Read A Texas Sky Page 17

  "I'll take the box and look in it, but that doesn't mean

  I'm accepting this gift."


  His eyes were warm with amusement, and Darvi

  almost wished that he would grow angry.

  He wasn't constantly around, but since Sunday, if he

  was anywhere in the vicinity, he was courting her. He had

  brought her flowers, both from town and along the roadside.

  A book of poems arrived one day, and a comb for her

  hair the next. Gifts would come to the ranch even when he

  hadn't gone to town but Eliot had. This told Darvi that Seth

  was planning ahead.

  Darvi had started to mark the days in her Bible as they

  passed. She had been on Cass/s outlying ranch for eight

  days, and each day she had to work at trusting God to

  bring this nightmare to an end.

  "Take it, Darvi," he urged one last time, and Darvi did


  She opened the box and peeked inside. What she saw

  made her eyes huge before she nearly threw the gift at him

  and tried to run. She didn't get far. His arms came around

  her, and for the first time he attempted to hold her dose.

  Darvi tried to get away, but there was no possibility of


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  overpowering him. When Darvi saw escape wasn't going

  to work, she planted her palms against his chest and held

  herself away from him as much as she could. When she

  looked up, he spoke.

  "The ring isn't for now," he panted slightly, "but if s to

  show you that I'm serious about us."

  Darvi started to shake her head.

  "Don't say no. Give us a chance.'I know we could have

  a wonderful life together, and the ring is to prove that to

  you. You say the word, and well be married. That's how

  strongly I feel about you."

  Darvi could only stare at him. What in the world was

  she to do?

  When she froze, Seth's head started to descend.

  "Don't!" Darvi commanded with some force, and he

  stopped with several inches still separating them,

  Seth studied her features very slowly, his eyes warming



  "That upside-down mouth of yours is going to drive me


  Darvi's chin came up. "Let me go."

  Seth did so, although very slowly, his eyes never leaving

  her face.

  "I'll never marry you," Darvi said quietly, "and if thaf s

  what you're waiting for, then you can release me now."

  Their eyes met for long seconds, and for the first time

  Darvi saw a flicker of something other than patience. To

  her surprise, it didn't frighten her.

  "Keep your hands to yourself, Mr. Redding," she added

  in low fury, "or I won't be responsible for my actions."

  Still meeting his eyes to tell him she meant business, she

  took several more seconds before turning and walking

  back to the house. She wasn't a dozen feet along when she

  heard him behind her, but he did not attempt to catch up

  to her or to engage her in conversation, all of which was

  fine with Darvi. She had nothing else to say to the man.

  A Texas Sky 155


  "She doesn't want him," Gassy whispered in frustration.

  "Why can't he see that?"

  Eliot didn't answer. Cassy had just taken her hair down,

  and he was rather preoccupied with the way it looked. He

  leaned over the bed to kiss the side of her neck, but she

  turned and glared at him.

  Seeing it, Eliot shook his head in longsuffering.

  "Let me get this straight. You're mad at Seth, so you're

  going to take it out on me."

  Cassy frowned. That was exactly what she'd been about

  to do. Now feeling upset with herself, she turned back

  away from him. Eliot didn't want to talk about Seth and

  Darvi right now, but he made himself join her on the edge

  of the bed and even took her hand when they sat side by


  "What is it you want me to do?"

  "Thaf s just it--I don't know. I know they're both


  unhappy, and I feel so helpless. It would be great if she

  could stay. She's so sweet with the kids and willingly helps

  out, but mis isn't where she belongs, and as much as I want

  Seth's happiness, I can't agree with what he's doing to


  Cassy turned her head to look at him. "If someone took

  Lindy and wouldn't let her go, I'd be out of my mind with

  worry. Seth has got to see that he's doing the same thing to

  Darvi's family."

  Eliot didn't like this comparison at all. Lindy was like

  his own child, and this analogy hit a little too close to home

  for him.

  "I'll talk to him again."

  Cassy did not look grateful.

  "I'd better warn you, Eliot McDermott," she threatened.

  "If I get a chance to help Darvi get out of here, I'm going to


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  Eliot put gentle arms around her, but the voice at her ear


  was very firm.

  "You will do no such thing."

  "Do not tell me what to do!"

  She suddenly wanted nothing to do with him, but Eliot

  did not let her pull away. In fact, he slipped an arm under

  her knees and deposited her on his lap. Cassy's eyes were

  filled with betrayal as she looked at him, and Eliot almost

  wished she would struggle some. He smoothed the hair

  from her face, his hands gentle and his heart filled with


  "I'm sorry that Darvi is caught in the middle of this and

  that you're hurting over it too, but I'm not going to betray

  my brother, and if you think about it, you don't want to


  Cassy's eyes filled with tears.

  "It's a lousy excuse, but Darvi is not in any danger here.

  Seth's intentions toward her are honorable. I do think he's

  going to see pretty soon that she's not going to change her

  mind, but taking her from him is not the answer. He's got

  to come to it on his own."


  Cassy still wanted to be angry, but Eliot was right

  "Cassandra..." Eliot's voice came softly to her ear.

  Cassy looked at him.

  "What day are you going to become my wife?"

  Feeling almost shy, she fiddled with the apron she still

  had on and refused to look at him.

  "I don't know." *

  "You have the dress, which means we're halfway there.

  I'm not going to let you get away from me now."

  Cassy looked up with a smile. She loved him so much.

  "You name the day," she was able to say, knowing it was


  "October 30."

  "Oh!" Cassy had not been prepared for such a definite

  answer. "When is that?"

  "Ttoo weeks from this Saturday."

  ATexasSky 157

  A measure of panic clawed at her throat, but she wasn't

  | able to talk about it as Eliot was lifting her and setting her


  on her feet. He then bent, kissed her brow, and started

  toward the door.

  "Where are you going?"

  "To the spare room."

It took a moment for Cassy to catch on, and when she

  did, her eyes softened with emotion.

  "I love you," she said.

  Eliot smiled. "And I love you, Cassy girl. I wouldn't be

  heading out this door for any other reason."

  Cassy let him leave, but her heart was ready to burst.

  She couldn't possibly explain what had just happened to

  Darvi but wanted once again to thank her. Had it not been

  for Darvi, Cassy might not have seen the misguided direction

  of her entire life. She was convinced that she would

  have gone on for years living in sin with Eliot and not

  thinking about the right thing to do.

  She got ready for bed very slowly, missing Eliof s presence

  already but knowing it was for the best

  Seth is the same kind of man, Cassy thought as she settled

  under the covers. Life and Eliot's jobs are not always the best,


  but they're good men who know how to love. Completely forgetting

  Darvi's beliefs, her heart was quiet for a moment

  before wishing: If only Darvi had met him some other way.


  "My name is Dakota Rawlings," Dakota said to

  Aurora's sheriff. "I'm a Texas Ranger."

  The other man stuck his hand out to shake Dakota's.

  "Joe Laverty. What can I do for you?"

  "Actually, I just wanted to let you know I'm going to be

  in town for a few days, maybe longer. I've lost track of

  someone, and I think this person might be in your town."

  "Who is it?"

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  "I'm not at liberty to say right now, but I wanted you to

  know that I plan to stay out of the way and do my job as

  quietly as possible."

  The sheriff, who had respect for most Rangers, thought


  Dakota seemed genuine. He was a curious man and dicln't

  like not knowing exactly what was going on, but since the

  Ranger had stated his willingness to stay out of the way, he

  knew he'd have to let it go.

  "Well, if we can be of any help from this office, be sure

  to let me know."

  "Thank you, sir."

  "Where will you be staying?"

  "I'll probably camp outside of town. I noticed you have

  a bathhouse and a number of eating establishments."

  Dakota smiled a little. "It looks as though I'll be able to stay

  dean and fed."

  When Dakota turned on the charm, it could be very

  effective, and it worked now. Sheriff Laverty smiled reluctantly

  and only waved when Dakota moved to the door

  and went on his way.

  He'd arrived the day before, not late in the day by any

  means, but late enough to put off a visit to the local constabulary.

  The day was fresh, the visit to the sheriff was

  taken care of, and now Dakota was headed out into the


  streets of Aurora to see what he could find. He sensed that

  it was a well-settled town with what appeared to be many

  successful businesses, and as a rule the folks seemed

  friendly. /

  Not wishing to draw any undo attention to himself,

  Dakota had arrived in clothing a little less suited to his

  work than usual and having already let his beard go a few

  days. It didn't take him long to look scruffy, and that was

  just what he wanted. Eli was at one of the liveries, and

  Dakota now prepared to move about on foot and have a

  closer look around Aurora. Not knowing exactly what he

  was looking for made things a bit tricky, but he was certain

  that if something was amiss in this town, he would spot it.

  ATexasSty 159

  A horrible feeling of dread came over him as he thought

  about how easy it would be to take a woman and disappear

  with her, but Dakota forced himself away from those

  thoughts. It would only disturb his concentration and

  hinder his goal. He didn't know when or where he would


  find answers, but look he would.

  It occurred to him very suddenly that he could wire

  Brace and Darvi's family from Aurora and ask after her, but

  he hesitated. If she'd made an appearance, he could return

  to his life. If she hadn't... Deciding to give it at least a few

  more days, Dakota began his tour.


  Gassy was nearly pacing before Darvi emerged from her

  room the next morning. The strawberry blonde had been

  very quiet at dinner the night before and retired to her

  room the moment she was able. Cassy had not witnessed

  the exchange with Seth, but she knew from watching both

  people that something had gone on. She and Eliot were to

  be married in only two and a half weeks, but Cassy was not

  waiting to tell Darvi that. She just wanted to make sure she

  was all right.

  Breakfast was long over, cleanup was done, the men

  had headed into town, the hands were out with the stock,


  and the children sat reading books. There were dozens of

  things Cassy could do, but she wanted to see Darvi first. All

  of Eliof s talk was not doing her any good at the moment.

  His telling her that they couldn't take Darvi from Seth and

  that deep in her heart she wouldn't really want that was

  sounding very hollow in her ears right now. If she didn't

  want to, then why did she wish she could load Darvi into

  the wagon and take her to the train? She and the children

  could give her a nice sendoff.

  Cassy was beginning to get quite worked up over this

  idea when the bedroom door opened. She turned to see

  Darvi enter, her mouth set.

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  "Where is Seth?" she wasted no time in asking.

  "He and Eliot went into town."

  Darvi's shoulders slumped. She had been ready to do

  battle with the man, and now he was gone.

  Just the sight of Darvi turned all of Cassy's intentions to

  dust It wasn't that she hadn't seen Darvi in the pale blue


  dress in the past, but today her cheeks were blooming with

  color and her eyes sparkled. And it wasn't just that. Darvi

  was one of the sweetest women the ranch owner had ever


  Cassy had never been in such a quandary. It was so easy

  to see why Seth loved Darvi, and for that reason, Cassy

  could not interfere. She found her heart reasoning that Seth

  might be correct: Maybe Darvi would come to love him

  and wish to stay.

  "I don't suppose there's anything I can do," Cassy

  finally voiced, knowing that she could, but wouldn't.

  "Not unless you're willing to take me back to town,"

  Darvi said, not bothering to read the other woman's

  expression or to wait for an answer. She headed out the

  door then, around the house, and toward the barn.

  As yet, Cassy had never hindered her from looking

  around. Knowing that both brothers were gone left her free

  to look a little. She told herself she wasn't exactly planning,

  but if something just happened to jump out at her, she'd be

  foolish not to give it notice.


  Once inside the dark reaches of the barn, she looked out

  at the house.
The bedroom window above her bed

  appeared to be some four feet off the ground. She had

  tested the window just that morning and been surprised to

  find that Seth had not nailed it shut. There was nothing to

  step on when she climbed out, so it would be a bit of a

  drop, but neither was there a prickly bush to fall into.

  "Darvi!" Cassy called from near the house.

  Darvi waited a moment and emerged into the sunlight.


  "Would you like something to eat?"

  ATexasSty 161

  "Is it near noon?"

  "No, but the children are hungry, and you didn't get


  Darvi waved. "Thank you. 111 be right in."

  Still feeling as though she might have one person on her

  side, Darvi was pleased to see that Cassy didn't hesitate

  but turned around and went directly back inside. Darvi followed


  at a snail's pace, taking note of the layout of her

  window at dose range. She had no idea if the information

  would ever be useful, but somehow she felt better for being


  S'S''S* *

  Sitting down in the hotel to treat himself to a hot meal

  for lunch on his third day in town, Dakota ate slowly and

  gave himself plenty of time to think. He was not discouraged,

  but he was starting to wonder a bit. Were things in

  this town just a little too neat, or was he getting overly suspicious

  with his line of work and Darvi's disappearance?

  Was the law doing its job in Aurora?

  Two days had passed, two full days of watching,

  waiting, and making subtle inquiries, and still he had no

  leads as to whatjnight have happened to Darvi. He'd all

  but stalked the alley where he thought she might have been

  taken, but there was nothing of even the slightest interest

  going on.


  He learned that at least five stills were set up in full

  operation, quietly attended but working nevertheless. He

  found two homes where men came and went at all hours

  of the night, but the saloons appeared only to have some

  dancing and lots of cards and drinking.

  What he'd seen of the law in action had been impressive.

  He had watched an officer haul a man off for spending a

  little too much time outside the home of Mrs. Gillham, who

  gave piano lessons to the town's young ladies. Several

  drunks had made trips to the jail, and when one of the gen-

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  eral stores had a customer who refused to pay, the law

  answered in great haste.

  "What can I get you?" a friendly woman in a clean