Read A Stranger's Fear Page 1

A Stranger's Fear

  With editing and bonus material added.

  By Beth Hoyer

  Copyrighted Beth Hoyer 2013

  This eBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This eBook may not be resold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this eBook with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  The old man Robert sat by the fireplace with a fire roaring away bringing warmth in the room. He sat in an armchair patiently waiting while glancing out the window that showed the setting sun over the snow covered ground. He heard noises of people coming into the room from eating dinner chattering away. He eyed his grandchildren who sat next to the fireplace. Their chatter talk he overheard talking about wanting to visit Luna the giant space station.

  Robert frowned sitting hearing the grandchildren's talk till they became silent and saw them gazing at the fire. He figured that they were daydreaming again.

  He spoke loudly "Grandchildren I have a story to tell you so do you care to listen to it?"

  He eyed the grandchildren who shifted attention from the fireplace towards him. They gave him head bobs in the Humanoid Egyptian style while focused onto him attentively. Robert began his tale:

  In a galaxy of seventeen planets the fourth from the sun with a moon orbiting it held the planetary world of Egyptia. The astronomers as they were called back then were baffled on what their world Egyptia looked like from its planetary neighbors' views or from the moon's view. They created technology to view the planet from above in space among the moon and planets then they debated on when to send Egyptians into space. Satellite probes were sent to the moon to inspect it which it was revealed to be metallic from the looks of it including indicating it wasn't made out of rock but something else. The scientists as they were called this time were baffled on this till they created a satellite that had a weapon that could cut metal is when the moon's weapons wound up activated destroying the probe. The scientists thought that sending Egyptians to the moon would be better than a satellite machine so an astronaut program was started focused onto the Columbia nation due to them having too much interested people more willing candidates to go to space despite foreigners from other nations going to their nation to enroll into the astronaut program. Columbia was the first to create technology involving sending people to space as it was called by the scientists but the technology involved putting people in cryogenic tubes asleep while they traveled from being planet bound to space only waking up once they reached a destination in space that sometimes involved orbiting Egyptia for testing on how Egyptians would function in space that involved no gravity and flying all over the place while there were numerous attempts to reach the moon. Technology is a fickle thing it sometimes worked and sometimes it didn't which is what happened with those attempts to the moon dubbed Luna back then. Sometimes the technology would fail to carry sleeping Egyptians to the moon instead suffer some kind of breakdown and with Engineers as their called monitoring the ship via signals to its computer and their computer communicating would sometimes have to turn the shuttle around back to planet and force it to land for repairs then again resume sending it to the moon. It took ten years of numerous attempts till a ship reached the moon with a pair of Egyptians a male named Robert and a female named Kimberly both from Columbia sleeping in it. When the ship dubbed Titan One reached the moon, Luna's capability of being a space station accepting ships inside it was revealed by technology on the space station getting a hold of the ship via some kind of laser like lights guiding it inside some opening and later docking the ship including setting the two Egyptians inside the ship life's functions for them to survive in the space station. Jason and Kimberly on arrival to the space station as it was realized what it was by the engineers back on Egyptia woke up from their sleep and were permitted by Luna's assumed computer's control mind to explore its contents. The pair found the space station could sustain life in space including gravity but would needed to be supplied with items such as nourishments and water from Egyptia due to indicating it didn't have either one of that. Luna was shaped like a moon orbiting Egyptia the planet they were in as named. Luna the space station was acting like a normal moon to the planet manipulating the tides of the ocean with its gravity pull. It was always moving around the planet always traveling in the dark side of night time. That time whenever that hit the planet as Egyptia. The planet dubbed Egyptia rotated in a circle from facing the sun. Egyptia was going around the sun in a giant circle. Its travels was twin to the other seventeen planets in the Horus galaxy as it was called. The seventeen planets were copying Egyptia's rotating method as they traveled around the sun in giant circles with various time lengths taken.

  "Jason in question was one of those sleepers happened to be an ancestor of the family who passed down this story to future generations such as you."

  Robert got interrupted by various questions by the grandchildren about Jason's time in space sleeping. He clapped his hands cutting their talk loudly.

  Robert spoke firmly "I'm telling the story so listen now."

  He got silence from the grandchildren in response but unblinking eyes staring at him.

  Anyway as I was saying it was Kimberly, your ancestor, wife of Jason, who insisted on the both of us to sign up for the trip to Luna. I do tell you that my trip to Luna involved sleeping actually. I had various dreams while I was down asleep in a lengthy ship trip to Luna.

  I didn't know that while I was asleep that the ship had a guardian life force named Eli. It's an Engineered Life Intelligence named Eli. It was actually a computer communicating with Luna's Eli as we called her now. It was Eli who was protecting myself and Kimberly from harm while in space. Her job including protecting me and making me feel safe while I was down asleep. I wound up given dreams while I was asleep of Eli acting like my Mother. Eli told me once I was down asleep able to understand her words referred herself to Guardian Angels. It happened after a scary nightmare woke me up from sleep. I recalled a fear as a child around your age. The fear was, I couldn't sleep in the dark alone for nights. My Father wound up hooking up a nightlight for me to sleep in bed in my bedroom. It happened after I had the nightmare of something I couldn't explain what it was but it scared me to keep me from sleeping. I would wound up getting too scared to sleep alone in my room. I tried to go to my parents' room next door but the dark hallway scared me. I would turn on the light in my room and find its illumination highlighted the hallway enough to go to my parents' room finding the door shut. I would open and sneak onto the bed where my parents slept unaware of me till morning is when they would wake up and find me there. My parents haven't been happy finding me in bed nearly every morning. That despite multiple punishments and trying to give me rewards in an attempt to change my behavior, I still kept sneaking into their bed at night. One night I found the door refused to open despite me manipulating the door's console repeatedly. I threw a crying fit very loudly along with banging onto the door. I was ignored despite how much noises I made and how loud I was. I was forced to go back to my room to keep the lights on till daylight was glimpsed through the window is when I would fall asleep conked out. That despite my Mother's attempts to wake me up me protesting that I wanted to sleep. She insisting that I wake up and do activities of staying out of the house playing despite the hot sun shining overhead. I would sit at a base of a tree and sleep till my Mother called me inside once it was time for meals. I found that sleeping at the base of the tree wasn't good due to bugs would crawl all over me like a rug. I stopped doing the sleeping and forced myself to stay awake for hours.

  One night during a wake up while on the route to Luna, it was Eli who communicated to me. It happened after I woke u
p from another nightmare of being afraid of the dark again. I was relieving childhood fears I thought I had conquered.

  Eli made her presence known to me, by speaking in that squeaky feminine voice tone "You have a Guardian Angel like anyone else does that protects you from harm. I'm that Guardian Angel that is helping you sleep and is always forever guarding you."

  I was shocked to hear her talk to me. That despite the Engineers have claimed that Eli was just a mindless computer without any intelligence. The Engineers have claimed that Eli was controlled by them planet bound.

  At first I thought it was the Engineers talking through the computer to say in response "Crazy talk from Egyptia."

  I heard in response "I'm not crazy. It's not Egyptia's planetary natives talking but me Eli the computer talking towards you."

  I was shocked speechless to think to myself "Those Engineers are crazy."

  I wound up resuming another sleeping status only to wake up by another nightmare again.

  This time Eli spoke "Next time you get scared tell your Guardian Angel to help you and help will always be given."
