We are allowed to be curious.”

  Helen smiled at Logan. She was satisfied with the answers he had given her. “I guess we should pray or we will be late.”

  Logan agreed. The couple started their day with prayer and then headed to the door. Ester was coming down the stairs dressed for work. It dawned on Logan at that moment that he needed to contribute to the household until he and Helen thought about getting a place of their own. “If you get a shopping list ready Mother Kiser, Helen and I will go shopping today.”

  Ester watched her daughter and son-in-law head to the door. She was surprised when Logan told her he wanted to get groceries. She did not mind getting them, but a look on his face said that he needed to do this. “I will leave it on the dining room table. Thank you, Logan.”

  “You’re welcome,” Logan said with a smile.

  Ester watched the two leave. She smiled at the adoring looks Logan was giving her daughter. He did love her. It may have happened fast, but it could not have been more genuine.

  Logan and Helen walked into the studio. Ty and the crew were getting things set up. Logan greeted them with a wave and walked over to the bench to put his bag down. Helen was beside him. She had that imp look on her face again. He leaned down and gave her a quick kiss “Behave yourself.”

  Helen busted out laughing. If she had noticed, she would have seen a very surprised crew. Not that they had never heard her laugh; it just was usually when Helen was doing the spin and falling. She looked up at her husband, “I will try, but I can’t promise.” she added a wink for good measure.

  Logan looked at his wife and laughed. He was unaware that the crew had stopped working just to watch them. Logan pulled his wife into his arms. “You are an imp,” he said as he kissed
her again.

  Toby walked into the studio and saw Helen and Logan. He chuckled when he saw the looks of astonishment on the crews face. Helen and Logan had no clue they had an audience. He realized that the crew was not aware of the fact that they were married now. He called out “If you can stop kissing your wife long enough to dance, that would be a good thing.” Toby busted out laughing as Helen jumped. Logan did not even try to act sorry. Toby kept walking toward the couple until he reached them.

  He looked at Helen and winked. He was surprised to see her wink back. She laughed at his surprised look. He looked at Logan and said. “I see your wife is up to no good. You best to nip that in the bud now.”

  Ty had come up to the group now, he glanced at Logan. “Did he just call Helen your wife?”

  Helen suddenly noticed the crew staring. She leaned into Logan and looked up at him. She felt his arm come protectively around her. He did not take his eyes off of her as he answered Ty’s question. “Helen is my wife. We were married Friday night.” He and Helen had already talked about what the crew needed to know. The fact was that a very real danger was present. They needed, to be honest with them.

  Toby looked at Helen with sympathy. He was aware that Logan and Helen needed to make the crew aware of what was going on. He also knew that Helen was tired of people knowing what had happened to her.

  Ty knew that some real feelings were going on between these two but marriage seemed a bit fast. He also had some concern for Helen. She was acting strangely.

  Logan looked at Ty and spoke. “We need the crew to gather a second.”

  Ty called everyone over he noticed that Helen looked like she wanted to run. What Logan explained to them next made him understand why. He felt terrible for her.

  “I want you to know that Helen and I are married. We also want you to know why.” Logan went on to told them that Helen had been assaulted as a child. He did not go into a lot of details so Helen would be more comfortable. He then explained that she was now being stalked by the man who had done that to her. Logan let it be known that he did love Helen and that she loved him. He was aware that it had happened fast and understood that some might be concerned with how fast they had gotten married.

  Logan eased the concerns as he explained that they both were Christians, and the fact that his love meant he had no intentions of leaving her side until this guy was caught could put them in a compromising position. Logan told the crew their unwillingness to compromise the purity of their relationship was one of the factors in their decision to marry. He also expressed his concern that this guy was not beyond harming those people that were around Helen. The crew needed to be on guard. He reaffirmed his concern by explaining what had happened to Tiffany.

  Toby took it from there. “I am Toby. I am Logan and Helen’s friend and agent. We wanted to make sure that anyone concerned for their well-being is given a choice to leave. The station is not aware of this development. We hope to keep it that way. This is very personal for Helen, and we would like to keep it out of the media. We do understand what we are asking you all to do, but we are also hoping that compassion will prevail. Are there any questions?”

  Ty was the first to raise his hand. He looked at Helen and saw how hard this was. They could have kept this to themselves. He was grateful they didn’t. “I want you to know I am not going anywhere. I understand this must not be easy for you, Helen. Thank you for trusting us with this.”

  Another crew member had a question. “Is there something we need to look for with this guy?”

  Logan answered that one. “If you see someone watching this place and smoking cigars, you need to call the police. This guy has been watching us since we started dancing. He has been watching Helen’s house longer.”

  It seemed like everyone understood and was on board. Logan looked down at Helen. He felt her tremble and was reminded how humiliating this was for her. He was so proud of her for putting the safety of the crew before herself and whispered it into her ear. “I’m proud of you.”

  Helen looked up at Logan. “I love you, Logan. Thank you for not letting me alone in this.” she whispered.

  The day flew by. Helen had learned most of the moves the week before, so it was now a matter of putting them to the music with Logan leading her. They practiced until noon and then broke for lunch. Helen and Logan joined the crew at the diner across the street.

  The crew enjoyed the fact that Helen and Logan had come with them. Ty watched the two of them interact and realized how unique they were as a couple. Ty was a Christian man and understood the compromise Logan had talked about. He was not sure if he could have stepped up the way Logan did. He knew he would be keeping this couple in his prayers long after the benefit was over.

  Before long, it was time to leave the diner. The group returned to the studio and finished the rest of the practice.

  Logan and Helen walked into the house. They both were sweaty and needed showers. Logan looked at his wife and then pulled her into his arms. Dancing with her was different than dancing with someone else. With her, it was all he could do not to kiss her. They were home now so he could. He leaned down and touched her lips with his. She leaned into him, and he deepened the kiss. He enjoyed kissing this woman. He smiled at her as he pulled away. “I’ve been dying to do that all day.”

  Helen smiled up at him “I’ve been dying for you to do that all day.”

  Logan went upstairs to shower. When Helen heard the shower turn off, she went up to get her clothes. She had just pulled an outfit out of her drawer when Logan walked in. He did not have a shirt on. She looked at his chest and stomach. They were very muscular. She knew he had muscular arms, but they looked even bigger now. Her eyes met his. “You are very nice to look at, Logan.” she whispered.

  Logan saw his shirt that had fallen on the floor when he went to take his shower. He also saw his wife’s curious gaze. Helen was not shy at all about looking at him. He stood still and waited until she was done. When she complimented him, he said a very soft “Thank you.” His smile vanished when she walked over to him and curiously touched the muscles on his stomach. She looked up at him. He leaned down and kissed her gently. “Helen, I don’t think we are ready for this.”

  Helen’s eyes widened with what he said. “Does it make your tummy warm?” she asked innocently.

  “Yes. It makes me warm.” Logan answered still in awe of how innocent she was.

  “I should get my shower.” She said as she touched his stomach one more time. Helen paused at the door and spoke once more. “Logan?”

  “Yes?” he said softly.

  “It makes me warm too.” Turning back around, Helen went into the bathroom to shower.

  Logan went downstairs to wait for Helen. He could smell the food cooking he could hear the shower running, and he could hear his heart beating.

  Helen and Logan just finished putting the last of the groceries away. Logan laughed as Helen got a step stool to put some of them in the cupboard. He finally had to know one thing about his wife. “How tall are you?”

  “I am five foot exactly. How tall are you?”

  “I am just shy of six foot five. You are very tiny. Sometimes I feel like if I hug you too hard, I will break you.”

  Helen turned and looked at him. They were almost eye level now. “Really? I feel the same way when I hug you. Not to be rude but you are so fragile looking and all.” she winked as she said the last part.

  “I guess you are right. I mean a weak man could not possibly do this.” he scooped her up before she could get off the stool.

  Helen giggled. She wrapped her arms around his neck. “Well, I guess looks can be deceiving.”

  Ester walked into the kitchen. She greeted them with a warm smile. “Hello, you two seem to be having fun.”

  “How was work?” Helen asked as Logan put her down.

  “It was a good day. The ladie
s at the office miss you.” Ester answered.

  “I miss them too. I hate that my last semester was so full of clinical rotations.” Helen said sincerely.

  “Well, I am going to go change into my comfy clothes. Is supper almost done?” Ester asked as she started leaving the kitchen.

  “Yes, it is. The rice just beeped.” Helen said with a smile.

  Helen knew that Logan had forgotten about her threat to get even. She went over to the crock pot and stirred it. Helen made sure he saw her give it a little taste. She grabbed a small bowl down from the cupboard. When her mom came back into the kitchen, it distracted Logan. Helen put the other half of the habanero she had cut that morning into the bowl. She added just a little of the stew. “I hope this is not too spicy for you, Logan.”

  Logan was confused by Helen’s statement. “I just watched you try it. It did not seem to bother you.”

  Helen smiled. “Here try a little bit of this and see.”

  Logan took the offered bowl and lifted the spoon to his mouth. The stuff was enough to take paint off a wall. He looked at Helen and noticed the sparkle in her eyes as she held out a glass of milk. She winked as she spoke again. “Just so you know, that is the bowl I put the other half of the habanero in. I promise the rest does not taste as spicy.”

  Logan drank the milk down. His wife had a real mean streak. “You were right. I never saw it coming.”

  Helen laughed at him. “I am sure that tomorrow morning when that alarm goes off at such a ghastly hour, you will not be making fun of your wife.”

  “I think I have learned my lesson.” Logan laughed.

  Ester watched the two of them. It was very interesting to see her daughter blossom under Logan’s attentiveness. She was, however, hungry. “If you two are done teasing each other, I am starving and ready to eat.”

  Logan blessed the food. He looked at Helen as he cautiously tasted the first bite. He was surprised by how great it tasted. “This is really good.” he had never had a stew that was served over rice. It was fantastic.

  Helen smiled “Thanks, this is one of my favorites. Mom’s too.”

  Ester smiled. “I just can’t seem to get it right when I do it. When Helen makes it, it is perfect every time.”

  They ate the meal and chatted about the day. They all cleaned up the dishes and kitchen before they went into the living room. They continued to talk for the next couple of hours simply enjoying life. Before they knew it, the evening had passed, and it was time for bed.