Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 21


  I looked over my shoulder toward the entrance of the cafeteria as I waited in line for lunch. Zell. It was almost ten minutes after noon and my lunch would be over at one. I released a deep breath and focused ahead again, immediately looking back over my left shoulder when I heard the cafeteria doors swing open.

  No Zell.

  My lower lip protruded as I turned back around, stepping forward once yet another happy hotdog customer stepped away from the counter.

  I heard a recognizable laugh and turned, smiling brightly when Zell pushed the doors open while talking to one of the security people. I hurried toward him, totally oblivious to my loss of place in line as I called “Zell!”

  He halted his conversation and looked up, sending me a bright smile as he gripped the shoulder of the man beside him and then stepped toward me. I launched myself into his arms, giggling when they went around me. “I'm so glad you're safe, sweetie, and I got your picture It was really cute with Zone and you and Seifer looking like you were in an action movie Did you send one to Quistis or Selphie I know they'd like to see it too what with Quistis' computer being the one they hacked in to and Selphie--”

  “Whoa whoa whoa, kitten.” Zell laughed and set me down on my feet, hands on my waist. “Calm down. I can't listen that fast.”

  I giggled again, flushing what I'm sure was his favorite color of red. “Sorry,” I whispered.

  “Don't sweat it.” He guided me toward the line for lunch, his arm around my waist and my arm around his. “I told you everything was going to go be fine, didn't I?”

  “Oh I know,” I said, wide-eyed as I met his gaze, “but I can't help it. Those radicals are really mean. And they don't play fair, either.” I giggled and wrinkled my nose at him. “But you showed them, huh? You kicked their butts, and they'll think twice before messing with Garden again, huh?”

  Zell laughed. “Hey, we wouldn't have been able to do it without you.” My heart soared as I smiled up at him. “Did you want to come down to the security office and watch Fujin and Seifer mess with the guy's mind? It oughta be a load of fun.”

  I shook my head, still smiling up at him. “I can't, sweetie. Work. And I don't get off until late. But could you come and keep me company? Theresa can't come in today, field assignment, and so I'm going to be by myself.”

  Zell's blue eyes twinkled as he grinned. “Dude.”

  I giggled--okay. someone stop me--and lowered my gaze to rest my head against him. “What?”

  “Where's shy girl?”

  And another giggle. “She went away.”

  Zell laughed and drew me closer--which felt absolutely wonderful!--his arm still around my waist. And I didn't care who thought what. I was just glad he was back, that he was safe, and that he was my Zell.

  “Sure, Sally. I'll come by and keep you from going bonkers. I've only got some more papers to grade. Maybe you could help?”

  I nodded against him and sighed. “Of course I'll help, sweetie.”

  Sweetie. And for the first time in my life I had a boy to call that. Talk about a security issue. The name felt like a security blanket.