Read Advent Page 3


  "Underneath the universe and within all things exists Logos, it is the fundamental driver, fuelling creation and existence. By understanding the word and the flow, Logos can be used to manipulate the environment." -- Riva, The Second Traveller.

  I stood and watched from a vantage point beyond a mortal’s description of reality. From outside time, I looked into it with my brethren. My gaze turned towards the space known as Milky Way and that was when I first noticed highly chaotic anomalies. Usually such did not exist from our point of view... A heavily potentiated chaos and I heard the call. "Help us." It was crystal clear like it was spoken next to my ear. Only those with a great need could be heard by us so clearly and so I moved myself from my environment. Effortlessly passing through time and space, I travelled to the environment the call came from... It was a planet of intelligent life, meaning that it was forbidden to interfere with their free will. This was clearly seen by the webs of Logos surrounding the planet; Terra, that was her name. I felt truth in this as surely as I felt the truth of my existence. She invited me in and directed me to the fabric that caused her pain. Travellers like myself are usually not permitted to visit planets in our natural form, so I had to present myself in a manner suitable to the environment and in this case I had to fragment myself. I could enter the cycle of incarnation and preserve my unified soul but that would take too long. So I made my decision and entered the planet, acquiring mass along the way, as I became the suitable forms. I felt my mortality in flesh as it compounded around myself, my soul fragmented and I heard Terra once again, saying. "Time is short."