Read Adventures With Eric - Eric's Magic World Of Misadventure Page 1


  Published by Ant World & Amarissa Amber Cale

  Copyright 2012 Amarissa Amber Cale & Ant World


  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Join Eric and Brown Bear Online

  Chapter One

  Do you like cold and snow? Eric sure didn’t. Not this one particular day anyway. Most of the time, Eric loved to build snowmen and gigantic snow forts, but not this day. It was one of those extra cold and blustery days, when Eric was five years old, he caught a very bad cold. He did not feel very good that bitter winter day, so his mommy kept him home from playschool.

  All Eric wanted to do was stay in his bed and watch his favourite television show, 'Electric Train'. His mommy was busy with Eric's new baby brother, so his Nana came over to help take care of Eric. Nana went straight to Eric's bedroom when she arrived.

  "How are you feeling, Eric?"

  "A little better now that you are here," Eric smiled from under his cosy blankets.

  Eric's red nose peeked out of the blanket like a small angry tomato. It was sore from all the blowing. Nana sat on the bed and placed her cool hand on Eric's forehead.

  "Well, I don’t think you have a fever."

  Eric told Nana that he had a sore throat, so Nana decided to take him to the store to buy some cough drops. Eric went with Nana every time she went shopping because Nana did not speak English. Nana spoke Hawaiian, because the family used to live in Hawaii.

  Hawaii is a beautiful Island, far away from where they lived now. Eric and his family now lived in a big City in Canada, far away from the Ocean. When Nana went into a store, she told Eric what she wanted to tell the people that worked there, and Eric would repeat it in English.

  While Nana was paying for the cough drops, Eric spotted a teddy bear on the shelf. The brown teddy bear was all alone. He looked old and worn out and maybe a bit dusty too. Eric told his Nana that he felt sorry for the bear.

  "Why would you want that old thing? The bigger one beside that brown bear seems much nicer," Nana told Eric, pointing to a bear with a red scarf, right beside the one Eric liked. "What do you think, Eric?"

  Eric thought for a moment. He decided he liked the brown bear best because he looked special. Eric thought the bear needed a friend who would take care of him.

  "No Nana, I think the brown one is better. He even has a shiny key around his neck, along with a red scarf like the other bear had on."

  "Oh, Eric. You always do like things that are different, don’t you?" Nana chuckled and took Eric's hand. "Come on now, we have to get you home and out of the cold."

  Eric sighed. How he wished he could have that bear. He would take special care of him. Eric turned his head as he and Nana headed for the door to take one last look at the lonesome bear. From the corner of his eye, Eric could have sworn he saw the frazzled looking bear wink at him. Eric shook his head. "That isn’t possible", Eric thought to himself.

  After Nana bought Eric's cough drops, they headed home. Nana made Eric some chicken noodle soup. Chicken noodle was his very favourite. After he was done, Eric felt so full that he decided to have a nap.

  While he was sleeping, Nana went back to the store. Can you guess what Nana bought? That's right, the teddy bear! Eric did not tell Nana that he wanted the bear, but Nana knew he did. When Eric woke, the teddy bear was in bed beside him. Eric was thrilled that the little brown bear would have the company of his other teddy bears.

  Eric had all kinds of stuffed animals. He had elephants, bears, ferocious lions and tigers, and even a monkey. Eric felt all warm and fuzzy inside. The new bear would never feel lonely again.

  Eric placed the new bear right beside his favourite bear, and announced, "I am going to call him Brown Bear."

  Nana asked why he named him Brown Bear, and Eric cheerfully answered, "Because he's brown."

  "That makes perfect sense to me," Nana agreed.