Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 1

Protection Series:

  #1 ~ A Step Beyond Protection

  (each Novel in this series does stand-alone)

  By Andie Renee

  Copyright 2013 Andie Renee

  This book is dedicated to my parents, Robert and Donna Ulrich, for all of their support and prayers.

  I would also like to thank Joyce Austin and Annie Bishop who are always there when I need you.

  In regards to my first set of books that I am releasing under my Protection Series:

  I have more than surpassed the required waiting years, in regards to writing, which I had agreed upon at the time of my resignation from the United States Secret Service. I have not divulged any top secret, classified, or sensitive information regarding the government, nor any government agency, nor have my books revealed any specific names. They are not meant to disrespect any particular person, agency, or representatives. They are fictional characters involved in fictional and imaginary, life-changing events. I am hoping that you enjoy the unique family bond that this agency actually has amongst its agents. This set of books may be really different from what you normally read, but I am hoping that you can enjoy the uniqueness and interesting situations that they all find themselves in and how Jesus heals their ways and works in each of their lives.

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favorite retailer and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  eBook Cover Designer~Andie Renee: Photos ~ Stone wall Frame: CanStockPhotoInc./ Balefire9 (csp4934804); Water bridge: CanStockPhotoInc./ Lamarinx; (csp7435236); Roses: CanStockPhotoInc./ Allex (csp9101267)

  Star Image Designer~Andie Renee: Panther: CanStockPhotoInc./ dagadu (csp7909419); White House: CanStockPhotoInc./ Alperium (csp1845848)

  Chapter 1

  Ouch. Quickly, Raven glared at the offending rock that had seemed to appear purposefully in front of her on the sidewalk. She really did not need another ankle injury. As she righted herself, she also very quickly brushed away yet another very small, but so deep, moist reminder of her recent losses. Not now, not now, please not now! Her mind fought for calm, while she methodically continued to walk towards the Secret Service Headquarters building. Routine. That was what she really needed.

  The quicker she got back to work, the quicker her life would be back on track. She stopped walking and looked at the building before her as if she had never seen it before. Why did the low-rise, brown brick building suddenly seem so much bigger, and a little intimidating to her? A building that used to delight her every time she saw it. Brushing away the beading sweat from her brow, Raven took another deep breath. Okay. She could do this, she really could. Straightening her shoulders, and refusing to let any more questions surface, she lifted her shiny, deep blue eyes to the mirrored glass doors before her as she drew closer to the Southside entrance. Her sleek laptop case suddenly seemed to weigh down her arm uncomfortably, while her gun seemed to intentionally dig into her waist making its presence more known to her. Lord, if you still hear my prayers, please give me strength to do this.

  Where had the time gone? How could just over ten months seem so short? Was she ready to acknowledge friends, or co-workers as if nothing was wrong? Was she ready to smile without seemingly a care in the world, as she used to before both sides of her world had simultaneously come crashing down around her? How was she going to deal with the monotonous issues that somehow, and in some way now seemed so meaningless to her? Raven briefly closed her eyes, shutting out her clean black, tailor sharp “agent” reflection staring back at her, mocking her. Looking the part and feeling the part was a completely different thing altogether.

  Raven grabbed the door handle with purpose, as she cynically chuckled, “Uh, who am I kidding? I’m full of questions.”

  “I’m sorry, did you say something?”

  Raven looked to the woman standing in front of her. Tall, just her height, dark blonde hair pulled neatly up in a high ballet-style bun, dark suit, her right arm unconsciously protecting a hidden firearm. Yep, she definitely was an agent. Raven forced a smile, “Hi. No, I’m fine.”

  “Oh, okay. Well, may I help you then?” The woman tilted her head, and lifted her eyebrow.

  Before the woman could even ask to see it, Raven smoothly flipped open her credentials and showed her. “No, I’m fine. And I know right where I am going, but thank you anyway.”

  With direct strides Raven continued towards the elevators, trying not to feel too bad about having been so abrupt with her...and failing miserably at it. The outgoing, so pleasant, and always ready to give a laughing smile Raven, was gone. She couldn’t even remember the last time she had laughed. Oh, what she wouldn’t give to just be back home a thousand miles away, with nothing to think about, lying in her pajamas, and hiding from the world. Raven took a deep breath and rested her head against the wall in the surprisingly empty elevator. She really didn’t need another reminder of how much she really had changed in these last few months.

  The elevator stopped, and the slight mustiness in the air filtered through her nostrils, along with the all too familiar smell of paperwork as she walked. She stopped for a moment looking down the hallway, which suddenly seemed so much shorter than it had in the past. The buzzing of machines in use, the low voices speaking over the phones, and the glass door with the name of her boss’s office neatly lettered across it, suddenly gave way to dread. Her heart dropped as quickly as the cold sweat rushed over her, how could she have forgotten all about Ms. Travers? The one woman whom always instinctively seemed to know a little bit more than what was on the surface?

  The glass door swung open for her, “Welcome back, Raven. Mr. Mayer is waiting for you. It’s so nice to see you, I’ve missed you.” Ms. Travers stood and greeted Raven.

  “Hi, Ms. Travers. How are you doing?” The automatic greeting flowed from her tongue without much thought.

  “I’m fine. But...are you really okay? I’m so sorry for all that you have been through this past year.” Her arms felt unusually warm against Raven’s suit jacket when she pulled her tightly into her surprisingly strong embrace. “I have been praying for you. You are always in my prayers, and you know, tragedies in this world have an amazing way of bringing us closer into the arms of Jesus, as we begin to truly know Him on a more personal level. Because only He can give us that strength and comfort that we truly need. So, my dear Raven, may you be able to hear from Him in a clearer, and louder way.” Softly and quietly spoken, but undeniably laced with a boldness that Raven envied, Ms. Travers’s warm breath seemed to linger against her ear, while her words slammed against the thick wall that Raven had spent months trying to build around her heart.

  Returning the hug with a quick one of her own, Raven smiled and tried to shake off the slight damage that this woman had done with her increasingly bold words. Wanting nothing more than to make the atmosphere in the room feel a little lighter to her, Raven rushed on, “Oh, Ms. Travers, you always do worry too much. I’m fine. So, Mr. Mayer is ready for me? Well, then I had better hurry so I don’t keep him waiting. See you later.” Raven kissed her on the cheek.

  Quickly walking towards Mr. Mayer’s slightly opened door, Raven’s heart actually broke a little more because for the first time ever, Ms. Travers’s ever welcoming, warm, loving, peaceful smile, mixed with a mothering hug, did nothing to help her. She closed Mr. Mayer’s door, and her first day back looked e
ven bleaker.

  “If you say it one more time, I think I will scream!” Shoving Rick out of her way, Raven forged on towards their vehicle.

  “Okay...okay,” laughing, Rick raised up his hands in mock surrender as he followed her to the old white beat up training car. “I give.” His red face, bright eyes, and barely controlled laughter did nothing to ease her mind.

  “You know I could really believe you, if you would just stop laughing.” Raven leaned into the dented car roof, hiding her face. The seriousness of her situation overtook what little humor, if any, she could see in this situation. Through her muffled words, Raven tried to let her best buddy understand how serious it really was, “Rick. I can’t do it. I’m not the same person. I can’t. I really can’t!”

  “Oh, girl. Yes, you can, and you will do a perfect job as always.” He walked around the car towards her. His voice spoke of his strong confidence in her ability, but then again just as quickly his laughter spilled over, “But come on dear, you have got to see how amusing it really is. You know, I really do wish I could have been in Mr. Mayer’s office when he informed you of your, uh, um, new detail.”

  Keeping her head buried against the car, she lashed out behind her, back-handing him in the gut. Direct hit! Pushing away from the car, Raven was even angrier. Who was she trying to kid? Why had she even felt led to try and talk to him about it? How could he understand? He didn’t know the whole story, he didn’t know what she was going through. This was a huge responsibility that she knew she wouldn’t be able to handle. She had begged Mr. Mayer to let her back out in the field, but he had refused saying they needed her for protection. At least if she was in the field, then she would have been able to have a little more time in trying to fix her sudden fear, and not have someone, or more importantly two little children’s lives at stake.

  Balling her fists at her side, Raven raised her face towards the clear, twilight sky. Why? Why do I have to deal with even more problems? Silence.

  She closed her eyes and did all she could do - scream. And boy, did she scream. Knowing that the training complex was deserted at this time, also encouraged her to finally let out all of her pent up frustrations. Tears streamed down her face as her voice raised to an even higher, and stronger pitch. So lost in her own little world of pain, she didn’t even notice when Rick concernedly rushed to her side, nor when he uncomfortably tried consoling her. She only wanted all of the ‘bad stuff’ inside of her gone. She didn’t care that Rick was suddenly really adamant about her being quiet, she viciously shoved away his hand that was attempting to cover her mouth. But the jerkiness of her reaction threw her off balance, and she landed on the hard, warm, rocky asphalt with gracelessness. Raven’s face grimaced at the sudden twinge in her left ankle that forced her screams to end.

  Rolling onto her back, Raven covered her face completely in her hands. She was so tired of crying, she only wanted to lash out at something, or someone. Maybe then she would feel better. Maybe then she would be able to finally feel something other than hurt, pain, tiredness, rejection, loneliness, degradation, very lost. The second that one small, four-letter word entered her mind, all of her energy surged out of her. Lost. She was lost. For months she had tried to come to terms with what happened, and move on. But she didn’t know how to move forward, she didn’t know where she was anymore. She was stuck.

  Taking a deep breath, Raven angrily swiped at her useless, weak tears. Why did they have to flow along with her anger, too? Was she never going to be free of tears again? Straightening her legs, she came up against something hard. Keeping her eyes closed, she instinctively swung her right leg out and connected with Rick’s shin. “Don’t ever do that to me again, Rick! If I want to scream, I’ll scream! Don’t you dare try to forcefully stop me again! Do you hear me?” Silence. “Uh?” Still silent, except for the tightly suppressed laughter, and not in just one direction, but it seemed that Rick had made himself be heard from all around her. And that infuriated her even more.

  “That’s it!” Angrily swiping at her tears, Raven looked above her and gasped. Standing over her, with hands on his hips and the most endearingly soft expression blanketing his face was a stranger. A complete stranger with his face a little too close for comfort! Rushing to her feet, uncaring that she jarred him a bit, Raven stood and purposefully stretched every inch of her five-foot ten-inch frame. But, as in everything else lately, she came up short. A new frustration emerged, and not just because he still stood a good bit taller than her. Hands on her hips, mocking him, Raven glared up into his softening, chocolate brown eyes, “I don’t know who you are, but you need to back off! I don’t know how you know Rick, but you have some nerve to surprise me like that. And seeing as you’re a fellow agent, I will let it slide. Now,” plowing ardently past him Raven saw all of the other five new visitors that were comically biting their tongues, and fighting desperately not to lose their composures. Great, just great! The Counter Assault Team’s finest had just witnessed her first meltdown.

  She definitely would never live this one down. At least their big leader wasn’t among them, as the CAT team’s Special Agent in Charge, she most definitely did not need him witnessing it. What fodder he would have at the next ‘boss’s meeting.’ It’s bad enough he’ll hear about it because these boys did nothing the other ones didn’t know about. They lived and worked as one unit. Impressive in the past, but infuriating now.

  She turned back, “So, you must be a new member of their CAT gang.” Raven pointed to their athletically clad bodies in their running shorts and shoes, and ruthlessly added, “There is really nothing more to see here. And you can now go on about your running business of practicing to chase the bad men away. Run away now, run away. Far, far away.” Taking notice for the first time that the man closest to her was unexpectedly packing heat, she added, “Or whatever you were all working on. Just run and shoot then.”

  Raven tried to walk away with as much dignity as she could muster. But it was pretty hard to do considering the huge temper tantrum she had just thrown right smack dab in the middle one of the training lots all in front of six men whom she had no idea were even watching.

  “Are you sure you don’t need a hug? I think you could use one.” His voice was so serious and caring.

  Her chest tightened as his warm, masculine voice slammed against her retreating back. Stopping just short of the car door, Raven took a deep breath as the tiredness she had battled all day settled down hard on her body. Slowly looking back towards him sorrowfully, “At this point, I wouldn’t care if you were the President of the United States, himself, standing here, and my career was on the line if I so much as made a comment to you, or moved away from you. I still would not stand here letting you mock me. I have been through way too much lately. Regrettably, you and your comrades here had to witness my first ever meltdown and I do apologize for that, but I will of course forget you even offered.” Raven slumped into the car, and thankfully the clanging sound of the rusty, dented car door drowned out whatever comeback he had for her.

  When Rick finally returned to the car, it was even darker outside. She could just barely make out the group of men jogging away. Only one man kept looking back towards their car. Him. Her heart suddenly aching, and for reasons she couldn’t explain, Raven turned to her best friend the moment he started to drive away, “I guess I lost you, too, now.” Sadness clogged her throat.

  Rick’s patience seeking, deep breath unnerved her even more. “Hon, I’m sorry. I had no idea. I know you were really close to your father, but I had no idea what you have been going through. I really didn’t.” Shockingly, his voice seemed to crack a little. “Had I known, I would have been there for you. You have always just seemed so strong in the Lord, I didn’t see you needing any help. I’m sorry, I let you down.”

  Another tear fell down her cheek. Loudly blowing out her held breath, Raven looked out her window seeing nothing.
Her left hand carefully reached over to him, and as much as she could she tried telling him that it was okay. Raven wanted to tell him more, but her throat painfully closed on her words.