Read A Time of Seasons Page 22

Chapter Eighteen

  Misty sat on the front porch drinking tea with her mom. Dalton would be there in two days, but to Misty, it seemed much longer. She watched as Wyatt and Brock walked toward them. Brock had Rachel in his arms. "Did she like the pony?" Misty asked amused.

  Brock frowned at his sister. "You know darn well she slept through the entire introduction."

  Misty laughed. "She is only two and a half months old. What exactly did you two think was going to happen?"

  Wyatt grinned. "We just want to make sure that as she grows up, she is aware that her first pony was bought by her uncles."

  Brock nodded his head as he agreed. "It brings a whole new level of awesome to the table."

  Misty looked at her mother. "They do know Dalton has the awesome part already, don't they? I mean he is the one that brought her into the world."

  Terry shook her head. "I'm thinking if they are buying her a pony they may have overlooked that."

  Wyatt looked at his sister. "I didn't even think about that. Brock, we just wasted our time going for awesome."

  Brock gave his sister a cocky grin. "Well, we may just have to go for epic."

  Misty decided that her brothers could have awesome. She had no desire to see what epic would entail. "How about you two keep awesome, and we give Dalton epic? I'm just not sure I want to know what you two would do to surpass the fact that without Dalton's help the two of us would have died."

  Wyatt looked at Brock. "I'm good with awesome."

  Brock agreed. "I guess it would be a little hard to beat epic. The man did save her and Rachel’s life."

  Misty took Rachel from Brock and started feeding her. As she watched her brothers walk away, she had to ask. "I know I have issues but Brock…how in the world did he get that line of thinking?"

  Terry laughed. "I'm not sure. Out of all of you, he is the wild card. Wyatt might have been a 'whoops, ' but Brock is the one that makes us scratch our heads."

  Misty looked down at Rachel. She was awake more these days, and Misty smiled as her beautiful brown eyes looked up at her. "I will never be able to look in her eyes and not see Brent."

  Terry smiled. "You have a very blessed life Misty. I know with Brent's death you may not think so but to have a man like Dalton that has come into your world. Not many men can share the woman they love."

  Misty smiled. "He doesn't love me yet."

  Terry grinned. "He may not be 'in' love with you yet but that man does love you, and you love him. You two are just waiting for the falling to complete."

  Misty laughed at her mother's imagery. "I think Dalton will always be waiting for the falling to complete. I do tend to get myself into some real pickles."

  Terry laughed. "You know what I mean."

  Misty grinned. "I know what you mean. I do love him. I would be heartbroken if he never came back."

  Terry looked out across the ranch. "You know that the houses we rent out are for you and your brothers? Have you given any thought about taking that step?"

  Misty smiled. She answered honestly. "I think I want to wait just a bit longer. I'm not sure if I will be living here or in Houston."

  Terry laughed. "I hadn't thought of that. I think you both have made it perfectly clear there is a future."

  Misty smiled softly. "It is still hard to think about that without feeling guilty. I would have given Brent forever."

  Terry smiled sadly. "I know you would have but now that he is gone. He would be furious if you still tried to give that to him."

  Misty thought about her counseling. "My counselor says that one day it will just click. I will be able to look at Dalton and want to have forever with him without the guilt. I am blessed to have a man that is willing to wait for that to happen. I don't think I thank God nearly enough."

  The two women sat and chatted for quite some time. Terry encouraged her daughter to be all God wanted her to be. Misty listened to her mother's words of wisdom.