Read A Texas Sky Page 16

  were sitting quietly, Seth joined them.

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  "Do you want me to take her?" he offered.

  "She's fine, thank you." Both adults whispered.

  Seth worked to keep the emotions from his face, but

  seeing Darvi with a child was doing wild things to his


  "Tell me, Seth, why aren't the children in school in


  "Nate was/' Seth explained, "but when it was Und/s

  turn to go, the teacher didn't believe that she couldn't talk.

  He believed she wouldn't talk. He hit her until she bruised


  and even bled. When Cassy learned of it, she nearly went

  after him with the shotgun but realized that it was violence

  that had gotten Lindy hurt. Instead, she never took either

  child back, determined to teach them on her own for all

  their school years if she had to."

  Darvi could have cried. It was so sad and painful to

  think of someone hitting this mute little girl.

  "Has she ever talked?" Darvi asked the question that

  suddenly came to mind.

  "Yes, but when she wasn't yet three, she watched a bull

  gore her father to death. She hasn't uttered a word since."

  Darvi couldn't take any more. She didn't want to care

  for these people. She didn't want to get attached to this

  place. She wasn't supposed to be here, not really.

  Making herself speak normally, she dosed the conversation.


  "Thank you for telling me." With that Darvi laid her

  head back and closed her eyes. She didn't hear whether

  Seth left; she didn't care if he did, but she had to be finished

  hearing about this family.


  I'm so totally off balance right now, Lord, I don't know what

  I'm doing. What is my place here? How do I deal with my captors?

  Lindy and Nate are innocent of what Seth has done and

  what their mother and Eliot are a part of. Help me to never take

  my frustration out on them, but I do ask You to take me from this

  place. I don't want to be here.

  ATexasSky 145

  Darvi thought she might cry and made herself stop

  thinking such thoughts. She was very warm and uncomfortable

  and felt sweat starting to break out where Lindy

  lay against her. It was with nothing but relief that she heard

  a wagon approach. Lindy heard it too.

  Perking up as if to say, "If s Mama!" she was off Darvi's

  lap in a flash.

  Darvi stayed where she was, fanning herself slightly

  with her hand. Even Seth had gone to meet the wagon, and

  somewhere in the commotion she heard Cassy through an

  open window saying something about the next day being



  Where had the days gone?

  Praying for renewed strength to make it through, Darvi

  put her Bible back on her bed. Not seeing any other help

  for it, she went out to join the family.

  "Oh, Darvi." Cassy spoke her name the moment she

  came from her room Sunday morning. "Do you have a


  "Yes," Darvi said, noting absently that no one else was


  "The men have gone into town and taken Nate along,"

  Cassy volunteered, answering the unspoken question.

  Determining not to start planning an escape and

  working hard not to think about how much she wanted to

  be in church, Darvi accompanied Cassy to her bedroom.

  Lindy was already there, sitting on the bed with a book.

  Cassy walked to the wardrobe, pulled a dress out, and


  hung it outside the door. This done, she stepped back.

  "What do you think?"

  "It's beautiful," Darvi said sincerely of the lavender

  gown with the long sleeves and high neck. It wasn't overly

  done with frills, but the bodice, neck, and cuffs were all

  trimmed in dark purple lace and strips of satin. The effect

  146 lori wick

  was very attractive, and it wasn't hard to imagine Cassy,

  with her blonde hair and blue eyes, looking very lovely

  "It's my wedding dress."

  Darvi turned to look at her.

  "You're getting married?"

  "Yes, and if s all because of you."

  Darvi didn't know what to say. She had questions but

  was afraid of the answers. What had she said or done to

  compel Cassy to get married? And what did Eliot think?

  Watching her search for words, Cassy thought she

  might be more comfortable if Lindy left the room. Using

  gentle words, Cassy asked her daughter to take the book


  into the other room for a few minutes.

  "I've shocked you," Cassy said when they were alone.

  "You have, yes. I can't imagine what you mean." Cassy became rather fascinated with her fingers and nails.

  "I put it to EKot this way: I was raised better than to be

  living with a man who wasn't my husband. Your convictions

  about God reminded me of that fact."

  "And Eliof s not angry with me?"

  "No. He's been asking me to marry him for five years,

  and I wouldn't. It's stupid on my part. I already buried one

  husband and somehow thought it wouldn't hurt as much

  to lose Eliot if we weren't married, so I didn't want to take

  any vows. If s ridiculous, I know. I can see that now."

  Darvi was stunned. Cassy had not wanted to be married,

  but Eliot had. Where Darvi came from, catching a

  handsome husband was all young women could talk

  about; the men, on the other hand, until they were smitten,

  seemed to dread the very thought.

  "Congratulations, Cassy," Darvi said suddenly, realizing


  she was being watched carefully. "When is the day?"

  Cassy smiled. "We haven't gotten that far. I just happened

  to spot this dress yesterday, so I went ahead and

  bought it. Eliot likes it a lot, but we haven't really made

  A Texas Sky 147

  further plans. But the kids are thrilled," she added swiftly,

  "and Seth hugged me and said it was about time."

  This was not St. Louis. And never was Darvi more

  reminded of that. Women who took up residence with men

  without bothering to marry them were a shame and a disgrace

  in the community. Darvi didn't think she was too

  sheltered, but she couldn't honestly think of one woman

  who would admit to being intimate with a man outside of

  the bonds of matrimony. Texas wasn't as settled as Missouri

  certainly, but right and wrong were still right and wrong.

  "Well, I'm happy for both of you, Cassy. I really am."

  Cassy forced herself to say only a quiet thank you. She

  knew for a fact that Eliot was going to try to talk some sense


  into Seth, but knowing how stubborn the oldest brother

  could be, Cassy did not want to get Darvi's hopes up.

  To distract herself, she offered breakfast and hot coffee

  to the other woman, not to mention she always cooked a

  slab of beef on Sunday afternoons, and time was awasting.


  "Do I look all right to you?" Seth suddenly asked Eliot

  Eliot frowned at him. "You look like you always do.

  Why, are you feeling


  Seth's answer was short and he broke eye contact with

  Eliot, but Eliot was not done. He'd been hoping all

  morning for a lead-in of some type.

  "Why did you ask?"

  "I don't know. I was just wondering if maybe she finds

  me repulsive or something."

  "They don't think like we do, Seth. When are you going

  to see that?"


  The other man didn't answer. Eliot tried again.

  "You can't expect to hold her body and have her heart


  Seth's eyes closed. The words about holding Darvi were

  a little too much for him right now. He had been tempted

  148 lori wick

  so many times just to grab her and kiss her until she knew

  she was loved, but her eyes held him at bay. She was not a

  woman to be trifled with, and he didn't want to do anything

  now that might mess up his chances later, not to mention

  the fact that he could still feel where she kicked him in

  the shin.

  "I just need to give her some more time," Seth repeated

  in honest belief. "I can already see that Cass and the kids

  care for her. Her heart is tender and sweet. She'll come to

  love us. She'll come to love me. She won't be able to help


  Eliot knew the door was closed. He didn't agree, and he

  knew Gassy hated it this way, but this was not his call.


  Five minutes later the men left the dining room of the

  hotel. Jared had scheduled a meeting.


  had told herself not to plan. She had scolded and

  carried on in her heart, but that hadn't stopped her feet

  from taking her toward the barn. She had helped Gassy

  with some things in the house for a time, even going to get

  eggs from the barn and vegetables from the garden with

  the children, but now her mind was on escape^ and she was

  not going to be stopped. If only she could get out right after

  everyone went to bed for the night. She knew she couldn't

  hide in the bunkhouse--that could be disastrous--and if

  she hid in the barn, that would be the first place they would

  look. Then she thought of the outhouse. Would anyone

  ever think to look behind it? Darvi surreptitiously moved

  around the outside of the barn now to have a look, rounded

  a corner, and ran smack into Eliot

  Not bothering to hide her frustration, she crossed her

  arms over her chest and looked very stern.


  "I thought you were in town."

  "I was, but I dispensed with my business and I'm bade"

  ATexasSky 149

  She watched Eliot smile at her and knew he'd figured

  her out

  "Will you please talk to him?" she entreated quietly.

  "Will you please tell your brother he can't do this?"

  "It won't do any good, Darvi. He loves you."

  "He can't love me." Frustration rose in her voice. "He

  doesn't even know me."

  Eliot shrugged. "Sometimes it works like that. I set eyes

  on Cass five years ago, and I've never gotten over it."

  It was one of the most romantic things Darvi had ever

  heard, but it wasn't right---not here, not now.

  "Why me?" was all she could think to say.

  Again Eliot smiled. "Maybe if he had seen you on the

  street and not met you like he did, you would feel differently.

  He's not going to let you go, Darvi, so you might try

  to figure out if there's something about him you can love."


  "Eliot, it doesn't work that way. Surely you can see


  "I can, yes/ but then no one is trying to take Cass and the

  kids away from me. I know I wouldn't be so reasonable


  Darvi could see that no amount of words would sway

  him. They stared at each other for a few moments before

  Eliot, still dressed up for town, moved and held out an arm

  for her to lead the way. Darvi wanted to argue that she

  didn't want to go back inside just yet, but mentally her

  mind was growing strong. She'd let them think she was

  going along with everything they asked, but if she ever got

  a chance to leave, she'd be gone before anyone could take

  another breath.



  Dakota said after dinner on Monday night.

  "Okay/' Cash agreed quietly, setting his paper aside.


  Dakota was not looking at htm, which gave the older

  brother a chance to study him. Something was wrong. He

  didn't know what Indeed, he couldn't imagine what was

  troubling him, but Dakota was clearly tense. Cash had

  never been anything but direct in the past and saw no

  reason to change now.

  "Out with it, Dak," he ordered.

  That man looked up and frowned.^^

  "Out with what?"

  "Thaf s just it; I don't know. But something is wrong. I

  can tell."

  Dakota looked at him. It didn't take long to admit, at

  least to himself, that something was on his mind.

  "You're going to think I'm crazy."

  "I already do."

  Having Cash tease him was all he needed. In the next

  few minutes he offered a rundown on his time with Darvi

  and ended it by explaining what happened after he put her

  on the train.

  "So you never saw this woman's face?"


  ATexosSky 151

  "No, and if I think about it long enough I go around in

  circles. It hasn't been that many days, but I just wish there

  was some way to get word about whether she arrived

  safely." Dakota stopped and stared at his brother. "Will I

  trust more when I've been at this longer, Cash? I want to

  leave it in God's hands, but if anything should happen to

  Darvi, it would be all my fault"

  "How do you figure?"

  "I was responsible to get her home."

  "No, you weren't You just told me you had to ge^her

  on the train in Aurora. If you hadn't had it in your heart to

  keep in touch with her and gone back for an address, you

  wouldn't know a thing. None of what you've described is

  your worry. I can see why you're concerned, but you did

  your job."

  Dakota honestly couldn't argue with him there.

  "Did you see anyone else in town who you could have

  mistaken her for?"


  Dakota shook his head. "Not in the brief time I looked

  around, but it's a good-sized city. If s hard to know just

  how far to track."

  Cash could see his point, and it was unsettling.

  "Have you sent word to Brace?" *

  "You mean asking if he's heard from Darvi?"


  "No, I didn't want him to think anything was wrong

  when I had no proof. I guess I could ask without voicing

  any of my doubts."

  "Why don't you do that? If s a normal enough question."

  Dakota thanked Cash for the advice and decided to stop

  at the telegraph office on his way to his grandmother's the

  next day. He asked for a section of the newspaper and both

  men settled in to read.
  5" L'^-



  152 lori wick

  Dakota felt better having talked to Cash and went to

  bed with a light heart. He didn't figure on what would

  happen in the morning. Cash was in his room before he

  even finished dressing.

  "I'm not a man given to foolish notions," he said

  without greeting his brother. "You would agree with that,

  wouldn't you, Dak?"


  "So what I'm about to say to you might seem strange."


  "Go back to Aurora and check again for Darvi."

  Dakota stopped all movement.

  "Do you mean it, Cash? You really think I should go?"

  "Yes, I do. I can tell you want to, and I ache at the

  thought that Darvi might be in trouble. I don't want you to

  head off on a wild goose chase, but the truth of the matter

  is she could have been taken from the train. If you don't

  find her, we'll have to wait until you get word from Brace


  as to whether or not she arrived. If she does need you,

  you'll be there all the sooner."

  Dakota was thoughtful. His brother was certainly not

  given to impulsive or rash behavior. It had been on

  Dakota's heart off and on that Darvi might need him, but

  he had felt so helpless. Having Cash be so practical about

  checking back in Aurora was all the permission he needed.

  'Til start right after breakfast"

  "All right. I'll make sure Katy has provisions for you.

  Do you have any money?"

  "Yes, I went by the bank yesterday."

  Dakota had been enjoying his time with Cash very

  much, and he loved working the ranch, but the incident

  with Darvi and the train had left him doubting himself. He

  thought it had been God's way of testing him to see if he

  was truly trusting, and it might have been, but it was with

  a light heart that he headed back the way he had come. He

  asked God for wisdom and strength but also found himself

  talking to the woman herself.

  If you need me, Darvi, I'm on my way.


  ATexasSky 153



  "What is it?" Darvi asked Seth without taking the box

  he hejd out to her. They were alone by the trees to the west

  where Seth had found Darvi walking.

  "Just take it," he urged.

  "Not until you tell me what it is."

  "If s a gift for you,"

  Darvi's hands went behind her back.

  "You've got to stop bringing me gifts, Seth. This is not

  going to work."

  "Just take it"

  Darvi eyed him and the box.