Read Accidentally on Porpoise Page 3

  “Nope. Called in sick. What about you?”

  “Ditto. Then let’s take a nap before we fuck each other’s brains out again.”

  “What about your friends?”

  Emery yawned. “What about them?”

  “Didn’t you say they had your stuff?”

  “They’ll still have it later.” He snugged Sean more tightly to his side. “Way later.”

  * * * *

  Erik looked around before sinking down into the water, shifting, and emerging to walk up to the mangrove trees. Denby followed him. They both grabbed their shorts from where they’d left their clothes and quickly pulled them on. Erik grabbed Emery’s clothes, too, before they hurried back to the parking lot.

  Erik punched his code into the keyless entry pad and the Cherokee’s locks clicked open.

  “What are we going to do?” Denby asked for the gazillionth time.

  Erik slammed his fist down on the roof of his SUV. “I don’t fucking know! I didn’t know all the other times you fucking asked me, and I don’t fucking know now! Get the fuck in!” How had he missed how whiny Denby was before?

  They took off toward the marina. The boat they’d followed was there, being hauled out of the water by the forklift to go into dry storage, but no sign of Emery and the guy. When Erik tried to find out who owned the boat, the woman in the office looked at him suspiciously.

  “He’s the friend of a friend,” Erik explained. “But our friend went with him, and forgot his cell phone, wallet, and keys in my car. I’d like to get them back to him.”

  She pushed a piece of paper and a pen across the counter to him.

  “Leave me your name and number and I’ll pass it on to him. I can’t give out customer information.”

  Stewing, Erik wrote it down and handed it back. “Thank you.”

  Denby hammered him with useless questions again when they got back to the parking lot. Erik whirled around on him. “Shut the fuck up. It’s all your fault anyway. Didn’t you see the fucking boat? He was trying to save your goddamned ass!”

  “I thought I had time to make it across. I was going to use it to slow you two down.”

  “Get in the fucking car so I can take you home.”

  Erik wanted to smack the shit out of Denby and knew he couldn’t. That would get him in trouble with the pod. Erik understood Emery didn’t feel the same way about him that he felt about Emery, which was why he’d never said anything to him before. But the sight of the man he loved in the arms of another man—a human man—hurt and unable to help him, had nearly ripped Erik to pieces.

  I’ve got to tell him. Let the chips fall where they may and be done with it. Stop torturing himself over Emery and tell him he wanted to be more than occasional fuck buddies with him. And if Emery didn’t want him back…

  He’d deal with that when it happened.

  But he wouldn’t lose the man he loved to a fucking human.

  Chapter Four

  Sean awoke from his short nap with a pleasant ache in his ass and his head still nestled in the crook of Emery’s arm.


  He looked up at the ceiling.


  This felt unreal. Something inside him hoped Emery hadn’t been kidding when he talked like he wanted to see where this would go. That it wouldn’t be some one-time fling.

  Emery rolled over onto his side to face him. Those intense eyes, the gold and blue flecks even more prominent now, stared into his.

  Without a word, he took Sean’s chin in his hand and tipped his face. Then Emery’s lips closed on his and Sean softly moaned. He tasted warm and rich, like a sweet lager. When Emery’s tongue pressed for entrance, Sean’s lips willingly parted before him.

  Trapped between their bodies, Sean’s cock throbbed. He couldn’t help rocking his hips, the gentle friction against Emery’s body stirring his desire even more.

  Emery pulled back a little, to look into his eyes. “I’m not going anywhere, unless you want me to leave.”

  Sean shook his head. Maybe a little too eagerly to not come off looking pitiful, but he was beyond caring. The thought of this gorgeous hunk walking out of his life nearly broke his heart. “I don’t want you to leave.”

  Emery rolled him onto his back, his weight pressing Sean into the mattress. He laced his fingers through Sean’s and pinned his arms over his head against the pillows.

  Sean thought he’d melt inside.

  Emery’s cock was as hard as his and pressed against Sean’s thigh. “We have a lot to talk about.”

  Sean swallowed, but nodded.

  “I want a relationship.”

  Sean nodded again. He could listen to Emery’s voice all day. It matched his taste, like a thick, sweet lager he wanted to roll over his tongue forever before swallowing. It gave him nearly the same mental buzz as well.

  “I don’t fuck around when I’m involved exclusively with someone. And I expect the same in return. If you decide you want out of the relationship, or don’t want to be exclusive anymore, you need to speak up and say so.”

  Sean eagerly nodded. For some reason, he couldn’t remember how to talk, only listen.

  And he really liked what he was hearing

  Emery smiled. He loved the little lines that formed at the corners of his eyes when he did that. It meant he was a man who smiled a lot. “Do you want to say anything?”

  “I’m good,” Sean finally managed to get out.

  “Oh, you’re better than good.” It came out like a purr.

  Sean’s cock throbbed. “So are you!” Jeezus, I’m a frickin’ moron.

  Emery sat up, straddling Sean. He reached over to the bedside table and grabbed lube and a condom. “I want to feel that cock of yours in my ass.” He laid the stuff on the towel on the bed. “But first, I want to feel that sweet mouth of yours on my cock.”

  Sean didn’t realize his mouth had dropped open in a wide invitation until Emery smiled again. He scooted up the bed until Sean could reach him. Pearly drops of pre-cum glistened on his slit, awaiting him. When he swiped his tongue over the smooth heat of his large knob, the taste filled him, invoking mental images of the open Gulf waters, tangy and salty with enough sweetness to make him crave more. Sean closed his eyes as Emery ran his hands through Sean’s hair.

  “That’s it,” Emery murmured, his voice husky. “Just like that.”

  Sean swiped his tongue around the edge of the engorged head, taking time to tease Emery’s slit with the tip of his tongue before enveloping his cock with his lips. With Sean’s hands freed, he wrapped his fingers of one hand around the base of Emery’s cock, and cupped his pendulous sac with the other. Slowly, Sean worked more and more of Emery’s cock into his mouth. It felt like hot, living steel against his tongue and tasted way better than any other cock he’d known.

  Emery’s hand cupped the back of Sean’s head a little tighter as he started working his hips in time with his mouth. “That’s it, baby,” Emery said. “Your mouth is every bit as good as your ass.”

  Sean thought Emery’s mouth was fucking fantastic and hoped to give him as good as he’d gotten. He redoubled his efforts, trying to draw more of those deep moans out of Emery that made Sean’s cock grow painfully hard and throb in time with his pulse.

  In his palm, Emery’s sac drew taut, growing close.

  “I’m gonna come,” he said as his cock swelled and pulsed even as it hardened more. Sean sucked him, hard, swallowing and moaning when his juices filled his mouth.

  He looked up to see Emery throw his head back as a deep cry escaped him. Sean felt light-headed, almost close to coming himself, connected in a way he’d never felt about anyone else before, like a low-level current connected their souls.

  I love you.

  He blinked, the shock of the thought almost interrupting him sucking and swallowing what felt like buckets of Emery’s cum. Where the hell did that come from?

  But Emery looked down at him, his eyes also wide.

  As if he’d heard his thought

  He knew he hadn’t said it out loud, because that would be impossible with a mouth full of Emery’s cock.

  He also knew it was the truth, bubbled up from somewhere deep inside him.

  * * * *

  Emery stared down at Sean’s sweet brown eyes, his shock nearly enough to interrupt the second-best orgasm he’d ever had in his life. The first-best having been not too long ago with his cock fisted tightly in Sean’s ass.

  But he’d heard it. In Sean’s voice.

  Sean looked as shocked as he felt. Only Emery was shocked not only because of the sudden appearance of what was obviously a mate-bond between them, but because he knew he felt it deep within him, too.

  “I love you, too.”

  Sean’s eyes widened.

  One last spasm finished emptying his balls and he gasped for breath, unable to look away from Sean’s surprised expression.

  What the fuck? He caressed Sean’s cheek with his thumb. He knew he felt something deeper for this man he’d just met, deeper than he’d felt for anyone else, but a mate-bond?

  His cock was growing limp inside Sean’s mouth but he didn’t have the heart to move yet. Sean appeared to be in no hurry for him to move. He gently sucked on Emery’s cock, making sure he got every last drop from him. Emery reached behind him to find Sean’s cock. It twitched when his fingers brushed against it, velvet steel under his touch.

  That was the encouragement he needed to move. He pulled his cock from Sean’s mouth and leaned down, deeply kissing him. Without a word he opened a condom and sheathed Sean’s cock in it. He slathered lube on Sean’s cock, then in his own hole, his eyes never leaving Sean’s.

  When he settled down on top of his cock, Emery let out a deep, satisfied sigh, first when the knob breached his rim. Another once he had Sean’s entire nine inches buried deep in his ass.

  He leaned forward again, capturing Sean’s fingers and pinning his hands over his head. As he slowly started to move, he fucked Sean’s mouth with his tongue. He tried again.

  “Mine. Forever.”

  Sean let out a deep moan, his cock spasming inside Emery, before he replied. “Yes!”

  No doubt about it. They had a mate-bond. Emery shut his brain off and fucked his mate, never wanting to let him go. He could think later. Right now, all he wanted to do was make his mate come.

  Harder and faster, he felt Sean trying to hold back even as he thrust his hips up to meet each stroke. Emery kissed him harder. “Give it to me, mate.”

  He swallowed Sean’s loud, wordless moan as he climaxed. He squeezed Emery’s hands. Emery felt Sean’s cock swell and throb in his ass as he filled the condom. Beneath him, Sean’s body relaxed as Emery continued kissing him, nipping at his lips until they were deep red and swollen.

  Emery released his hands and laid his palms against Sean’s cheeks. He stared deep into his eyes.

  “We really need to talk,” Emery softly said.

  * * * *

  Sean felt like begging him, pleading with him not to talk. To just do more fucking. The way Emery had said, “We really need to talk,” put a chill inside Sean’s soul. This can’t be good.

  He turned his head and kissed Emery’s palm. “No talking, please.”

  “Yes, we need to. I’m serious. There are things about me you need to know.”

  Fuck. “I don’t care.” He closed his eyes and licked at Emery’s palm, hoping to distract him.

  Emery forced him to look at him. “Please.”

  “You have a record?” he asked, closing his eyes again. Hell, if that’s all, no biggie.

  “No. I—”

  “You’re broke? Because if you didn’t see my truck, I know the feeling. I don’t give a shit if you’re in debt up to your eyeballs.”

  “No, Sean. I—”

  “Please tell me you’re not pos.”

  That earned him an amused laugh. He dared to open his eyes again and looked up into Emery’s handsome smirk.

  “That’s a definite hell no. I’m totally clean.”

  He swallowed hard. Those were the biggies, right? Maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all. “What?”

  “I’ve got a very large…extended family.”

  He blinked. “That’s it? That’s the big news? You had me fucking worried.”

  “No, not exactly. They have some…very specific ways of doing stuff. They might not welcome you. In fact, they might exile me when I tell them about you?”

  “What, are they like Amish or religious nuts or something?”

  “No. Just…they have a lot of traditions. And me being gay, plus mating with someone outside our…kind, well it might not go so well.”

  He breathed a sigh of relief even as he let out an amused snort. “Dude, I have a Jewish mom and a Japanese dad. I’m the only child and they both want grandkids. I’ve got the market cornered on family issues. It’s not a problem.” Nervous tension set in again. “Unless it’s a problem for you?”

  Emery shook his head. “You’re mine. I don’t give a shit if I’m exiled or not. It just…might not be easy at first. If they don’t exile me, I can guarantee things won’t be easy for a while, at least.”

  “I don’t care. And did you really mean it when you said you love me, too?” The explosion in his cock had temporarily driven the other questions out of his mind. Now that his wits had returned, so had his questions. “And how the hell did you hear my thoughts? And how did I hear yours?”

  Emery leaned in and kissed him again. “Yes. I heard you. And yes, I meant it when I said I loved you, too.”

  Sean’s eyes widened in shock. He froze as Emery lifted his face from his. “Like I said, we have a lot to talk about.”

  Sean dumbly nodded.

  Chapter Five

  Sean, still reeling, went to the bathroom to clean up. He veered by the living room first to check his cell phone. It wasn’t even noon yet. As expected, he had three texts from his dad wanting to know why he’d called in, and two from his mom wanting to know if he needed soup.


  He texted them both back that he’d taken the boat out, leaving out the part about him being home and fucking his brains out with a handsome stranger.

  Then he saw the missed call from the marina and that he had a new voice mail. He played it, frowning as he listened.

  “Sean, it’s Liza from the marina. Two guys said a friend of theirs is with you and he left his wallet and stuff with him. His name is Erik, and his cell number is 941-555-9933. He asked for you to have their friend call them so they can get him his stuff.”

  He saved the message and took the phone back into the bedroom. “Some guy named Erik stopped by the marina and had them give me a message to have you call them. But how did they know you were with me?”

  “Yeah, he’s got my stuff.” He held out his hand for the cell. Sean handed it over, watching as Emery dialed a number from memory and waited for the call to connect.

  He could hear someone male answered, but not enough to make out the other man’s words.

  “Yeah, it’s me. I’m fine. Listen, just drop my stuff off at my house. Use my keys to lock everything in my trunk. I’ve got a hide-a-key and spare car keys in the house…No, I can’t talk right now…Dude, I said I’m fine. Take Denby home and tell the fucker I’m going to beat his ass later for that…No, I…” Sean watched Emery’s expression darken. When he next spoke, his voice sounded deep and booming. Commanding. Sean’s cock stirred at the sound of it. “Erik. Stop. Now. What I’m doing is none of your fucking business. I will talk to you later. Good-bye.” He hung up and shook his head before handing the phone back to Sean. “Sorry about that.” His voice had returned to normal.

  “Is everything okay?”

  “Yeah. He’s actually one of my…extended family. We’re not technically related though. He thinks he can stick his nose into my business.”


  Emery smiled at him. He reached for Sean and pulled him to him, planting kisses on his abdomen. “I warned y
ou, it might not be easy.”

  “I don’t care.” He ran his hands through Emery’s hair before he realized what he was doing. “I’m sorry. I hope I didn’t hurt you.”

  Emery laughed against his skin. “No, your cock definitely didn’t hurt me.”

  “I mean…” He gingerly ran his fingers through Emery’s hair. There was a slightly raised line where the scalp laceration had been, but the goose egg had almost completely gone down. “What the hell?”

  “I heal fast.”

  “Fuck that.” He pulled away enough that he could look down at Emery. “And how did that guy know you’d gone with me?”

  Emery sighed. “Does this place have a pool?”

  * * * *

  Emery followed Sean out the back sliding glass doors to a shared lanai courtyard area where the pool was. Small, but big enough for Emery’s purposes. Sean had pulled his shorts back on. Emery had retrieved the towel from the bathroom floor and wrapped it around his waist.

  “Any of your neighbors home?” he asked.

  “No. The owner is a snowbird and they’re gone for the summer. The other four tenants have day jobs.”

  Emery looked around. A high wooden privacy fence shielded the back of the courtyard from prying eyes. He dropped the towel and jumped into the pool.

  Sean quickly glanced around. “Um, I know I said everyone’s at work, but we probably shouldn’t get crazy out here.”

  Emery looked at him, took a breath, and sank beneath the water. He kicked off with his legs, laid his arms along his side, and shifted. When he popped up at the shallow end of the pool, careful not to scrape his fluke on the bottom, he met Sean’s gaze.

  * * * *

  Sean didn’t understand what was happening at first. He watched Emery sink beneath the surface and start swimming. Then it was as if the water shimmered. Something happened to him by the time he’d popped up at the other end of the pool. He expected to see Emery’s face, but…