Read Accidentally on Porpoise Page 4

  His knees unhinged. He sat heavily on the deck, biting his tongue as his teeth clicked together. The air exploded from his lungs.

  He was looking at…

  He closed his eyes, counted to three, and opened them again.

  The dolphin still stared at him, with Emery’s grey eyes.

  He closed his eyes again.

  “It’s me. You’re not imagining it.”

  Sean’s eyes snapped open at the sound of Emery’s thoughts in his brain.

  After another long moment of silence, he heard Emery’s thoughts again. “The reason Erik knew I’d gone with you is because he and Denby followed us after you picked me up.”

  Sean felt light-headed, realized he hadn’t taken a breath in a while, and sucked air in. It promptly whooshed out of his lungs again.

  “They were the dolphins at the marina.”

  He’d forgotten how to breathe. Maybe he was having a seizure. He took another gulp of air that didn’t want to stay in his lungs.

  “I was the dolphin you hit. That’s why I was there. The impact stunned me and I shifted back.”

  Air in. Air out.

  Sean had never fainted in his life, but he suspected the light-headed sensation was a sign. He leaned forward with his hands braced against the concrete deck and focused on breathing for a few minutes.

  Emery didn’t speak. He…the dolphin…stared at Sean from the water.

  When he felt like he wasn’t going to faint, he sat up again. “What are you?”

  The dolphin sank beneath the surface. Emery stood up and walked through the water to stand in front of him. He clasped Sean’s hands. “You saw what I am.”

  “That’s impossible.”

  Emery pulled him into the pool with him. He wrapped Sean’s legs around his waist and draped Sean’s arms around his neck. “Don’t let go,” Emery said. “Hold your breath.”

  Sean took a deep breath and Emery sank below the water. Sean felt it, felt Emery’s body change shape. When they broke the surface again, he had his arms and legs wrapped around a dolphin.

  Sean’s whole body had gone numb. Shock? Okay, maybe that’s it.

  Emery the dolphin sank down again. When they emerged, the man had his arms wrapped around Sean.

  Sean also realized there was a very hard cock pressed against his groin.

  He didn’t resist when Emery pushed at his shorts. Sean put his legs down so Emery could get the shorts off him. Emery tossed them out of the pool, where they landed on the concrete with a wet splat. Then Emery’s strong hands gripped the back of Sean’s thighs again and made him wrap them around his waist. That put Emery’s cock nudging at his ass.

  Without a word, Emery leaned in and kissed him. Sean closed his eyes and lost himself in the feel of the kiss, preferring to focus on that, the tangible, instead of the impossible. He didn’t resist when he felt Emery reach under him and position his cock better. He adjusted himself, tilting his hips more so Emery’s knob could press in.

  Without lube it didn’t hurt because of the water, but Sean hoped he didn’t plan on a marathon fuck like that, either.

  Still, he moaned, working with Emery to get that enormous cock as deeply inside him as he could. It wasn’t until he felt his ass make contact with Emery’s hips that he remembered they were bareback.

  Emery didn’t break their kiss. “It’s not an issue with our kind. I would never do anything to harm you. I love you. You’re my mate.”

  Sean moaned and started rocking in Emery’s arms. The friction of their bodies rubbing together in the water felt perfect on his cock trapped between their bodies.

  “Don’t let go.” Emery broke their kiss and looked at him as he fucked him harder. Sean didn’t know if it was the emotional shock, or the excitement of fucking in the pool, or what, but he was close to exploding. Sean locked his hands together around Emery’s neck and leaned in for another kiss as the cock inside him swelled, ballooning from holy-crap-huge to omigod-enormous. The sensation of it pressing against his gland outweighed the sudden burning pinch of his ass stretching to accommodate him and made Sean’s cock jerk and pump as his orgasm took his breath away again. He felt Emery’s body tense as his cock twitched and throbbed inside him, filling his insides with a flood of warmth he knew was the other man’s juices.

  They rolled in the water, Emery’s arms still tightly wrapped around Sean and Emery’s cock growing limp in his ass.

  Sean’s head dropped to Emery’s shoulder. Then Sean did something he hadn’t done since he was a teenager and they had to put their dog, Missy, to sleep.

  He burst into tears.

  * * * *

  Erik stared at the phone, hate already building inside him. He didn’t know the human Emery was with, but he knew there was only one reason why he’d fucking pull Alpha tone on him, and that was if he was getting laid.

  He clenched his jaw tight and forced himself to calm down.

  Denby stared at him. “Is he okay?”

  “Yes, he’s fucking okay.” He started the Cherokee and pulled out of the grocery store parking lot they’d been sitting in.

  “Where are we going?”

  “He told me to lock his shit in his car. And I’m taking you home.”

  “I’m sorry, Erik.”

  He pulled up to a red light and closed his eyes for a moment to think. He’d never felt raging jealousy like this before.

  When the car behind him honked, he opened his eyes and realized the light had turned green. He hit the gas, squealing the tires as he took off.

  I’m going to kill the fucker. Whoever the pissant human was, he was dead. Then he could focus on convincing Emery they would be perfect for each other.

  Chapter Six

  Emery didn’t put Sean down, now terrified he’d hurt him. Fuck, fuck, fuck! With his arms wrapped around Sean and his cock still in his ass, he walked over to the pool steps and climbed out. He left the shorts and towel where they were and carried Sean back to his bedroom. He turned and sat on the bed, Sean still enveloped in his arms and his own juices leaking from Sean’s ass and puddling in his lap.

  “I’m sorry,” Emery whispered, his heart pounding in his chest. “I’m so sorry, Sean. I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  That brought not only a renewed bout of tears from Sean, but the other man also rapidly shook his head.

  “I didn’t hurt you?”

  Sean shook his head again. Now his whole body started shaking. Confused, Emery pulled back enough to get a look at Sean’s face. He was still crying, but he was also…laughing?

  “Are you okay?”

  Sean shook his head even harder. Nope, now he was definitely laughing. He vacillated between laughter and sobbing before he started taking deep, hitching gasps of air.

  Emery pushed the wet hair out of Sean’s face. “I’m sorry. Are you okay?”

  That triggered another bout of hysterical-sounding laughter from Sean that lasted a good five minutes until he got the hiccups and managed to get himself under control. “Quit…quit asking me that.”

  “Asking you what?”

  “That.” He took a few more deep breaths, nervous giggles still burping through, along with the hiccups. “I’m sooo not okay.”

  “I’m sorry I hurt you.”

  “Dude, you didn’t hurt me.” Sean’s sweet brown eyes bored into his. “You didn’t hurt me. That was…that was…” He burst out laughing again. “That was fucking fantastic!”

  Then the tears started again.

  He laid his head on Emery’s shoulder. Emery slowly rocked him, stroking his back as Sean got it out of his system. Hysteria, obviously. Emotional shock, likely.

  Another few minutes later and Sean had cried himself out. He lay in Emery’s arms, his cheek pressed against his shoulder. “What the hell,” he whispered.

  “You’re not crazy.”

  “Don’t be so sure about that.” Sean fell silent again for a few minutes. “So when you said we needed to talk, you really meant we needed to talk.”
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  “Kind of. Yeah.”

  Sean finally sat up and looked at him. “When you said that guy you called is part of your family…”

  “Pod, actually. Like with bio-dolphins.”

  “You mean the reason dolphins are so smart is because they’re really humans?”

  Emery smiled. “No, bio-dolphins are just dolphins. There are lots of different kinds of shape-shifters. We just happen to be dolphin shifters.”

  Sean’s eyes widened. His voice dropped to a whisper. “Dude, how many kinds of shifters?”

  “Lots of canines. Like wolves, dogs, and coyotes. Some felines, mostly larger cats like cougars and tigers and panthers. Bears. Dragons—”


  He nodded. “That’s what I said the first time I saw one. Horses, Selkies, antelope—lots.”

  Sean’s head dropped back to Emery’s shoulder. “Fuck me.”

  Emery chuckled. “Exactly.”

  “No, I mean it. I don’t want to think anymore. Fuck me again. Please. Right now.”

  As Sean’s words sank into Emery’s brain, his cock responded, growing hard again inside Sean’s ass. He stood and turned, laying Sean on the bed. He withdrew, slathered his cock with more lube, then pressed in again. With Sean’s ass still a little loosened from the pool romp, Emery’s cock easily slid all the way to the root.

  Emery lifted Sean’s legs to his shoulders and bent him over on the bed. “I’ll fuck you every day. I’ll keep you so well fucked you won’t even remember what any other guy’s dick felt like. There’s a lot of nights you’ll go to sleep with my cock buried in your ass.”

  Sean’s eyes widened. His kiss-bruised lips parted and Emery heard him gasp, his passion ignited as his pulse raced.

  “You want me to fuck you hard, baby?”

  Sean nodded, his fingers plucking at Emery’s nipples. Yeah, Emery instinctively knew Sean wouldn’t have any trouble adapting to being his mate once the shock wore off. Sean’s cock had grown hard again, slapping against his stomach with every thrust.

  Something had taken hold deep inside Emery, instinctive. He no longer questioned the mate issue. He’d kill and die for this man and the mere thought of spending a single night away from him ripped him apart.

  “Who do you belong to?” Emery asked, his voice deep.


  He smiled. “Who does this sweet ass belong to?”

  A sexy smile spread across Sean’s face. “You.”

  He stopped thrusting and reached between Sean’s legs. He gripped Sean’s dripping cock. It twitched against his palm, desperate for release. “Who does this belong to?” he whispered, gently squeezing.

  “You—ah!” Sean’s cock erupted, shooting off in Emery’s hand.

  Emery frantically fucked him, quickly coming before the last spurt had seeped from his mate’s cock. Gasping for breath, he let Sean’s legs down and leaned in. He kissed him gently, showering his jaw and lips with light, teasing kisses.

  “Who does your heart belong to?”

  Sean grabbed him, hugging him tightly. “You.”

  Emery closed his eyes as a surge of emotion threatened to upend him. “And I belong totally, completely to you, my mate.”

  * * * *

  They managed to shower without fucking each other again. They were both hungry. Sean couldn’t keep his hands off Emery, though. After getting out of the shower and finding shorts and a T-shirt that would fit him, he pulled Emery to him and kissed him. “I want to spend all day with your cock in my ass.”

  “Maybe I want to spend all day with your cock in my ass,” Emery countered.

  Despite having more orgasms that morning than he’d had in the past year, not counting rubbing them out solo, his cock twitched again. “I’d be down with that. You have a very nice ass.”

  Emery’s hands dropped to Sean’s ass and grabbed him through his shorts. “So do you.” Emery lightly patted him on one cheek. “But we do need to eat. I know I do.”

  “So is your head really okay? I didn’t hurt you?” The thought that he could have accidentally killed the man he was now inexplicably, madly in love with twisted like a knife in his heart.

  “I’m okay. Lucky for both of us, I have a damn hard head.” He grinned. “And other parts.” He stepped away. “Food. Seriously. Otherwise we’ll die of starvation at this rate.”

  Sean started making them both turkey sandwiches while Emery retrieved the shorts and towel from the pool deck. He tossed them into the tub and returned to the kitchen. “So what do you do for a living?”

  Emery asked.

  “I run my dad’s survey company. Technically he’s retired. But no one’s been able to convince him of that.”

  “How’d you manage a day out of the office?”

  “I do a lot of fieldwork. Today was a rare day I didn’t have to be out in the field. We had one job get postponed by the contractor. I woke up and decided today was me day.”

  “Lucky for me.”

  Sean looked up to Emery’s pleased smirk. “So what do you do to be playing hooky on a Tuesday?”

  “Insurance agent. I take off a couple of Tuesdays a month to, ah, get out on the water.”

  Sean slid a sandwich on a paper plate over to him, as well as a bag of chips. “I’m thirty-two. And as you can see, I don’t live at home with my parents, thank God. You?”

  “Thirty-four.” He took a bite of his sandwich. “I have to say, other than the whole initial mental breakdown, you’re handling this very well.”

  Sean smirked. “I’m still not totally sure I’m awake yet. When do we break the news to your family?”

  Emery snorted. “I’m thinking the same day we break it to yours. Get all the fireworks out of the way in one big-ass boom.”

  “Do you really think they’ll exile you, or whatever you said?”

  He let out a sad sigh that tugged at Sean’s heart. “I don’t know. I hope not. I’m already pushing the envelope by being gay. But they tolerated it. I think they thought it was a phase. They’ve told me in no uncertain terms that since I’m the pod Alpha’s eldest son, and the only Alpha son, I will mate with a female dolphin shifter and produce dolphin babies.” He looked grim. “Not happening. If I get exiled, so be it.” His expression darkened. “I won’t give you up.” His eyes met Sean’s. “I never believed the bullshit about mate-bonds. I thought it was just myth. No one bats an eye about dolphins getting frisky in front of others out in the water, but talking about it isn’t encouraged.

  Just like you don’t walk up to someone and ask how their sex life is with their spouse, we don’t discuss stuff like that. It’s supposed to be kept private. But now that I feel it, I understand.” His eyes roamed Sean’s body. “I love you and nobody is taking you away from me. Ever. Even if they exile me, I won’t be alone if I have you.”

  * * * *

  After lunch they headed up to south Venice to Emery’s place. He lived in an older but well-kept duplex a few blocks off SR 776, not too far south of US 41. A grey Mustang was parked in the driveway on the left side of the house. Emery walked around the side of the house and returned a moment later with a key. “I need to get another spare made,” he said with a smile after unlocking the door and pressing the key into Sean’s palm. “Come on in.”

  Sean followed him inside. With a little bit of relief, he saw that Emery’s place, while a little more furnished than his, was on par with his own. Emery walked over to a kitchen drawer and pulled out a set of car keys. “Let me get my stuff. Make yourself at home. I’ll be right back.” He placed a quick peck on Sean’s lips and headed outside.

  Sean looked around. Two bedrooms, one bath, but a little bigger than his place because of the size of the combination living and dining room. Like him, the spare bedroom was storage and a home office. Bathroom tidy. He sat on the couch as Emery returned with his arms full. He dumped everything on the counter before walking over to the couch. He straddled Sean’s lap, his knees on either side of him, and leaned in for a deep, s
oulful kiss.

  “What do you think?”

  “I think I’m horny again.”

  “I meant about my place.”

  “It’s nice.”

  “We have a pool, too. Out back.”

  “Who lives on the other side?”

  “One of my cousins. But he’s out in California for a few months on business.” He grinned. “Skinny-dipping anytime we want.”

  Sean’s ass still bore a pleasant, nagging ache from the last time. “I think I need a few hours to recover.”

  “I thought you said you were horny.”

  “I am, but you kind of set the bar pretty high there, pal.” He grabbed his crotch. “I think I should get to fuck you twice for each one time you fuck me to make up for the size differential.” He grinned.

  Emery slid a hand behind his neck and kissed him, holding him in place. “Maybe this weekend we’ll just spend it in the pool.”

  Holy fuck! Sean had bought a butt plug and one rainy weekend when he didn’t have to work he’d spent most of the time with it in his ass. He’d spent most of that weekend horny and struggling not to wank himself into exhaustion. He could only imagine how horny he’d be with Emery’s gigantic version crammed inside him all weekend. “Wow!”

  “Yeah, wow.” He kissed him harder, melting Sean’s insides and stiffening his cock all at the same time. He slid down to the floor and shoved Sean’s legs apart. Then he pulled the waistband of Sean’s shorts down, freeing his cock.

  With a wicked grin, Emery went down on him, swallowing him to the root.

  Sean let out a moan, no longer afraid to bury his hands in Emery’s blond hair. He held on, fucking his hips up to meet Emery’s bobbing head.

  “That’s it, mate,” Emery silently encouraged. “As hard as you want.”

  Sean let out a loud groan. He’d never come this many times this quickly in his life. Not even during the weekend of the butt plug. He was already damn close to exploding again.

  “Do it. Use me.”

  He tightened his grip on Emery’s head and fucked his mouth, no longer passively receiving, but taking control and using him. Emery hooked his arms under Sean’s thighs and held on as a furious wave of desperate need took Sean over. He was slamming hard into Emery’s mouth by the time his balls tightened and released another flood of his cum down Emery’s throat.