Read Ace of Diamonds, The Page 26


  Setzer noticed Edgar’s intense scrutiny as he steered the Falcon from Kohlingen and set the heading for Mobliz. Relm and the children were below exchanging stories and making up games that only children could imagine. Edgar, not looking nearly as exhausted as Setzer had expected, had excused himself to the flight deck after promising to show the boys his battle machines a little later. Setzer smirked. The girls would be there too, but only because many of them had already fallen victim to the king’s natural charm.


  Setzer spared the king a quick look. “Well what?”

  Edgar crossed his arms as he leaned against the bow of the ship. “Don’t attempt that, gambler. Too often have I been the ‘innocent’ letch to believe it.”

  Setzer laughed. “I had a nice escape from Lady Luck and her empty promises, Edgar, if that’s what you’re asking.”

  “Good.” Edgar looked out toward the horizon. “I sincerely hope the view from this open window was a pleasing one.”

  A refreshing vision of Maria in her pale yellow gown with her twinkling smile and caressing laughter brought a smile to his lips. “Yes. Yes, it was.”

  “Again, good.” Edgar changed his sharp eyes to Setzer’s face. “Don’t close it too hastily this time.”

  Setzer looked over at him. “Pardon?”

  Edgar smirked. “No, gambler, I don’t know where you went or whose skirts you ruffled, but I know your tendency to let the Fates guide your step. That will be a hard habit to break. I’m only wanting to caution you against keeping your hands on the window sill.”

  Setzer chuckled and moved his eyes back to the horizon. “I believe that is a reminder that should be voiced again from time-to-time.”

  “I’ll do my best, but the wedding will take most of my attention, understand.”

  Setzer nodded, his lips still lifted with his smile. “Yes. I understand.”

  “Good. I wouldn’t want you to believe I’m purposefully snubbing you and the others.”

  “I’m sure Locke and yourself will find a way to keep me involved. Locke has already kept me and my ship busy with gathering supplies and things of that sort for the ceremony and reception.”

  “While I doubt I will have that particular need of you, I was to request a favor.”

  “A favor?” Setzer asked. “And what would that be?”

  “Terra wanted me to ask you to lead her up the aisle.”

  Setzer looked quickly toward Edgar. “What?”

  Edgar laughed at the expression of disbelief. “Come, come, Setzer. You’ve been a great friend to Terra and the children. It’s only right that you be the one to give her away. General Leo should have had the honor, of course, but he’s forced to watch the ceremony from elsewhere.”

  Setzer moved his eyes back to the horizon as he adjusted his hold on the wheel. “I don’t know what to say, Edgar, besides ‘yes’. I’m honored.”

  “Wonderful.” Edgar chuckled. “You realize of course that the plot behind the request was so that you would bring the lady that stands on the other side of the open window?”

  Setzer laughed. “I should have expected that of you.”

  “Now, now. I can’t help my curious nature. Oh.” Edgar reached out and cuffed Setzer on the arm. “And you must come with Terra, Celes, Locke, and myself to the new show at the Opera House. Terra will be allowed out of bed for an entire evening within the next day or so. I plan on reserving a box at the Opera House to make an outing of it. Haven’t been there since we battled the earth dragon. Remember? It will be a nice change.”

  It was then Setzer realized he hadn’t asked Maria about the operetta and her new role. His eyes darkened with a momentary scowl before he looked to Edgar. “A trip to the Opera will bring back certain enjoyable memories,” he said with a smile and a twinkle.

  Edgar laughed outright. “Yes, but this time restrain the kidnapping of the star until the show has finished. I’m sure Terra and the rest of us would appreciate a resolve.”

  Setzer looked away, the smile firmly in place. “I assure you that I will be on my best behavior.”

  “Glad to hear it, as I’m sure the Impresario will be.” Edgar paused, gauging the gambler’s profile. “Have you visited Maria since the failed attempt to kidnap her?”

  “Once or twice,” Setzer confessed vaguely.

  “No hard feelings shared?”

  Quite the contrary. “No hard feelings shared.” And Setzer’s spirit seemed to relax a little more into the possibility.

  “Well that’s a pleasant end to a botched kidnap of one’s true love,” Edgar teased with another cuff on the arm.

  Setzer only smiled.