Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 22

  Chapter Six

  Diplomas, Plans, and Sally Regal

  I adjusted my SeeD candidate uniform-jacket with a clearing of my throat. Oh my gosh. I felt like crying. I grabbed my brush as I sniffed and cleared my throat, running it through my shoulder-length brunette hair before clipping in the barrettes to keep it out of my face. If I had been in denial before, the minute I had that paper in my hand everything would come into clear focus.

  I was graduating.

  I was going to be a full-fledged SeeD.

  I sent my reflection a wavering smile. Good girl. You stuck to it and passed. You asked for help and got it. You grew a spine and have a best friend--speaking of Zell, of course. I sighed, looking away from the mirror while shaking my head. Then I moved to my bed and pulled my dress shoes out of the box--I was wearing a skirt again!--and slipped into them just as there was a knock.

  “It’s open!”

  And it opened to reveal Sub-Lt. Commander Seifer Almasy.

  My smile faded as I quickly stood to attention. I nearly twisted my ankle, too.

  Seifer smirked, as usual. “Regal. Relax.”

  “Y-Yes, sir.” I relaxed my posture as much as possible with as nervous as he made me. Then I clenched my hands behind my back to hide how much they shook. “What c-can I do for you, sir?”

  Seifer pulled my desk chair out, twirling it around to straddle it. Then he crossed his arms along the back and stared up at me with that continual smirk and intense expression that made me feel about an inch tall. “Good work.”

  I swallowed hard as I felt the flush rise to dangerous levels. “Th-thank you, sir.”

  “I’m recommending you be put on security detail for the Network.”

  I blinked. “B-But I--” I cleared my throat “--I wanted t-to work in the library, sir.” Don’t argue, Sally! Are you insane!

  Seifer scoffed. “Regal, you’re damn good on a computer. From what the ass at the ISP said, you hacked his computer to death, nearly forcing your way in so many times that he sweat clear through his shirt.” He made a rough gesture toward me. “You think I’m going to let Headmaster Cid keep you in the library?” He scoffed again.

  Desperation at the thought of working in his section rose, sending me into a near panic. “But I-I want to work in the library!” I cleared my throat and lowered my gaze. “Sir.”

  “Are you saying you didn’t like beating the bastard at his own game?” Seifer asked, incredulous. “You didn’t like smearing it in his face that you used his own damn tunnel against him? You didn’t like the feeling of twisting his computer to hell so that he couldn’t do that to Garden again?”

  I kicked at the rug in the middle of the floor of my room. “I did,” I whispered.

  “Damn right you did! You’re ruthless behind that computer, Regal, and you’re just what Garden’s security team needs. I want you on my team.”

  “I don’t know,” I whispered. And I didn’t. My mind wasn’t giving me any kind of clue as to what I should do. It just sat there like a rock, not thinking anything.

  “But I do, Regal. You’re with me. Period.” He stood.

  I looked up as Seifer made his way to the still open door. “B-But--”

  Seifer turned at the door with that same intense expression. He pointed at me, shooting any other words clear out of my brain. “Report to my office tomorrow morning at eight. Don’t be late.”

  Then he turned and disappeared, leaving the door wide open. I slumped onto my bed with a blank expression, barely thinking can he do that? before my brain shut down again.

  tap tap tap

  I looked up. Zell cautiously peered inside. “Sally?” He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. “I saw Seifer stompin’ away. You OK?”

  I nodded as Zell sat beside me on the bed. “I-I think so,” I whispered.

  “What’s up? What’d he say?”

  “He.” I blinked up at Zell, dazed. “He told me I’m on the security team for the Network.”

  Zell’s face screwed up in confusion. “What? I thought you were gonna be Network Admin for the library.”

  I nodded, wide-eyed. “So did I, but he said he wouldn’t let that happen. He said I was going to be on his team. I have to be in his office tomorrow at eight.”

  Zell reached up to scratch his scalp. “Never saw this coming.” He looked over at me. “What d’ya think? You okay with it?”

  “I don’t know.” I moved my gaze to stare at the wall across from me. “I don’t know.”

  “I can yak at him if you want.”

  I absently shook my head, thinking all the while of what Seifer had said. Of how good it did feel to know I had pounded the guy’s computer into the ground. Of how awesome it did feel to know I had helped keep the Garden safe. Of how spectacular it felt to know Seifer wanted me on his team to keep Garden even safer.

  I looked back over at Zell with a wide-eyed expression. “I think I want to do it, Zell. I really do.”

  Zell grinned. “Sure! Pound crackers and hackers into the ground with a computer the same as with your fists and feet? Why the hell not?”

  I smiled, my eyes crinkling as I slouched down and ‘hugged’ my hands between my knees. “It felt really cool to have him say all that nice stuff,” I confessed. “I feel about seven feet tall.”

  Zell laughed as he stood to his feet. “Come on, Meg,” he chuckled. “Let’s scoot, or you’re gonna be late.”

  I stood, falling into step beside Zell as he left my room and turned down the hall toward the main corridor.

  Zell took hold of my hand. “I heard you’re gonna be rank eight.”

  I blinked over at him. “Really? Oh my gosh.”

  “No doubt. That’s higher than me when I graduated. I only got a six.”

  I giggled. “Zell, you’re rank 24 now.”

  Zell grinned down at me, his blue eyes twinkling. “So? I can still be jealous.”

  I giggled again with a shake of my head. “You’re so silly.”

  He chuckled. “You’re still up for swimming and stuff at Balamb, right? I figured we could go fishing, too.”

  I looked up at him, wide-eyed. “Are you kidding? Of course! I got coverage and everything.”

  “Sweet.” His expression went somewhat serious with a sudden idea. “Say! Maybe we can get Quis and Zone to come? Lemme send an e-mail and have him get his butt over here.”

  I nodded. “That’s a good idea. Maybe you and Quistis could rent a car and go pick him up?”

  Zell snapped and pointed at me. “Dude! That’s a great idea.”

  I smiled and giggled. “This’s going to be fun.”

  “Damn straight. Quis hasn’t taken a day off since--Geez! Since forever!”

  I poked Zell in the side. “You should have done this before. Instead of doing that whole fake e-mail thing.”

  Zell rubbed the back of his neck with a guilty expression as he glanced toward me. “Yep.” He suddenly smacked his forehead. “Geez! I totally forgot!” He stopped and faced me. I stared at him with wide eyes. “We can't hang out with Quistis and Zone because your ma and pa are coming to Balamb today.”

  My eyes brightened. “Really?” I asked with a wide smile. “When?”

  “We’re all gonna have lunch together.”

  I gave a couple small bounces of excitement before giving Zell a hug, still bouncing somewhat. “Oh my gosh! This is so cool! They haven’t visited me at Garden since I first enrolled!”

  Zell laughed as his arms went around me. “They were really pumped about it, too.”

  “Thank you thank you thank you,” I rejoiced. “You’re so sweet!”

  Zell’s ears pinked as he gave me a gentle cuff on the chin. “Hey. You deserve it.”

  I flushed molten, but I didn’t care. I hugged him again. “Thank you thank you, sweetie!”

  Zell chuckled, pulling back to take firm and gentle hold of my hand and lead me toward the elevator. “Come on, beach bunny. I’m really gonna catch it if I don’t get you up to his office on

  I giggled and did my best to keep up with him.