Read A Stranger's Fear Page 5

Angel to his relief.

  Robert again clapped his hands and got the grandchildren's attention.

  He spoke "I have another story I want to tell you. You care to listen to it?"

  Robert eyed his grandchildren which Travis spoke "Tell us Grampa!"

  He obeyed to speak his story.

  The stranger screamed "Ahh!"

  The horse he was on reared up nearly knocking him off her back. He kept a hand hold on the reins forcing him to stay on the horse's saddle. He gripped the reins tighter and forced the mare to stand despite rearing up on her back legs.

  The stranger eyed the bushes clustered around a tree gathered ahead in front of him. He eyed them with green eyes sight of night vision clear as day with his blue Human like eyes.

  He narrowed his eyes glaring at the bushes as they rumbled along with the gathering trees nearby. The rumbling was making his senses blare warning giving him a fearful feeling. He continued to stiffen as the bushes showed a group of fanged teeth dinosaurs unsure of their species names. They gave up roaring sounds while baring fanged teeth that looked like their size were humanoid heights to him. He eyed the dinosaurs that charged towards him while giving off sounds that made him think it was related to hunger to him.

  He forced the horse to move by kicking her sides with his feet hearing her whinny sound of terror. The stranger felt himself nervous as he looked behind him to see the dinosaurs were giving chase. He stiffened sensing that they were targeting his horse judging by their mouths aiming towards her instead of him. That the species' behavior made him think that they naturally don't target Humans living on the island continent nation of Columbia even when hungry.

  He allowed the horse to have her head running through the bushes weaving around the trees till he heard a river sound. He guided her towards it due to knowing that the dinosaurs would give up chase if he and the mare went into the water. He saw a short stone wall blocking his way in the distance urged the horse to jump over it. He found his order obeyed finding themselves falling into a river which he clung to the horse in a tight grip as they splashed underwater. The stranger felt the horse swimming in the water from the feeling of sinking not felt as he and she reached the surface.

  He heard the dinosaurs roar off sounds of frustrations to him behind him. As the mare reached the other side of the river and got out of the water. He looked behind him with frustration seeing the dinosaurs on the river bank on the opposite side still roaring away. He would have to take another route through the forest to get to his destination.

  The stranger spoke out loud in the Egyptia planetary's' main international language of Summeran "Drat, the dinosaurs for ruining things."

  He heard a soft whinny sound from the horse gently patted her on the side.

  The stranger spoke out loud "It's a holiday today involving Lance Richard the deity Lord God of Underworld. I don't care what people say I'm not showing up for that event."

  He gently patted the horse on the side and urged her to follow the river bank a lengthy period of time till a bridge of stone came into view. He reached the other side and sighed forcing the horse to gallop in the forest.

  Till she halted the riding by rearing up again indicating a dinosaur hidden in the bushes waiting to pounce by the plants rumbling in front of them abruptly. He stiffened from the feeling of fear hitting him felt the mare's nervousness as the bushes and trees stopped rumbling showing another Rex that bared its fanged teeth gnashing them.

  The stranger gasped out "Oh no!"

  He urged her to follow the river bank a lengthy period of time till a bridge of stone came into view. He sighed and guided the horse over the narrow stone bridge that seemed to be made for Egyptians on horse back to travel over the river. He reached the other side and sighed forcing the horse to gallop in the forest.

  He forced the horse to gallop in the steamy heat drying him from the river's wetness. She again halted the riding by rearing up. She again indicated a dinosaur hidden in the bushes waiting to pounce by the greenery rumbling in front of them abruptly. He stiffened from the feeling of fear hitting him felt the mare's nervousness. As the bushes and trees stopped rumbling showing a towering overhead dinosaur the stranger recognized species dubbed by the name of Rex that bared its fanged teeth gnashing them together along with repeated mouth open gestures. He urged the horse in another direction away from the dinosaur who gave up a loud ear shattering roar behind him.

  He allowed the horse to have her way through the forest running with fear sensed from her and himself. He looked behind him to see the dinosaur was behind them running after them while gaping its mouth open and shut with tongue sticking out at each open mouth gesture.

  He stiffened seeing that feeling fear hitting him shifted to face the front while riding the horse. He heard silence in the forest instead of the familiar sounds of crickets sounding. Along with loud breathing from the horse and chasing dinosaur as he gasped for air mouth breathing hard with panic set in.

  The stranger began to only to feel a compelling feeling of being calm abruptly. The stranger obeyed to the feeling forcing himself to breathe through his nose.

  He urged the horse to continue galloping.

  He heard sounds of a roaring river nearby forced the mare towards the noises while glancing behind him to see the dinosaur hadn't given up chase. He felt himself more nervous from the river's noises than the chasing dinosaur.

  The stranger groaned as the horse reared up throwing her hind legs behind her while hearing grunting groans from the dinosaur behind. He adjusted the horse from kicking to head towards the river crashing through the bushes. The stranger hearing her whinnying sounding panicky to him along with hearing growls from the dinosaur behind him still chasing. The stranger found to his fear that there was a rocky cliff with another cliff in another direction with distance too far for a horse to jump.

  He urged the horse to follow the cliff's line thinking to himself "There's got to be a way for me to get across safely."

  The stranger heard the dinosaur roar behind him urged the horse to halt and turn around facing Rex. He kept a firm hand on the reins eyeing the dinosaur that came into view charging towards him.

  The stranger raised a hand palm facing the dinosaur and mentally willed forwards the Master his magical mental powers through making his Egyptian blue eyes turn all black activating his mental powers.

  He mentally spoke with a hand aimed at the dinosaur "Stop chasing and be gone now."

  The stranger found to his fear that the dinosaur refused to budge from its charging instead aimed its teethed mouth towards the horse as if trying to bite it. The mare kept rearing up thrusting out legs kicking at it at each attempt. He gripped the reins and urged the horse away from the cliff's edge.

  He got the dinosaur's back to it near the edge as an idea came to his mind. He ordered the horse to rear up each time towards the dinosaur's front making Rex straightened up its form after each failed bite attempt. He found himself still nervous as the mare was sensed scared underneath him. She obeyed to his orders of getting the dinosaur to back off till it reached the edge and refused to budge from the horse's manipulations as it attempted to bite her.

  The stranger felt fear take control as the horse gave off a loud whinnying sound. She without his command took off in a direction with the cliff off his right. He again sensed the fearful feeling coming from him and the mare. He again looked behind him to see the dinosaur was again giving chase its attempts to bite the horse by gaping mouth nearing it each time it thrust to bite.

  The stranger looked off his right as the horse continued to gallop running in fear. His eyes spotted a rope bridge coming into view urged the horse towards it. He found to his fear that the rope bridge looked flimsy looking and didn't seem to be strong from the looks of it. He wasn't sure if the bridge could hold the horse and figured he'll risk it. He forced the mare onto the rope bridge finding it swung a bit on each hoof footstep.

  The stranger heard a loud roar behind
him that sounded of frustration to him. He looked to see the dinosaur was still on the cliff at the rope bridge's entrance and had eyes narrowed in some glaring look while having mouth gaping and still roaring away. He felt himself still nervous as he guided the horse slowly over the rope bridge. The stranger forced himself not to look down at the river rushing down below.

  He glimpsed it in a waterfall water falling down too many lengths for a Egyptian to survive going down it he assumed judging by the distance. He felt vertigo from looking down making him feel dizziness. He forced himself to keep looking up concentrating onto the other side of where the rope bridge ended. He gulped air through his mouth as he felt the dizziness continue.

  The horse continued to walk on the bridge while feeling it sway from her movements tipping back and forth making him feeling further nervous and dizzy. He forced himself to breathe through his nose despite tempted to mouth breathe hard. The stranger to his fear heard the horse give off a loud whinnying sound of fear while stopping abruptly instead of walking forwards.

  He looked behind to see the dinosaur was gnawing at one of the ropes holding up the bridge. He felt fear hitting him looked away and urged the horse to walk faster over the rope bridge finding themselves halfway through it. He began to feel the bridge beginning to sag onto its side from