Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 2

  Chapter 2

  “Raven? Can you come into my office for a second when you’re done, please?”

  Please? She couldn’t remember Rick ever saying please before. Oh, man. A slow, thumping headache started around her temples. A painful reminder of why she didn’t like emotional things and why she always tried to stay clear of any emotional confrontations. She really hoped their relationship did not change because of his new knowledge that she was having a hard time dealing with the death of her father. What would happen when he discovered her other problems?

  Raven positioned her hands on the edges of the sink and looked at her reflection. Had she really changed that much? Never one to have looked at herself in the mirror other than what was needed to do her hair and makeup, she couldn’t physically see any difference. Although, her eyes did look really tired. A sure indicator of her huge lack of sleep lately.


  “Yeah.” Clearing her throat, Raven continued, “Yes, I’ll be right there.”


  So softly spoken, for a second Raven wasn’t sure that it was even Rick’s voice. Wow, he was really shook up. Turning, she grabbed up her bag and headed out of the girls’ locker room. She could not believe it. In the span of a few minutes, no seconds, a whole relationship could change that quickly. And she really didn’t like it, she wanted her old Rick back.

  Straightening her shoulders, she walked down the hall to his office determined not to lose him, too. Nor have their relationship continue down an unknown path. She would not let him get all emotional on her, enough was enough. She really couldn’t deal with any more changes to her life. And she knew just how to shake him out of it.

  Slamming her bag against his door and letting it unceremoniously slide to the floor, Raven took up one of the tactical aggressive stances that Rick, as one of their elite training instructors, would know like the back of his hand. Bracing her body and mind to expect what was to come from him, she took a deep, steadying breath and exploded into his office.

  Whoosh! Her cheek came down hard against his metal desk while she tried desperately to keep breathing. Looking upward she could just make out a black long-sleeved clad muscular arm holding her down...not Rick! A strong, commanding voice broke through her closed ear, but she couldn’t make out the words. And just as suddenly as she had been wrapped into the debilitating hold, Raven was set free. The room spun and Raven was sure she was going down, but strong arms kept her upright.

  “Are you alright, sweetheart? Raven? Are you alright?”

  Her eyes shot open as her mind scrambled around his words. Sweetheart? Sweetheart!!? More confused than ever, she pushed herself out of the arms wrapped around her and came face to face with him.

  “You!” Pointing her finger right into his strong, handsome face that she was really beginning to not like, Raven yelled at him. “How dare you? Sweetheart? Sweetheart!!? Really?” She snorted, “I don’t think so. And...,” quickly scanning the room Raven saw his comrades of earlier were all there, but this time dressed in their infamous all black BDU work clothes. One of them was nursing his eye, but she didn’t linger on that. Instead, she looked to the other side of the room and connected right with Rick’s sheepish face.

  Realization finally set in, and her anger instantly drained from her. “Rick. Did you set this up? Uh? That’s it, isn’t it? Oh, come on, how could I have been so stupid? I have really been out of it lately, haven’t I?” Grasping her face with a little too much force, Raven couldn’t believe she had walked, no ran, right smack dab into a complete agent-setup. “I have been gone for about ten months, which is awhile I guess, but compared to being an agent it isn’t. I should have known, I really should have. With being gone for a while, I should have seen this coming. Ha ha. You got me Rick, gentlemen, you got me. You can turn off the cameras, the phones, and text everyone else letting them know you got me. Yep, I certainly fell for it this time.”

  Her mind was relieved, but her heart suddenly seemed to weigh a ton, the very first person she had let her guard down to since her dad, and she had to now deal with this episode. “Rick...” clearing her throat, “you know, I really did think you were serious in the car on the way back here. You knew I would come in here attacking you because you know I would hate for our relationship to get all emotional and goofy. You really should be an actor.”

  “Raven. That’s not true. I...”

  “No, Rick. It’s alright. Save it. I know it is, was, a lot of fun in the past with all of the jokes and teasing. It comes with the service. I loved it. I really, really did. We’re all like a family, a dysfunctional one, but still a family. But, I guess...” She shook her head and walked towards the door, wanting so desperately to escape. It was just too small of a room for everyone in here, especially with him in here.

  She stopped and turned looking directly at Rick, “I’m sorry to be such a downer. I have just really changed a lot in these past few months. I just have a lot more to deal with now than I have ever had to deal with before. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t trade the camaraderie for anything, but I’m sorry, I’m just not at the joking stage right now. Maybe in a few months.” She shrugged, “Maybe never. But, thank you gentlemen for the laughs. I really must go, now. It’s been interesting, and please don’t take this the wrong way, but I truly hope I do not have to run into any of you anytime soon. However, I guess that’s wishful thinking since I’m apparently doing the Eaglets Detail, or at least until I can get out of it. And since you all will be flying around like Spiderman at the White House, I may have to see you. So, I will leave because I really do need to try and get my sleep, I hear the two little eaglets will really keep me on my toes.” Forcing a laugh, Raven couldn’t help but add, “But at least I’m not assigned to the main Eagle, himself. PPD is what most agents strive for, but for thank you. At least not during these next four years. Dealing with threats, and PI cases is one thing, but having to deal with groupies. Well, that’s quite another. It’s like working security at a rock concert.”

  “I take it you didn’t vote for him?”

  Simply asked, but why from him? She was going to have to look at him again. Might as well get it over with, quickly turning, Raven smiled. Well, she hoped it was coming out like a smile. “Actually, I did. I mean the other opponent’s views were awful. They were all pretty much against most of God’s principles. I really didn’t have a choice. And anyway, the future discomfort and issues we may be up against when protecting the future protectee has nothing to do with how we should vote. We should solely vote based on the issues at hand, the possible future protectee’s beliefs, and ideas, not on his looks. Nor on any other problems that may prove to be a little challenging, or difficult for us as his security team, if he is elected.”

  “True. Glad to hear that. But I have to ask, do you think he is handsome?” His sly smile was truly the last thing she could handle today.

  “What? Are you serious? You know, this is crazy. You must be a newbie. Hello. Again, for your information, the gag is over. O-V-E-R, over. I figured it out, and I’m not about to get roped into another one. I don’t know how you CAT guys now handle your jokes, but we regular agents don’t keep going on, and on, and on, and on when we get someone. We move on. It’s over.” Raven determinedly headed back towards the office door, and immediately one of the other CAT guys stepped right in front of her, blocking her way. There was a seriousness about him that immediately set her on edge. He purposefully held up a framed picture of their Commander in Chief directly in front of her.

  Raven blinked, stared, and blinked again. Those chocolaty brown eyes. Her stomach fell, a light headedness powerfully rushed over her, and cold sweat beaded her forehead driving her to grab her mouth and run towards the bathroom. A panic like she had never experienced before infiltrated her whole being. He was...

  Minutes later Raven groaned, her forehead
refused to leave the cold pink bathroom tiled floor. She didn’t want to get up, but she did want to leave. And she had no choice now but to write her resignation letter. Her eyes traveled to the five pairs of black combat boots, and two pairs of running shoes impatiently standing in the small bathroom with her. Why couldn’t they just leave? And oh, why hadn’t she been able to recognize him? She remembered having a brief moment where he looked a tad familiar, but she was definitely not looking for, nor expecting him to be running around here. And he had been in workout attire, not White House attire! He even fit the CAT guy look, with his sweaty hair standing up on ends, and his muscular build fitting into that CAT t-shirt perfectly. Raven groaned, and okay so she had forgotten that he was the youngest president to have taken office, beating Theodore Roosevelt by a year or so. But in her defense, those pictures did not do him any justice. His hair was also now a little longer, and that was a lot different than his previous military haircut that the picture showed. She could barely remember what her father looked like, let alone a man that she had never thought twice about.

  Chin up my girl, and face them head-on. You’ve got the Lord within you. You are truly blessed! Always remember that greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world. Her eyes closed. Dad...her breath caught when for the first time in a long time she could clearly see his sparkling blue eyes, chiseled features, and smiling mouth as he reminded her time and time again of those very same words. How she hated confrontations, especially the problematic ones. And she was sure nothing could have prepared her for the monumental one she had just created; not even her father. Forcing herself to her feet, Raven left the stall while refusing to look at any of them, and purposefully walked towards the sink. How she wished the water could physically wash away her troubles as well as it washed her face and mouth. Her hands shook, but thankfully she was able to finish with seven pairs of eyes boring into her back.

  Keeping her eyes down casted, she physically bumped into a few of them in order to make her escape, making sure she only walked through and by the men in black. Tight lipped, she continued to walk straight on towards her assault bag at the end of the hallway, still lying on the floor where she had dropped it. No wonder she had found her face smacked down against Rick’s desk, they had quickly responded in protection mode for him. Her next few moments were filled with many ‘lasts.’ Among which was her last time walking the hallways, and her last time walking on the well beaten path between the buildings heading towards and across the quiet, dimly lit parking lot. She briefly hesitated when her dark blue government car seemed to mock her as she neared it.

  Frustration and exhaustion was a bad combination, especially when the infuriating group of men continued to follow her. Didn’t they have something more important to be doing? Like run a country? Her throat tightened on her last unthinking thought, making it painful to swallow. Yanking open her door with a little too much force, Raven quickly threw her bag into the passenger seat when she lost her balance.

  “You are not driving yourself home. You are in no condition to be driving, you are way too tired. Now, either get in and scoot over, or get in the back.” His commanding words held no option for negotiating.

  Raven kept her eyes focused on her car door as she slightly turned her body, trying to show him respect without looking him in the face. “I’m sorry, sir. I’m really, truly sorry. I really am. I’m sorry about everything. Everything I said, and did. I never meant any disrespect to your children, either, I am not trying to get out of their detail because of them. It just would be better that they not have an agent like me on their team right now. I have just been through so much this past year that I didn’t even recognize you. I have lost so much in my life, pretty much everything I knew. And well, I am still facing more losses right now. That may seem strange to you, and your men, how a Secret Service agent, or even just a plain American citizen, did not recognize her Commander in Chief. And truth be told, I really have no defense for that, however, had you known all that has happened to me and how drastically that has affected my life then maybe you could understand.” A tear escaped, and she quickly swiped at it. “I have been pretty much in seclusion for over ten months, during that time I didn’t watch any TV, nor did I read any newspapers, or magazines. You look different than a picture I would have seen you in last year. I was also never assigned to your detail, I had a lot of cases to work on in the field that required a female agent to help. So whenever I was rarely called up on the campaign trail, it had always been at one of your opponent’s venues. And I-I...never mind, sir. I’ve already said way too much. Don’t worry, I will make it right first thing in the morning so we can put this whole embarrassing situation behind us. I’ll no longer be an agent. And as of right now, thank you for your concern, but I will be fine to drive home.”

  His hand tightened on hers stopping her from moving, “Agent Rawlings, please grab her keys. You’ll drive. Just as I told you a few minutes ago that you would be driving her vehicle home.”

  She was just digging herself deeper and deeper into this awful, nightmarish situation. She wasn’t thinking straight, and admittedly she hadn’t been thinking straight since her accident, a few short weeks before being notified of her father’s death just ten months ago. Raven’s face flushed, and maybe that was also the very reason why she suddenly was too tired to even care about being strangely, and very expertly maneuvered into the middle of her backseat with him seated firmly on her left, another agent on her right, and two in the front. She was stuck. All the way to her condo.

  Just breathe. He was a little too close, a tingling sensation raced up her arm and then rested in her neck, causing it to twitch. The irony of her situation astounded her. If it was anyone else she would probably laugh so hard she would cry in hysterics. But this was her, this was him, and this was real life, not some goofy made up story. How could she loudly tell this man to stop slightly, but oh so softly, rubbing her hand, without making yet another scene in front of these CAT guys? Not even his hands seemed White House material, they were calloused.

  “Lean back and try to rest.” His left hand reached across and felt her forehead, lingering there for a few extra minutes then was comfortable, while his right hand continued to tenderly hold hers across his lap. “Is your stomach settled more?”

  She couldn’t speak. This was not real. It couldn’t be, this was indeed a nightmare.

  “Forget it, don’t answer. Just rest.” Slyly, he shifted his shoulder and pushed her head softly down onto it. Holding her there until she gave in. “Stay. Don’t move.” His breath ruffled her bangs, the slight commanding breeze sending goose bumps across her forehead.

  Another command, another law. She really had no backbone right now. His fresh, outdoorsy smell bathing his t-shirt mixed with his musky cologne filled her nostrils, further relaxing her as her eyes helplessly started to drift shut. It had been a long, eventful day and she was just way too tired to fight it anymore. In all of her years that she could remember, she had never had such an emotional rollercoaster of a day; going from one extreme to another. That was why she didn’t move her head away from him, nor her hand. That was why she had given in so easily to these men. And it most certainly wasn’t because he surprisingly made her feel unusually safe, secure, comfortable, and oh so protected; something she had always secretly longed for. Nor was it because her body was traitorously relaxing next to his. Nor because he had just commanded it. She was just too exhausted to do anything else.