Read Advent Page 2


  Morning comes and brought with it a feeling of new discovery. He stood in the glory of its light and allowed the energy to feed his being. He shook out his locks and began his morning routine. First he awakened his body with exercise, and then he let his mind roam free as he routinely performed his sets. He steeped out into the garden, the life giving light on his chest and nature at his feet. He felt grounded, connected to a galactic love relationship between his Star and his Planet. He dropped to the ground and began to prepare his mind for meditation. He considered the texts he read after his stroll last night, wondering about the truths that were revealed. He pondered their validity, reassessing his analysis of the information he collected. The passages written by the prophets of one advised him to seek the light, where all is revealed. This confused him; how does one search for light when it is everywhere. Closing his eyes he began the steps to slip into meditation, the sounds of his surroundings penetrated his consciousness.

  He focused inward listening to the flow and exchange within himself, feeling it all with his mind and body. His awareness expanded and it was like he felt the planet, he could feel the cool breeze as it caressed his body. The thump within was his rhythm as he collected himself and relaxed. He was in the world of his mind, walking down the stairway as he proceeded towards the depths of his mind. Like all things in nature, there was rhythm here too and so he went down, but a door representing his uncertainty faced him. With no hesitation he stretched forward his hand, grabbing the handle, he turned the knob and crossed the threshold; witnessing the essence of his being, he accepted his primal nature. The red hue visible was a result of the pure kinetic energy, motivating not just his primal self but also the primal nature of his people, indeed creation as a whole. A phrase leapt out at him 'All is one', this was so; he felt it, so it was real.

  The scene was filled with love and light from the Creator, and this energy raised him. There was a feel of orange-yellow around him and he saw an image of beings creating in their own way, and he saw also a glow around them. The same glow he felt in the environment he was in and then it dawned on him. The realisation that he too took part in the great engine of creation and his consciousness gloried in the truth of its awareness. He accepted his primal role in service to the Infinite One. He ran in joy towards a scene that he thought was his, intuition cautioned him and he stopped. He saw it for what it was, the root of temptation, he accepted, he understood. We can never be truly full of what we don't really want, and so he saw others trapped in this scene, their reality. In an instant he was in a forest full of light, life and love. His being became overwhelmed with love from the Infinite One. He dropped to the ground and cried, and then he laughed; his emotions filled with the feelings of the present scene. He saw visions that increased the intensity of what he felt but it never felt unbearable or undeserved. He let it flow through him, as he spread his arms wide and creatures came to him from the surrounding trees. He felt something; it came from everywhere and from every direction, the air was heavy with it and the ground lifted by it. Logos that was what it was; the very same force he felt in the primal scene. It fuelled the feeling in this green scene with its energy, lifting the ground and him with it.

  The sky was blue and like a faint haze... In the clouds, within the largest of clouds he saw a building and he knew there lay all that his being knew. How did he know? That was a question he often pondered. Something happened at that time, which he had never before witnessed in that mental realm. There was something else within this scene. His mind snapped to fables he read about dimensional beings, he had known there was some truth to the tales; and to him they seemed to materialise from nothing and they spoke.

  “You see us?”

  “I do,” he replied “But how? Why?”

  “You are aware that we are here, so you do,” they replied. He noticed no lips moved as these giant winged beings encircled him. They were beautiful he thought, like nothing ever seen before; beyond description their splendour burst as if from their very being.

  “But how do I know? How am I aware?” he asked.

  “You have always known, you are aware,” they replied.

  “How do I know?”

  “You ask too many questions; listen, contemplate and you will understand what you have always known. Thus you will raise your awareness, but keep in mind what you know affects what you see and mould yourself into a tool and a receptor of understanding. Through this Logos will give you wisdom; the sight to see.” His mind swirled with this idea, a concept, a point of view he had never before considered. “We have always been here but never have you seen us, but through your journey you have raised your awareness and now because your being remembers us, and so you can see us.”

  “I know nothing and yet I know it all, truly my journey has just begun,” he replied.

  “You see, you do know.”

  To him they seemed to vanish as he shifted into his being and he could go no further, same as before. Although, this time he had a lot to think on. He saw himself over looking a cliff with water falling on his left and an expanse of trees divided partially by a broad river. The air was sweet and flying creatures filled the sky, and as he gazed he realised there were other creatures by the lake to his right. He remained for a while and then turned back, stepping through a door to the present time and space, into the conscious physical world. There was always a rhythm and as he started by going down, so he returned by rising up. Even as he reached the surface of his consciousness he felt elated, his heart was lightened from past burdens and he was joyous. He opened his eyes and the sight before him was magnificent.

  The trees looked greener and brighter, as though filled with new life. All around him he could see spheres of different shapes and sizes floating. He looked to the sky and he saw a sight words would struggle to convey, of a manner that never had they been seen before. Finally he looked at his hands, like they were new hands, none can know what he truly saw as he gasped and stood up. Spreading out his arms, he filled his heart with the feelings from his meditation and it was like a song that warmed him. He was awake to the physical world and aware like anyone else but also unlike anyone else. He spread his thoughts and awareness past the boundaries of his home and that of his neighbours, feeling his other-selves as surely as he felt himself. Beyond boundaries of cities and past nations, until he was outside and within his mother planet; Oasis home of his people, pearl of the Andromeda galaxy, overlooking the Milky-way galaxy. He spoke with words but there were no words, reaching far and near, nowhere and everywhere, to everyone and to no one in particular. His words simply spoken were “I am one and I am all. We are Oasis and we hear your call.”


  Ah! I see the hint of recollection in your eyes but I suspect that my task is nowhere near complete. Oasis isn't here right now because he is searching for Riva, his kin, she left on a mission of rescue. Perhaps I should tell you of her mission as she witnessed it and as I have recorded...
