Read About Dafne Page 15

  Speaking of return

  That evening Dafne fixed the red ceiling of the old his/her cameretta. The lost eyes in the void shone, with bitter discouragement. The last words of Moris played again her in head, hammering her/it. Also Bob was present that evening, bossily, painfully. You/he/she had begun to remember the times of the school, the moment in which you/he/she had seen for the first time all of his/her paintings, when as two young thieves set apart him for brief passionate instants between a lesson and the other, the time that he had touched her the first time, softly grazing her/it how come anybody you/he/she had done before. Then he/she thought about Santorini and the supper to the castle. Of hit the feelings and the river of anguish arrived that only a monster had been able to give her. But the thoughts wandered fast and autonomous, and after the torment, here that again he/she saw the images of that Bob that you/he/she had loved her and course in heaven, how come any other you/he/she would have been able to do, perhaps anymore. This torture was brusquely interrupted by the beep of an upcoming sms:

  I believe both better putting aside all for an instant. My mother has had an ischemia; I have to immediately go to Mantua. I want that Dani and you bring forth everything up to that I will be away, understood the event of Saturday. I need you because it serves someone of which to blindly entrust me.

  I would not ask you him if it were important. Be I ask afresh it to dependent.


  Dafne after twenty minutes had already parked his/her Peugeot bordeaux under house of Moris. The door hardly opened it was thrown to his neck, asking him as the things they were. Moris explained that you/he/she had been an enough light ischemia, but that sights the other complications, the physicians were not pronounced yet. It had to depart for being with the family up to implored danger.

  «I can come with you.» it proposed her with sweet tone.

  «I need here you Dafne. Of Dani I trust a lot me, you/he/she can hold opens me the cafe and to manage the things of every day, but you/he/she cannot organize an event with that harpy of Daylight. I have seen you in good tuning with his/her partner, therefore you have to stay to the cafe. Excuse, has now to put away some things. Dani passes at nine and half o'clock, so it accompanies me to Mantua and then my van it is held. Of sure it will serve you.»

  «But I can bring you me in Mantua, also immediately» it replied Dafne, suppliant.

  «No Daf, Dani will come, it is already definite. I want only now to assemble me an instant and to understand what cazzo to bring me.»

  «You feel Moris, I want to talk to you, and to know what I can do for helping you; not as my head, but as the man with which.» but Moris interrupted her/it not to feel things to which you/he/she would not have believed.

  «I am as whoever it would be to my place, worried for my mother. Of we will talk to my return; now excuse me, but I don't have desire of it.»

  «You will call me?» churches her on the door, with eyes to be stolen tenderness from a fawn.

  Moris interrupted him and reached her/it on the door.

  «Certain. You now go. You immediately salt in car and close you. There is around ugly people» it said with a tone that Dafne didn't understand entirely.

  The temptation to follow her/it for the staircases and to do her/it his/her in an instant was strong indeed. It desired her, also only for a long kiss. But the anger for what had happened it held back him/it, united to the anxiety for the sick mother.

  Dafne worked very hard the first days of that week; it divided him between the cooperative and the management of the cafe. The ideas on the preparation were plentiful, and this helped him not to think about the onerous burden that its life was at that time: the serious memoirs more and more of the three preceding years, the sudden transformation of the relationship with Moris and the constant fear that something dreadful was able anchors to happen. Also the event to be organized, in certain moments, it brought back her in the time, to that frenzy that only in the agencies of communication he breathed, when all sold the soul so that the wheel of the perfect slogan and the charming spot turned to the perfection. It was a world that Dafne seemed to hate with all herself, but that at that time it oddly attracted him in whirling way, finding again that creativeness that the maid apron could not give her.

  The mother of Moris was improving, but he had already decided to stay himself/herself/themselves to Mantua up to halves the following week; you/he/she was by now official that would not have assisted to the event.

  In the meantime, for Dafne, Samuel had become by now Sammy. The boy had not been sorry at all that friendly nickname, while you/he/she had resoundingly been bothering Daylight, that hated extremely the speed with which the two socialized.

  It was the day before the event. One day to a little frantic dir. Moris had never called Dafne, otherwise from how much insured. You/they had communicated twice only through message. Despite the desire to call him/it, the girl was braked by the context, fearing to bother him or to go trouble to the family. That silence was very sad. You/he/she had gotten further the only person that did her/it be better, the only hope to overcome indeed the past, a presence that somehow you/he/she had helped her to open the eyes.

  In the first afternoon, Daylight and the other boys of the cafe they were around for Milan to choose the last preparations of the sideboard. Its almost obsessive control for the details had oddly had the upper hand on the obsessive control towards Samuel, remained to the cafe with Dafne. The two went on to work on the preparation of the place.

  «I see you thoughtful today. Is it for the mother of Moris?» the churches Samuel with interest.

  «Yes, also. We say that it is not a beautiful period for two anybody. You are a careful observer» Dafne responded for diverting from a matter that uneasiness gave her.

  «I understand, let's grant then us the cigarette of the good humor» it cut short Samuel, gathering the embarrassment.

  «You know, me incuriosisce a thing; how come Daylight doesn't turn to an organizer of events for this evening?» he/she asked Dafne to definitely change discourse.

  «Be', you/he/she had thought of us, then you/he/she has discarded the idea because he/she wanted to directly check the thing. But I believe has also been a discourse of money. As I mentioned ago you days, we don't have a big budget, and with our actual resources we cannot overdo. This event would be able it stuffed to know better to give us some space. We have to hope that comes well, however.»

  «I understand. Then it is important that he succeeds in making a good evening. We are not the exclusive place that desired Daylight, but we will put her/it all.»

  «This place is fantastic, and it is spacious. And you have been super. I hope that can be collaborated together sooner or later, even in an agency all my.»

  «Wow, is ambitious! And you do well. Personally with that world I have closed. But we go on now, there is so much to do.»

  Also that was a key that for Dafne it was better not to deepen. Samuel, also in this case, it understood that it was not the case to ask questions. It found as in Dafne a fleeing exuberant person, and this fascinated a lot him.

  «You feel Dafne, already that we are there, I want to propose you a thing for tomorrow evening. I believe that the other boys will be enough to serve. Would I like to ask to be you with me to the reception of the guests, that you say of it then? After all you have been you our organizer of events. And tomorrow I would like to introduce you as such.»

  «Be', I, don't know.» bofonchiò her.

  «In short I don't want, that you serve to drink tomorrow! Not that there is void badly of, it is your job and I respect him/it. But this evening is also your work, and I would like you to have a different role. And then it serves me someone that makes me make two laughters while Daylight he will entertain with the world. Typical of a Milanese mole-entrepreneur!»

  It bursted in a sonorous laughter.

  «Be', I believe can be done; more than to welcome, could check that everything is all right.
Also Dani had mentioned me to something similar, in effects.»

  «I would say that then it is definite, you will make supervision. As you have put to evening suits?»

  The two boys would have remained for times to speak, wound by a perfect tuning. The question on the evening suit had produced a nice blow and answer with which Dafne had tried to defend his/her sobriety, above all for the mental good of Daylight.

  It came so the prophetic evening. You/they had attended names known of the world publishing and similar. That events were often a way to unite creative personality, fluorescent and parties to whatever worldly event from which to be able to also draw the least profit, that pits of rincontrare known names, to strut the look of the moment or to end photographed in some city magazine. They were all very elegant ones, I understood the waiters. Dafne had purchased for the boys something that was to theme with the colors of the evening. Also for herself you/he/she had chosen a consistent look to the circumstance. You/he/she was not allowed to convince for the evening suit, but its apparition made to turn more than few men. Red hair was tied up in a soft chignon that allowed to fall some lock on the shoulders; the long tapered legs were bandaged in a black leggings semilucido, closed after all from a boot in skin. Above an adherent gilet of the same color covered an as many adherent white sweater to short sleeves. On the left breast a label with the logo of the art cafe and the name of the comic strip. You/he/she had created and gotten the same labels for all the boys of the cafe, detail that Samuel liked a lot it. Daylight made immediately to notice that also she had thought about something of the kind, but that unfortunately you/he/she had not had material time to create him/it.

  Dafne was radiant; many men made the accounts with his/her own companions, because of the long looks to that physical. That garments, however sober, they had on her an elegant and attractive aspect. The face, despite the thousand worries, it was extended and parish priest, veiled by a dark makeup on the eyes that you/he/she put in prominence of it the look and you/he/she accented the green tones of it.

  Daylight rigorously introduced him with a dark evening suit. It checked to the exhaustion every detail, also allowing himself/herself/itself to give some retouch to the knot of the tie of Dani. Also Samuel, the ragazzone of almost a meter and ninety from the notable physicist, made its appearance in an elegant beige suit. The attempt of Daylight to repair him the tie however it was vain; the knot was loosened volutamente, to safeguard at least partly the personal style. The art cafe was unrecognizable. Dafne had the impression not to have seen together never so many crystals and mirrors all. The sideboard included every type of tartine, sweets, icings and stuzzichini. About ten bottles of wine and sparkling wine adorned the table of the drinks, together with two big bowls of glass floods of punch. At twenty o'clock many of the guests had arrived, I already understood the rich parents of Daylight, fierce as not never that his/her daughter was entering to tense leg among the agencies of I detach Milanese. The evening seemed to take off in pleasant way, and Dafne was enthusiastic of it. It often checked the jail cell in attends him that Moris called, even with the excuse to know something. But an event to a little unexpected dir was about to upset her evening, irreversibly. All began when Samuel and she, intents to converse with an eccentric painter of Turin, were brusquely interrupted by Daylight, that drew near to the with an exhilarating smile ex throwing him/it to itself. The enthusiasm of what was about to announce, he/she clouded for an instant the bother to have found again it with Dafne.

  «Cannot understand Sam, has come! Was the surprise of which have not told you nothing! Does the teacher of advertising communication remember yourself that was to the Dante? Give, that piece of man that looked at all Roberto Chellini! You/he/she has come, you/he/she has come, you come to greet him/it!»

  Dafne felt a tear to the heart, he/she didn't hear nient'altro; the buzz of the guests and every other noise disappeared. Sammy had been dragged by Daylight toward the entry. Dafne hardly read a" see you later" in the labial one of the boy. A feeling of prickle and I chill the body it invaded her. He/she only succeeded in managing the end of the conversation with the painter, excusing himself/herself/itself. You lost some instant among the crowd, stunned. Fifty-fifty room was found, frightened by the fact that at that time the view pits suddenly free up to the entry. Nobody divided her/it from what you/he/she would have seen from there to little. It was this way. He/she indiscriminately saw the elegant figure of Bob, that was about to healthy Samuel and the parents of Daylight. It was not alone. With him, some colleagues, among which Cassandra, the hateful woman for which Dafne had worked in agency and that to the times you/he/she had been motive for more than few contrasts. And it was there now with him, radiant in to make his/her entry with the advertising one more genial and beautiful than all Milan. Took Dafne some shoves, petrified as it was in front of that scene. Bob had gone there, nonchalant of the fact that that place was tied up to her. Thousand thoughts were crossing her the brain, fast, confused. He could not know that she had taken back the job to the cafe: this was the only explanation with which Dafne could make sense of such an invasion of his/her spaces from Bob. Yet he/she remembered that evening when a man had spied her while he was kissing Moris, really inside the cafe. What to think? What to believe? Everything was maddish, absurd. Dafne knew well that every single thought would be crystallized not as soon as he had noticed her. It was the first time. Later at four months would be looked almost in the eyes, again. It was June 10. The moment didn't delay to arrive. By now inside the place, Bob was systematizing a rebellious lock that escaped from the tail, him falling on the face; in to do him/it you/he/she turned him toward right and his/her hand he was paralyzed along the cheek. You/he/she had seen her. They settled for an endless instant. Dafne had the feeling that also he was not waited for to see her/it, and that you/they were trying both the same paresi. You were hated terribly, because at that time nothing overhung his/her first thought": anybody, in the good and in the evil, you/he/she would ever have looked at her in that way." It was a spine-chilling look, inexplicable, that seemed to last times.

  Then, Bob unexpectedly, lowered the look for first. Taken back the gesture to settle himself/herself/themselves the hair and him it did wide with an icy smile, hand by hand that the known faces happened him before. You didn't detach him an instant the eyes of back. Bob began some conversation, as if nothing was happened, while one of the boys drew near him with a tray full of cups of white wine. Bob refused and he directed toward the nonalcoholic ones. It was not that the scene that for Dafne was waited. You/he/she had thought thousand times about the eventuality to meet him/it, and you/he/she had seen thousand different scenes in his/her head, but nobody foresaw his/her total indifference.

  Falls there and, despite everything, he/she succeeded in not looking at her/it. Dafne raced in the bath of the personnel, on the back. You closed inside and it fixed the mirror. The eyes were red fire, blinded by tears that you/he/she could not grant in public him. It waited until you/they had not disappeared, anger risucchiate and torment. You gave a fast rinsed and the makeup was repaired.

  It checked the telephone and it found a message of Moris. Dafne quickly read him/it: good job wished her and he/she specified that you/he/she would have remained waiting for a call of end account evening, to whatever time. Dafne threw away the jail cell, thinking only that the absence of Moris had avoided a true catastrophe. As you/he/she would have reacted if you/he/she had been there? After their sentimental developments and for the convictions that Moris had, you/he/she would have been of certain a big disaster. But for divine grace he was distant, and now that situation was his. Suddenly Dafne felt the stomach burn, an intense burning, that however it didn't induce her/it to run away, as it was natural that pits. It induced her to reenter in the room, for how much herself judged him/it an absurd instinct. It had to see him/it again.

  It hardly emerged out of the back it hysterically directed him from Dani, to understand as same the restocking of the side
board going; meanwhile it looked for Bob with the look. It located him/it after some second. He/she talked to some people. Daylight and Cassandra were around still him as vultures. After some instant, Dafne and Bob they were to the opposite parts of the table of the sideboard. An only meter. It almost felt the perfume of it, what had always inebriated her, emitted by his/her hair by his/her skin. He timidly lifted the look, once more as intense as brief. Dafne didn't succeed in bearing such an indifference. Had you/he/she been her to say to consider her/it to him dead, but as it made him to be impassive in to see her/it again? And because you/he/she was allowed to accept the invitation, also knowing that that place was nearby her so much? A river of questions they alternated him in his/her head, contradictory. Despite the whole heart it hurt her, lines missed her the breath.

  Seeing that the other boys had everything under control, Dafne it escaped the looks of Daylight and Sammy, and it slunk away out of the place for a mouthful of air. He/she didn't know if and how much you/he/she would have been able to hold up that situation and it was tormented from the doubts. She didn't even succeed in understanding what pits the most greater difficulty. It was senseless. It felt the deafening one shout of that by now meaningless party, and without realizing you/he/she was brought in the dark path that conducted to the exit retrostante of the cafe of it. A lukewarm breeze caressed her the skin and disarranged her picked hair. To a line it felt not to be alone. Bob was to the beginning of the path. Dafne stepped backwards toward the door of the back, also knowing to have left her/it closed to key. It was found with the shoulders to the wall, petrified. Bob was illuminated by the light of the flashing insignia of the cafe. Despite Dafne it was alone and defenseless, that figure was everything anything else other than threatening. He remained where it was, to a pair of meters from her.

  «Me. The didn'ts know him/it» it said with intimidated tone, how much cold.

  «Thing?» it whispered her with a thread of voice, that almost seemed a desperate hiss.

  «What the evening was here, and that you still worked there. you/they have invited me and.»

  Bob drew near, putting the hands before, as soon as he saw that she was stumbling, in the attempt to step backwards.

  «I know him/it that you are invited. It stays far!» it told her disdainful tone.

  «Dafne I pray you, I won't hurt you. I don't make her/it to see you so terrorized. Me. The have not found anybody excuse not to enter. when my colleagues have parked here before to hit you/he/she is taken me, but by now we had arrived. I/you/they are not affixed here, if it is this that you think.»

  Dafne didn't succeed in answering, amazed in to hear again his/her voice. It stayed firm against the wall, up to that he/she saw him turn himself/herself/themselves and to leave, as to reassure her/it with the facts that you/he/she would never have dared to do nothing. Just before to turn the angle it still reassured her/it:

  «Now I will ask to my friends to bring me home, I cannot stay anymore, I wanted only to tell you him.»

  But as soon as it did for turning, instinctively she braked him/it.

  «That's all? Is it alone this that you have to tell me?» it told with a knot throat.

  He for all answer returned back and it arrived nearby this time to her, as if the kept indifference during the whole evening were enfeebled in the nothing. You had again stepped backwards but he didn't take care of, and it reached her/it.

  «Thing I owe Daf to tell you? Look me with a terror that I don't want to make to try you anymore, even for an instant. I would have so so many things to tell you and to ask you.»

  The breath of Dafne was made heavy, it kept on touching himself/herself/themselves the throat, thinking that you/he/she could explode. It felt the heart pulsate anywhere, over that in the breast.

  «Gotten further! I don't even know why I am speaking to you. Besides I believe that someone is looking for you with anxiety, therefore it reenters and you end your evening. And then. it thanks God that Moris is not here, otherwise you would have made to disagreeable figures with that people, trusted!» it said with to do aggressive, fought in that absurd ambivalence not to want him/it near but to have just held back him/it.

  «You believe me Daf? I pray you! I didn't know what we would have come here, otherwise I would never have joined to them» it whispered, after being outdistanced by her than at least half meter.

  «And do tell me, because you would not have come? Mistake or have you said that you didn't know to find here me? And are you now you however, that you shiver to the thought to have met me, it is not absurd?» churches her in rhetorical way, repenting himself/herself/itself after a second of that last sentence.

  It was not able and he/she didn't want to afford himself/herself/themselves to give him importance but despite everything you/he/she was doing him/it. It was unbelievable, but its heart was strongly bothered by the fact that Bob was thinking about leaving without opposing the least resistance and that, moreover, he was excusing for having entered to the cafe. It tried everything the contrary of what a normal woman would have tried to his/her place.

  «Rather is useless, that tell other tales of the cazzo on the terror to hurt me» continued her, capsize the situation and to treat him/it as deserved «you would escape in a second because fear that the police can call from a moment to the other! Or what can do him/it whoever knows your histories. Then not to offend over my intelligence.»

  «It is useless, I could not convince anymore you of nothing. It doesn't serve to anything, to nothing!»

  Bob did for leaving and, again, before turning the angle, he turned verse of her.

  «I will never thank you enough not to have reported me after what I have made you pass.»

  The hair that the wind was bringing him with insistence on the face and it continued removed.

  «However I will spend forever a fifty-fifty life. It is to this you have to believe.»

  «NO! I am me that that will live a fottuta life fifty-fifty Bob, me! I won't love anymore in the pure and innocent way with which I have loved you. Have destroyed me the life and I don't know why! Rather I know him/it! Because you are a crazy person and the crazy persons as you you/they should be confined only!»

  You/he/she had begun to howl, nonchalant that could feel her/it someone. Dafne could not see them, but to the sound of those words his eyes were made shiny. The man began to breathe with worry.

  «I have to go. now. yes, The have to go.»

  But her to that point he was approaching. You/he/she had felt his/her sentence suddenly broken by an asthmatic breath, and in few instants he/she saw him/it breathe to work. It seemed all except a performance. You/he/she would also be killed not to stop him/it and to leave to suffer him/it as a dog. Yet it held back him/it for an arm, feeling a strong shake. Both felt her/it. He fell with the back leaned to the wall, and it grew loose the tie.

  «You feel, of there it is full of people, and perhaps it is not the case to reenter in this state. To do you some favors, be clear not! I have the responsibility of this fottuta evening» it said her with dry tone, that however it hid an inexplicable worry.

  Bob was literally leaned to the wall, as him same to collapse from a moment to the other. It visibly turned pale, and its symptoms of worry didn't fade away. It looked at her in silence, even if with breath more and more shaken. Its look was tired, but always penetrating.

  «Thing you have?» churches her with different tone totally beforehand.

  «Nothing, happens me. often lately. but it is not anything. it now stops. You owe. you have to reenter, you also go. The waits here for an instant» he responded with evident work.

  «Thing often happens you? What is it?» insistette her not understanding what it was, even if in appearance it seemed a crisis of asthma. Bob was one of the healthiest and strong men whom had ever known and in the years of their history you/he/she had never seen him so weakened.

  «Dafne you have to reenter, me. The takes burdens air and. The wills be well.»

  Dafne held correct to listen to him/it, he lifted an arm and he/she succeeded in grazing her face with the the fingers, a brief instant. You had been firm, any sign, any footstep back. It was there, so much neighbor to the man of which to be afraid, at that time weak and harmless. Two nobody held that possible moment up to mezz'ora before, but he was consuming, even if Dafne to that point damped him/it running away away.

  In to reenter, what happened of worse it was able he/she anchors to happen; it was found before Cassandra.

  «But then I had seen correct, you are you. here explained where Roberto had disappeared. Was it with you out?» in to ask him/it it looked around him looking for Bob in the immediate proximities.

  Before the girl could answer her, Cassandra noticed the label that had to the breast:

  «Ah but do you work here? Be', were not the graphics and the publicity perhaps been suitable granché to such a rebellious girl as you, true?» he/she asked with malignant tone to put her/it in difficulty.

  Bob had just reentered and with the a little regular breath still you/he/she immediately turned him to Cassandra. Dafne didn't turn him, and he/she heard only the voice of it, with a shiver.

  «Cassandra, stop her/it! If you don't regret. The would like to go home.»

  It dragged her with itself to reach Daylight and the publishers of the comic strip. Dafne, once more, he/she wanted to try everything other: anger, bother, fear. The only feeling of that moment, was instead that positive to have been defended by him, quickly.

  «What Robi has happened you, you have a face. The wases not telling her nothing of badly, however. Did I hope that this event was a diversionary, and you does yourself instead still ruin the evenings from a ragazzina. saint sky Roberto, thing you Khan ever share with that tizia? Indeed I don't understand!» it commented her without reservedness.

  «I don't have intention to talk to you of these things. If you want to remain I call a taxi. Rather I believe, that I will call him/it however, I am not very of company. And however believe me, any woman to his/her place would have borne for a long time a dog as me. you don't know anything in reality» she confessed Bob leaving Cassandra with amazed expression.

  «No Robi, excuse me, I didn't want to be intrusive. It is alone that in these months I have seen you little. And I know that it is for the end of your history. I thought that in this occasion you would have been able to take back some contacts, even to have a good time together us. You/they have looked for you this whole spring. You have refused important jobs and all for. in short, for your personal problems. You cannot allow him/it!» it forcedly told her thoughtful tone.

  «I beg you Cassandra, thanks for the evening and the hurry. I will take back prestissimo with the job, now I have to go. Here it misses the air. I call you me.»

  He/she kissed her on the cheek. Then he/she greeted all and it brought him toward the exit.

  Dafne had observed far them from. It was still disoriented to have seen Bob again, to have spoken to us and to have seen him/it in that strange state. It tried a mixture of hate and bother but at the same time it kept on hearing again his/her words, oddly satisfied not to be is him indifferent. You hated for that feeling. You/he/she could not prevent her/it. It observed Bob and every single gesture of his towards Cassandra, woman that hated and that you/he/she would have beaten gladly. Then the lies of Bob and the spine-chilling history of Vanessa came to mind. You/he/she had been able to tell that his ex wife was dead. And then the whole suffered violence. Yet the obsession returned to Bob and Cassandra, arrived together with that party. Dafne would kill himself/herself rather than to accept him/it. It didn't feel the desire to warn the woman of the possible danger, there was only the wish not to see them near. The wish that she disappeared. And he felt lifted in to see that Bob went alone away.

  Dafne brought him to the exit just before him. Bob went out with so much rapidity not to see her/it. It crossed the road directing himself/herself/itself toward the parchetto in front of the cafe. It did a phone call and him it abandoned on a bench just illuminated by a lamp-post, with the head among the hands. Dafne looked him/it on the other side of the road, more and more surprise that he didn't have the in some opportunity attitudes persecutori or insistent. It was her that accursedly tried to reach him/it, and to be I set him. It felt only perhaps like feeling himself/herself/themselves superior in comparison to him, to redeem himself/herself/themselves in to treat badly it. But all of this didn't have sense. The only sensible thing, had to be to run away the most distant possible from him. Contrarily, few footsteps you/he/she was found again to from that bench, without being made him account to have crossed.

  «You have to tell me because. Whether to choose me and to do me all this? Because Bob?» he/she asked him revealing his/her presence.

  Bob turned, frightened by the sudden apparition, incredulous that had spontaneously returned him near. A mixture of joy and amazement it ploughed the features of his/her face.


  «Answer me! And already that there six, tell me if you were you last week, to break me the auto and to spy me with Moris!»

  «But what do you say? Which auto? And to spy you where?»

  Bob had immediately abandoned the bench. It had the disturbed air. Of first I lead off it seemed a sincere reaction, but to believe in Bob, whatever pits the feeling, was very difficult by now for Dafne. You/he/she had made her believe in the death of an alive and flourishing person, without never a doubt. Then which hangs you/he/she could give to his/her own meter of judgment? Every single word of Bob would have been able to contemporarily be true and false. It was a paradoxical communication in every instant. It was impossible to be sustained, impossible to trust himself/herself/themselves. Yet the heart kept on opposing the head. But you/he/she could not give him/it for him to see.

  «Is useless! You have been able to lie me on things that he/she anchors they make me come the shivers, I don't believe in an only word anymore, to anybody your pathetic sketch from man that it falls from the clouds.»

  «I don't know indeed about thing speak Daf! To spy you where, where were you with Moris?»

  «We were here to the cafe, a night, not to pretend not of.»

  «At night?» Bob interrupted her/it. You/he/she had immediately realized that its presence in the cafe was not alone tied to the job.

  «Therefore are you ended together? It is not possible.» it commented him bringing himself/herself/itself the hands to the nape and turning himself/herself/itself.

  Dafne shivered. Lost in those accursed feelings you/he/she had made a stupid movement. If indeed Bob had not spied never her, you/he/she had now been her to tell him of Moris, putting to risk herself and the friend. He/she thought about the old scenes, to the stories of Vanessa, and it suddenly felt him in strong danger. But on the point to run away it noticed that Bob didn't do anything of this to which she was thinking. It stepped backwards on the bench, and with signs of desperation it bursted in tears, as a child.

  «But then thing you want from me? Because you are here? Leave me dead Daf as me volevi.è all useless. It is not possible, I have conducted you right-hand among his/her braccias.» it said him, lost in that sudden outlet, lacerating.

  Dafne had turned his back, with the whole intention to run away. Those words broken by the weeping had stopped her. Bob continued, with a sentence that bewildered entirely Dafne.

  «They are in care at a psychiatrist Daf, more or less from when you have gone away. He knows everything. I have submitted him my life after I have.»

  It jammed.

  «After you have. thing?» churches her being distant.

  Bob hesitated anchor, for then to calm down himself/herself/themselves, to send down the knot to the throat and to tell what was happened after the end of their history.

  «I was about to do ends her/it Daf. After you have gone. And I/you/they have gone nearby there, believe me. After having you lost I/you/they have reverted ago in depression as years. I
have understood that I had to make to help me, this time indeed. You/he/she is happened late, but they say that I am able he/she anchors to live a normal life to be well. I have kept to from all to assemble only me on myself. But cazzo is hard. This was one of the first occasions in which I accepted an invitation. Without you you/he/she has been a hell. I would have had to tell you everything, to tell you of Vanessa, of Thomas and of my reaction. I would have.»

  Dafne followed those words with a lot of pathos, when a name of too much it stopped his/her attention.

  «Who Thomas would be?» it interrupted him/it disoriented.

  «What it means who would be?» he/she asked more still Bob disorientated «you. you have seen Vanessa, you have told me that you knew everything.»

  Dafne had the clean feeling that everything was unreal even more. You/he/she could not hold up other truths, lies or other details on those people. Yet, the curiosity on that Thomas was immediately invasiva. You/he/she had been being run away by that torments for few weeks, that had reentered within immediately there with all the shoes, in a vortex from herself created. A vortex that did more and more him insidious. The arrival of the taxi interrupted that moment in which both, a little, shinily he was fixing, aware that something didn't return.

  «It is the taxi that I have called. I implore you Daf I have to speak to you, I have to explain you everything, and this time are also prepared to everything to show you that is the truth! Nothing will excuse me from the fact that I have beaten you and that I have lost you for my repugnant lies. But the physicians are helping me to face my past, all it depends from there. If we could see once only us at least.» churches him, in suppliant tone.

  «I will never come from you, I won't make me tell other lies. Parish priests and be well me. Tonight you/he/she has been an accident that won't have anymore to be repeated himself/herself/themselves. It is the only sensible thing. You salt on that taxis and leave forever Bob.»

  Dafne raced away, with the strength that only the arrival of the taxi had given her. He/she didn't want to feel nothing anymore, you/he/she could not reenter in that tornados of lies and falsehood. You/he/she was finding peace with a lot of work, it had to clarify the things with Moris, to give back sense to all of his/her life. You/he/she was not set for deepening there who pits Thomas, the cares of Bob and the thousand puzzle that you/he/she was created in few less than a hour.

  When it reentered to the cafe, Cassandra struck by lightning her/it to little dir. Dafne didn't do anything, its life was also already enough complicated without adding in the cauldron a report for aggression. Definite with success that indifference gave good satisfaction. Sammy reached her/it shortly after, asking her where that whole time had disappeared. That smiling boy and of good humor always transmitted her strong trust. This way it mentioned him to have seen his again ex, and that unexpectedly you/they had spoken, being very confused from what happened. It didn't make some indication on who pits and Sammy, despite you/he/she had noticed something, in his/her extreme discretion he/she didn't ask other. It was clear that the girl would not be unbuttoned, treating himself/herself/itself of an ex teacher. It was clear also that the end of the history between Dafne and the mysterious man was giving her an intense pain. Sammy noticed that the lines of Dafne were not not at all those radiant and extended of beginning evening.

  «I hope indeed that you don't have that faccinos upset tomorrow also! I will pass in the afternoon to bring away everything. Everybody will hardly go, away I will lend you a hand to remove the big one. You have been a fabulous companion of preparation. And he/she remembers that I want to see soon some your job!»

  Dafne adored the smile of that young. It was impossible not to be infects of it. Never as that evening it felt the need of a bright face that distracted her/it. Unfortunately Daylight tore soon him to him; whining to perdifiato had convinced him/it to celebrate the result of the event in a place on the other side of Milan. A" thanks also to you" it was what succeeded in reserving to the staff of the cafe.

  They were the five of the morning and Dafne he/she wagged him in the bed of his/her small room. He/she dreamt Bob, and he/she dreamt the just departed evening. In late forenoon its eyes opened wide him. It fixed the ceiling while he/she was thinking about the nightmares of the night. Then, of sudden, a thought struck by lightning her head. You/he/she had not written to Moris.

  It was her to find one message of his, received to deep night. Moris would have returned toward the time of lunch and you/he/she would have attended her to the cafe, in the late afternoon.