Read A Time of Seasons Page 20

Chapter Sixteen

  Dalton, Chad, and Vince walked into the kitchen the next afternoon. They all stopped and watched Misty who was standing on the counter trying to reach something in the top cupboard. She was so focused on her task she had not even heard the men enter. Dalton shook his head as he walked up behind her. When he cleared his throat, it surprised her causing her to lose her balance. She fell right into his arms.

  Misty could tell Dalton was not happy. She had tried to wait but darn it she wanted to see if she could find the antique plate her mom had wanted. She had done as she had promised and thought before she acted. If she had, to be honest, she thought for almost an entire minute before she got up on the counter. For her, that was doing pretty darn good. From the look on Dalton's face, it probably wasn't the best time for her to explain that. She looked past him to her father and father-in-law. Her eyes widened as the two turned and left leaving her alone with him.

  Dalton waited for Misty to look at him again. It took a few moments, but she finally looked up at him. "Would you like to tell me how you could possibly think that was a good idea?"

  Misty tried to look sorry as she said. "I didn't break my promise. I thought before I acted. I gave it a full minute of thought before I decided it couldn’t hurt to take a peek for my mom."

  Dalton rolled his eyes. "You are supposed to think and not act. If you talk yourself into doing it, you're defeating the point. Misty, you have got to stop doing things that are going to get you hurt or killed."

  Dalton walked over to a chair and sat with her in his lap. He wanted to make sure he didn't speak in anger, but this woman was an absolute nightmare to keep safe. He took a deep breath. "Misty I work in the ER. You have to understand I see the worst-case scenarios of what can happen."

  Misty realized what she had done. It had never occurred to her that the reason he was so adamant was because he had seen firsthand what can happen when you take chances. She really had done it many times before. She was not sure why it was such a big deal, but he saw so much of the bad she knew it must be hard on him. She patted his chest to soothe him.

  Dalton's voice shook as he said softly. "I just don't want you to become a memory. I really don't want to lose you."

  Misty stopped patting his chest and patted his hand trying to comfort him. She really didn't understand why it was such a big deal. She decided to help him understand. She spoke softly. "I guess I have done that so many times and nothings ever…Dalton would you please stop squeezing me."

  The picture Misty started to paint was not comforting. Dalton began to hug her closer the more she talked. He loosened his hug when he realized what he was doing. "Misty I think I need you to stop talking and just let me hold you."

  Misty let him hold her. She really hoped this fear he had would pass. She was going to tell him that but thought maybe he wouldn’t like to hear that either.

  Terry was just getting ready to go into the kitchen when she saw her husband and Vince come out. She smiled at them. "Have you seen Misty?"

  Vince spoke first since Chad was still laughing. "Yes, we have seen Misty."

  Terry looked at the men confused. "Are either of you going to tell me where she is?"

  Chad grinned. "She is in trouble if the look on Dalton's face is any indication."

  Terry realized what happened. "She was on the counter, wasn't she? I told her to wait for one of the boys to help."

  Chad laughed. "Well, she didn't wait."

  "I guess I better go take some of the blame," Terry said not making eye contact with her husband.

  Chad sobered. He knew his wife was avoiding his eyes. That only meant one thing. She was just as guilty as Misty. "For Pete's sake, Terry tell me Misty didn't bust you on the counter first."

  Terry shrugged her shoulders. "I didn't think anyone would walk in. You were all supposed to be out at the barn."

  Chad followed his wife into the kitchen. His voice was firm. "I told you not to get up on that counter. You already broke your arm once falling."

  Dalton choked as he realized Misty took after her mom. Terry's response made him want to weep. "I have gotten much better since we've been married. I only end up in the ER once or twice every six months."

  Misty was thrilled the attention was off of her. She decided to keep it that way. "Mom you can't do that again. As we ladies age our bones get more fragile. Dalton…. would you please stop squeezing me?"

  Terry looked at her daughter. "Now you listen here, young lady. I have not even come close to your trips to the ER. Dalton is not going to forget you were just on that counter too."

  Misty took immediate offense to her mom saying that. “I have gotten better too. I have only… Dalton, would you please stop squeezing me?”

  Dalton looked at her and tried to speak. He loosened his hold, but he was absolutely unable to speak.

  Chad spoke up now. "Now you listen to me, Terry. Dalton may not forget Misty, but I am not going to forget you either. I do not want you ever to get on that counter top again. You will give me your word on this woman!"

  Wyatt and Brock stood in the doorway with Vince and Liz. Brock took one look at Dalton's face and started roaring with laughter. He had just gotten himself under control when the baby monitor informed his sister Rachel was awake. Her look of absolute relief was hilarious as she flew out of Dalton's arms and out of the kitchen. Brock couldn’t help but start laughing again.

  The rest of the group started to laugh as Dalton said a heartfelt prayer. "Please God let Rachel take after her father." He stood and followed Misty to her room.

  Misty looked up at Dalton. She was having trouble feeding Rachel again but didn't want to ask for help. Her arm hurt but telling him that now would be the same as admitting she needed to be more careful.

  Dalton knew she needed his help. He also knew why she wasn’t asking him for help. He looked at her and said softly. "Ask me."

  Misty looked at her bandaged arm. Her carelessness had made it almost impossible to feed her daughter without hurting her stitches. Tears gathered in her eyes as she spoke. "Would you help me please?"

  Dalton walked over to the bed and crawled in behind her. He allowed Misty to manipulate his arm so she could feed Rachel. He looked up as Liz came through the open door. When she sat beside the bed, her voice was firm. "Misty I love you. You are my daughter by choice, but Dalton is right. Look what it is doing to you. You can't even feed her without help. She has lost Brent, please listen to Dalton before she loses you too."

  Misty looked at the pain in her mother-in-law's eyes. This woman had lost her son overseas while he was defending his country. There was no shame in that. Dalton had lost his father in the line of duty. For Misty to lose her life in an accident that was preventable would be shameful. Tears made it hard for her to speak. She simply nodded her head and looked down at her baby.

  Liz looked at Dalton and smiled. "Don't back down. She is too special to do that. You keep her safe."

  Dalton watched Liz leave the room. He kissed the top of Misty's head. "This is not the worst thing we have had to deal with. We'll figure it out. God made you the way you are. We just need to find a way for you to be that person without hurting yourself."

  Misty nodded. She was hurting, but it was a pain she had brought to herself. What hurt worse was the pain she had brought to Liz and Dalton. However, it was the pain she didn't want to bring to Rachel that started to give her a real pause. "I am so sorry." She whispered again.

  Dalton chuckled. "I'm sorry too. I need to stop treating you like a little kid."

  Misty shrugged her shoulders. "I was kind of acting like one."

  Dalton pulled her closer. "It doesn't matter. You aren't one. I need to remember that. It isn't fair. I just have never met anyone like you before. I want to shake you and hug you all at one time. That is a very frustrating way to feel. As I said, I have never met anyone like you before."
  Misty chuckled. "It is probably a good thing you haven't. You seem to be drawn to demented women."

  Dalton smiled. He knew his heart was becoming more engaged with this woman every time he saw her. It scared him and fascinated him all at the same time. He spoke softly. "I seem to be only falling for one demented woman."

  Misty knew most women would be offended by that statement. It was a good thing she wasn't most women. "I do believe that is one of the sweetest things you have ever said to me."

  Dalton chuckled. He paled a little as he realized life with Misty would never be dull. He couldn't help but pray one more time. "Please God let Rachel be like her father."

  Misty chuckled. "Rachel is only my first. If we get married, you do know we will have more?"

  Dalton squeezed her. "Stop being a brat."

  Misty looked up at him and grinned. "I'm being honest. If you start praying now, it gives you a head start."

  Dalton winked at her. "I'll keep that in mind. Now let's finish feeding Rachel so that we can join the others."

  Misty allowed Dalton to help her move Rachel. She didn't need his help after that, but it was nice to feel his arms around her. To feel cherished was something special that Misty would never again take for granite.