Read A Step Beyond Protection Page 8

  Chapter 8

  Her eyes gritty, her mood even grittier, Raven unlocked her condo door early Monday morning. She didn’t even bother to check her kitchen or living room for the guys. At this point she really didn’t care if they were here. One comment and they would wish they didn’t even know her. What an awful weekend. Walking into her bedroom, she flipped on the light and shock slammed into her. Her mouth open, Raven stepped into her room and mentally tried to count all that she saw. There were over twenty groups of white roses, with a single red rose in each group standing tall in their vases all throughout her room. They looked so beautiful. Her heart almost melted until she remembered the lost cause of enjoying them. Drake. Her bed was the only surface that didn’t have any roses, instead there was a huge beautiful blue furry blanket spread on top.

  Frowning, Raven took a step forward unable to believe what was right in front of her. Property of the President of the United States was emblazoned across the top with the infamous Presidential seal below it in gold. Identical to the t-shirt she had worn a few days ago. Without thinking, Raven grabbed the blanket, bunched it up and took all of her anger out on it. Her mind rebelled and squashed all thinking about how sweet that night had been when she had worn that t-shirt, and how softly and so respectably he had kissed her goodnight. Never again, never again!

  A few hours later, Raven walked into the supply room to refill her coffee mug. It was still early, the duty desk agent had just rotated out, and her boss was now in his office. Fighting back her yawn, Raven sighed. It had been such a busy morning. But alas her bags were all packed, along with all of her other personal belongings waiting in her truck ready for the trip home. Nothing left in the condo was hers, at least nothing that she would claim, most especially those beautiful roses. They would be a great parting gift for the manager today. His wife would love them, and that should help ease any tension that may be there because she had to back out of the lease early.

  All she would have to do is donate that double bagged, infuriating blanket on her way out of town in a few hours. Rounding her desk, she picked up her assault bag and checked off her mental list again of all of her issued items she had to turn in. They would just have to pick up her gun from the armory at the training complex. If it wasn’t there, then they would just have to locate it because that was where she had left it. Her most recent resignation letter was neatly tucked in the side of the bag.

  Techy sure did a number on her personal computer, every time she had tried to type a resignation letter it had deleted it. After trying a few things, she had found out that as long as the words resignation and resign wasn’t in it, it would stay up. She would just have to give that computer away and buy a new one. She didn’t trust that Techy guy, he was way too good with electronics. Sitting back down, she leaned forward resting her head on her hand. Four cups of coffee and she was just now feeling a little better.

  Her ankle really started throbbing. Stashing her personal vehicle near the headquarters then running to work may have been over doing it, but either way it had been a success because she had not seen any of the CAT guys. And she was not taking any chances when she was finally this close to going home.

  Raven could not wait to be on her way home in her own truck. Maybe then she would be free of this unsettling feeling in her gut, and be able to finally relax. She would drive through two other states before she stopped. Hopefully by then she would have enough coffee in her to make up for her sleepless weekend. Looking to the clock on the wall, Raven started to head to her boss’s office, but the blaring of the office intercom stopped her.

  “Agent Somers. You are needed over in the tourist wing immediately. Meet Agent Smith right outside the door.”

  Raven sprang into action and ran out of the office where Agent Smith was bending over catching his breath.

  His face was red from his exertion, “We’ve got to hurry. The tours open up in just over an hour and the first kids have locked themselves in the public bathrooms.”

  “Oh great! How have they managed that?”

  “Hard to say, but they had just been with their grandma, and then wham they were gone.”

  Raven quickly followed Eric letting him clear the way to the tourist section. Hallway after hallway, her head spun, but finally they were in the stairwell. Not wanting to further injure her ankle, she slowed down a bit and was so glad when she was finally moving into the huge open room where the bathrooms were. The kids’ traveling detail were outside the bathrooms angrily waiting.

  One agent motioned for her to stand right in front of the door. Raven moved up.

  “Agent Somers is here now.” His voice filled with frustration.

  Questioningly, Raven turned to the agent who just shrugged and backed away.

  “I don’t believe you until I hear her voice.” Jake’s proud voice echoed in the bathroom.

  The agent pointed to the door, “Well, tell them.”

  “I’m here. This is Agent Somers. Why don’t you just open the doors? Come on, you don’t want to be late for school and get into trouble.”

  “We really do not care about school right now. We have a bigger problem!”

  “You tell her, Jake!” Madeline’s angry voice shouted through the room.

  “What? What’s the bigger problem?”

  “Is Dad out there?”


  “I’m right here. Come out of there, right now!” Drake’s husky voice ordered them to obey.

  A wave of dizziness slammed against Raven, and she subtly grabbed the door for support. Her hand tightened into a fist.

  “Not until you and Raven kiss and make up!” Jake ordered back at his father.

  Nausea struck her quicker than the full realization of those words scattering across the listening protective detail, not to mention the infamous Presidential Protection Detail (PPD) standing off to the side.

  “Raven, you have sad eyes, and I don’t like that. Daddy now has them, too. I even caught him crying when he was praying last night, your picture was in his hands. You both need each other to have happy eyes again! So, kiss!” Madeline’s voice seemed even more commanding than her brother’s and her father’s put together.

  Blindly, Raven walked towards the direction of the stairwell.


  She stopped. His commanding voice penetrating deep into her heart. The heavy weight of shame on her shoulders caused her head to hang down. She looked to her boots, and the memories of this last week suddenly rolled through her mind. Drake softly promising that he wouldn’t get involved in her job, promising that it would be alright if she just had faith. That combined with her miserable sleepless weekend had her suddenly seeing red. With nothing more to lose, she flung around and standing tall, walked up to him and pointed at his face, “You promised me you would not get involved in my job. You got your children involved! All I wanted to do was to be left alone, to get back to work and save my career.” She pushed him, “How dare you? You jerk! I just wanted to be left alone, I didn’t want to disgrace the service! Have faith you said?” Raven continued to launch at him until what seemed to be a dozen pair of hands grabbing her and violently yanking her from him. Which just made her even madder because it was all his fault!

  “Get your hands off of her. Let her go, now!” Drake’s angry command vibrated through the room.

  Raven continued to fight with her captors, she managed to kick a few, and even Drake got hit when he was trying to pull his detail agents off of her. Finally, she was free. The fight still strong in her, she turned on Drake and started hammering him over and over again in the chest. “Why? Why, me? Why?” Sobbing, her fingers clung to his white silky shirt. “I’ve lost everything. Are you happy, now? You have nothing to worry about, but now I’ve lost everything!”

  Pushing away, Raven stumbled towards the door that led to the stairwell.

  “Raven, sweetheart? Please...”
  She froze in her tracks and viciously yelled. “Don’t! Don’t you even dare come near me!” Rushing as if her life depended on it, Raven sprinted through the door and up the stairs.

  Her tears were blinding her, and she couldn’t focus on the steps. Without any warning, her ankle gave out and the ground rushed up to meet her. Pain seared through her leg and a loud snap resonated through the stairwell mixing with Drake’s scream and hers, as the splintering of her leg sharply cut through her nerves. Her side smashed into another step causing her to lose her breath, and her head hit against the top step at the landing invoking more pain as warm liquid started seeping out. She moaned and rolled her head against the hard concrete. Strong, comforting hands surrounded her face. “Drake?”

  “Yes, baby, I’m right here. Don’t worry, sweetheart, you’ll be fine. Get that ambulance here, now!”

  Too many voices were urgently relaying information. Moaning, Raven tried to cover her ears, but she could only move her arms a little bit. All the voices were giving her a headache.

  His lips tenderly kissed hers. “Just relax, sweetheart.” He tenderly wiped her brow, at the same time applied more pressure to the side of her forehead.

  “Stop, don’t.”

  “Baby, I have to. You’re bleeding, I’m just applying pressure.”

  Her vision became blurry as she saw people rushing all around her, she tried to move away but couldn’t.

  “Daddy, is Raven alright?” Madeline’s concerned little voice floated up to Raven.

  “Daddy! Say she will be alright!” Jake screamed orders at his dad.

  “She’ll be fine Jake and Maddie. Now you need to leave.” Turning to Collars, his lead detail agent, he hissed, “Get my kids out of here, now.”

  “Please...” Raven tried moving.

  “Stay still, sweetheart. Don’t move.”

  “No. Stairs...hurt...”

  “Drake, she needs to be moved, the step is poking into her back and side causing added stress.” Without waiting for a reply, Lawrence, Zeak and Techy took control of the situation and very carefully moved her up the step onto the top landing.

  Drake continued to hold his suit jacket against her forehead. Praying, Drake rubbed her hair off her face, and gently stroked her skin hoping to relieve some of the pain.

  “Raven? It’s Zeak. Open your eyes, babe. Yep, that’s it.” He chuckled, “I know the light is harsh, but come on open up so I can see. Good.” He turned and rattled off information to Techy, who was translating it to the incoming ambulance. He was also reading from her medical chart kept in the office of allergies, and any previous conditions.

  Raven suddenly arched in pain, and loudly groaned while instinctively trying to hide her face towards Drake.

  “It’s alright. You can hit Lawrence when you’re feeling better. In fact, I just might help you with that. He’s the one down there hurting you. I’m doing your vitals, so your chest is going to feel something cold against it.”

  Tears flowed down her cheeks, and she groaned as Lawrence had to shift her leg again. Her weak fingers grabbed at Drake’s trying desperately to pull him towards her. “Drake.”

  “My sweetheart. I’m right here.” He rested his forearms on either side of her head, and stretched his long legs out behind him.

  “I...I...don’t feel so...well.” Drake’s concerned face swam before her.

  “Raven, we are going to start an IV. The ambulance is only five minutes away.” Zeak quickly swabbed her vein. “Okay, it’s in.” Taping up her arm, he urgently ordered the recommended dose of narcotics. “Okay, sweetie, you’re going to feel a little funny, I’m giving you some medicine to relax you and to help ease your pain so that your heart rate and blood pressure will regulate. Tell EMT Tech Sullivan it’s a go. Standby for her new vitals...”

  Her head started to feel funny, she tried to keep her eyes fixed on Drake, but she couldn’t. “Drake...I’m sorry. Please don’t...leave.” Her words slurred and she tried to hold on tighter to him.

  “I’m not sweetheart. I’m right here, feel me?” His nose rested against hers, breathing her in.

  She tried to nod.

  “Raven, don’t fight it, just relax, let the medicine do its job. Don’t worry, sweetie, you’re alright. And believe me, we’ll make sure you’re not alone.” His hand continued to rub her arm. He looked to Techy and Lawrence, strong concern washed over their faces. Lawrence briefly shook his head and then looked to her leg, and back up again. “Her bad ankle?”

  “Yep. PPD said that she was running up the steps. It must have given out again when she ran causing her to fall. It’ll need surgically set, then once that heals, another ankle recon I’m sure. I’ll stand in surgery with her.”

  “Okay. Techy, call Luciano and tell him to get down here stat, with reinforcements.” He tilted his head over to where Drake was laying down, and comforting Raven. “Even though it’s out in here, it isn’t in the presses, so he can’t come. The more that believe she is just an injured agent, the better.” He prayed that Drake would not put up too much of a fight. Turning to the lead PPD agent in the room, Zeak continued to prepare, “When SAIC gets here, as soon as we leave with her, close off the stairwell completely and every agent but Luciano and his men are to leave. Hard telling what will happen. Did you delay the tours?”

  “Yep. All taken care of. Damage control is done. All lips are sealed and the kids are with their grandmother in the family quarters. Two agents are at their door, not allowing them to leave until the President can deal with them.”

  Zeak reached to his belt and adjusted the volume of his earpiece, “Perfect. Roger says the ambulance is approaching now.”

  “All clear for ambulance.” Agents filed out and cleared the way. His SAIC Moreno rushed in with six of their biggest guys.

  Lawrence whistled and shook his head, this was not going to be pretty.

  “All clear. Two EMTs running in with the board stretcher.” An agent at the bottom of the stairwell informed them.

  “Raven? Just remain calm, okay sweetie? We’re only allowing two EMTs in, Techy, Lawrence and I will be carrying you down. Okay?”

  She lightly nodded.

  Lawrence quickly turned to the two EMTs rushing into the stairwell, “You are to help our female agent. That is it. What you see in this stairwell is classified. If you so much as breathe anything about it, anything at all, we will prosecute. Understood?”

  “Yes, sir.” Together, both men confirmed.


  Luciano lowered himself on his hunches and placed his hand on Drake’s back. “I know it’s hard, but she’s in great hands. She’ll be fine. The Lord is with her, you know that.”

  Drake nodded, he leaned in and kissed her once more. A knot was lodged into his throat and he couldn’t speak.

  “Great job, guys. I’m going to adjust her flow since her vitals are much better. A top ankle specialist from Baltimore is on standby at the George Washington University Hospital, he was already in residence when the call came through. He is looking over her past injury now. Raven? I’m EMT Tech Sullivan, I will be in the back with you, monitoring you, okay?” Quickly placing his items back in his bag, he took up her IV bag and looked to make sure his partner had the board stretcher on the landing ready for her. He looked to the other agents, “Ready? Raven, we are going to lift you now and you may feel a little more pain, but the medicine will help with that.”

  “Remember, also watch her side, strong possibility of cracked ribs. Drake, lift her head on three. Ready?”

  Drake quickly got to his feet, bent down, and nodded.


  Raven lightly moaned.

  In record time she was strapped in, and lifted back up to be quickly carried down the steps.

  Luciano signaled, and the door was quickly slammed in Drake’s face.

  While placing her board stretcher on the
waiting cart, a loud force connected with the door. The EMTs were momentarily startled, while Agent Collars stood rigid, his face unreadable as he leaned against the shaking door.

  Zeak shouted out orders, “Ignore and proceed men. Just ignore and proceed!”

  Her foot felt like it was on fire. She tried to lift it, but it weighed a ton. Her mouth was so dry, and she felt something holding her down on her left side, and then there was a beeping sound coming from her right. Gingerly opening her eyes, she quickly saw she was lying in a hospital room, and the blinds were shut. She looked to where the sound was coming from and saw the machine attached to an IV pole. She looked to her other side and her breath caught. Drake was asleep with his head resting up against her. Both of his hands were holding onto her thigh, gripping her. And one of his hands had a bandage strapped around his knuckles. There was a puffy scratch on his cheekbone, but he looked so at peace. She softly raised her hand and traced his brow, he was so handsome.

  His eyes immediately opened in shock, then when he saw her, a huge smile lightened his face. “Hi.”

  She sadly smiled.

  “Hey, sweetheart. It’s okay.” He leaned up to kiss her.”

  “I’m thirsty.”

  “Oh, okay. I’ll get something.” Opening up her door, he leaned out to talk to someone. Striding back to her bed, he tenderly looked at her, “Zeak is getting it.”

  “I like your uniform.”

  “Yep, just like a regular CAT guy, eh? Look at this.” He put the ball cap on his head and tilted it down, then walked back and forth in front of her. He cocked his head, lifted his hat slightly, winking, “Good cover, eh?”

  Her heart skipped a beat, “Yes.”

  “There she is.” Chuckling, Zeak walked into the room carrying a white Styrofoam cup with straw. “And here is your Ginger Ale. So, do you like Drake’s new look?”

  “Yes.” She sighed, and looked to Zeak. “Thank you for everything.” Her voice choked and covering her face Raven began to cry.

  She remembered only bits and pieces of what happened, but one thing she really remembered was that Zeak had always been right there, talking to her. Then Lawrence when they were waking her up from surgery. She remembered him leaning in and laughingly assuring her that she had not divulged any top secret information during it. Drake tucked her face into his neck, comforting her, and filling her ears with unbelievable endearments. She would not think about what she faced, nor what tomorrow would bring; she would just allow herself this one moment of breathing in his comforts. Greedily, her fingers grabbed his shirt holding onto him, trying to get even closer.

  “Please, hold me.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, I’ve longed for you to ask me that. Hold on.” He took off his long-sleeve black BDU shirt and very gently moved her over more in the bed. Then after stretching out, he very carefully pulled her into his arms, making sure that they were both covered with the blanket. His arms were completely around her and her beautiful face tucked into his chest against his t-shirt. “Is this okay? It’s not hurting you, is it?” His hand rested against her fractured ribs.

  “No, it’s not hurting me.”

  “I’m praying that you find peaceful sleep in my arms. That you will not have any more nightmares, and that your spirit rests completely in Jesus’ arms as you are physically resting in mine.”

  A tender smile broke her frown, and raising her lips to him, Raven kissed him on her own for the first time ever.

  Drake’s heart melted.