Read A Stranger's Fear Page 6

the dinosaur's gnawing. He found the horse obeyed to his urging hurriedly got across to the cliff wall revealing a cave entrance and nothing else around it. He got the horse onto land as there was a loud snapping sound heard behind him. He looked to see one of the ropes of the bridge had given away and it was sagging off its side. He again heard the familiar roaring noise from the dinosaur again sounding of frustration to him.

  He shifted to face the cave entrance feeling himself still nervous from knowing it involved enclosed spaces making him feel fear from being in caves and such places like that. The stranger forced the horse into the cave forcing the mare to take her time walking in it. He shivered from the coldness hitting him all over despite clad in clothing of animal dubbed gonoid by the planetary natives of Egyptia. All skins sewn together made to be like leather.

  He forced himself to breathe slowly through his nose as the mare walked through the cave passageway seemingly endless with no opening and seemed to go around in bends of circles. He looked around the passageway seeing that some had openings indicating nothing. He figured to himself were entrances to bottomless pits making him more nervous and urged the horse to continue traveling faster.

  The stranger gasped of fear as the horse stumbled slipping her feet but avoided knocking him off along with keeping herself standing. He again urged the horse to continue to keep on gasping of fear each time the horse stumbled slipping and sliding over rocks. He saw was really ice which he kept a tight hold onto the reins urging the mare to keep going. He felt fear take hold making him gulp for air through his mouth as the horse kept on her slipping and sliding over the rocky ground while following the cave passageway as it got more colder to him. He shivered teeth chattering while feeling the horse was moving to keep herself warm. She kept up her slipping and sliding way through the cave passageway.

  The stranger thought to himself "Perhaps I should get off the horse and guide her to safety."

  He stiffened as an image of a male Humanoid with facial appearance twin to his wearing a golden crown on his black haired head. Clothes of a white tunic with a red bird on it as decoration and blue legging like tights flashed in his mind.

  Along with words spoken in some cruel voice tone making him feel more nervous "Don't you dare do that Jinx. You'll lose the horse to a bottomless pit. She's more scared than you are. Besides you on her is helping her with her fear so don't get off."

  The stranger named Jinx forced himself to breathe slowly through his nose.

  He wound up recognizing the image as of Lance Richard Egyptia's planetary declared God of the Underworld. That despite lord of the animals dubbed gonoids and the earth ground on Egyptia the planet's official name.

  The male god's voice he recognized was always mentally spoken to him via mind after flashing a scene of himself each time for communication purposes.

  He felt himself less fearful from Lance's communication order.

  He urged the horse to continue traveling through the cave passageway despite there yawning openings of bottomless pits on each sides of him at various points. That made him become nervous seeing them in view. He continued to hold the reins as the horse traveled through the cave still slipping and sliding away.

  His eyes sight blinked from day vision to night vision repeatedly over and over. He sighed figuring that they were near an Egyptian manipulated point in the cave marking it in the cave passageway. Put in place to keep gonoids from traveling through that would cause harm to the Columbians living cocooned reportedly in some large crater in the forest valley.

  He sighed figuring that he was safe for now only to feel fear hitting him as crackling of electricity was heard coming from the passageway in the cave. Along with hearing the horse giving off sounds of panic to him while riding her.

  Jinx forced the horse to continue as day vision blared in his eyesight illuminating the cave passageway full of whiteness by glow balls shining in the walls. Put there by Columbians who first discovered the cave passageway. He looked around seeing the glow balls crackled of electricity giving off sparks repeatedly making him nervous. The sparks of fire flew from them. He heard the horse give off a loud whinnying sound of fear forced the mare passed the glow balls that seemed numerous and all around them except for the ground was bare of them. He gasped for breath as pain was felt on his left arm. He looked to see the gonoid skin was on fire.

  He released his hands on the reins and with his other hand waved the hand over the fired arm mentally speaking "Fire Out."

  He found his order of fire going out obeyed but felt his arm stinging of pain. The nervousness overtook the feeling he felt for the horse as he grabbed the reins.

  He was hoping that the sparks of fire would avoid hitting her making her bolt through the cave passageway. He found to his relief the glow balls came to an end as night vision again resumed blaring in his eyesight.

  Jinx found the ground according to the horse no longer icy but had water on it that indicated an underground river. He forced the horse to travel through the cave passageway following the river that slowly moved. He sensed himself becoming braver along with sensing the same from the mare. He sighed as the horse traveled through the river splashing loudly till the river came to an end.

  Then there was sounds of crunching noises as they entered an apparent by sight vast cave room. He looked down with a frown at the noises' source to feel fear hitting him again. Jinx seeing that the earth was littered with bones indicating both Humans and gonoids from glimpses of skeleton heads seen indicating both.

  Jinx felt a compulsion to look up obeyed to see above on a cave wall clinging to it was appearing to be sleeping was a large scaly four footed gonoid lizard similar sized as a full grown Egyptian male. He recognized with fear was a dubbed a Dragon for belching out fire towards people and gonoids when capturing them for eating. The gonoid was appearing to wake up from sleeping status by head shaking.

  He stiffened of fear seeing that sensed the Master he dubbed his mental powers by that name in control by not hearing the familiar roaring noises whenever it wasn't in control.

  He waved a hand towards the Dragon mentally speaking "Sleep don't wake. Despite the noises till we're out of your presence is when you can wake up."

  He continued to eye the Dragon that appeared to struggle from sleeping status.

  The horse crunched through the field of bones that seemed vast to him all around. He let the mare have her way with the path due to sensing she would find the way out for him.

  Jinx stiffened as the Dragon woke up belching up fire and twisted its two horned bony head to eye him making him nervous as he eyed the gonoid. He urged the horse to hurry. The Dragon he saw adjusted its form to climb down from the cliff wall heading towards him while belching out fire through nostrils seen. He felt nervousness hitting him as the horse entered a cave passageway that seemed low in ceiling and closer all around him making his fear of enclosed spaces hit unexpectedly.

  He gasped loudly as there was a loud roaring sound heard behind him along with heat of fire felt on his back. He forced the horse to move quickly through the passageway feeling her nervousness hitting as day vision flashed abruptly. He looked behind towards the cave entrance to see it illuminated by fire of the Dragon along with day vision flashing then stopped followed by night vision becoming dormant.

  The stranger exhaled a breath feeling himself a bit relieved to see that the Dragon made no move to enter the passageway. He have passed the danger of the gonoid looked ahead of him to concentrate onto the path.

  Jinx finding the cave passageway had jagged rocks dangling from the ceiling that made him bent low on the horse. Just to avoid banging into them or causing a rockslide by the knocking off. He stiffened as there were sounds of rocks falling behind him abruptly making him more nervous. He looked to see part of the cave passageway had fallen showing piles of rocks nearby. He stiffened seeing the rock pile feeling himself more fearful. He felt himself still fearful as he thought with panic beginning to take hold gaspin
g for air through his mouth.

  He mentally thought "I'll never get out of this cave."

  Jinx once again got the image of Lance along with the god's cruel voice tone "Stop panicking now Jinx! Maribel needs you to help her get out of this cave so stop it now!"

  He frowned at the name of Maribel forced himself to breathe slow through his nose. He repeatedly ducked avoiding jagged rocks dangling in the cave passageway still feeling himself panicking.

  He forced himself to be calm despite fear taking hold.

  He continued to hear sounds of rocks falling from behind him. The sounds making him nervous sensing parts of the cave passageway was falling apart. He kept up the ducking as the horse traveled through the cave.

  Jinx heard noises becoming louder and louder as they reached the end of the cave showing a vast cave passageway with noises he recognized belonged to bats living in it overhead. He felt fear hitting him. Making him nervous from stories of bats said to attack humanoids traveling through caves by hitting them with their bodies knocking them unconscious followed by feeding onto them as a meal.

  He breathed hard through his nose. The horse continued to walk through the cave while eyeing the ceiling overhead to spot too many to count bats clinging to it. That rounded in a circle showing an entrance high