Read About Dafne Page 17

  Speaking of great decisions

  That kiss monopolized the two without truce for different time. Bob tried to abandon her/it on the carpet, but she immediately opposed a light resistance that him you/he/she respected.

  «No Bob» it murmured her, had still been twisting for that last unthinkable minutes.

  «I know him/it, excuse me. I want you to be well my love. I love you, I love you to die.»

  It kept on whispering her many others I love you before its lips returned to feel the taste of those of Dafne. The two kept on kissing him for other long instants, but as soon as they understood that the bodies passionately desired other, they stopped him. They spoke up to the dawn, Dafne had wanted to tell all the lapels of his/her visit to the Chellinis, than the visit of Vanessa and all of this had twisted her that the woman had told and omitted, explaining that already that evening, in the little lucidity of the moment, a lot of things had him stranita. Both arrived to arrange on the fact that the gesture of Vanessa had been the final revenge, probably arranged with Sofia. Then Dafne told him of his/her new cohabitation with his/her/their parents and than its suffering had reapproached them. Dafne cared to clarify that the to be kissed him it didn't define anything; stranita was too from what happened to succeed in giving him a sense. Bob understood those words, yet you/he/she seemed to push toward a common objective, in the hope that from that night a real hope was born to restart.

  «I would like that tomorrow afternoon I came with me in session Daf; I would like to talk to my physician of that that has happened, of the fact that I can try indeed and not only to words. I would like to make this walk together, it would be important for me. I will have to begin some sessions of psychotherapy, that place side by side the run from the psychiatrist. We could go from one of the strategic physicians of which you spoke first» churches him grazing her face, from the disorientated expression.

  «Bob can be made, but first I have to systematize other things; I cannot return to see you as if nothing pits. I/you/they have gone on to these months. at least The believeds» it said her, firm.

  «You report yourself to him true?»

  Bob had begun to stir for the room, as to show indifference, but at that time to hold the firm nerves was not easy. And he/she knew not to be able him to allow errors. What tied him/it to Dafne it was a thin thread, fragile, that whatever wrong gesture would have been able to break, this time forever.

  «You have to trust me Bob. Don't you understand that your anger and your jealousy have always depended on this? You would not hurt anybody if it were for your insecurities. And it won't serve to a beautiful anything go to a psychiatrist if you don't understand this. I cannot disappear from the life of Moris because now it suits me so, it would not be correct. I have to speak to him» he/she affirmed her, conscious that this time you/he/she would not have surrendered to some pressure, also seeing Bob in difficulty. He had a different look what had brought her to fall in love him of it perdutamente years before.

  «Dafne I know him/it, I know him/it! It is alone that I don't know what was born indeed among you in this period, and this terrorizes me. That man has had the fortune to have you, and he won't let you easily go so much. A maniac considers me, a crazy person that wants to do anchors yourself some evil and will convince you, I know him/it.»

  Dafne approached him/it, and it tightened him/it strong, understanding his/her enormous effort in to maintain the firm nerves and the enormous fear to again be himself/herself/themselves without her. Dafne loved him/it anchor, and it was paradoxically happy that his sad lived had partly justified his/her behavior and his/her errors. It didn't feel him ready about giving him great demonstrations, but in that precise instant you/he/she would have tried everything to make to feel him/it to the sure one. You had never forgotten the good one of their history, and you/he/she would have paid gold to return to that moments. But Moris was strongly another present thought. You/he/she had disappeared for the whole day; he/she had not seen him/it for a week and you/they were not left quite well. You/he/she had otherwise imagined their next meeting; you/they would have reconciled, you/they would have spoken of the health of his/her/their mother and you/they would be made to crush by the passion typical of a history to the dawns. But then that unpredictable event had twisted every certainty: Bob that in its incomparable attractiveness it crossed the threshold of the Art cafe and her that in to see again you/he/she had tried him/it emotions ingestibili. You/he/she had been as if that shivers of pleasure terror mixtures had relighted her. Dafne had need to feel himself/herself/themselves lives, and for how much incomprehensible was, to see that man again had wakened up her from a numbness that it didn't belong her. Then the revelations shock was followed on Vanessa and on his/her/their child, and of hit the binomial one for a long time uncertain between Moris and Dafne a dangerous triangle had become, to which the girl owed to cancel a side. This was not even more her clear as soon as Bob, still among his/her braccias, it was pronounced in dry way, brusquely dissuading her/it from his/her thousand thoughts.

  «I will trust you, my love. I know that you will succeed in forgiving me, that you will return from me. I have mistaken all with you but the feeling that I try it makes you feel long live, and I know that you succeed in feeling him/it despite the whole evil that I have done you. I will wait up to when Moristani will be out of your life. Only then.»

  It softly got further him leaving her/it amazed in the middle of the room.

  «Bob I don't believe that you are in the position to put me pressure, you don't believe?» churches her timidly.

  «No, I am not him/it. In fact the choice is yours. You still sleep some, you can go to room if you want, it is not the case to get back home to this time.»

  After those words Bob collapsed on the couch, giving the shoulders to the rest of the room, understood Dafne.

  You were amazed. It perfectly understood what Bob you/he/she had told her; those words were damnedly coherent. Perhaps the felt most normal thing that evening. Yet the girl was spiazzata. Bob had a checked attitude, almost cold. This from a side was a pleasure for her; but from the other one you/he/she was felt refused, and this did her/it go crazy.

  To the eleven of the morning Dafne he woke up. Bob was not at home. It found one ticket of his in the kitchen.

  I have left you a clean bathrobe in bath and something for the breakfast. On the table there are yours old keys. Portal with you and he/she remembers that I will wait you, always. The have called my brother. You/he/she has been the thing most difficult that has done never. But I had to do him/it, for me, for us. Udine is transferred to, I want to go to find him/it, I hope together. The love you princess.

  Smiled Dafne, suddenly a touch of happiness had pervaded her.

  Moris, had spent instead the peggior night of his/her life. It was indeed a torment. Luckily on Mondays were day of closing, and up to the four of Tuesday the cafe would not have reopened; only this thought had given him a least relief.

  While Dafne abandoned his/her old residence, Moris was extended in the couch of his/her house, exhausted. The look was lost in the void and its right hand it stirred, while distractedly it was toying with a ring what would have liked to give the day to Dafne before. Moris had not cried after that revelation shock of Samuel. You/he/she had never been the type from desperate weepings, for any type of reason. You/he/she had always held back them, thinking that they were loser gestures. Despite this you/he/she was strongly tried, in the mind and in the physicist. You/he/she had vomited twice, as if the body tried to free himself/herself/themselves somehow from that feeling of disgust and pain. Its state of trance was interrupted by the sound of the bell. Dafne waited in the external landing, between terror and embarrassment. Moris already knew who was behind the door and so, with a simple" arrival immediately", taken time. Raced in bath and it was washed the face. It, looking himself/herself/itself at the mirror. It hardly opened the door it smiled and it welcomed Dafne with a strong embrace, as if nothing pits. Yo
u/he/she had decided to bring forth a sad intention, in which you/he/she would have pretended not to know anything, exactly behaving himself/herself/itself as would have done in normal circumstances. Dafne embraced him/it, a worm feeling himself/herself/itself for what would have had to confess him; but the enterprise was also more difficulty of the normal one, because Moris the spiazzò subsequently, kissing her/it with heat. Taken to the unprovided one it seemed to repay, but after a pair of seconds it stopped him/it.

  «Moris, doesn't see us from some, and I believe that we should speak» it timidly said making himself/herself/itself road in the saloon.

  He accompanied him toward the couch, grabbing her a hand.

  «Your mother as it is?» churches her without succeeding in looking at him/it in face.

  «Well, the worse you/he/she is passed. However I would like immediately to speak of as we are left last week there. I/you/they have been an idiot and I/you/they have been from dogs away from you. I become me account that I have treated badly you without you had done nothing. In short, for a scribble of the cabbage I have doubted our relationship and this is from immature person. To be in Mantua helps me to understand how much, for the first time in my life, hears the necessity to give a turn to my life» he/she explained everything of a breath to avoid interruptions.

  Dafne was amazed. Nothing didn't respond and he/she hardly succeeded in mentioning a smile. You waited for to find him/it angry, both for the quarrel of the preceding week, and for his/her disappearance of the day before. You waited that Moris would have made back march on their relationship, making her all simplest. The man was settling her instead his/her love and his/her wish to close that accident, complicating incredibly the situation. In to see her/it again, the instinct to attack was supplanted her/it by that not to want to lose her/it. It tried to do the impossible one, so that she didn't say anything on his/her reflections and on the meeting with Bob, terrorized to the idea that that done had twisted the things.

  «This is for you small my» it told her handing her an elegant opened wrap, that contained the solitary one.

  Dafne turned pale; the eyes were quickly filled with tears, that were not certain of happiness, and Moris understood soon it.

  «I know that you/he/she can seem soon for an official engagement, even it will seem you a madness, but as soon as I have seen him, to Mantua, I have decided that owed to be your. I want to give you the life that deserves» it said Moris extracting the ring.

  You were unarmed. He/she didn't succeed to proferir word. But as soon as he stuck out him to put her ring, Dafne he/she didn't succeed to keep silent anymore.

  «Moris, waits, I pray you» it said a tear drying himself/herself/itself.

  «Because to wait?» it continued him, absolutely aware that was putting her/it in strong difficulty.

  Dafne suddenly felt him to uneasiness in that place. You/they had been enough few times with Bob, to feel himself/herself/themselves an extraneous to few centimeters from Moris. It had to go out of it, also aware that would have massacred him.

  «I beg you Moris, you don't understand. Me. The ams not ready to thing of the kind, and you know him/it. Had we spoken to live this thing day for day. we don't practically speak there to week and you you present with to ring?»

  «Is only a ring! Together Dafne, you and I are strong, we can go to the great one. I/you/they have been your street of exit.»

  Dafne again interrupted him/it:

  «Moris he has returned. Bob has returned.»

  After these words the expression of Moris darkened, without however to show amazement. It didn't say anything, he/she remained sat. You continued. It feared that waiting would not have him more sort.

  «You/he/she has not returned making the crazy person or threatening me. You/he/she has returned in my head, in my heart, and I believe that you/he/she had not gone away never. The know him/it that it is absurd, and The didn'ts wait me for him. He would not even have approached me. You/he/she has been everything one case and. there macaws then things that The didn'ts know and that.»

  Moris got up from the couch of release, as if you/he/she had caught fire.

  «Enough! Do you realize the cazzates that you say? Be absurd. absurd! Has you/he/she crushed you for months, has you/he/she told you atrocious lies and do I now have to feel that you have him it sticks in the heart? And as would you/he/she have convinced you? How cazzo you have been able to turn him word?»

  «Moris I pray you.» it tried to speak her.

  «Silent! Do you know what there is again? What doesn't rub a cazzo of it! I have felt enough. Be the bleakest thing that has ever seen! And now leave, leave!»

  Moris cast away the ring and the wrapping, without looking at her/it more in face.

  «Moris I pray you listen to me, you have to know about the things.» it begged her.

  «Vattene Dafne, not to force to chase out you to me to kicks. you could also like which, it is not true?» Moris uttered with bad tone while it was going him to the entry to open her door.

  Dafne ran away.

  Some hour later it passed to the cafe. Taken all of his/her things and he/she greeted the boys. Before leaving that place he turned, and with a long nostalgic look he/she greeted that that had been indeed his/her second house, in the conviction that would not probably have him more magazine.

  Definite to spend the rest of the afternoon to house with his/her mother, to which it told to have seen Bob again and to have spent the night from him. His/her mother didn't know anything of what you/he/she had brought them to separate himself/herself/themselves. You/he/she had lived from near the suffering of his/her/their daughter, and it hoped in cuor his that the things could settle. The history with a greater man to the beginning had not convinced her, yet that" Mr. Chellini" you/he/she had ended with to like her. A mature man and with the very clear personal and professional ideas. It was the firm point that served to his/her daughter, eternally with the head among the clouds.

  The separation from Roberto had in fact brought his/her daughter to do very little work here and there without future certain, and this had upset a lot both her and her husband. The woman looked for for the first time in absolute to build a true dialogue that could approach her/it to the world of his/her/their daughter, and to succeed had also put aside us very of his/her pride. It didn't mention to certain and lasting bonds anymore as the marriage, despite you/he/she had never accepted the cohabitation. Also the occasional night with his ex it didn't belong to what that woman you/he/she could bear, however you/he/she was listening I discharge him/it some daughter in silence, to understand better thing was happening. Dafne kept on being vague on the difficult things to forgive to Bob, but of certain the confusion of that moment was more evident. After a long account of Dafne, his/her mother made an intervention that went over the thousand opinions that the girl could wait him from that woman.

  «You feel Daffy, it is some that I wanted to speak, and best moment doesn't perhaps exist. Your aunt Gilds you/he/she is referred long live. Later almost twenty years has heard the necessity to call his/her sister! I believe that the resounding gesture is due to draw near some old age.» to small giggle broke to certain emotion of the woman.

  «It is a few weeks that we have started over feeling us. Is it always my sister also, no? Pardon is perhaps the more difficulty of the teachings of God.»

  His/her mother him Dafne him taken a break, with the excuse to remove the boiler from the stoves. Its eyes were painted of emotion, that before that Dafne had never seen then. His/her mother had taken back the relationships with a part of his/her family, thing on which nobody would have betted only a cent. The woman pretended to turn himself/herself/themselves to take something. In reality you/he/she was taking other time to hide the signs of his/her emotion. Then it continued.

  «Be', the point is not this. It gilds alive to Paris. Alive there alone from when her husband is dead. It looks like you/he/she has not had children, and it has only some acquired nephew
. It would be nice that I took yourself a break to go to know her/it. Does it care to see for now us all but your father and I again we cannot move, and is she picked up by an association, has not society, understood at all. in short, that say of it? Paris is not the city of the artists? You/he/she has told me that you/he/she is prepared to also entertain you the whole summer, if you want. So much you don't have certain a fixed place to be lost, here in Milan.»

  Those words were an unexpected revelation. Dafne had realized of hit that had a relative to Paris, thing that you/he/she had perhaps felt to say from child but that it had entirely removed. And you/he/she was now offered her to fly in the fantastic villas lumière. The the possibility introduced him to live one period in the city that had served as crib to an inestimable art. All the problems, the dissatisfactions and the evil that had surrounded her, suddenly seemed past in according to place.

  «Is. is the most beautiful thing that mother could happen, would have had to immediately tell me him! I would be happy to go to know aunt it Gilds. Was it that that the tourist guide did, true? In short, I could detach from everything for some! It would be perfect. Let's call immediately her, I want to speak to us!» enthusiastic Dafne exclaimed.

  It jumped to the neck of his/her/their mother, happy that the same finally offering support. To depart was that that more it served at that time her. Even if in the turn of few instants, while his/her mother looked for the index book of the telephone, a thought flew toward Bob. Then he/she thought about Moris, torn to pieces by the senses of guilt. That for Bob was instead a feeling that the he/she insinuated him in belly. It considered to that long kiss, to how much it felt him/it until inside the bowel. You/he/she would immediately have reached him/it. Bob was making a run to be well, and Dafne would never have liked to allow that in expectancy another woman, one as Cassandra, could draw even the benefits of it. He/she didn't succeed in imagining him without him, neither he/she distantly succeeded in conceiving him/it with another. But it now opened the perspective in Paris. You/he/she would have been able to disconnect the plug for some, to take him a deserved instant of truce. It was the most proper solution not to make himself/herself/themselves again drag from the events and from the passion. This time he/she wanted to ponder well, before starting again himself/herself/themselves in game; and idea to do him/it distant from everything and all was attractive, a true manna from the sky. Then it considered us, and you/he/she was terrorized by the fact that Bob would have been able not to wait for her/it. The whole night would be lost, among that conflicting doubts. It was time to choose thinking indeed about herself. Definite so that you/he/she would be striven not to feel him/it for a few days. You/he/she would have programmed his/her trip and, to done things, you/he/she would have gone to him. It was the only way not to change mind and to gather that occasion to the flight.

  The following Friday, Dafne he woke up prey to a nightmare. Bob had told her to have forgiven Vanessa.

  "Daf, is for this that I have not assiduously looked for never you after you have left me. You perhaps waited yourself that I pursued yourself as I had done with Vanessa, because my way irruento to love did you you to feel long live, and you cannot deny him/it. And I also know that you have remained badly there the other evening, considering that I have started sleeping on the couch ignoring you. And I have not insisted for making the love with you. this has made you go crazy, admit him/it. in reality, hook Vanessa, has loved always her. You/he/she had come only from you for it stuffed to leave. I now know him/it, and have chosen her. The hopes that to Paris you macaws happy. good summer and good life!"

  Dafne woke up suddenly, with those words that resounded powerful in the head. Bob, in dream, you/he/she had beaten her in face all of his/her fears and his/her most intimate feelings. The evening decided that it was the moment to go to find him/it. He there was not. Dafne entered with his old keys. It made a fast turn, noticing things that the other time had not observed. Bob had left their photos in many angles of the house; you/he/she had removed every portrait. It opened the closet and it found some garments of his in an angle, perfectly folded up and perfumed. He had taken care of them as heirlooms saved by a shipwreck. There were also of the dvds and some object. Returned in the saloon it realized that there was no more trace of alcohol. Abandoned on the couch, flowed Dafne some books: from the titles they were certainly manuals of psychiatry, that mentioned to bipolar troubles and of depression. Dafne realized that the problems of Bob were more serious than that that had realized. At that time it tried a deep hate for the Chellinis, above all for Sofia. His/her state of anxiety, on as to communicate him his/her imminent departure, it did even more him insistent. Toward the nine Dafnes he/she heard the auto of Bob that parked near the residence. Found the opened door his heart taken to beat fast. Any worry crossed its mind, Dafne was there. It appeared in the saloon and he/she saw her/it, more beautiful than the imagination you/he/she could return him her. Dafne wore a light suit, that the thin and sensual physicist bandaged her. Those forms and that suit of colored veils were the most beautiful idyll that he had ever scrutinized. Long hair fell on her shoulders, loose and I moved from so that to read. He looked her/it at estasiato. The green eyes of Dafne repaid that intense look shining in penetrating way. Also him that evening had the loose hair. The long head of hair striped of silver wound a relaxed face, even though surprised. Dafne had the nth confirmation to never have placed the look on such a beautiful expression. The white light of the lamp-posts, that entered from the great window of the saloon, illuminated only that scene. Only their breath interrupted the silence. It seemed that two nobody had intention to say nothing. They observed for a long time, before Dafne brought him toward the stereo. Everything was as you/he/she had left him. Taken their preferred cd, that of sonorous columns of Hans Zimmer, for then to go I meet him, definite. He was spiazzato from that release, and more it was still it from the fact to be wound by that slender form that had believed for a long time unapproachable. Dafne conducted him/it with the shoulders to the wall, pushing him/it from the abdomen. In point of feet it arrived to him to the height of the mouth, crossing the features of it with the fingers. With the lips it grazed him a cheek, feeling the pleasant perfume of his/her hair and the skin. Him closed the eyes in nanny of that exciting and unexpected gestures. Then it reopened them to look at her/it. It was about to tell her something, panting. But her the mouth softly covered him. Some second immovable properties remained, before she began to unthread him the shirt. It looked at him/it with a hypnotic look. You bent for perfectly kissing him/it on the graven abdomen, as he/she remembered him/it. It went up again keeping on grazing him/it with the lips, crossing his/her right side. It kept on kissing him/it coming toward the neck and the ear. He to that point could feel to breathe her/it with sweet intensity. Dafne began to pick him the lobe of the ear, while with the hands it held back him the braccias against the wall, as to want to conduct alone that game appagante. Dafne hardly returned to kiss his breast, again ignoring the lips, he felt his/her fresh hands grab him the belt of the pantalonis. Later some second was untying her/it to him. To that point Bob didn't succeed in inhibiting he anchors him to touch her/it. But she escaped from his hands, falling in knee in front of him; it dragged down with itself his/her garments, making to go crazy him/it. The naked body of Bob was against to the wall. The head was turned upward, the closed eyes were sometimes squeezed by the excitement, then to lines they were shelled, lost in the void. They returned the enormous pleasure that only that young woman was able to produce, so much intensely. He/she didn't succeed in holding back some strong moans, I made exciting by the deep stamp of his/her voice. On one side you/he/she would still have been firm to the wall for times, but after a few minutes it fell her I set. Their impetus, as in thousand other occasions, way of moving didn't leave him to him in room. Bob succeeded only in detaching himself/herself/themselves from her of few centimeters, to grab the covers on the couch. Taken to kiss her/it with extreme desire, excited as not never. Dafne w
as again among his/her braccias. This time he was free, naked not only from the garments, but from all the pretenses. Naked on his/her Dafne. They were thousand the gestures that it tried to bring before, in agitated way. With a hand it twisted her long hair, winding her back part of the neck. With the other one it tried to free her/it from the suit, with pleasant fashion. Anxious the breast kissed her through the delicate cloth. The face grabbed her, keeping on kissing her/it, for then to bring her/it itself, with those hands that Dafne adored, winding, from the long fingers. They were the hands of an artist, as you/he/she had always thought her her, able to mould every thing. The look of Bob remained for a long time on the face of Dafne stripping her/it without looking at the rest. In that moments of ecstasy it held a constant visual contact with his/her woman, as to transmit her every single feeling. Then it had the natural instinct to touch more intimately her, but it was frightened that she changed mind, or he/she remembered ugly moments. Distracted by these thoughts it hesitated, and she hastened. With an only look of agreement, Bob understood that you/they could finally grant him the one to the other, completely. He/she kissed her along the legs, and it did again her his/her, bringing her inside the sense of the true love. Not the sterile excitement, not the wickedness, not the desire of protection but the true love, that that had tried together only in the life. Any mistake, any fear, could injure that perception of absolute fullness.

  You had seized with all of his/her strengths to the body of Bob, when he reached the maximum enjoyment inside of her. They howled in unison, pleasantly torn to pieces by that last unbelievable mezz'ora. He remained her above, and its head abandoned him worn-out on her breast. Long perfumed hair was shed on the breast of Dafne, that uninterruptedly caressed them. The breaths were for a long time strenuous. He would never be gone out of the body of his/her great love. Accompanied by the notes of the CD that anchors it played, they were lost between new kisses and other effusions.

  The trill of the cellular phone of Bob interrupted everything.

  «I won't answer to anybody» it declaimed him with a half smile.

  «Who can be? It is late.» churches her anxious. Or only he/she snoops perhaps.

  «I answer, calm» it said him, having read her in the thought.

  You covered with the cover and it went to answer. Dafne understood that it was a woman, almost certainly Cassandra. Then that first thought of his was denied by his last sentence" Ok Giò there will be! Thanks thousand, are a friend!"

  «It was Giovanna creative manager of the agency in Turin with which collaborated last year. It seems that there am way of putting again me in game with a national country. And I believe both now to take back.»

  In to say these words you/he/she had immediately taken back his/her place next to Dafne, winding her/it in an energetic embrace. Taken to kiss her/it, happy that that evening seemed the beginning of a new life. Dafne understood that the enthusiasm was too much to the stars, and he/she thought that if you/they had started over making the love you/he/she would not have succeeded in telling him of Paris anymore or, you/he/she would not have succeeded anymore worse in departing.

  «Bob, has been stupendous, you/he/she is everything stupendous, also for your job.»

  He stopped her/it with a passionate kiss, of those that didn't leave way to be interrupted. They hardly detached her taken back his/her discourse to him.

  «Bob, would like now to speak to you, I would like to speak of us, of thing to do. and above all of to thing that concerns me and that you have to know.» you/he/she began with worry.

  «What Daf? What do I have to know? Because to me it seems all clear. Or does it still enter it with Moris?»

  «Moris is a closed chapter, perhaps never initiated indeed. And it also seems all clear for me. Rather it is him/it of, sure. Kind later tonight. Despite this, I have decided to spend the summer in Paris, from a sister of my mother.» it said her lowering him/it look fifty-fifty sentence.

  Bob felt a fist to the stomach, you/he/she felt the breath miss him for a long instant. Then he/she hardly succeeded to bofonchiare some word, as to realize better what had felt.

  «A. Paris. the summer?»

  «Bob is a thing that I have been deciding for a few days, you/he/she is an occasion that I didn't expect me» she responded while he got further incredulous.

  «An occasion? We have just made the love, I believed that he/she wanted to say that we were about to reconstruct our history.»

  «And it is so Bob, but I want to find again my serenity before doing him/it. I don't want to do him/it on the enthusiasm of a moment, not this time. My life is twisted more times in the turn of few months, it serves me time» it replied her trying to approach him/it.

  «It doesn't have sense Daf, bushels speaking in the whole summer distant. And when you would have intention to depart?»

  «Birth Monday morning.» it whispered Dafne with the voice that was strangled her in throat.

  «Cazzo Daf, is in two days! You have already decided everything! And have made the love with me before telling me him! This is not correct, don't I deserve a thing of the kind. and in the meantime thing The should I give according to you?» it told him altered and confused.

  «Could focus on your career and on your sessions Bob! Do we have to recover ourselves as people, before as couple, doesn't understand him/it? Have been separate for months, have hated you with all of my strengths, have been with another to try to cancel you! I need to take back breath before throwing again me in this history.»

  «To take back I say a word. however to throw again you among my braccias is not weighed you! Because you have made the love with me? Because, if you still needed time?» it pronounced Bob, while it was putting again together his/her suits in agitated way.

  «No Bob, cannot afford anymore than to speak to me this way! Have you forgotten what I have borne me for your love? Nessun'altra would have been prepared to listen anchors yourself, even for an instant! And despite all have listened to you and have given again you myself! But for you it is not enough, do you want everything and immediately, correct?» it shouted her furious.

  «You think that I can feel in guilt the whole life Daf? Or do you think that can be restarted, with you that you will treat me as a merda and you will blame me all to every single occasion? No, so is not correct! I believed that I wanted to forgive, to help to forget me. and you throw out instead your recriminations when you macaws with the shoulders to the wall.» it clarified him with extreme suffering.

  «They are not at all with the shoulders to the wall, simply I don't want to expedite the times to your liking! I don't feel me in guilt to have made the love with you, you/he/she was not programmed.»

  «You don't want to expedite the times» it replied Bob with light sarcasm «we have been a couple for years, do we know each other as our pockets, am I trying to overcome my past to live a normal history with the woman that I love, and don't you want to expedite the times? Was it perhaps with Moris that you didn't have to expedite them, doesn't it seem you?»

  «Perfect Bob! And then you talk to me of recriminations. Compliments!» it howled her, lifting himself/herself/itself standing and the suit nervously inserting himself/herself/itself.

  «Forgive me Daf, I am trying only to understand the coherence of that that you say and that you do. Because indeed I don't succeed in following you! Because you have not immediately told me that you were here for greeting me? Answer me! Because you have made the love with me?»

  «Have told you that was not programmed! I wanted to see you! I wanted immediately to tell you everything! Then I have seen you and I have not understood anything, because despite all I love you!»

  «You will go to Paris to put again in sixth your life, and you will leave here me to put to place mine, in the most delicate moment of all of our history. This is not what I consider love Daf.» it said him with steadiness and disappointment.

  «Bob is only a few months!»

  «Is here the difference a
mong what try what evidently try you! For me a hour without you, in this moment, it is already intolerable.»

  «I am not saying that for me it will be easy. But cannot afford to insinuate that mine is not love! This indeed you cannot do him/it!» the eyes of Dafne were filled with tears.

  «Then hands me with you.» Bob answered provocative with tone, that Dafne perfectly gained.

  «And if I told yourself no?» in the same moment in which it asked the question, Dafne was afraid in to feel the answer.

  «No Dafs, would not do you nothing of badly, if it is what you were insinuating. I won't allow anymore simply anybody to humiliate me. All the suffered humiliations have brought me to become the dog with which you were before. You are right you know, I owe first to find again my dignity and to create my autostima, and I won't do him/it more with the violence. But I won't do him/it of certain becoming a little dog that always lowers the head. From you I want only something of clean, and you have now played dirty.»

  Dafne remained of plaster to feel those words. You/he/she was fought. The whole grudge of her entered conflict with his needs. In that instant they took awareness that to restart to those conditions, would have been a massacre for both. You with a knot in throat damped that painful silence.

  «So it doesn't work. The love cannot be enough Bob. And it is for this that I need to be distant for some. I would like to be nearby you. Alone God knows how much I would like him/it. But I have too anger to bury, before doing him/it. And I know that expediting the times we would ruin everything. It would be a life of recriminations, we would end up hating indeed us. We would end with to massacre us. The love doesn't withstand for ever, even between me and you. And I don't want to also ruin the only possibility to be together in normal knot.»

  «Yes, so it doesn't go. I know him/it» he responded, looking at her/it with a look that the soul penetrated her.

  It gave her a brief and intense kiss at the same time. It brought her inside the whole sadness of that that had the air of a regard. Dafne would never be stopped, you/he/she would have referred the love. Instead Bob turned her back and brought him in room. Before closing behind the door of itself, it bewared her/it with such an intensity of to remove the breath: desperation and love melted together. That last look gave her the certainty that nothing would have allowed Bob to forget her/it. Only the memory of that look would have given her the strength to stay to Paris. From that separation it was waited for to scar the wounds. It is alone at that time you/he/she would have been correct to return together. Yet that door that he/she was closed made her a terrible evil. He/she left Bob with the heart in pieces. He had submitted her his/her most intimate revelations and his lived of humiliation, and she was leaving him/it, even though for few months.

  It was not certain so that Dafne would have liked to greet him/it.