Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 9

  Chapter 9

  Raven’s eyes shot open as someone loudly came into her room. Her heart ached, it was only a nurse.

  “Good morning.”


  “Well, your doctor is very pleased with you, and said you will be going home today. So they are bringing up some crutches. Do you know how to use them?”


  “Okay, in that case I won’t have you go to therapy. Now it’s going to be a little more painful to do because of your ribs, but we’ll show you a little trick that may help with that. I’m just going to remove your IV since you ate your breakfast.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Oh, you’re welcome.”

  A knock sounded on her door seconds before her co-worker Eric peaked in.

  “Come in, just taking out her IV.”

  “Hi, Raven. How are you feeling this morning? Are you up for a little company?”

  Raven slightly smiled, “Yep.”

  A young, dark blonde haired woman walked in. She looked familiar, but Raven couldn’t think where she would have seen her before.

  “Raven, this is my old time buddy, Hannah.”

  Hannah waved, “I think we’ve kind of met. I almost ran into you at the Headquarters last week when you were apparently starting back to work.”

  Realization dawned, “Yes, nice to meet you. Sorry about that day, I wasn’t really myself.”

  “No. You may have looked a little sidetracked, but hey I get super nervous walking into that Headquarters myself. You were fine.”

  The nurse turned to leave, “Okay, I’ll bring in the crutches when they arrive. Let me know if you need more Ginger Ale.”

  “Okay. Thank you.”

  “Oh, you are most welcome, honey...” Her parting words ending once the door was shut.

  “Okay, here is the deal, Raven. We’re getting you out of here.”

  “What?” Raven’s mouth dropped open.

  “Well,” Eric raised a black assault bag, “it’s yours. I took it after I returned back to the office yesterday morning. Since it looks like they are releasing you today, I have to ask, were you planning on resigning yesterday?”

  Raven briefly closed her eyes, “Yes.”

  “We thought so. I wish you wouldn’t resign, but I figured your mind is already completely made up. And after the surprise relationship was revealed yesterday, and then the happenings of the other night at the restaurant, I put two and two together. I then enlisted the help of my buddy, here. We want you to be able to resign with dignity. Instead of being forced to. I just got the feeling yesterday, that well, you would need help in however you chose to proceed. So we,” he motioned between Hannah and himself, “want to help you do that. If you need us, that is.”

  “It’s not that we don’t think the CAT guys will help you because believe me we can easily see they are majorly protective over you. But you just seem to be in a peculiar position, and we’re afraid that if they continue to care for you, and don’t allow you to resign, then it could end badly. But, as Eric said, we would totally support you should you change your mind and want to stay in the service. And if you don’t need our help, then we can leave.”

  Raven frowned, “No, my mind is completely made up. I have to resign, I don’t have another choice. Especially since the doctor just explained that I probably won’t ever be able to be cleared for field, or protection duty, and that means I would have to be transferred to Headquarters. But there is no way I could handle working there having had brought shame to the service, that is if they would still keep me on after all of this.” Raven leaned back, “It’s only a matter of time until they hear about yesterday. If they haven’t already with the children’s incident report, along with mine. You know, I have been praying this morning for wisdom on how I can get to Headquarters to resign. So, thank you. I need to do this on my own, and I can’t wait any longer. But, I may need your help afterwards, too. I have my personal vehicle hidden and I’ll need a ride there. I can’t stay here in D.C., I can’t run the risk of running into...” she gulped. “I’m so tired, I just want to go home and lick my wounds, you know? That way I can move on and figure out what I should do next. They just won’t seem to let me alone, and I can’t understand it. I’ll admit, if he wasn’t who he was right now it would be different. But if you don’t help me leave here completely, then I will really run the risk of being found out by the media and then my whole future would really be gone.”

  “Well, after you resign you could continue getting to know him. He apparently really cares for you, and his children apparently agree.” Eric smiled.

  “And where will that lead me? Are you kidding me? I am in no way First Lady material even if it were that serious.”

  “They are human, too, Raven. You’d be surprised how the Lord could use you, and you would be refreshing to have as a First Lady.” Hannah placed the bag she was holding on top of the bed.

  “I have way too much baggage right now. And I could in no way handle the media.”

  “Okay, well, we better get going then. I’ll help you change into the sweat suit I bought you while Eric gets those crutches. Are you sure you are up to it? We’re not trying to pressure you, but when we were standing out there and heard the doctor was releasing you today, we jumped on it. And we are pretty positive that POTUS and CAT both have already been notified of your discharge.” Hannah started to carefully help her put on the sweatshirt.

  “I guess it really doesn’t matter if I’m up to it, it’s something that I need to do. I’ll be fine once we get going. You know, I keep trying to remind myself that I am an adult, and I can make my own decisions, and that it’s just business that I have to take care of. I just can’t figure it out.”

  “Well, I can’t either, but then again, I don’t know much about it. But when I see a friend in need, I help.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Okay, now for the pants, I’ll slip it over your legs.”

  “Thank you so much for the sweat suit. If you give me my credentials wallet I can pay you back. It’s so comfy.” She looked down at the wide low-rise waist band, and the stylish sweatshirt that went with it. It wasn’t her normal agent attire, but it would still due for resigning.

  “Don’t even think about it. It’s my pleasure to help you out. I’m glad that I’m a part of this, and I am glad you like it. I prefer this style myself.”

  Eric came in, “Okay, as far as I can tell there are two CAT guys, at least. They’re out of uniform, but they are definitely here watching out for her.”

  “Eric, just give me my crutches I really have had enough of this. I’m tired of running from them, trying to dodge them, to stop them, all because I need to do what I need to do. I’m also tired of them doing everything for me, or getting me out of every situation. This is ridiculous! I am an adult, I make my own decisions. So, come on guys, let’s go.” Anger drove her on, there was no way they would resign for her, nor would she just lay around and wait to be fired. She had to at least give the service that much respect, anything less would haunt her for life.

  Desperately choosing to ignore the pain, Raven went to the nurse’s station to sign the papers. “My ride is here, so I would really like to sign my release papers.”

  “But ma’am you’re supposed to leave in a wheelchair, and we were told...”

  “I’m sorry if I am about to be rude, but I don’t care what you’ve been told. I am doing great on my crutches, I don’t need the wheelchair, and I am solely in charge of myself. I have no significant other. And my friends are here, I have my crutches, I saw the doctor, my IV is removed, and I really need to leave, please.” Wincing slightly, Raven balanced on her good leg and signed the discharge papers that the tightlipped nurse just laid down on the counter.

  “Thank you again for all of your help.” Turning, Raven followed Eric to the elevators.

  Hannah called to Raven, “Maybe we s
hould use that wheelchair.”

  “No, we’ve got to get going. I’m fine.”

  The doors were just about to close when a black combat boot stopped it. Yep, he was one of them. Raven didn’t know his name, but she sure recognized him. Frowning, he stepped in. And instead of turning around like normal people do in elevators, he stood right in front of where the doors closed shut, his arms crossed, staring right at all three of them.

  Raven leaned back against the wall. This really was ridiculous. And of course, all the way to the lobby floor there was no one else that even tried to get on the elevator in this busy hospital. How did they make all situations turn for their benefit?

  Following behind Eric, ‘her protector’ fell into step right next to her. Hannah glared at him and walked on her other side.

  Briefly stopping, Raven tried to breathe through the pain, but breathing only seemed to make it worst. Wiping her brow, she swayed slightly. His arm came out to steady her, so did Hannah’s. This was just way too much. She was so relieved to see that Eric’s car was already parked at the pick-up entrance, he stood there with his passenger door open for her.

  “I’ll take those.”

  “Oh, no you won’t!” Raven tried to hold tight to her crutches as she was sitting in the car.

  The man leaned in, “Listen, Raven. If you do not let me hold these and get into this car with you guys, then I will press this small little button right here.” He pulled out a small electronic device. “And believe me, you will not want that to happen.”

  “Why? Why, can’t you guys just let me go? I have some personal business to take care of.”

  “We have our orders. Now, which is it?”

  “Well, give me my crutches, first.”

  “Oh, no. That’s not going to happen.”

  Seeing that there were cars impatiently waiting on them, Raven ground out, “Get in. But do not speak, I really cannot handle much more right now.”

  She leaned her head back, closing her eyes as a wave of pain in her side intensified, and her leg felt like a thousand needles were sticking into it. She silently prayed for strength to do what she had to do...without crying.

  “Ma’am may I be allowed to ask one question?”

  Raven tried to get comfortable, “Go ahead.”

  He chuckled, “I think you will do perfectly fine in a position of authority.”

  “The question.” Raven puffed out a breath.

  “Oh, yes. Agent Davenport, are you single?”

  “What!?” Hannah’s eyes popped open.

  Raven giggled. “Oh, boy that was unexpected.”

  “It most certainly was. And yes, I am, but forget it.”

  “Oh, not for me.” The agent brought his wrist up to his mouth, smiling. “Reply was yes. All systems a go.”

  “What do you mean ‘all systems a go?’” Hannah was fuming.

  “Well, you see there really isn’t anything for you to worry about. When you have a need to know, you will know.”

  “Excuse me?!”

  “Sorry, can’t speak as per her orders.” He pointed to Raven’s head.

  “Oh, come on. Make him speak Raven.” She looked over at Raven and concern washed over her. “Raven, are you alright. You look so pale. I knew we should have gotten that wheelchair. Well, don’t worry, there is one at the South Entrance of Headquarters tucked away in the closet. Eric drop us off there.”

  Raven swallowed her pride, she was not going to argue. She was so exhausted. She hadn’t slept all weekend, and then this. A tender look crossed her face as she reminisced how Drake had held her so securely last night. She had slept so good until Zeak had come in explaining that it was time to leave. Drake had said no at first, but then he reminded him of his important meeting at 5:15 a.m. She had basically been awake ever since. How had she come to rely so heavily on him? It really made no sense...

  “We’re here.”

  “I’ll be right back.” Hannah quickly got out of the car and jogged into the building.

  The other agent got out and opened up Raven’s door.

  “I’m sorry, I forgot to ask you your name.”

  “No need to apologize, you have a lot on your mind, not to mention with having to deal with pain and exhaustion. You know pain is a funny thing, then mix it in when you are really tired and haven’t slept, then combine that with pressing business. Well, it becomes an explosion ready to happen.” He smiled, “My name is Steve. Agent Steve Miller.”

  Raven automatically held out her hand, “Nice to meet you Steve.”

  “The pleasure is all mine.” Resting her crutches against the car, he carefully helped her slide her legs around just as Hannah was arriving with the wheelchair. “Okay, put your right hand against the bandage on your ribs. That may help ease the pain as you move. It provides a type of support. I’m going to lift you and place you in the chair, don’t try and raise your arm to my neck, just lean into my body.”

  She opened her mouth to object.

  “Ma’am, don’t fight me. Just lean.” As she did, he laughed, “And I know, if you were in top form you would not allow this. But then again, I wouldn’t be helping you either.”

  “Thank you, Steve.”

  “Oh, the pleasure was entirely mine. You are most welcome.”

  “Is that one of the prerequisites for being a CAT guy? Charm?”

  “Nope. There are just a few of us with that amazing gift.”

  Raven smiled. She tried to reach up to her hair, but couldn’t without more pain.

  “Raven, don’t worry, I’ll fix you up once we get inside.” Hannah patted her on the back.

  “Okay, how is that?” Hannah wheeled her around so she could see her face in the bathroom mirror.

  Raven smiled, “I like it. You’re really good at fixing hair and makeup. Aside from the bandage covering up the stitches on my forehead, everything is just right. Thank you, I do feel more put together now.” Taking a not so deep breath, Raven grimaced, “I’m ready. Let’s go.”

  Hannah started to wheel her out of the bathroom when the all too familiar nervousness struck her. She really disliked coming to Headquarters, there were way too many bosses hanging around. And unable to stop herself, she continued talking, “My momma always told me, ‘girl, just getting your hair done, and putting a little bit of makeup on, especially when you don’t feel well, does a lot to improve your mood. God will keep you anchored in His joy, but you can help Him manifest that by working on your outside. Only He will give you the strength to do that.’ My mom looked gorgeous every day until she died. She didn’t feel well from the chemo, but boy to look at her, she was gorgeous.”

  “I’m sorry about your mom.”

  “Oh, it’s alright. I know she is right where she wants, and needs to be. Personally in the arms of Jesus. She was so passionate about Him, and she would always remind me that I had better make sure that He is my One and Only, my Soul Mate. She said ‘because only then will you be able to be a helpmate to your husband, and don’t ever be fooled as a lot of other people are, Jesus is your True Soul Mate, not some physical man.’”

  “My father always told me the same thing.” Raven tenderly smiled.

  “You know, another thing that bugs me?” They entered the elevator. “Well, it is when people say they ‘lost someone.’ After my mom went home, at her funeral a few people told me they were sorry for my loss. I stood straight and tall and kindly told them that I appreciate their condolences, but I didn’t lose my mom. I know exactly where she is. She is at home, done with her journey here, and starting on her eternal journey with Jesus. While I am here, still on my earthly journey with Him.”

  An unexplainable peace washed over Raven. She sighed, there was a subtle warmness that entered her heart, “Thank you. I really needed to hear that.” Amazing, Raven replayed those words in her mind, she prayed they would be sealed in her heart and without any thought, special words burst f
orth, “Praise Jesus.”

  “Amen, Praise Jesus.” Hannah turned to Agent Miller who was suddenly smiling like he knew something, and was about to burst until he could spill it. “What? You can tell me, what has you so pleased?”

  “What? What exactly do you mean?”

  Hannah’s eyes narrowed, “Miller, don’t try that one again.”

  “Try what?”

  “Playing the innocent. Because you’re a lousy actor.”

  Eric laughed, as did everyone else in the elevator, but Hannah. She just did not feel right. Something was definitely going on behind the scenes here, and she was not at all pleased about it because it obviously concerned her.

  Raven was surprised when they arrived at Mr. Mayer’s office so quickly. She had been so caught up in the precious words that Hannah had spoken regarding her mom that she had actually forgotten what was going on. “Hannah, please just move me over there. I need to walk into his office.”


  Shockingly, Ms. Travers wasn’t at her desk. She looked around and the few people that were in the office were trying too obviously not to look in her direction. An uneasiness gripped her causing her hands to shake as she took the crutches from Steve.

  “Hey, you okay?” Steve looked at her.

  Raven just nodded. Clearing her throat, she turned to Eric, but before she could say anything he responded.

  “It would be an honor to carry in your items.”

  A slight smile lifted her mouth, as tears gathered. “Thank...”

  “No, no need.” He broadly smiled, “You’re welcome.”

  Turning back, Raven looked to Mr. Mayer’s office and somehow knew that she could walk right into his office without any warning. Looking to the ceiling, she momentarily concentrated on Jesus, she needed His strength. A softness washed over her, and an unexplainable strength inwardly lifted her. She looked to his closed door with confidence and slowly began making her way towards it. Eric walked before her and opened up Mr. Mayer’s office door. She smiled to Eric and then stepped through.

  A dizziness assailed her, something so tightly squeezed her heart and she just stood there. She would have fallen if Steve hadn’t come up behind her with his hand on her back.

  “Ma’am, let me help you to your seat right here.”

  Raven couldn’t speak, she looked behind to Steve. His smile seemed so encouraging and she allowed him to help her sit down while Eric placed her black assault bag on her lap. As if in a dream, Raven looked up to Mr. Mayer, along with the Director of the United States Secret Service, the Assistant Director, and three other Executive Directors. They were all standing behind and around Agent Mayer without any expression on their faces. All staring straight at her.

  “I would like to resign from the United States Secret Service.” The words seemed to just flow from her mouth, although her mind was in so much turmoil. “It has been a wonderful pleasure serving under you all. I apologize that I am unable to give you any more notice, but physically I am unable to do so. I also,” a small tear ran down her cheek, “would like to apologize for any disservice I may have been a part of, and for any undo embarrassment I may have caused the service. I fully respect the United States Secret Service, and am saddened for having caused shame to be brought down upon the Department. I also take full responsibility for my actions and the unnecessary shame they may have caused.” As she spoke, Steve took her bag and carefully placed her letter, along with all of her issued items out in the open upon Mr. Mayer’s huge oak desk. He then reached into his pocket and her firearm glinted in the light as he included that as well.

  Mr. Mayer took a deep breath and leaned forward on his desk, “We do accept your resignation. We will proceed with the agent debriefing. Agent Miller, you may stay in the room.”

  Raven wiped her tears as they proceeded to explain all of the things she would not be able to say, do, or write. Her chest constricted, they were writing her out of their books, out of the service, out of her career. It was so much harder than she had realized it would be. She would have nothing left of her old life, nothing except a lonely house in the middle of the country. Steve placed his hand on her back in show of support and quietly handed her a tissue.

  “Special Agent Raven Somers, do you agree and understand all that I have said?”

  She tried to straighten up a little straighter to show her respect, but her side rebelled. “Yes, sir. I do.”

  “Okay, Miss Somers, we, too, are saddened to have lost a respectable agent as yourself. You have served the service well, and we wish you well in all that you do. Now, we cannot, however, accept your apology because apparently there is no fault to be laid at your feet.”

  Confusion struck her already tangled mind.

  “The President of the United States, President Drake Hawk has issued a formal letter signed and sealed by him taking full responsibility. He has also further explained that he has in no way wasted any government funds, nor tax payers’ dollars. He has stated that all help he has received in this matter, has been purely on a personal basis, and that all money spent, including vehicle gas money and wages, was spent out of his personal accounts. He has also provided all receipts, should that ever be in question.” Mr. Mayer picked up a letter and looked to Raven, “He has ordered this letter to be placed in your permanent record. The presence of it will further stop anyone from even attempting civil, criminal, or any legal action against you in regards to himself, be it in the past or in the future.”

  She physically felt a burden lift from her. Drake had put himself, and basically his whole administration’s reputation on the line. All for her.

  “So, Miss Somers, you are officially, and honorably resigned from the United States Secret Service.”

  Raven was so stunned. He had not only protected her, he had protected her future as well.

  “Now that is settled, we can proceed.”


  “Yes, ma’am. We are in the process of setting up your personal protection detail. In the meantime, until that is officially in place, President Hawk has officially requested, with a signed agreement from Special Agent in Charge Luciano Moreno, Special Agents Zeak, Lawrence...” His office door opened.

  Her heart dropped, panic violently gripped her body, as Zeak, Lawrence, Techy and Miller filed out in front of her. Standing straight and tall, their hands clasped in front of them smiling. “No, no.” Violently shaking her head, “I will not accept a detail. There is no need for one, I’m going home to Illinois. Thank you, but no I do not accept it.”

  “Miss Somers, you have no choice. President Hawk has personally ordered it.”

  Raven’s mind raced for ways to get her out of this horrible nightmare, she grabbed her crutches and painfully stood, “I declare USC Code 18 Section 22a, I verbally denounce the detail. I do not need it, nor want it. But thank you anyway. No.” She tried to walk away.

  “Ma’am. President Hawk has also added that USC Code 18 Section 22b be put in place, which states that because of the nature of this situation and the possible imminent threat to himself, and you, he has legally overrode your decision. It is binding, and has already been signed in the presence of the higher courts. It is completely unnegotiable. It is a sound order, sealed, and binding. There are no loopholes and no one can override his decision, or even attempt to.”

  A wave of nausea slammed through her. How had she forgotten that Drake wasn’t just Drake? He was currently one of the most powerful men in the world. Zeak helped her sit down before she fainted. “I can’t Zeak, please don’t do this, please.”

  “Raven. I regret to have to do what I am about to do, but you need to face your feelings, or we are going to be forever battling with you.” Walking over he took a piece of paper that Mr. Mayer handed him. “Read this.”

  She frowned, and looked to see what it was. She gulped, “I can’t.”

  “You must.” His quiet voice held a co

  She read it. Near the end of the explanation, her stomach started dry heaving. The trash can was placed in her lap as Zeak rubbed her back. How could someone want to do that to Drake? How could they even think it, or plan it?

  “That is all the confirmation we need.” Mr. Mayer stepped around his desk and picked up the paper that had fallen from her shaking fingers. He handed it over to the Director who was smiling, and calmly shredded it.

  “Raven. That was just a stupid threat report that you read. Something that you have been reading, filing, and dealing with your whole career.”

  “But it’s different.” Her pitiful voice echoed in the trash can.

  “You’re right. It is different because it is directly threatening someone that you care very deeply for. Not just a protectee.”

  Lawrence came back into the office with a cold, wet cloth and put it across her forehead, coaxing her to lean back and relax as he patted her face. Suddenly, the Batman Theme song resonated through the office.

  The four agents laughed. Lawrence turned and motioned to her bag, “Uh that will be for Raven. Miller, you had better get that or believe me it will not stop ringing.”

  Placing the phone in her hands, Miller said, “Raven open your eyes, you need to read your message.”

  She looked down at the phone, ‘I miss you so much, my arms ache for you.’ Blushing, Raven took the cloth from Lawrence.

  “I’m okay, now. Thank you for your help.” She handed the phone back to Lawrence who put it back in her bag. She should have responded, but how could she respond to him? She just didn’t know.

  “Well, sirs, I think we need to get our protectee back to bed. So we will leave now, and don’t worry we’ll think of a snazzy call sign for her. Wait, I know, how about Batwoman?” Chuckling, Zeak helped her up and then carefully helped her into the waiting wheelchair. Raven suddenly had no fight left in her, she was so very tired. Slumping in the chair, she tried to get comfortable, but it was difficult.

  “Don’t worry, Raven, we will be out of here in no time.” Lawrence walked right next to her carrying her bag.

  Closing her eyes, she couldn’t help but think of Drake and his comforting arms aching for her. She really did crave them, too.

  Within just a few short minutes, Zeak was helping her into the back of one of the presidential limos. She didn’t argue, fight, whine, cry, or complain, she hardly had any energy to lift her hand.

  Lawrence was already inside helping her to stretch out. He placed a soft, fuzzy blue pillow under her head, and with a matching blanket identical to the one that had been in her room, covered her. “This is my blanket, isn’t it?”

  “Yes.” He smirked.

  She opened her eyes, and looked to Zeak, “Can you please take me to Arlington? I really need to see my dad’s cross.”

  He softly smiled, “Sure.” He clicked on his transmitter, “Take us to Arlington Cemetery.”

  Lawrence held out a drink for her, “Here, this should help. It’s just Ginger Ale.”

  Sipping, Raven smiled, “Thank you, I needed that.”

  “You’re welcome, now rest until we get there.”

  “Raven, we’ve arrived.”

  Raven opened her eyes and started to try and sit up. “I-I don’t have my earplugs. Do you have any with you?”

  Zeak smiled, “You won’t need them today. There are no funerals scheduled until tonight, and it has already been arranged that there will be no guns fired.”

  Her eyes widened, “Oh...thank you.” Slowly, she was helped from the limo and placed into a small black wheelchair.

  “This is your new wheelchair, we will use it whenever you need to go anywhere, or at least until those ribs fully heal and you are more up to walking on your crutches.”

  She couldn’t form any words, she just silently nodded her head. Raven tiredly looked around and was surprised to see that they were already at her father’s gravesite. “How did you know?”

  “It’s our business to know the details, isn’t it?” Zeak placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “I-I guess.” Her tears already started flowing down her face when she saw his white cross. She could so easily pick it out. It didn’t matter that from behind his looked like all the rest alongside it on the hill. To her, his was so distinct. In the far distance sirens sounded, but no gunshots. A hope was suddenly renewed within her, she would hear her father’s honorary gun salute, someday.

  “Would you like to get closer, and sit down beside it? We’ll carry you.”

  She nodded. Tears continuing to flow, her heart aching so desperately to just see his face one more time, Raven allowed them to carry her.

  As they very carefully placed her on the ground beside her dad’s cross, the sirens got louder and then just as quickly they quit. It became so quiet, and peaceful. She didn’t notice anything other than her dad’s beautiful name and rank etched into the cross. Her fingers lightly grazed over each letter just like she so often did as a little girl sitting on her daddy’s lap while he wore his flight suit. A sob caught in her throat as the letters swam before her eyes, and Raven gave in to her deep heartache. She missed him so much. His smile, his voice, his hugs. So caught up in her misery, Raven didn’t even notice the long motorcade quietly parking behind the limo. Nor Drake, dressed in his tailored black suit, red silk shirt, and infamous no-tie appearance, silently walking down towards her.

  Drake very carefully wrapped her in his arms while she poured her heart out to him. He held her for as long as she needed him to.

  Wiping her final tears away, he tenderly kissed her beautiful blue eyes, all the while praying that the Lord would bless him with the ability to be able to make her eyes smile again. His heart ached when she tilted her pale face to look at him.

  “I need to get you to bed. You need to sleep in order to heal.”

  His rough, commanding voice had never sounded so good to her ears. She was so tired that she couldn’t even speak, nor nod her head, she just leaned heavily against him, and slowly breathed in his wonderful scent.

  “Oh sweetheart, we have got to get you back to bed.” He quickly stood and bent down to pick her up.

  Raven closed her eyes, and didn’t open them up again until she was being carefully placed inside his presidential limousine. Surprisingly she didn’t care, she just wanted to stay in his arms. “Drake?” Her voice so quiet, and devoid of strength.

  Shifting her a little better on his lap, at the same time trying to position himself on his seat, Drake looked into her tired, pain filled eyes, “Yes, sweetheart?”

  She shook her head and tucked her nose into his neck, “Never mind.”

  His throat tightened as he held his hand out to one of his detail agents who was already holding out her prescribed medicine bottle.

  “Raven, you need to take this.”

  She looked, but didn’t open her mouth, instead she laid her head back down against his chest, closing her eyes.

  “Come on, your doctor ordered it. It doesn’t make you any tougher not to. We already know that you are an amazingly strong woman, but you really need this right now. Maybe in a couple of days you won’t as much, but right now, with being so fresh from your accident, and surgery you really should take it. Come on, sweetheart, don’t make me beg. You are exhausted, and if I can relieve at least a few moments of your pain, I’m going to do it.”

  When she still didn’t move, he pulled back slightly and raised her chin up, “Am I going to have to get Agent Knowles to assist you in taking it? Believe me, he knows things and techniques that will make your head spin.”

  Frowning, Raven shook her head and opened her mouth for the pill, then took the cup of Ginger Ale and drank. Once it was down, Drake moved his hand to her neck and affectionately held her to him. “Now sleep.”


  Laughing, Drake kissed her.

  She only barely became aware of being moved out of the limo
and carried inside. It was so relaxing and comforting to know that for the first time in a long time she didn’t have to deal with anything other than sleep.

  A sudden jarring had her groaning. She lifted her heavy eyelids in time to see them entering into a dark hallway. “Drake? Where are we?”

  “We’re on our way to put you to bed in our private little room.”

  “Oh, okay.”

  He chuckled, “I can only hope that you will always be this compliant with me.”

  She tenderly hit him, “I’m sleeping on the couch?”

  “No, the couch makes out into a bed. I was afraid to tell you that morning when we were sitting on it. I thought that you would hit me.” Laughing, he stopped and leaned in close to her ear. “Would you have?”


  He rubbed his nose with hers, “Well, then I’m happy I didn’t.” Starting to walk again, he turned off into another hallway, “I think you will really be surprised by what else you will find in there. Like a gorgeous bathtub, in a kind of small bathroom. Then there is a small office for me, with all necessary communications. There is a refrigerator and freezer next to a small sink. The walls, ceiling and floor are all soundproof, fireproof, explosive proof, and all other proofs you can think of. And the best part is that only a select few know about it. Pretty much just the guys that escorted you there, and two more, their SAIC, and ASAIC. I walk in a different way than the one you were taken through, but what you probably didn’t see was the two vault like doors before you even get close to the room. Just in case someone should wonder through past the private administration security center that you had seen. Each door is impenetrable, and completely secure with combinations. But don’t worry there is also a special breaching of that in case something should go wrong, known only by me and Techy. And should we lose electricity, well it is backed up with solar power.”

  “So it is basically your private, exclusive bomb shelter.”

  “Yep. Yours and mine. I like to think of it as our private little getaway. It wastes too much government money traveling, and I have to do enough of it on business. I’m not about to have them pay for my vacations with manpower, plane fuel, and everything else that is required for me to be able to go somewhere, or walk down a street. And my family could also live and stay there for a very long period of time if we would have to for some unexplained reason. I can also run the government from my little command center in there.”

  “Wouldn’t we run out of food?”

  “Nope. I have that taken care of with my chef and a few agents. Special secret care is taken within that transaction, too.”

  “Where do you go for vacations with your children?”

  “We stay home. It’s a great vacation because we aren’t spending government money and we’re together. Which is really what vacations should be about. We play all sorts of things. And you know all about the luxuries in this big house, including the movie theater. There really is no reason to have to leave. We have a wonderful time. We’ve only been able to enjoy everything together on the weekend so far, but that is what we are planning to do for all of our family vacations while I’m in office. You know, I may be considered the anti-sociable president, but I’m basically here to lower our debt, and get the government back on track towards the foundational principles of God. I do appearances, but only when I deem them necessary. If the people don’t like that then I guess they won’t elect me again, but at least I will know that all I did glorified God, not man. I’m here to work to help improve the government and strengthen America, as well as attempting to strengthen our ties with Israel, and other countries. To put us back on the path God had designed us to be on, that is all.”

  Raven tenderly smiled, her finger caressed his neck as she again smelled his wonderful scent. “My dad would have highly approved of that. I can walk if you have my crutches.”

  “I don’t think so, you’re barely awake. And no, it’s too far while your ribs are still cracked. I know those crutches can be brutal with hurt ribs. I’ve seen grown, muscular men not be able to hack that. This is also good exercise for me, and it gives me a chance to keep my arms around you, too. Here we are.”

  Carefully laying her down on the bed, Drake gave her an outfit to change into. “I think your leg may sweat too much with the cast on and jogging pants over it. So, here you go. Go ahead and change, I have to go take care of a few things.” He caressed her chin, bringing his lips to briefly meet hers and then he stood and started walking to the door.

  “How did you open that door without my hand?”

  He smiled broadly, “I have to be able to get in here without you being out there with me, don’t I?”

  “Then that means you didn’t need my hand last week?”

  “I did. Because I chose for you to help me open the door.”

  She shook her head, “You can be really aggravating. Do you know that?”

  He winked.

  “Okay, this does not feel like an ordinary couch sofa.”

  Drake turned, smiling, “I have to take care of my sweetheart, don’t I? Comfortable?”


  “Okay, change. I’ll be back soon.” He winked again, and walked out of the room, securely shutting the door behind him.

  Half an hour later, Drake hesitated before opening the door, his hand slightly shook. Would she throw something at him, or would she glare at him and refuse to wear the outfit?

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  “Uh, nothing.”

  Zeak smiled, “Afraid of how she will be when you go in there?”

  Drake sheepishly shrugged, “Possibly. I just...” He turned to face Zeak, someone that he had grown to really confide in. “The outfit.” They had a lot in common, and Zeak had become more of Drake’s ‘physical lifeline’ to reality while he was in this crazy part of his journey.

  Zeak snickered, “I think it will be fine. But that was a pretty bold move after all she’s been through with the service today, and with us this past week. However, I must say great job on how you handled the service, by the way. I could tell by her shocked expression that you had really amazed her in your show of respect for her. You put yourself and your administration’s reputation on the line, and it isn’t like it’s over, once and done. I mean that is an ongoing thing.”

  Drake ran his hand through his hair, “It was the truth. I could do nothing less.”

  “Hey, enjoy this quality time with her, and don’t worry about anything out here. Your mom is so excited that you two are finally together, and she is really enjoying her grandchildren. Which in turn is really giving their agents a break this time because the children are ecstatic about Raven being here. Don’t worry, just walk in there and the Lord will give you strength to deal with whatever you have to deal with.” Zeak patted him on the back, “Go on into the lioness’s den.” He laughed as Drake punched him. “Hey, if you need anything for your command center, or if White House Communications is having trouble with their hook up, or any other problems with it working, just holler and Techy will be right there.”

  “Yeah, I will.” Before he lost his nerve, Drake opened the door and stepped in.

  As the door closed behind him, his mouth softly fell open and he sighed. His heart raced as he quietly walked over to his sweetheart looking so peaceful in the presidential logo designed t-shirt and running shorts...sound asleep. Her hand suddenly reached out to where he would lay, patting around, searching. A cute frown furrowed her brow when she didn’t touch him. His blood raced through his veins, as he placed his hand on hers and a delicate smile brightened her face. His knees grew weak, she really was finally his. He fell to his knees beside the bed, his hand warmly holding hers, praising and thanking the Lord for this beautiful blessing He had bestowed upon him.