Read About Dafne Page 6

  Speaking of dreams and reality

  The summer pleasantly ended.

  The autumn consumed him fast, and Dafne had not found a job that pushed indeed her to leave the cafe yet. Thanks to that place, as from her expectation, had happened often to receive some errands for deprived portraits or to fresco some locations. Also the modern presses, with that little that was granted to the computer, they came very well her. To beginning November a friend of Moris, owner of a studio, had contacted her to decorate a location of next inauguration. When the man saw that the girl also had inventiveness and preparation in advertising field, you/he/she gave her white paper for the ideation of poster and invitations. Dafne didn't believe in his/her eyes, when it began to perceive the poster for the center in Milan. It was a feeling appagante; they were not the accustomed to ones few people to see his/her job. This time the whole city he passed of hand in hand his/her ideas. Bob was perhaps right, that circle could be stimulating indeed.

  Dafne was full of expectations; the constant presence of his/her man, the first professional occasions, the relationship with his/her/their parents more extended. All made her presage a 2005 exceptional.

  The love story with Bob consolidated more him every day; the vacation in Greece had been the best position that you/they could give him. They fed the one of the other with extreme and increasing empathy. The passion was the invisible thread that united them, irreversibly. That perception of tuning seemed had been proving for every single day, and Dafne the young student didn't feel him anymore in nanny of the most beautiful teacher of the world. It felt more and more to belong him, to be his/her woman that that had succeeded in making to fall again it in the unpredictable game unreal called love after years.

  You/he/she had sometimes happened her to pass to pick up Bob from some evening of job or from some agency with which it collaborated. And it often scrutinized the colleagues with which he entertained for a regard or for a last working comparison. They seemed trentenni done with I stamp him/it, and that unfortunately seen with the eye of a mature man, you/he/she could be indeed a perfect die. You/they were wound in minute suits of tall tailoring, often with heel ten and tied up hair in impeccable way; nothing was left to the case. What Dafne observed with greater trouble, it was as those women they were always a lot of ammiccanti with Bob. They were sure of themselves, as if for them pits everything already writing and evident; women of success that had understood as it turns the world. In that instants of extreme mental masochism, Dafne looked at the image of herself returned by the small mirror of the car. What devil did it make us Roberto Chellini with one this way? What would you/he/she have done from great to be indeed to his/her height? For how long would you/he/she have been satisfied with the alternative girl that paints well and with which ago the love in overwhelming way? But, punctually, him saliva in car and it looked her/it as you/he/she had been the first woman it approves up to that instant. To the times its look was so intense that communicated her to be the only woman on the planet. And the restlessness that upset her/it as snow were dispersed to the sun.

  Despite the continuous confirmations of his/her man, Dafne often had more and more the feeling that Bob shared too much with her few of his lived. It was as if he didn't have history and past. Star saw well it with her, but you/he/she withdrew him to every question on his/her old life.

  His/her parents and his/her only brother lived in Tuscany, this was the only thing that Dafne knew. Bob never saw them. Thinking well of us, Dafne didn't even have him/it ever felt us speak on the phone. Its jail cell rang only and entirely for job or for evenings with friends and collaborators.

  A privacy or the privacy of Bob it didn't exist it was something that Dafne could not share with him? And if the last hypothesis had been true, as you/they would have been able to consider indeed him a couple? When these thoughts came her, the sense of guilt with which it subsequently made the accounts was logorante. After the discovery of Vanessa, to investigate was too much painful. You had already doubted of him to the beginnings, making the figure more penosas of his/her life. Perhaps the relationship with his/her/their parents was not idyllic, or probably they was high-ranked and he didn't want to talk him of a history to a girl so more youth without art neither part. Everything could be. After all, also she had not shared his/her love story with his/her/their parents yet, despite they lived to alone ten minutes from there. Dafne tried to be confident, sooner or later he would be confided, exactly as you/he/she had done her. Their characters were different entirely, and she had to do him of it a reason.

  Between happiness and paranoias it arrived again December; for the two it was time of first recurrences.

  Bob and Dafne had discussed more times to establish the day of beginning of their history. He was inclinable to choose the day when you/they made the love the first time, she didn't agree. He/she didn't want but the horrible period of his/her disappearance of the preceding Christmas it belonged to their official history. This way, an evening of beginning December, they were found to discuss once more of it:

  «I would like to cancel the Christmas flowed by my memory Bob. The don'ts want that belong to the memoirs of our official history! The date of beginning is that in which you have told me of Vanessa. When have you returned from me after that horrible days.» before continuing it drew near him, with to serves as dead cat «and then, gives you remember yourself how many times you have made me enjoy that night? I pray you, tell me that will be that the date in which will celebrate the anniversary! Eh?»

  «Princess goes, is all right for December 27» concluded he, stunned by those avanceses.

  «However I remember everything of that night, every single moment. as The remember everything burdens first time, of my pathetic scenes to confess you my forbidden desire, of as you had gotten away the suits, than courage I/you had had in to I give him/it. All Daf, I always remember all.»

  Resolved the matter of the date, Bob stopped her the wrists with delicate violence; then with a hand you/he/she began to go under her to the skirt of violet velvet. The smile and the look ammiccantes that had in that moments, were something that according to Dafne nessun'altro to the world possessed. They lost in an extreme pleasure, that pleasantly exhausted them.

  A few days later, Dafne asked thing to Bob he/she wanted to do to Christmas. He seemed not to have preferences.

  «We could go to Tuscany from yours if it suits you, I don't want to force to stay you to Milan. And then there has never been!» it proposed him with calculated naturalness.

  «Dafne, doesn't suit me. Of sure they will go to mountain. I don't believe is the case to unite us to them, considering that I don't love the classical Christmas of family overcrowding. Decidedly hypocrite. If you and I went alone from some part?» it immediately diverted Bob.

  «I thought that I didn't return in Siena to my cause, excuse. I wanted only to make to know you that I would have been available to follow you.»

  Dafne climbed on the mirrors; his had been one calculated provocation. It had the nth demonstration that Bob had closed with the past but that he didn't evidently want to share its motives.

  It accepted him/it, this time you/he/she would not have allowed any strange thought to ruin her Christmas; the main point was to be together.

  «Ok my love, idea to go away is perfect! Do I have to talk to Moris of it only and to find a moment to dine with mine before departing; even you could come, is it now that knows you, don't you believe?»

  Dafne remained surprised, Bob seemed not to make a fold, you/he/she drew near her and he talked her to an impassive look.

  «Your parents will never be me nice, and for what you have told me I won't be never it to them. Would they give you boredoms only, disqualifying our relationship; you want indeed to keep on torturing you?»

  «You are right on this, but I wanted to show you that for me you are important, and I don't have to hide me with anybody» some embarrassed responded.

  «But I am greater than tw
elve years, and it is noticed. And as if it was not enough I/you/they have already been gotten married. I don't believe that I would bear the thousand questions of people bigot. It would give indeed me boredom.»

  Bob realized to have exaggerated, and the you/he/she drew near trying to embrace her/it.

  «Excuse me, I am your parents and me however I am not anybody to offend them; more before my love, let's think of us more before. Because to try everything to also ruin us this Christmas?»

  «It is alone that they begin to ask a lot of questions on you. they know that to boy The have and it is one year that The stays it wanders. I don't have to show nothing to anybody, above all to them; but I don't even want to hide what it makes me happy. I am my parents and you however you are my companion.» it told her disappointed, allowing to be embraced.

  «We will make him/it Daf, soon. Let's take us time up to our anniversary, then we will see. The love you to go crazy.»

  To that I love you Dafne it blushed, as every time that it felt him/it in unexpected moments. But a thought of Bob ruined that instant of tender understanding.

  «Now that I think it, thing means that you also have to ask to Moris? If it doesn't give you the permission don't we depart?»

  «But what devil does he/she take you this morning? Moris is my head; that you like or no I have to ask the permission. He/she offers a lot me more than a maid job. I make the turns that I want, despite both the last arrived, and he/she believes in my talent. Have you already forgotten the extra jobs that I have done thanks to him?»

  «Yes, as no. However the head of a cafe remains. After all these months are anchors submitting your future to a cafe! You know well that in my circle I can offer you commission yourself thousand more valid times, that would help you to reveal you a name in little time. Without counting that that Moristanis it admires well other of you, anything else other than talent!»

  «Therefore is it this the point Bob? This, is not true only? Are you jealous of him? Because I choose his/her help instead of yours and because you believe that its interest goes over?» churches her extremely annoyed.

  «I don't believe him/it, it is sure. That Morises it slobbers behind yourself in shameless way Daf, a mile is seen; it doesn't do at all far anything that type. And this thing begins to give me seriously on the nerves.»

  Dafne could not do anything else other than to beat behind the door of itself and to go to make himself/herself/themselves a hot shower. After all, that jealousy brusquely revealed was a pleasure for her. Still wet and with the open bathrobe it reached in bed it and it was thrown astride him above.

  «You are really a jealous idiot!» it exclaimed, grabbing his/her hands and still leaning her to him on the damp breast.

  «You are mine and it don't have to desire you any other, have you understood Daf?» it said him with serious tone.

  «God that fear! Beautiful sketch, trembles everybody! Also you are alone my, therefore troubles to you if I still see you talk to those sciacquettes in suit with which jobs; that you tell me of them? Don't those slobber?» he/she asked with sarcasm, returning him the hit, satisfied.

  Bob didn't answer and was thrown her above with extreme desire.

  When he went out, Dafne returned in bath and made him the nth shade; it opted for an one-party mahogany. The wanted us the whole rest of the morning.

  Bob and Dafne spent the Christmas to Livigno. The initial intention was that that Bob taught her to ski; in reality they made a lot of sex, induced by the warmth of the rustic log cabin that entertained them.

  The evening of Saint Stephen saw them back.

  «Dear my, know that the surprises are not ended. Tomorrow evening we will celebrate our anniversary. I hope for you is ready for a special evening» it solemnly pronounced Bob accompanying again her/it to house «footstep to take you at eight and half o'clock. Ah, not to be to go crazy on thing to put you.»

  Dafne was touching the sky with a finger, rather it had as the feeling to go beyond him/it with all herself, to go over.

  The following day, to the nine of the morning, someone played to his/her door. Still gone down by the bed drowsy and it brought him to open; it was a private messenger with a big package for her. Any sender.

  Dafne fell him on the table of the kitchen to open him/it. While it was trying to tear the external ribbon, curiosity quickly invaded her/it, so much to be made her embarrassed movements. To the inside it found a red ticket, leaned on a white velina, that protected and it concealed the content of the mysterious package.

  To my eccentric artist, to whom has taken my heart after so much time. To my passion. Wear him/it for me. you will be the most beautiful woman of the world. My woman.

  To tonight love, your Bob.

  Dafne didn't hold back the tear of emotion how fast the face crossed her; for an instant he/she didn't even remember more than to owe to discard him/it.

  Inside the package it found an elegant suit in thin velvet and black veil of first tailoring. To adorn sleeves and part of the bodice some ribbons of satin. It was a lot of refined person, but at the same time it seemed to respect the originality of the girl. Adherent up to the sides, the breast bandaged her in a pronounced neckline. In the inferior part it slightly widened, with a showy cleft that allowed to glimpse its right leg. Bob knew so well her to have found something good taste but particular, in perfect" style Dafne." In the package there were also a pair of boots in black skin to middle heel, with a lace silvered that it wound the ankle.

  The heart of Dafne went madly. When the evening began to dress himself/herself/themselves, it already presaged that that occasion would have been unforgettable.

  Bob arrived punctual as a Swiss clock. Dafne had picked up the hair wearing a black bracelet that the red head of hair broke her. He/she wore the you cover suit that had found with the suit and it set out to the car. He opened her the door, with romanticism of other times. You jumped to his neck, thanking him/it. Bob estranged him an instant from itself to look better her at estasiato. Dafne reciprocated the look admiring the perfection of it. It was the first time that he/she saw him/it in dark suit. It had the loose hair with a small tail that imprisoned the locks more court and rebels. An elegant long coat mended him/it from the prickly cold of that evening.

  «Therefore? Where do we go so beautiful?» churches her, touching his hair.

  «In Brianza, but I won't tell you other princess!»

  After forty minutes Dafne in front of itself a hill, on which a construction of exceptional charm and prestige.

  «What a hit comes me, are we going to eat up there?» he/she asked excited Dafne.

  «You/he/she can be. Do you like?»

  You wound him/it in an energetic embrace, regardless that he was still to the guide, in an excavated stradina and a little illuminated.

  Bob had succeeded in booking a small room all for them; you/he/she was a prestigious location, usually turned to marriages, business suppers or particular events.

  After the cake and the nth cup of good wine, Bob brought Dafne on the external balcony, from where the two could dominate the whole underlying zone. Once sat, the takings the hands infreddolite and he/she spoke to her, visibly embarrassed:

  «You have been a gust of fresh air, you have made again me beat the heart. Today I can tell you with certainty that I would do madness for you, that I want you as companion of my life, that with which to share everything, also the small things. I would like that from tomorrow I left that apartment and I came by myself.»

  Dafne believed to have beaten the head, to be in a dream from which would sadly be waked up again. But at the same time it felt on the face the cold air of end December, and it understood that it was everything true: Bob wanted to bring her/it to his/her house to share every moment, and not more the occasional evening or the weekend. Vanessa was dead, and it was also this time it what Dafne believed his/her bulky ghost. Bob would have shared with her the house that first you/he/she had been them. Its memory
would have been indelible, in the whatever house, in whatever place, and it was correct this way. But now, with that application, Bob was declaring her to want indeed to turn page. It began a new life.

  «I love you, I love you, I love you» it repeated Dafne.

  To Bob it resulted to sufficiently be an answer affirmative. They kissed with passion for a lot of time, regardless of the cold and of the waiter that made capolino to bring the bitterses, up to that, I invaded by the irresistible desire to do other, they abandoned in hurry that place to fly in auto.

  Fifty-fifty January Dafne was completely established in the new house; Bob didn't succeed in being convinced himself/herself/themselves of as his/her companion you/he/she had invaded three quarters of his enormous capacious closet.

  «I never throw anything, I grow fond too much me to what I buy! Does forgive love, in the next days threw qualcosina, ok?»

  «Qualcosina? You feel Daf, we will buy a new closet to systematize in the other room!»

  They bursted in a sonorous laughter.

  Dafne had hoped correct, 2005 was his/her year; and the beginning of their cohabitation had been the evident test of it.

  Shortly after the I move, the two finally decided to go to dinner from the parents of Dafne. To that point it was mandatory. In forecast of that event, Dafne had spoken a lot of Bob to the last weeks, telling the more possible, and asking the maximum discretion to his/her/their parents on the personal life of the man. His/her mother had twisted the nose because of the difference of age, his/her father was oddly seemed encourages of it.

  «At least it is a man and you/he/she can watch you, considering that we don't know a cabbage of that that combines anymore.»

  His/her mother, without denying himself/herself/themselves, it was surlier.

  «You waited for the first child to bring him/it to house?» churches bored.

  «No mother, brings tonight it after one year because I wanted to live me my history without making I count to any of it as am now doing! I would ask you to be kind with him, if it doesn't cost yourself too work. And you dad not to begin with the third degree on his/her economic condition and on the job.»

  Those recommendations directly ended to the wind. This way, to the second course, the father of Dafne shamelessly asked to Bob of thing you/he/she occupied him in the life. Dafne intervened of hit.

  «Be' dad, he is the living demonstration that you/he/she can be lived of art in very discreet way!»

  «From the love, can I explain him of thing better even I deal me. art is to word burdens vague, doesn't it seem yourself?»

  After that puntualizzazione of Bob, to Dafne the whole rest of the supper seemed paradoxical; his/her companion had captured the attention of his/her/their parents, pleasantly entertaining them in a discussion on thing was the marketing, of the demands of the consumer and thing you/he/she did him in everything this; his/her man was amazed you/he/she had made the miracle.

  «In short, the single person is mistrustful, suspicious, for some verses very more alarm clock. While the mass is for the most part inconstant and condizionabile. Well, in the advertising countries it needs to think about the mass to bring them with astuteness to make them incuriosire. To create them a need» disquisiva Bob, while the father of Dafne handed him the nth glass of wine.

  «Is true, have always told him that are manipulated by the publicity! It is beautiful that who works us admits him/it. Pits for me I would not buy anything else other than meat and wine, nient'altro. The rest serves only to give money to whom wants to sell us stronzate.»

  You lost in a fat laughter.

  «To us it doesn't interest that they are useful or futile things. They pay us to convince the people to try. But we always depart from real promises. Today the publicity cannot afford to found himself/herself/themselves on the lie. It needs to attract the attention, more than to manipulate. Then all depends on thing him it intends for manipulation. It is sure what today it will arrange with me, to make money is essential to distinguish himself/herself/themselves. And I work with whom distinguishes» it settled Bob, with the steadiness ammaliante with which it clarified his/her convictions.

  Dafne looked at him/it with a grimace; with that last sentence on to make money you/he/she had loosened better hardly the heart of his/her/their father as you/he/she would not have been able to do.

  The evening was a success, Dafne had gotten a lot more than what it was waited. Once in car, a sonorous laughter been granted.

  «I had told you that my father is an absurd tightwad and you you have not wasted time to speak of your huge position of success!»

  «You are perhaps telling me that I have licked him the culo? I have said what I/you/they are in reality. And then on the money I think indeed her as him, better abounding that to be in famine, seems you?»

  «Wow, is really a shark! I hope to never make you competition. However I am happy that has been all right; a hit is taken him to know that I/you/he/she economically pass well her to you. Strange that has not departed with the solfa on the marriage. You/they will have left him as fears for the second supper.»

  «Money apart, creeds that our history is all right him? What is he liked indeed?» he/she asked Bob with unusual worry.

  «But Bob! Do you have present thing they were waited by me that two? A young idle rasta, or at the most a street artist. you/they have hand known instead as you. Don't even have made an indication to the age or rebukes on the cohabitation. he/she wants to say that you have conquered indeed them!» it replied her enthusiastic.

  «And instead to you, does it miss the idea of the young rasta or the street artist?» he/she asked Bob some melancholy.

  You looked at him/it for a handful of seconds, stranita. He avoided the look, turning the face toward the car window and the right hand passing himself/herself/itself among the lips. They reached house without adding an only word. Once in bedroom Dafne turned him to Bob, with air of whom could not hold him anymore inside what it was about to say.

  «You can say to be me you person in love of your prototype of ideal woman? I believe to be distant years light from your kind of ideal woman, even if you have never made me see photo of Vanessa. Yet you love me, and you have not stayed to the suits that I wear or to my style. You have looked over the appearance. Be', I do the same. Your beauty and your way of don't make me desire nient'altro. And I know that for you it is the same, even if I will be never elegant and ambitious as it was your wife or as they are your colleagues.»

  «Not to speak of Vanessa Daf. It doesn't suit me. to sleep, is now better exhausted.»

  That evening fell through in a veil of annoying bitterness. To Dafne that answer of Bob is not even was not liked some; it made her evil that of the whole done discourse, Bob had heard the necessity to answer only to the last part.