Read A Time of Seasons Page 21

Chapter Seventeen

  Dalton had another month stretch at work. He had days off but not enough in a row to go and see Misty and Rachel. It had only been a week since he had left them but it felt much longer. He sat at the nurses' station and charted for a while before he got up and checked his phone. He smiled as he realized that no news was probably good news. Misty would call tonight if she didn't doze off with Rachel.

  Kim watched Dalton and grinned. "Dr. Nelson you have it bad."

  Dalton looked at her and smiled. "I won't even deny it."

  Kim cocked her head to the side and asked. "What is it that draws you to this woman other than the obvious danger?"

  Dalton laughed. "I assure you it is not the danger that draws me to her. I often wonder if we will ever be more than friends at the rate she is trying to get herself killed."

  Kim laughed. "You are still friends? I would have guessed a bit more."

  Dalton thought before he spoke. "It is a bit complicated in some areas. I know God is in control but some things only He can work out."

  Kim understood. "You are a Christian?"

  Dalton looked at her. "I am."

  Kim's voice was more serious as she spoke. "I will pray that God guides you. I understand complicated. My husband Tyler and I had to deal with that. If you ever want to talk let me know. I know I torment you a lot, but I am a fellow Christian."

  Dalton smiled at her. "I will keep that in mind."

  He picked up another chart and started for another room. Kim watched him go inside and laughed. She turned and looked at her friend Miriam. "He is so darn funny. How can you be in love and still think your friends?"

  Miriam shrugged her shoulders. "He is really not catching on to that fact, is he? I didn't realize he was a fellow believer. He always turned down dates, but I thought it was because he liked to keep his personal life and work life separate."

  The two watched as he walked back out and headed their way. He smiled as he sat down and started charting. Looking up he spoke to Miriam. "I'm going to order some IV antibiotics on the woman in that room. If you could take care of my orders as soon as I'm done putting them in, I would appreciate it."

  Miriam smiled. "No problem."

  Dalton was preoccupied writing orders when his phone rang he didn't think and simply hit the speaker button. "Doctor Nelson…"

  Brock's voice came on the other end. "What are your thoughts on my sister skydiving?"

  Dalton closed his eyes. "Please tell me you're joking."

  Brock laughed. "I'm just messing with you. I just wanted to let you know Wyatt, and I will be in Houston next week. We need to get together and have lunch or something."

  Kim laughed drawing attention to the fact that Brock was still on loud speaker. Dalton smiled at her and then hit the button to continue his conversation in private.

  Miriam took the orders he handed her and looked at Kim. "It sounds like her brother is a bit of a rascal."

  Kim agreed. "It sure does. Did you see Dr. Nelson's face, though? That was hysterical."

  Miriam had a thought. "His face said he wouldn't put it past her."

  Kim looked back at Dalton. "She would really go skydiving?"

  Dalton laughed. "I would love to say no, but I have found it is best not to assume when Misty is involved."

  Kim started laughing. "You really do have your hands full."

  Dalton shook his head. "You have no idea."

  The three continued to work. Dalton took great care in making sure all of his patients' needs were addressed and taken care of. He admitted some into the hospital while others he sent home. All in all, it was an average night working in the ER. When the shift ended the three walked out together.

  Miriam waved as she walked to her car. Kim and Dalton walked toward their cars. When Dalton's phone rang, he answered it. Kim laughed as she heard him speak. "Misty don't be mad. You have to remember you do have a tendency to throw caution to the wind."

  Kim opened her car door and gave the doctor a final wave. She almost lost it when she heard him speak again. "Yes, I was worried he was telling me the truth about the skydiving."

  Dalton got in his car and listened to Misty. He could hear the anger in her voice. "Dalton I am trying not to be impulsive. I thought you knew me better than to think I would do something like that."

  Dalton felt bad. It bothered him that she was so upset. "I'm sorry you are right. I shouldn't have thought the worst."

  Misty paused for a second. Now she felt bad that Dalton felt bad. "Well, I guess the last time he called you I was injured. I'm sorry. I suppose I shouldn't have been so upset. I do kind of have a track record with you."

  Dalton smiled. He was relieved she had calmed down. "How about I promise to try to think the best from now on and assume your brother is joking?"

  Misty answered him honestly. She could live with that. She probably should have stopped there, but she didn’t. "I think I can handle that. Dalton, I miss you. I wished you lived closer. I think maybe I overreact because of that. I just don't want you to think the worst, and you are not here to see I’m doing my best. Just today Brock asked me if I wanted to go dirt biking. I really wanted to, but I told him no."

  Dalton counted to ten. “Brock asked you to what?” He was so proud of himself. He didn’t sound upset to even him, and he knew darn well he was upset.

  Misty was thrilled he wanted to know more. “He asked me to go dirt biking. When you jump the little hills, it can be a pretty rough landing. I have had a couple of stitches and a broken arm from it. I know I have Rachel now and told him I couldn’t.”

  Dalton was not sure if he wanted to laugh or cry. He had never heard anyone in his entire life so darn proud of the fact they didn’t do something that could get them killed. He cleared his throat. “You did the right thing. Does it bother you?” Why did he ask that? He was almost sure he was going to regret asking her that.

  Misty paused. She knew he wanted to hear that it was all right but a part of her was sad about saying not going. “I like doing things like that, but I’m a mom now. I guess I have to change who I am.”

  Dalton spoke softly. "I don't want you to change who you are to please me. Maybe we can find something thrilling with a little less danger. …something to remind you that you are still Misty.”

  Misty thought for a moment. “Maybe something like a roller coaster?”

  Dalton had to agree. It was thrilling but for the most part safe. “That sounds fun. I think we may need to find an amusement park and make that happen.”

  Misty laughed. “I’m glad you see my need to still be me.”

  Dalton whispered. “My heart is very engaged with your happiness.”

  Misty spoke softly too. "My heart is engaged as well. I want to keep your attention."

  "You don't have to try at all to get my attention. You have it." Dalton said with a smile.

  "You know you have my attention too? My heart hurts when I think of you not in my life. A part of me is unsure of whether or not I'm good enough for you. I have been married, and you have saved yourself. I guess…" Misty trailed off.

  Dalton spoke firmly into the phone. "Are you kidding me? Misty, you were married, and even if you weren't, I didn't save myself for someone I didn't love. I saved myself for the person I would fall in love with. I'm pretty sure that person is going to be you. When that time comes, I want you to accept my gift for what it is. It is all of me for only you."

  Misty spoke softly through the tears. "That was so beautiful. If we are married, I will gladly accept your gift."

  Dalton was pulling into his driveway. He knew he should let her go but wanted just a moment longer with her on the phone. "I don't think the word is 'if.' I believe that the word is 'when.' Anything less would break my heart."

  Misty hiccupped through her tears. "Dalton, how did I get so blessed to have found you?"

n answered softly. "Misty, you didn't find me. God did. He used that crazy dog of mine to save your life and bring us together. We have things we need to work on before we allow our hearts to be totally engaged but God will lead us on those paths. We just have to trust Him with our future. Am I ready to say 'I love you.'? I don't think so yet. Am I ready to kiss you? I would say not right now. I am having a blast just getting to know you as my friend. You have things you need to do, and I have things to work on too. Is that enough for you right now?"

  Misty was suddenly happy. His words took so much pressure off of her. "I am more than satisfied with that right now. I think I may be misreading you sometimes. I feel like it is going too fast. It feels almost like I have to rush and put Brent in his proper place and just start letting you take over my heart."

  Dalton smiled. "I do not want to do that. If there is one thing, I am certain on I want you to make room for me in your heart at your pace. When you give me your heart, I want to know you are ready to do that. Brent was your husband. You were planning on growing old together. That just doesn't go away. I understand that I can't just walk in and take his place. He deserves more than that, and so do you."

  Misty was deeply touched by his words. "Dalton I am so thankful that you are the man God created you to be."

  The two talked a few more minutes. Each of them parted in their own thoughts. Dalton was at peace with all God had for him. Misty was still fighting her insecurities but felt better about putting it all in God's hands even if that meant doing it daily.