Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 3

  Chapter 3

  Stretching, Raven yawned. Why was it already time to get up? Blindly turning off her alarm, she felt a paper flutter to the floor. Always a “neat freak” she couldn’t possibly imagine what that was. Oh well, she was just too tired to look, mustn’t be too important because she couldn’t remember. She could really sleep a few more hours, though, she had had a horrible nightmare. It seemed so real, but it had to be a nightmare because how else could she explain getting to bed and not remembering? Well, Raven was definitely not going to analyze that dream, and she had to get up. She really did need to try and get out of this new detail. A field office job had never sounded so good.

  The moment her feet hit the floor, Raven instinctively looked down and frowned. Picking up the handwritten note, her chest suddenly tightened. ‘Good morning! I hope you have a wonderful day today and don’t worry, I will make sure my eaglets behave for you today. Drake.’, oh no, oh no, oh no! Reality set in a like a ton of bricks smashing into her abdomen. Stoically, Raven immediately walked into her kitchen and started her coffee. Then sat down at her kitchen table and began writing her resignation letter. Refusing to think any more about yesterday, and more pointedly last night, she clung to the routine of getting ready for work. The extra weight of her gun highlighting its presence at her side didn’t seem to bother her as much today. Probably because she knew it would be turned in the moment she arrived at Headquarters. She would not step foot in the White House and follow protocol by checking in with her new Special Agent in Charge (SAIC). Aside from obvious reasons, it just didn’t seem right checking in and then immediately checking out.

  Leaving a few minutes early, Raven grabbed her bag, and unlocked her door, all the while her mind was calmly listing all that she would have to do in order to leave town today. Thankfully that list was short because she wanted out of this town as soon as possible. The sound of the sirens in the distance reminded her of that necessity. For the first time ever, Raven turned off the radio transmitter in her car while she turned onto Constitutional Avenue. She couldn’t quite handle the traffic on there, all of the agents checking in, or checking out. And most importantly, she really didn’t want to know any more about him then what was positively necessary as a citizen of the United States. Ever!

  She just wanted to get this over and done with. Locking her car in the agency’s parking garage, Raven sighed when she glanced down at her boots. Bending down to fix her pant leg, she didn’t even notice the black SUV pulling up in front of her until it was too late. As she straightened, a scream clogged in her throat. Her eyes widened and she was virtually shell shocked as within milliseconds she was very carefully, but firmly placed into the back of it. Her face was resting against something soft, while the rest of her body was screaming from the hard rubberized, unforgiving plastic mat beneath it. Her empty hands gripped the black floor mats, her nostrils were filled with the strong latex smell, while her mind screamed. Growling, Raven went to sit up, but a boot stopped her.

  “Stay down.”

  Anger rose within her. She was getting a little tired of men commanding her to do something! “What am I doing in a CAT mobile? I don’t know what you all are about, but I have had enough!” The unmistakable sound of computer keys clacking away, and radio traffic noise drowned out his reply. She was sure it wasn’t to let her sit up because someone’s boot was still resting heavily on top of her. Just at the right spot where it could easily squash any sudden movement from her. Respect for them, and their uncanny procedures annoyingly entered her mind. No other federal agency had the “element of surprise” down quite like these guys did.

  Raven tried to breathe and relax, but that too was taken from her when the boot was lifted off of her and she was swiftly placed into a seat. She instinctively grabbed her forehead, as her head spun.

  “Special Agent Raven Rose Somers.” His hands continued to dust off her suit and straighten her jacket. “Might I have the pleasure of saying that on behalf of the CAT team, how wonderful it has been in welcoming you into our little home away from home? Regrettably we do not get many visitors. In fact, I do think you are one of the first, well, protection agents that is. And it has been such a pleasure that we hope we will be able to do this again sometime.”

  His smart-alecky chuckle did nothing towards making her feel welcome. And there just was something unnerving about the way he pronounced her name.

  Raven hit at his hands dusting off her pant legs. “Stop it!”

  His eyes twinkled with barely controlled laughter, “Well, we want you to look your best today. You know, there are just so many that might be watching you today so you must look your best. And of course, it being your official first day back on the job. Now a few of my men were just so upset about last night when they were unable to wish you a proper goodnight. You were so soundly sleeping that they just could not wake you. Right guys?”

  “Oh yeah.”


  “So very upsetting.”

  Rolling her eyes, Raven tried to brace herself for what was to come next. She looked back to the dark haired man with dark green eyes talking to her.

  “So, Special Agent Raven Rose Somers, we thought that what better way to apologize for our men’s inability to say goodnight to you last night, then to personally drive you to work first thing this morning so that we will all be able to personally wish you a great day. All except um Agent Miller, of course. He was a little upset he could not accompany us on our little errand this morning, he is still a little sore in the eye from a little misunderstanding he endured last evening at the training facility. Those instructors’ offices can be so very dangerous.”

  The sudden coughing fits from all of the men, but him, was comical at best; and way, way too obvious.

  “We are punctual as always and have now arrived at your destination. So here is your bag, and everything in it is exactly what you protection agents need for a full day’s work. Actually more so, I don’t think I have ever met a protection agent that carries all of their issued items to work with them. Anyway, your vehicle however is regrettably not here yet, but it will be arriving in the designated agent parking lot at promptly 4:58 p.m. That should give you plenty of time to change shifts and sign out, which will happen at about...,” looking at his big black watch for an extra dramatic effect, he continued, “5:00 p.m, or 1700 hrs whichever time you prefer to use. You will then be able to arrive home at precisely 5:15 p.m., depending on traffic congestion, of course. Then eat supper, and have a wonderful goodnight sleep, again. Unless of course, something really unexpected should happen in the middle of the night. Again.” Shrugging, he rolled his eyes, “You just can never really tell when living in these parts. Our Nation’s Capital is just so full of surprises, especially in the evening hours.” His dull laugh, was not amusing in anyway. “But I do feel that I must warn you about working out at the training facility after hours. You just never know who you will run into. I mean with all of the classes going on it’s just a wee bit safer for someone as fair as you to watch your back.”

  Bright morning sunlight streamed into the SUV as the door flashed open. “As punctual as always, Mr. Moreno.”

  No, no, her stomach dropped, the SAIC of the CAT team!!?

  A thick dark head of hair swiveled around from the driver seat, “Thank you, Mr. McDonald. I must say, I do enjoy hearing you speak. You have such a way with words.”

  Unable to close her mouth, the agent sitting next to her politely lifted up her chin for her, while her eyes popped open staring blankly at Mr. McDonald? The Assistant Special Agent in Charge, as well? Her face paled.

  His eyes sparkled at her discomfort, “Have a great day Agent Somers. Once out of our vehicle, continue up the walkway and you will find the entrance door you are to go through. Your SAIC is waiting for your arrival. I am personally glad that we were able to place you back on the right pa
th. Please, don’t divert off of it again. It can get a little treacherous when you do.” His look spoke volumes, as his smile broadened. “I have no doubt you will be”

  If someone had told her yesterday that there was a unique way to cleverly shove someone out of a vehicle very carefully, and with such care Raven would have called them on it. But now, she had just experienced it. Standing there on the sidewalk, Raven let her bag drop to the ground, as her eyes were unable to disconnect from the black SUV carefully driving away. What was that? What had just happened?

  Okay, fine, maybe she couldn’t explain it, nor understand it, but that didn’t by any means mean that she would have to go along with it. Picking up her bag, she turned towards the guard shack she knew to be hiding in the trees. She would just have the uniformed division guard call in a ride for her. Stepping off of the curb, Raven came right up against a solid, muscular body. Her face brushed against his black duty shirt. Strong arms steadied her as her ankle rebelled, her own fingers unintentionally clawed into his forearms for support.

  “Sorry, Agent Somers, but you were veering off your path.” Concern quickly covered his face, “Are you alright?”

  Swallowing hard, Raven closed her eyes. “Yes, I’m fine. Perfectly fine.” Backing away from him, she was immediately shocked to see him bending down, lifting up her pant leg, and starting to unlace her boot to check out her ankle. Right here in broad daylight!

  “Your bad ankle, wasn’t it?”

  Pushing away his hands, Raven growled out, “Stop it. I’m fine.” Trying in vain to hide her wincing, she took a steadying breath, “I’m fine. Really.”

  Unconvinced, the blonde headed agent straightened up with his hands firmly on his hips, his green eyes stern. “You really mustn’t keep your SAIC waiting.” Grabbing her bag from her tightened grip with ease, and with his other hand steadying her, the agent turned, “Okay, let’s go to work, now. But first we may need to ice that ankle of yours to help prevent any further injury to it.”

  Forcing herself to walk normally, Raven grimaced, “I’m fine. It was just a little twinge, but it is fine now. By the way...who are you?”

  “Oh, I’m so sorry. I’m Agent Lawrence, of the CAT team of course. And apparently, your personal escort to work this beautiful morning.” His smile deepened. “It is a pleasure to meet you.”

  Completely oblivious to her protests, he easily guided Raven all the way up to her SAIC’s office and into the chair right in front of his desk. Her black bag was placed very carefully by her side. Tipping his black cap, Agent Lawrence smiled again towards her, “It was my pleasure. Have a wonderful first day back on the job, Special Agent Raven Somers. And have a great day, too, Special Agent Rockefeller, sir. But would you mind stepping outside with me for a few seconds? I need to share something with you.”

  “Oh, certainly. I will be right back Agent Somers.” As soon as the door shut behind him, Raven leaned back in the chair, utterly confused.

  An hour had passed and she was still too stunned to say anything, other than the required yes, or no. Raven just obediently sat there while her new boss went over everything.

  By the end of the day, Raven’s eyes hurt. Stretching in her chair at her new desk, she could not remember the last time she had read so much.

  “Raven. It’s time for shift debriefing.”

  “Oh, okay. I was just finishing.”

  “Hey, girl, I just have to ask you,” Agent Smith chuckled. “What did you do to get punished so badly?”

  Her heart dropped, “What?”

  “Well, normally, as someone new rotates in they are right away pushed out into the operations so they can immediately learn the routine. It’s a precaution for others that may have to call off work. But you have been stuck at this desk, protecting it instead.” Shrugging, Eric moved grabbing up his coke, “Maybe they are changing a few things. Must be something new. But I must say, better you than me because I prefer movement, rather than desk sitting. That’s why I moved to protection as soon as I could from the field. I do not like wasting my time on paperwork.”

  Puzzlement creased her brow, “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know.” She really wasn’t sure about a lot of things anymore.

  In the past she would have agreed with Eric, but now, she was actually so relieved that she had been on the desk today, quietly reading. Man, today would not have been a good day for her had they put her right smack dab in the middle of duty. Apparently, the two little kids had a knack for trying each agents’ patience. It should have typically been a low key day with them being in residence, but from the various reports coming in, Raven’s ankle seemed to throb a little more just listening to them. A wry smile crossed her face, at least she could easily see that each agent, ready to admit to it or not, had a soft spot for those two.

  “Just sign right here.” The uniformed clad duty agent pointed to the next opening spot on the book. “Oh, and I also have something else you have to sign.”

  “Okay.” Raven looked over to where a new set of papers were laid.

  Fidgeting around with some more papers, the officer kept the top portion of the papers covered.

  “What is this regarding?”

  “Nothing really, just protocol for this big house.”

  “Oh, okay.” Raven gave him back his pen, and continued to wait.


  Raven frowned, “Well, don’t I get a copy of what I just signed?”


  “Well, hello Special Agent Somers. How was your beautiful day?”

  Groaning, Raven turned and immediately headed for the exit doors forgetting the paperwork. “Fine, Agent Lawrence.” She schooled her voice to sound bored, “How was yours?”

  His laughter seemed to pierce right through her, “Perfectly fine. Now let me show you to your vehicle.”

  She stopped, “Well, I don’t know, it may not...”

  “Oh, I just saw it, let me walk you to it.”

  Raven stopped him, “How do you know what I drive? Okay, never mind that, tell me who drove it here? No let me guess, Agent Rawlings?”

  His eyebrows drew together, “I’m sorry, I have no idea what you’re talking about. Now, let me take that, can’t have you adding weight to that ankle of yours. Especially seeing how I accidentally helped you to reinjure it a little this morning.” Grabbing up her bag, he simply started walking towards the cars. “Let’s proceed, shall we?”

  “I would rather not, but seeing as I have no choice.” Raven murmured while she followed him. A few minutes later she stopped at stared.

  “Oh, this is all just a little too much for me today.” She stood looking at her freshly washed car inside, and out. If only that thing could talk.

  “Oh, I hate to hear that. Did all of that reading give you a headache?” His arm gently tapped the hood of her car. “Now, unlock the car so I can put your bag inside. You know, you really don’t need to bring every item that was ever issued to you with you every day. Other than your vest, firearm, and earpiece, I would leave most of it at home. It’s just added weight that you don’t need.”

  “How did you know?”

  “Just a wild, innocent guess. I’m right though, aren’t I? How could it be anything else? I mean this bag does weigh a lot, and not bringing it with you to work only makes logical sense. I mean, really, what else could be in that assault bag of yours, right?” Smiling broadly, he placed her bag in the front seat.

  “No, I mean how did you know that I read today?” His look was comical. “Oh, just forget it.” Raven tiredly opened her door and got in.

  “Oh, one other thing. I almost forgot,” tapping himself upside the head, he continued, “Let me put this right here for a second.” Laying his assault rifle across her hood, Lawrence moved his backpack in front of him. “Seeing as I basically hurt you a little this morning, I bought you supper so you won’t have to stand up and cook.” He gently place
d a large white paper sack onto her passenger seat. Picking back up his rifle, he straightened up and closed her door. “I really hope you enjoy your supper, and make sure you ice your ankle down really good tonight and rest.”

  “Agent Lawrence, I’m fine. And you didn’t hurt anything, it was more my fault. I really wasn’t paying attention. As good as I should have, anyway.”

  “ very sweet of you to try and take the blame. But nevertheless, it happened. And one more thing.”


  “Drive safely and again make sure you put on the ice before you go to bed tonight as well as when you finish eating. And don’t worry about the ice melting and getting warm overnight. Everything will work out just fine, I’m sure.”

  Puzzlement creased her brow, “Okay.”

  “Sweet dreams, Agent Somers.”

  “You, too, Agent Lawrence.” Raven watched him walk away. He was a little coo-coo that had to be what it was. Raven cleanly steered out of the parking area and was amazed at how tired she actually felt, although she really hadn’t done anything physical today, reading monotonous regulations were boring. Shaking her head, Raven pulled onto the highway and had to chuckle. She really hoped tomorrow was not like today. However, she would still have to try and get out of this detail.

  Sleekly tapping the pocket on his chest, Lawrence’s thumb gently pressed his private communications button, “Agent Zeak. Agent Lawrence.”

  “Go ahead Agent Lawrence.”

  “Sunshine is en route to her home. Papers signed, although Tony came very close to blowing it. Dinner delivered, and night suggestion received by her.” Slightly frowning, he added, “Extremity, still sore.”

  “Okay, good save and great job. I will relay the info forward and get back to you should there be anything added. Zeak out.”

  “Lawrence out.” Watching the last of her car leave the designated parking area, Agent Lawrence finally gave into his laughter. She really had no idea what she was up against. He almost pitied her, but it was all for the better. In the end, that woman would be more than alright. Whistling as he walked, regret threatened to end his joyful mood when the slight flicker of wishful thinking reared up. It would have been nice to have seen her first; more particularly before the Big Eagle had. But, then again, that would have been pretty much impossible.