Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 18

  Chapter Five

  A Security Issue

  I heard someone lean against the counter. “I'll be with you in juuust a minute.” I sent out two book requests, finished a response to a 'how do I' question, and sent a form 'warning' to a junior classman with a past-due book. Then I swiveled my chair--and blinked in surprise when my eyes traveled up to Sub-Lt. Cmdr. Seifer Almasy's face ten inches above eye level. “H-Hello. Can I h-help you?”

  Seifer examined me with an intense look even scarier than Quistis. I blinked and cleared my throat. But like a deer caught in the headlights of a car, I couldn't look away. His continual smirk twitched slightly higher as he looked me up and down. “So you passed the Fire Cavern in less time than Squall.” He shook his head a moment before meeting my gaze. “I heard you're a whiz with computers.”

  I cleared my throat--and I still couldn't look away. “I'm p-pretty good.”

  Seifer's lips twitched again as he straightened. “Come with me.”

  I swallowed hard. “B-But I have to w-watch the desk,” I stammered. Why in the world does the head of Garden Network security want me to follow him? What did I do? Pictures and scenes of possibilities throughout the last three to five years flashed through my head, all of which included showing some form of favoritism to Zell Dincht opposite the normal library policies.

  “No,” Seifer insisted firmly, “you need to come with me.”

  I moved my gaze to the monitor and the four requests that just popped up onto the screen. Zell, help! I took in a deep breath and looked back to Seifer's face—He stood waiting by the door. “My shift ends in thirty minutes,” I informed him in a quiet voice. “I can go with you then.” Oh gosh. I'm so going to get it!

  Seifer always looked so menacing in his gray trench-coat, heavy boots, buzz haircut, and Cmdr. Squall-given scar. In fact, he scared me practically to death. It wasn't that he was a bad guy; he hadn't ever been mean to me. Seifer just had a harsh personality and an even harsher sense of humor. Me being the shy person I was, I didn't know how to take it smoothly. Well, at least not yet.

  Seifer crossed his arms, but he didn't say anything.

  I released a sigh of relief and changed my focus back to the computer. After several minutes of waylaying one unnecessary trip to a Garden library after another, I heard Seifer's heavy boots clump over to the desk again. He leaned against it the same as before. I really hate it when people look over my shoulder.

  Seifer turned to lean his back and elbows against the counter just as my secondary log-in--MegaFenix--chirped an instant message onto the screen. I smiled at Zell’s new ID, surreptitiously glanced to see if Seifer watched me, and then typed a response.

  MEGAFENIX: Hi, Zell.

  FENIXJUNKY: sup, meg? hows wurk?

  MEGAFENIX: It’s going well, but what are you doing? Aren't written exams over?

  FENIXJUNKY: im a softe. mak up test.

  I glanced Seifer's direction again. He still leaned against the counter with his back and elbows. MEGAFENIX: Guess who's here?

  FENIXJUNKY: yor ma?

  I repressed a giggle. MEGAFENIX: No. Seifer.

  FENIXJUNKY: O_O wat 4?

  MEGAFENIX: I didn't ask. He wants me to go with him. I'm making him wait until my shift ends. ^-^;;

  FENIXJUNKY: b carful. he liks doin joks wors thn mine

  My smile faded as I passed yet another surreptitious glance over at Seifer. He looked at his watch, his back still toward me. MEGAFENIX: What kind of jokes?

  FENIXJUNKY: dont wory, meg. im sur he wont do any 2 u. mabe he needs a book. ^_^

  My smile returned, crinkling my eyes at the corners.

  “Tell Dincht to get to work.”

  My mouth gaped as I looked sharply over my shoulder. Seifer still wasn't looking at me or the monitor. I looked back to the screen. MEGAFENIX: I better go, Zell. He told me to tell you to get back to work.

  FENIXJUNKY: tell him il hurt him if he messes with u

  I wiped a smudge off the monitor near the 'il' and smiled as I pictured doing the same to Zell's cute face. MEGAFENIX: I won't, but thanks for saying that.

  FENIXJUNKY: il stop by yor room latr. k?


  Zell logged off and I closed the instant message window. I felt Seifer look over at me, but I didn't meet his gaze--yeah, like I would!--and didn't say anything excusing my too-short conversation with Zell.

  “It's a security issue. Not a joke.”

  My fingers went cold. I sent Seifer a sidelong glance. He had looked away again. “Y-You shouldn't read o-over people's sh-shoulders,” I scolded.

  Seifer smirked. “You aren't in my sights, Regal. Relax.”

  Yeah, right. I looked back to the monitor with a sigh.

  “Hiya, Sal--Hi, Seifer.”

  I shifted my gaze to the entry as Selphie entered.

  She came to stand by Seifer, leaning her arms against the counter as she looked up at him. Selphie barely came to his shoulders. “What are you doing here? Don't you have a report to give to Squall about--”

  “One last thing.”

  “Really? Wow. Than it's really--”

  Seifer cut Selphie off with a frown her direction. “Tilmitt, don't talk.”

  Selphie giggled. “Sorry.” She looked over at me. “Sally, Squall's gone to Timber today to meet with some resistance factions--”

  “Tilmitt!” Seifer barked as he looked sharply at her.

  Selphie looked over at him wide-eyed. “What?”

  Seifer rolled his eyes.

  “I don't think you were supposed to say that,” I offered with a sidelong glance toward Seifer.

  “It's a secret?” Selphie covered her mouth. “Whoops.”

  “Tilmitt, deliver your message,” he said harshly.

  “Geez, Seifer. I didn't mea--”


  “OK. Sheesh.” Selphie looked over at me. “You and the others that have passed their field exams so far will get your diploma day after tomorrow. Then Squall wants to wait until the others have their field exam, which will finish by the end of the week I think, before we have the ‘inauguration ball’.” Selphie focused back to Seifer. “Have you given your field exam to your security candidates yet?”

  “Tomorrow.” Seifer looked away.

  “Great!” Selphie looked back to me. “Nine o'clock, day after tomorrow. Squall's office. Bye, Sally.” Selphie glanced toward Seifer as she straightened from the counter. “Relax, Seifer. We're not at war or anything.”

  Selphie left the library, Seifer scowling after her. “And Squall wonders why. . . ?”

  I reluctantly smiled. Then I wiped it away with a clearing of my throat as I turned back to my computer.

  “Hello, Sally,” Theresa greeted as she entered the library. “I'm a little early today. . . .” Her voice faded as she looked up from adjusting her book bag. When she saw Seifer, she turned a little yellow. “Oh.”

  Seifer's presence did that to everyone, apparently.

  “You're going to clock on early,” he informed her.

  Theresa nodded, eyes wide. “O-OK.” She sent me an uncertain glance.

  I logged out of my computer. “It'll take me just a second, Seifer,” I said in a quiet voice, and it felt weird to call him that. I felt like I should have said 'sir' or something. I made the decision to do just that.

  I intercepted Theresa's 'What did you do?' expression as I retrieved my book bag and slung it over my shoulder. But I had no idea. I came to stand by Seifer as Theresa went around and logged onto the system.

  Seifer didn't even gesture for me to follow or go first; he headed toward the exit. My expression to Theresa probably screamed 'Help!' before I followed after him. Theresa somberly waved.

  The two of us proceeded around the corridor toward the Garden Directory. Then Seifer climbed the stairs to the elevator. I followed with quick steps, blinking in surprise when Seifer didn't press the button for Squall's office. Instead, he chose the one for the second floor. I sent him a glance
but didn't say anything.

  A security issue. And if computers were involved, it could mean anything. Garden's Network security was pretty tight, so were the security protocols on the FTPs and the regulator for the outside Internet access. I had never heard of any type of security breach. Who would want to hack Garden's Network anyway? What information could they possibly have? But that was a question I wouldn't ever be privileged to.

  We exited the elevator, me again following Seifer down the hall toward the classroom near the emergency hatch. Believe me, I had problems keeping up with him. Seifer stopped at the door, pressed in a security code--which made me raise an eyebrow--and entered once the door slid open. A security code on a classroom? “Hm.”


  I twitched and entered, gnawing my lower lip as I did. Seifer stood by the Instructor terminal at the head of the class, so I hesitantly made my way over. Seifer rested his hand on the back of the chair and gestured to the seat with his other. I cleared my throat and sat on the very edge.

  “Get into the Network at Galbadia.”

  I blinked and looked over my shoulder at him. “G-Galbadia Garden?”

  Seifer gestured to the screen. So I gave a slight shrug and turned back to the monitor. I logged into Garden's Network and then accessed Galbadia Garden's directory page. It flashed onto the screen. Seifer had come to stand beside me.

  I looked over at him. “N-Now what?”

  “Do you know which are the high-security areas?”

  I blinked. “I c-can't get into those.”

  Seifer gestured to the monitor again. “Try.”

  “But I don't have the--”

  Seifer's no-nonsense gaze met my wide-eyed one. “Do it.”

  I twitched and then said, “All right,” as I focused my attention on the screen. “But it won't work. I don't have the right security code,” I said as I navigated the site to the appropriate log-in. “Their system will tag my ID and ban me from the entire Network. I won't be able to log on again until I have a clearance code from the head of security at Galbadia Garden, here, or Commander Squall's authorization sequence.”

  Seifer didn't say anything. When the appropriate screen popped up, followed immediately by the security code request, I typed in my low-level security code given when I started work at the library. A window WARNING popped up, reminding/alerting me that I didn't have the clearance. It also stated/threatened that if I didn't back out of the area, I would be banned from the Network.

  I backed out, not wanting to go through the rigmarole of getting my ID unblocked, and sent Seifer a 'see, I told you so' look as respectfully as possible. As Zell often said, I didn't need to bother with any kind of thought for Seifer's feelings. He didn't notice and likely didn't care.

  “Find a back way in.”

  “A ba--” I blinked. “There isn't one.”

  Seifer actually sent me a patient look, although it did seem a little annoyed. I sat there in shocked silence. “Regal, just find a back way in. Crack it if you have to.”

  My mouth opened as my eyes widened. “Crack it?” I finally repeated. “Are you kidding? You can't crack the Garden Network! It's impossible!”

  Seifer stared down at me for a moment before motioning at me to get out of the chair with a simple “Move.”

  I stood and stepped aside. Seifer sat and then backed out of the Galbadia site. Then he navigated the Network to the security section, entered his security clearance code, and navigated through the different logs of ftp and network traffic to the section that tagged and labeled questionable entries as well as blatant violation of network security.

  Seifer scrolled down a little way and--

  “Oh my gosh.” I stepped closer to the screen and leaned in. “No way,” I whispered.

  “Nothing's impossible,” Seifer said in a serious tone. He leaned back in the chair and crossed his arms. “We found the compromise shortly after sending your team on the field exam.”

  “Quistis has Battle Theory at that time,” I commented as I pointed at the ID. “It's outside. There's no way she could be accessing the Internet.”

  “Exactly. What I need you to do is simple: Find how they got access to her computer and close it the hell down. We know what they were looking for, access to Galbadia Garden to find the location of those damn missiles. Now we need to find out who's responsible and shut them down.”

  I straightened again as I shook my head. “I don't have the--”

  “Don't bother, Regal,” Seifer said curtly as he stood. “You're more than qualified, and you're on this until it's solved. I already plugged you into the system with appropriate security clearance.” He handed me a piece of paper. “There's your code.”

  I took it, staring after him with wide eyes as he left the classroom. The door slid shut behind him and I slumped into the chair with a deep breath of “Geez” as I looked to the screen.

  True, I had the knowledge to do what Seifer wanted, but I didn't make it a regular policy to hack into anything. Cracking, hacking, and things of that sort were frowned upon. Unless you're on security. I sighed. This is what you get for hacking the missiles with your handheld. I hated the attention. Oh well. Quit whining and get it over with. Zell's coming by later, remember?

  I sighed yet again, sounding pathetic all the while, and leaned toward the computer, pass-code in hand. “Alright, Mr. Cracker-Jack. Let's find your home base and see what we can see.”

  Because of the fact it was quite a chore to crack the security grid, I knew the culprit had to be good. Not only good, but smooth as silk. Seifer set those up specifically to regulate both the outside connection to the Internet and the inside Network between Gardens. The person that cracked those--Man! I had a few ideas of where I could look to find exactly where he'd come in, but I wasn't holding my breath. If he ended up being as good as I believed, and actually affiliated with the radicals who'd snatched the Galbadian missiles, I knew my 'assignment' wasn't going to be easy.

  So I set to work looking at the Process Lister (PS) and the Who list (WHO) to see if they had recently--or even not-so-recently--been altered. Considering I didn't have a recent PS or WHO to compare it to, it would be a little like trying to see the difference in a found needle to a memorized one, but I printed out the lists anyway and decided to go to Seifer. He would likely have a hard copy of the lists on file. I hated to say it, but Seifer leaned toward anality when it came to security of the Garden. Squall had probably promoted Seifer for that reason.

  I placed the print-outs aside and then stared at the monitor. Sally, if you were going to try and crack the security grid, how exactly would you do it? I wrinkled my nose as I pursed my lips. For one, I knew the guy had to be as 'close' to the Network as possible. It made it easier to be undetectable. And they probably did some kind of tunnel connection. That shocked me, too. I thought the security grid would have made that impossible. Of course, nothing's impossible if you're good enough.

  I settled back in the chair and scooted it closer to the desk. All right. So if they used a tunnel, I've just got to find the Trojan program that created the VPN--virtual private network--it's using. But when I checked how much her terminal was running--i.e. CPU run-time--it wasn't pulling any kind of high percentages. I wonder if he pulled out once their hostage situation went sour. It made sense. Of course, it also made sense that he just found another way of getting into the Network.

  I pushed my lips to the side and logged back onto the Galbadia Garden site. Then I navigated to the security page and looked to see who was logged on. I smiled.

  MEGAFENIX: Hey, Marshal. It's Sally. How are you today?

  TOP_DAWG: Sally! You finally changed your log-in! Much better.

  MEGAFENIX: ^_^ It was Zell's idea.

  TOP_DAWG: Zell? As in Booya Boy?

  MEGAFENIX: You know him?

  TOP_DAWG: Are you j/k? Everyone knows Booya Boy.

  MEGAFENIX: I guess you're right. ^_^ Silly me.

  TOP_DAWG: lol *serious expression* so what can
I do for you?

  MEGAFENIX: Have you checked your system for any security breaches lately?

  TOP_DAWG: O_O You're j/k.

  MEGAFENIX: No. I'm serious.

  TOP_DAWG: *falls out of chair onto floor... carefully pulls self back into chair* No one breaches security, Meg.

  MEGAFENIX: Yes, they do. How do you think those radicals got the missiles the other day? They set up a Trojan program and designed a nearly invisible tunnel to one of our Instructor's terminals. Then they got her ID and password--I think--and logged into your system to find the location of those missiles.

  TOP_DAWG: *falls out of chair... struggles back up* Thanks for the heads-up. I'll check it out.

  MEGAFENIX: Alright. I'm going to keep hunting around over here. If I find where the cracker's set up shop, I'll let you know. Vice versa, K?

  TOP_DAWG: Sure thing. ttyl

  I backed out just as the classroom door slid open. “I haven't found out much of anything yet, sir. I'll report as soon as I do.”

  “Sir? Hey, I like the sound of that.”

  I raised my gaze from the terminal and smiled as Zell approached, hands in pockets. “Hi. I thought you were Seifer.”

  Zell jerked his head toward the door. “Noticed the security lock. What's going on?”

  “Security breach.”

  “You’re kidding! Man. Seifer's probably pissed.” Zell came around the terminal to my left and leaned against the desk. He grinned. “So you got the duty of cleaning up the mess, huh? Good for you. Means Seifer trusts you.”

  Much to my surprise, I was in a bit of a touchy-feely mood and reached out to gently grip his arm, caressing the soft and warm skin with my thumb. “He still scares me half to death,” I said softly, staring at my hand and Zell's arm while wondering how something so simple could be so difficult. “I'm like a deer in the headlights of a car.”

  “Seifer scares a lot of people. You know what? I don't think he does it on purpose. It's just he's a big guy--Well, maybe he does.”

  I gave a slight smile as I continued to stare at the simple act of thumb on skin. “And he's especially big to me. I'm a mouse.”

  “Nah. A kitten maybe, but not a mouse.”

  My eyes crinkled at the corners as I finally looked up at him. “A kitten? Really?”

  “Tch! Yeah! You've got claws,” he said, serious. My mouth gaped, eyes wide. Then Zell chuckled and leaned forward to kiss me. “But you're soft, too.”

  I flushed molten and lowered my gaze to the terminal. Clearing my throat, I pulled my hand from his arm.

  “So,” Zell straightened away from the desk and gestured to the terminal. “What d'ya have to do, and when do I get ya?”

  “Seifer said I'm responsible for finding how they got in to the Network. Then I have to find where they did it from.”

  “Then we'll probably plan a counterstrike.” Zell nodded, crossing his arms. “Sounds about right. Did he say you had to do it right now?”

  I looked up at Zell. “He didn't say I wasn't supposed to do it right now. He just said it was my responsibility.”

  “Hm.” Zell pushed his lips to one side. “Geez,” he said suddenly. “I wish I could help.”

  I smiled and stood. “You could get me something to eat. I'm starved.”

  Still very much in a touchy-feely mood, I actually stepped close and started lightly wiping and rubbing at imaginary wrinkles of his SeeD uniform jacket. Then I rested my hands on his chest and looked up. Zell stared down into my face with twinkling eyes and a slight smirk. He wrapped his arms around me and held me a little closer.

  “Then you could just stay here and hang out while I tinker around,” I went on. “Maybe you could look over my submission for Combat King?” Who are you, and what have you done with Sally Regal?

  “Maybe I could give you another back-rub?”

  I giggled. “Then I wouldn't get anything done.”

  Zell grinned. “Yep.”

  I gave him a timid kiss. Zell returned three more--definitely not as timid--before I had a chance to pull my head back. I could feel a flush rising, but I ignored it and continued to smile up at him. “Then I'll see you in about ten minutes?”

  Zell nodded, eyes laughing and lips grinning. “Eight if you promise you'll keep on like this.”

  I giggled and stepped back. “Sorry. Can't promise that.”


  Zell looked so dejected that I couldn't help but give him another kiss, but on the cheek this time. “We'll see.”

  He grinned down at me. “Cool. Be right back.” Zell jogged from the classroom with an “Ohhh yeeeahhh” before the door completely slid shut.

  I giggled, giving a shake of my head as I sat back at the terminal. “Zell, you're so cute,” I whispered.

  I released a deep breath as I leaned my elbow against the desk and stared at the screen. Then, after surrendering to several different daydreams involving swimming and chases and Zell's laughing face, I pulled my attention back to the computer and Seifer's security issue. Okey dokey. Trojan. VPN. Right. Pull your head back from the clouds, Sally.

  I cleared my throat and began navigating through Quistis' computer as I wondered how in the world the cracker had broken into it--I blinked, remembering back to the evening of Zell and my first date. E-mail. No way. I opened a different window and navigated through to the archived mail. I clicked through the folders and found the one I looked for: 'Zone'. I opened the folder and found four e-mails, all had been replied to. Oh no.

  I opened the first e-mail. It looked simple enough. A timid 'hello, how are you'. When I poked a little deeper, I found the self-executing Trojan program that had started the whole security issue. Zone, you wouldn't, would you? I shook my head. I couldn't believe it. Zone had a major crush on Quistis. He wouldn't have used her that way. Maybe Zone didn't even send the e-mail? Maybe someone who knew about Zone's crush did. I knew it was possible, because almost everyone in Timber had heard about the unreturned feelings.

  I sighed and set to work finding the external IP address on the other end of the tunnel. Ready or not, here I come. I vaguely heard the classroom door slide open and shut, but I was so enthralled in the discovery of the IP address from the sending computer that my brain didn't give me a chance to acknowledge the knowledge before submersing me into the mystery/adventure at hand.

  I brought up the shell prompt and typed in the 'trace route' command, which zoomed me to the external IP address at the end of the tunnel. I smiled with a whispered “Gotcha” and then quickly wrote down the IP address on a found piece of paper. Then I backed out, not really noticing the figure leaning against the desk to my right, and brought up a browser window to look up the IP address on the registry.

  I blinked as my jaw dropped open. “No way,” I whispered.


  I twitched and looked up and to my right. Seifer leaned against the desk as he looked at the browser window and the information therein. I cleared my throat and changed my focus back to the window. I pointed. “I got the physical address for the external IP address on the other end of the VPN. It's the... It's the ISP in Timber.”

  Seifer clenched his jaw, and his scowl blackened. “Print it.”

  I hit the appropriate buttons. Seifer grabbed the information off the printer and stormed from the room just as Zell entered. “Yo, Seifer. Wha–”

  “Move.” And then Seifer strode past and around the corner.

  Zell stared after him a moment, my sandwich and his in hand, and then looked back over at me. “Yo, Meg. What happened?”

  “The cracker somehow used the ISP in Timber to get into our Network.”

  “Aw crap.” Zell made his way over. He handed me my sandwich as he leaned against the desk. “I've got a feeling we'll be taking another trip to Timber pretty soon.”

  I stared down at the sandwich. “Zell.”

  “What's the matter?”

  I looked up, meeting Zell's concerned expression. “The cracker got in using an e-mail sent from
Zone to Quistis.”

  Zell straightened. “Zone? The hell?! He wouldn't do that!”

  I nodded. “I know.” I set my sandwich aside and looked back at the screen. “Someone within the ISP sent it from Zone's account.”

  “What are we gonna tell Quis? We can't tell her that some ass impersonating Zone sent her those e-mails! She'll flip!”

  I nodded again as I released a deep breath. “I know. She probably feels bad enough that someone used her computer to get those missiles.” I shook my head before looking back over to Zell. “We've got to tell her, Zell. She'll want to know it wasn't Zone.”

  “How are you gonna prove it?”

  “I already did. The IP address tagged to the e-mail isn't what it's supposed to be.”

  Zell gestured to my sandwich as he stood. “Come on, Sally. Let's go. Quis is in the cafeteria.”

  I picked up my sandwich and followed, moving to walk beside him as we made our way through the hall and to the elevator. “I can't believe this is happening. She finally gets an e-mail from him and it's not really him sending it.” I sighed. “It's not fair.”

  “Tell me about it.” Zell pushed the button for the first floor. “When I find this guy, I'll beat his ass into next week. Quis doesn't rate some mind game.”

  I reached out and took Zell's hand with a slight sniff. He gave my hand a squeeze. “It's not fair,” I said again.

  “Don't stress, Sally. Quis'll be fine.”

  “I hope so.”

  The elevator dinged and opened its doors. Zell and I made our way to the cafeteria in silence. I wondered what I could possibly say to Quistis to make her feel better. After all, I knew she probably blamed herself for the whole fiasco. I knew I would. I wouldn't even want to show my face around Garden for a while because of it. Maybe she felt the same. Talk about humiliation.

  Zell and I reached the doors of the cafeteria just as Quistis stepped through. She wore a stricken expression.

  “Quis,” Zell said carefully. Her gaze focused on his, and the expression changed to guarded annoyance. “Quis, can we talk to you for a sec?”

  “About what?”

  “About your computer and Zone's e-mail,” Zell said.

  It seemed to me that Quistis flinched. Seifer must have told her. I squeezed Zell's hand, but I couldn't talk around the tears that tightened my throat.

  “Leave me alone,” Quistis said in a flat tone. She started past.

  “It wasn't Zone,” Zell said quickly. Quistis stopped, but she didn't turn. “Some ass at the Timber ISP did it using Zone's account. Sally found the bastard.” Quistis still didn't turn. “We'll get him, Quis. Promise.”

  Quistis took in a slow breath and said “Thanks” very softly before moving away.

  “No prob, Quis,” Zell said.

  Zell and I stared after her until she turned and proceeded down the main corridor. Then Zell gave my hand a couple of squeezes and looked down at me with a slight smile. I met his gaze. “Come on. Let's eat dinner.”

  I wordlessly nodded, and I found myself wanting to be there when Seifer found the guy.