Read About Dafne Page 5

  Speaking of the summer 2004

  In May 2004 Dafne finished the course post he/she graduates. As it tries final, among the other tests, you/he/she would have had to prepare a small promotional country for a fictitious product of beauty. You/he/she had been a hard job, but you/he/she had drawn results discreet of it. Bob had been her of great help, kind on the most technical part, for which Dafne had an innate and unbelievable reluctance.

  The things among them were all right. Five months had been passing for that cold night when Bob had told her fast lines of his/her past history. Dafne had not felt his yet I love you, but he/she knew that for this it didn't have to make pressures; in December you/he/she had learned the lesson, both with him and with herself. Bob had labored to accept the idea of a new relationship, despite you/he/she had desire of it and need. Beginning the history with Dafne, it was as if you/he/she had finally told goodbye Vanessa and the senses of guilt, of this the girl was convinced. For Bob to express this feeling to words would have been another footstep, that she would have attended with patience. Dafne had tried to tell him that it loved him/it, but every time he stopped, fearing that he felt him in embarrassment or forced to return him the affirmation. This way, in different occasions, you/he/she had left him some post-its on the refrigerator or in the purse, so that Bob he/she read the I love you in his/her absence.

  The relationship satisfied them immensely, and the end of the school had removed from them the duty of the relationship teacher-discente. The only embarrassment for Dafne his/her parents stayed. To the moment he/she preferred that they didn't know anything; the comparison with their dull and conservative mentality would again have devastated her, and it didn't intend to make himself/herself/themselves ruin the most beautiful moment of its life.

  After a first experience of stage during the last quarter, Dafne was not quite convinced that its professional future could be the same of its companion. It loved to create publicity, but it hated the environment of job of the creative ones. You/he/she had realized from immediately that it dealt with a tub full of sharks, in which the wickedness and the envy reigned sovereign. It held a work in which, also thanks to Bob, you/he/she would have been able to excel and to insert him without problems, yet he/she didn't want to take advantage him of it because of his/her stubborn character. Or at least not at that time.

  The summer of 2004 was for her a binomial of happiness and frenzy; it was the first summer with the man of its dreams. But it was also time to look for a new job. Definite that his/her searches you/he/she would have addressed within the fumettistica and the manual sketch, even as storyboard artist, trying to remain in the field of the publicity bringing forth his/her passion. It hoped that the era of the personal computer had not killed entirely its expectations. Announce him in field of illustration they were not certain to his/her favor, and when its curriculum roused them you/he/she was discarded pre-emptive for scarce experience. All of this that opened her before was the possibility of free stage, that could not afford.

  «Accursed! You/they have not even asked me to see my sketches, they don't even know thing I know how to do and they discard me!» it howled a morning to relieve himself/herself/themselves to the nth one" we will make her know."

  Bob was not enthusiastic at all of that situation, and you/he/she was still it less when Dafne fixed an interview in an art cafe, not very distant from the zone of Brera.

  «Must be goes crazy Daf! How can you leave a place that doesn't satisfy yourself in perfumery to choose even more another useless of it? Without counting that the maid to do will hock you in more irregular schedules. Have you studied three years to end in a cafe indeed?»

  «Bob I don't know him/it! After the stage in spring I have understood that in that place of fighette I could never survive. This cafe not a lot of dista from Brera and you/he/she could get you hook me for what I want to do really. Of sure many more in comparison to a perfumery. It is in the meantime draught on some penny» he/she explained her some bothered by that fatherly attitude of Bob.

  «Daf, will waste only precious time, that you should invest from immediately to have experience in graphic and advertising field; it is a frantic world with notions and programs that change of month in month. If cut out yourself, when will finally return in you will have to restart afresh everything! We are in the 2004 Daf, Rafael and Michelangelo they would starve a today's day.» it replied Bob, that with the provocative last affirmation, it turned Dafne into to fury.

  «Indeed I don't understand you! You are a painter an artist! Should spur my true road to follow me and would have had to also do him/it you! You seem my father instead. As you have been able to allow the publicity to make the art set aside you? Indeed I don't understand!»

  The two included in hurry that with that discourses you/they would not have arrived from any part, risking only the to feed divergences, due to the different age, to the lived one and above all to the fact that Dafne reasoned of belly, while Bob was extremely rational. They silently decided that they would not have of it more done motive for discussion, giving priority to the beautiful one that that history gave them on the emotional plan.

  To end June Dafne left the job in the business center to begin to work to the art cafe.

  The owner, a thirty year-old man, was a playful and available type, despite of first impression was set in scorbutic way. You/he/she had tried the colpaccio of the activity thanks to a small fortune inherited by the grandparent. It called Alberto Moristani, but for the friends it was alone and exclusively Moris. It was of origin valance but the smell for the business, as for the beautiful life, you/they had conducted him/it to Milan. Someone Bruce also called him/it, for the vague similarity that tied him/it to a famous actor, especially in as for muscles, lack hair and dark look to the Die Hard. Its life was devoted to the fun. "It needs to work for living, not to live for working, and when he works it needs to have a good time him." This was his/her witticism.

  Seen the attractive aspect, the women were not never him missed; despite this, with anybody you/he/she had ever concretized a true history. It was an irresistible free spirit with the whole intention to remain us.

  To the interview with Dafne, Moris asked how come a titled artist was satisfied with to serve in a cafe. The answer impudent and little pander of Dafne brought him/it to immediately assume her/it.

  «I don't know thing to do yet from great, but of sure I have floods of it the boxes to sell perfumes in center. Alone the lease is not paid. And then you could expose some painting of mine in your cafe and me I could add to the curriculum that I have participated in numerous shows in the zone Brera. What do you say, am I enough motivated?»

  The two immediately entered tuning, and this allowed Dafne immediately to advance some application for the schedules of job.

  You/he/she had negotiated for two only evenings a week, guaranteeing opening and appetizers for the rest of the business days. Fortunately in the weekend the team was already to the suit, therefore Dafne succeeded in seeing more regularly Bob the possible.

  The job in the cafe was of big long more appropriate to a whimsical person as Dafne. In that place it finally felt him to his/her ease. Besides being pleasant, you/he/she was frequented by people of all the types, from the boys fashion victim of the appetizer of Friday evening, to the alternative ones of district parties to the art in all of his/her expressions. Moris organized numerous events giving space to emergent artists of every type. For Dafne that cafes it was the ideal place to look for hookups; for Bob, it was the worse place in which his/her girl could waste time. Besides the professional side, the idea of that change instigated in him a sudden jealousy. The perfumery gave little opportunity to masculine meetings, while the counter of a cafe was an I bring of sea, and his/her Daf was too much provocative and suddenly sociable to pass unnoticed. Bob had never believed that the difference of age was a threat, but in that period the idea that numerous contemporaries could approach began her/it to shake him/it.

bsp; It revealed these thoughts for the first time, a warm night in summer. To the cafe an evening had been devoted to July four, proposing him/it American style, with tasting of typical dishes and the exposure of pictures of pop arts.

  Bob reached of surprise eleven and half o'clock. To his/her entry it found Dafne that toasted with a boy aldilà of the counter. The type, around twenty-five years of age, to his/her notice you/he/she was looking everywhere at her except in the eyes.

  Dafne hardly him/it on the door, with great exultation it made him sign to draw near. Bob, for all answer, it made back march and it returned home, leaving that Dafne completed the evening in the most total tension.

  Closed the cafe, it immediately went him to his/her house, nonchalant of the time. It stuck to the bell with the intent to wake up him/it, for then to understand that Bob didn't sleep at all. He/she heard his/her near voice, probably in saloon, that he/she invited her/it to do from itself; the door was open. Dafne found him/it sat to the feet of the couch. He/she wore only a pant of the overall and you/he/she had picked up the hair in a chignon. The television was power on, it transmitted to low volume the second time of a dvd that Bob for years you/he/she had devoured: The Crow of Alex Proyas. Dafne didn't believe in his/her eyes; Bob was drawing. It kept on doing him/it, despite her falls in the house in way rocambolesco. The initial desire to attack diminished him/it in an instant. It was amazed. You/he/she could imagine all but not that show. His/her man had taken back in hand his/her greatest passion.

  «God Bob, is stupendous.» you/he/she said with sweetness.

  «You have not even seen him» Bob coldly answered, without tearing off the eyes from the sheet.

  «The sketch will be certainly it, but me. The reporteds me to you. It is stupendous what I see, what you are doing, you.»

  The emotion cut her the voice, making her/it thin and almost imperceptible. At times, and especially in that moment, Dafne labored to become himself/herself/themselves account that that man so much accattivante and beautiful to remove the breath it was his.

  «You come to see then» he/she invited her/it him.

  Dafne allowed to fall the purse on the couch and bent him on the knees, to see better. He/she saw herself. The profile of its face looked downward, loose hair seemed I moved by the wind. The hand of man touched her neck winding him/it completely. It seemed that that few simple lines of carboncino spoke to her.

  «When I/you/they have entered to the cafe and I have seen you drink with that type I have not understood anything anymore; I know that it is yours to have to be kind, but that guy slobbered you I set. I feel me a stupid fifteen-year-old. but only The Khans look you I know, because The love you and.»

  Bob didn't continue. You/he/she had told him. An instant after having done him/it her looked in the eyes, in penetrating way, entirely lost. Dafne brought him the hands to the mouth, with the whole emotion that only that very attended I love you you/he/she could provoke. He/she kissed him/it with passion and transport, returning him about ten of I love you in the few instants of breath that that kisses left. They made the love. You/he/she had always been overwhelming, but that evening two nobody could imagine of better. To the four of the morning their exhausted and sweaty bodies slept the one on the other, I moved only by their breath. A little far it lay immovable, the first portrait that Bob did to Dafne.

  For the last week of August, he gave her their first vacation together: a trip to Santorini, an island that both saw for the first time and that he/she left them to little dir estasiati. Bob, a third day, you/he/she had already gone off around three hundred photo, she had made a squirt to pencil of the fabulous landscape; once in house you/he/she would have created a painting on cloth.

  That place was for them a heaven. You/they were really freed by every thought, from the fearless traffic of the metropolis, from the discussions on the job, from the jealousies, and from all of this that was not love and passion. They desired continuously. Dafne provoked him/it to every occasion and, as two eighteen year-old to the first experience, they hid him from some part and they were loved, regardless of everything and all, excited by the incessant shiver of those situations.

  This also happened to the last evening of vacation, while they were walking along the waterline. The sea was black, absorbed in a night without moon; more than to see him to it succeeded in feeling its odor and to listen to of it the endless rustle. In distance a river of people still slipped for the illuminated road flood of English that sipped the nth beer in the small cafes. Looking more on, so many lower case letters lights identified the residences of that island, that harmoniously climbed on the body of the old volcano. Dafne looked at estasiata that nighttime landscape. You still felt the buzz of the people for road, when he lifted her the suit. They used that bed of dark sand for their last love-filled night to Santorini.