Read A Stranger's Fear Page 2

felt myself confused with Eli's talk still assuming it was the Engineers doing it. I was aware that the voice said something important. I remembered what my Mother did during me having a crying fit outside my parents' bedroom's locked door. Mother came out and put me to bed and turned off the light and took the nightlight with her.

  I wound up woken up scared again.

  This time I demanded "Get me out of this sleeper tube now! I'm not sleeping any more!"

  Light flashed illuminating my sleeper tube including mysterious loud noises making me nervous that refused to go away despite my loud pleas of "Go away your scaring me!"

  I was suffering from my childhood fear again.

  I said "Guardian Angel help me! I'm scared!"

  I saw a glowing light of a female with black hair with large white bird's wings jutting from her back. She appearing onto the sleeper tube's window while appear wearing some dress covering her. She was glowing like the sun looking at me with a look on her face that reminded me of my parents would give me whenever they said that they loved me.

  The Angel I assumed was the female spoke "Jason, resume sleeping now. Your safe I oath to you. No harm will come to you I oath."

  I was shocked to hear Eli's familiar voice coming from the Angel despite she moving her mouth. Eli I saw appeared to get into the sleeper tube like a ghost with me. She gently leaned towards me and rubbed a hand on my forehead. Her touch felt warm and gently caressed the area like my Mother would do whenever I was sick. Eli's rubbing soothed me that I shut my eyes and fell asleep. I came to dream of being woken up by my Mother insisting that I get up and go outside to play. I found that in the dream, daylight of the sun was shining again and no tiredness hitting me. I went outside to play including playing with the neighborhood's kids near a river running across the street from my house. Eli helped me remember that I had a Guardian Angel in my childhood. The Guardian Angel in a male form proved to protect me at night whenever I was scared. It was by appearing to me after I screamed for him to come. Due to feeling upset from nightmares and from the stormy weather outside hitting at night I later learned as a child, that the lights flashing was lightening and noises were of thunder that always followed when such storm hit during the day. I clinging to Mother in fear which is when she told me of the storm and that it was a part of nature. I got over my fear of the storms but the darkness of night still scared me from time to time. I kept calling for my Guardian Angel who always appeared to comfort me enough to get me to sleep as always.

  I found that the sleeping periods resulted in relieving memories of this Guardian Angel I had in my life. I recalled one day while older a teenager that the Guardian Angel would come in different forms to protect me always using a male form. I found such protection happened when out walking following the river to the bridge. On the way home from high school that the ground gave away abruptly. I fell into the river swollen from multiple days of rains that was running fast and making it hard for me to swim in it. That despite hitting multiple objects of hidden rocks and tree limbs underneath while I was carried away. The carrying was leading towards the falls that led to a deadly pile of rocks at the bottom. It led to a small whirlpool like pond people have been rumored to disappear once caught in its grip.

  I screamed while trying to swim towards shore "Help me!"

  Next thing I knew a very strong muscular arm from the feel wrapped around my middle and pulled me with an ironclad grip towards the shore. The arm deposited me onto the river bank. I looked to find a man having a familiar face and familiar curly blonde hair. The male reminded me of my Guardian Angel glowing while having wings jutting from his back. He was wearing on his form of jeans, hiking boots, and a red plaid top showing a bit of his muscular chest peeking along with sleeves rolled. I stared at my Guardian Angel I assumed was him with shock as he pointed a finger in a direction and made a shooing gesture. I got up scrambling up the river bank to reach the top finding that I was on the other side of the river and turned around to find he was no where in sight.

  I wound up walking home and told my Mother once at home "I was saved by a Guardian Angel when I fell into the river he pulling me out."

  My Mother as usual gave off a chuckle sound sounding like she was proud to me and said "What did I tell you regarding your Guardian Angel?"

  I wound up saying "My Guardian Angel is always there for me to protect me from harm even if I don't ask for it."

  Mother nodded her head and shooed me out of the kitchen insisted that I go do my homework elsewhere while she cooked dinner.

  I didn't know that my Guardian Angel had an ability to talk to me is when I came home from college one night on a holiday to find the front door broken ajar.

  Some stranger looking like him appeared at my side minus his wings and glowing status while wearing his familiar river saving clad clothes telling me in a quiet voice tone "Don't go inside the house. Go to your neighbors and tell them to call the police. Don't worry everything will turn out alright I promise you."

  I obeyed to get to my next door neighbors' house. An older couple who let me inside and called the police who came shortly to go inside the house in a fast move I watching via the window. I felt my hand squeezed to notice my Guardian Angel standing next to me unseen by the house's inhabitants. He was appearing to look dim without his wings who put a finger to his lips making me be quiet but still had that look of caring on his face. I looked away. I discovered what my Guardian Angel meant by his words of his promise and hands squeezing is that an ambulance arrived to the house I shocked to see. One of the cops coming out going to the house I was in to ring the doorbell which my neighbor let him in. I was forced to sit down in an armchair by my Guardian Angel doing it still not seen by anyone but me.

  The cop came into the room with a grim look on his face seeing me speaking "Jason Jones is that you?"

  I nodded my head as the cop added "I'm sorry to regret but I found your parents dead of a gun weapon inside a bedroom."

  I felt myself numb of shock to feel my Guardian Angel hugging me in response.

  The cop added "The scene looks like a murder suicide to me. It's from finding a suicide note from your Mother nearby. The gun was appearing to be within vicinity of being dropped from your Mother's hand after she shot herself in the head, after killing your Father. The note says something about your Father hit her with divorce. She accusing him of cheating onto her and wanting to divorce her. He could marry some female by looks due to not interested in staying married to her anymore. I'm sorry to tell you this."

  The following days that followed were a blur but my Guardian Angel stayed at my side comforting me with hugs and hand squeezes while still remaining unseen by people. They wound up giving condolences to my loss including getting the house and its contents sold. I not willing to live there with the memories of my time fully in my mind paining me. Each time I remembered various things about my parents memories triggered by anything. I took to drinking myself drunk repeatedly. I forgot about my Guardian Angel and forgetting my reasons for going to college. That seeing this female hanging around I forgetting who she was. It came to me later that she was Kimberly who loved me and was trying to help me over my grief. Kimberly was a cunning woman. She hung around me hidden despite others not seeing her. I found this no seeing status included pointing her out to people while in the middle of my drunken statuses.