Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 19


  Knock Knock

  I groaned and rolled over, struggling my eyes open so that I could look at my alarm clock. “1:30?” I groaned again and covered my face with my hands.

  Knock Knock “Sally? It's Zell. I've gotta jet. Hurry up and open the door.”

  I rolled out of bed, stumbling toward the door while smashing my knee and my little toe into miscellaneous items of furniture along the way. I invented several new curses on that route and opened the door to my room while vocalizing one.

  Zell smiled--as exuberant early in the morning as he was late at night--and leaned against the door frame with crossed arms. “You sound like Seifer.”

  I sent him a sleepy smile as I absently rubbed my offended knee. “What's going on?”

  “Seifer, me, and his security goons are heading out to Timber and the ISP. I wanted to let you know, so you wouldn't stress when I didn't show up for our workout this morning.”

  I blinked. “Oh,” I said as I slowly straightened.

  Zell chuckled. “Now don't start stressing already. It's a place full of geeks and nerds. How dangerous could it be?”

  I slowly nodded. “I guess you're right.”

  “Dincht!” came a recognizable shout down the hall. “Move out!”

  Zell looked toward the voice. “Yeah!” Then he looked back over at me and rubbed at my arm before giving it a gentle slug. “I'll see ya later, Meg. And I'll be sure to say 'hi' to your ma and pa while I'm there.”

  I gnawed my lower lip. “Zell, be careful. The cracker might know you're coming.”

  “I'll tell Seifer, but he's all gung-ho and wanting to charge in like at the TV station before.” Zell shook his head with a chuckle as he straightened. “Actually, that sounds like fun.”

  I reluctantly smiled. “Be careful anyway.”

  “I'm always careful.” Zell started backing away down the hall, still facing me. “How about we head over to Balamb tomorrow for swimming and stuff?”

  I nodded. “I'll get Val to cover.”

  Zell grinned. “Cool. See ya later.” And he jogged away.

  I watched after him, my stomach doing a couple flips before settling into the soles of my feet. My smile faded as I turned back into my room. I sat on my bed and sighed, gripping the side a moment before lying back and staring up at Zell's portrait on the ceiling. Beside it was a picture Selphie had taken of the two of us--Zell and me--working out in the Training Center after I had come back from my field exam. I sighed again and closed my eyes, holding that picture in my mind as I drifted off to sleep and dream.

  But I couldn't sleep. I kept thinking of all the things that could go wrong. All the traps that could be set. The bombs that could go off. The gas that could be rigged. I felt as if I were trapped in an action/adventure film. So I got up and made my way over to my computer, which I usually did when I was stressed or bored, and glanced at the clock in the corner of the screen. 3:00.

  I tapped my fingers on the edge of the keyboard-- I stood and slipped into a worn pair of jeans, hopped into one shoe and then the other, and then left my room at a jog. I headed around the corridor, into the elevator to the second floor, and then hurried to Quistis' classroom. It was already unlocked, so I entered—

  I halted in the doorway. “Instructor Trepe?” Quistis looked up. She looked tired and beaten. I stepped forward. “Are you OK?”

  Quistis lowered her gaze back to the computer on her desk. “It's past curfew.”

  “Zell said they were going to raid the ISP. I was going to try and help.”

  Quistis leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms. “And just how were you going to do that from here?”

  “Through the tunnel.” I smiled with a mischievous glint in my eye. “I might as well give the cracker as much of a headache as he gave us. And why not? Didn't he leave me a highway for it?”

  Quistis studied me as I came to stand by the desk. Then she gestured to the computer as she stood to her feet. “Be my guest.”

  I sat in the offered chair and went to work trying to hack through the tunnel to gain control of the cracker's computer. Quistis watched in silence. I cleared my throat. “Um, why don't you send Zone an e-mail?” I asked, fully expecting to feel her hand smack the backside of my head.

  Instead, Quistis released a deep breath and leaned the backs of her legs against the desk, crossing her arms as she did so. “The guy should get a hobby.”

  I reluctantly smiled. “Zone has hobbies. Resistance faction member, naughty magazines, and Quistis Trepe.”

  She made a face. “Just what I need. Another Trepie.” Quistis uncrossed her arms to rest her hands on the desk and lean slightly back. She released a deep breath. “What was I thinking?” she mumbled.

  I kept at the project of manipulating the cracker's computer, but I continued to send her quick glances. “He really likes you, Quistis. Only he doesn't think you'd ever be interested in him. He says you're too wonderful.”

  Quistis scoffed again. “Wonderful? I'm a control freak that's more comfortable 'instructing' than just talking and listening to someone.”

  I tried a couple of avenues of entry into the computer on the other end of the tunnel, but they were blocked. I tried a different approach. “You're not that bad, Quistis. You're just a natural teacher.”

  Quistis continued to watch me as I started chipping away at a security block. After a moment, Quistis straightened and made her way out of the classroom. I stared after her, and then I smiled. “Happy birthday, Zone. You owe me.”