Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 3


  I halted at the doors of the cafeteria, Zell ‘squeaking’ to a stop beside me, and timidly smiled up at him when he took my hand and sent me a wink. Once we stepped past the doors and into the cafeteria, thoughts and glances to the people around me started up again. I found myself wondering what they thought, how they felt, and if they were wondering ‘How in the world did the library girl get Zell? She’s been trying for years and he never paid any attention to her.’

  Yet, just a few seconds before, I hadn’t cared even a little bit what people had thought about me and him joking around with him chasing after me. It was weird how I could do things like that. Maybe I should go talk to Matron about it? There had to be something wrong with me, especially since it was even a problem between me and my family.

  “Stop it,” Zell warned under his breath, giving me a nudge with his hand that still held mine.

  “Stop what?”

  His lips twitched. “Stressing.”

  I flushed and looked away.

  The two of us found a place in line for the hot dogs, Zell standing behind me, and I felt him touch my back with a knuckle every once in a while. Actually, it was more of a rub. I didn’t care what the technical term was, though, because I liked it. Three years of watching and studying Zell, five if you counted the two years from the time I had enrolled, had given me the heads-up on the type of person he was: Hands-on. It stood to reason that was how he showed affection, too.

  So why can’t I?

  Momentarily biting my lip, I crossed my arms in such a way as to make it possible for him to touch my fingers. I smiled when he did. Warm fuzzies were going to rule my planet.

  I waved to Francine with the hand Zell wasn’t occasionally touching. She smiled and waved back.

  “Yo, Francine,” Zell called, using it as an excuse to take a step closer and make full-blown hand-contact with my back.

  I relaxed into it without even meaning to. Wouldn't you know I flushed the moment I did?

  “Save me a couple hot dogs. Please?” he asked, his hand gently rubbing my back between my shoulder blades and nearly sending me into a fit of silly giggles, shivers, and swooning spells. I must have looked ridiculous.

  “There’ll be no special treatment for you, Mr. Dincht,” she retorted.

  Zell actually snapped my bra strap. My eyes widened and I elbowed him before even thinking about it. Trained by Zack, unfortunately (What can I say? My brother had a twisted sense of ‘funny’). He gave a slight “oof” but recovered quickly enough for no one to notice.

  “Aw come on, Fran,” he whined. “I said please.”

  She chuckled and turned away.

  Zell chuckled, too. Then he stepped back, his hand retreating from my back to only occasionally touch my fingers. Why give him boundaries? He’ll waltz over them just to get a reaction. But I guess it was what I needed--the occasional push outside my shell. It would be good for me. Right?

  I got my tray, Zell got his, and then we headed toward one of the tables near the windows of the cafeteria. Zell sat beside me, not too close, and tucked his right shin behind my left calf so that he could give it the occasional nudge. I shook my head with a slight smile as I spread my napkin on my lap. Constant contact. No exaggeration there. And contact with Zell had to be good for me.

  “You’re really picking up on the stats of 'Quick Silver',” Zell said between swallows of soda pop. “So I think we’ll get to work on the physical stuff tomorrow morning. You’ve been studying the prep-stuff for it, right?”

  I nodded, not wanting to admit that I was so eager to work out with him again—especially since we hadn’t done a single thing yesterday morning but talk about what we were going to do next as a ‘couple’.

  “Cool. Keep going that way and you’ll be able to use it on your field exam. Say, you heard from Selphie about that yet?”

  “No, but I’m sure she’ll let me know when she’s got it set up.”

  Zell actually frowned. “Well, geez, she shouldn’t wait so close to the wire. I got my exam only about a day after passing the qualifier. Squall even had to do it the same day.”

  I smiled, covering his hand with mine to give it a squeeze and wonder how a guy’s hand could feel so wonderful. I loved his fingers! “There aren’t exactly a lot of wars and things nowadays.” Thank goodness. I didn't want to think about Zell being sent off again. Not so soon after I finally had him to myself.

  Zell grinned. “I know,” he admitted. He turned his hand so that it enveloped mine. He gave it a gentle pressure. “But she could at least tell you what’s going on.”

  “She will,” I said, giggling. “I’m not the only candidate she has, you know.”

  One of the chairs at the table turned suddenly, and a tall man with long auburn hair straddled it. His hair had been pulled back into a ponytail, and his eyes twinkled as he tipped the cowboy hat back on his head. Zell and I looked over at him.

  “Yo, Irvine. 'Sup?” Zell’s hand gave mine one last squeeze before escaping to the duty of gripping Irvine’s in welcome.

  “Nothing,” Irvine said in his lazy drawl. “Just passing the time.” He nodded toward me. “Ma’am.”

  “Hello,” I voiced, hushed and cheeks flushed.

  Zell looked over at me, smiling as he once more covered my hand with his. “This is my girlfriend, Sally. Sally,” Zell gestured toward the tall man with a jerk of his thumb. “This is Irvine Kinneas. Sharpshooter that botched the Sorceress assassination.”

  Everyone knew Irvine Kinneas. He was Commander of the Elite force at Galbadia Garden. The first SeeD to retake classes and training to get even better. That was when they started the SeeD specialty courses so someone could focus on their talents.

  I thought Commander Squall very smart to start it up.

  “Nice to meet you,” I said quietly.

  “Likewise.” Irvine smirked as he moved his gaze back to Zell. “I would've hit her, Zell, smack between the eyes. Just ask Squall. It was a beautiful shot.”

  Zell slowly nodded as he gave me a wink. “Suuuuure.”

  Irvine shook his head and lifted a hand in dismissal. “Whatever.”

  “So what do you need?” Zell asked, motioning to Irvine with a tip of his head.

  “You seen Sephy?”

  Zell shook his head. “Nope. You check her class schedule?” Irvine nodded. Zell thought a moment. “You talk to Squall or Quis?” Irvine nodded again. Zell shrugged. “No clue.”


  “Did you try at the Quad?” I asked. “She sometimes goes there to play the guitar.”

  Irvine raised an eyebrow before standing and tipping his off-white hat toward me. Man, he’s tall. Well, not as tall as Sub-Lt. Commander Seifer, but still. Of course, on the other hand, I was short.

  “Thank you kindly, ma’am,” he said. “Zell.” Then he sauntered off.

  Zell watched him with a thoughtful expression.

  Smiling, I softly asked, “What are you thinking?” ‘Thoughtful’ had to be his most adorable look.

  Zell focused again on me as he gestured over his shoulder toward where Irvine pushed through the cafeteria doors. “Him and Selphie. She say anything?”

  “Say anything? Um, I, uh, like what?”

  “Like if she likes him or not. You know? Like you and me, or Squall and Rinoa.”

  “Um.” I wrinkled my nose and absently tapped my fork against my plate. “I don't think so. But we don’t really talk about stuff like that.”

  “Huh.” Zell looked again toward the cafeteria doors. “Selphie and him were always chumming around together at the orphanage, and later….” He focused again on me with that same adorable expression of thoughtfulness.

  I rested my chin in my hand as I watched him, really enjoying the feel of his hand holding mine. Liking how it felt to have his shin pressing into my calf with the occasional nudge.

  “Well, it seemed like it was back to normal.” Zell shrugged. “Don't know. He just seems too friendly with all the
girls. He's going to hurt Selph's feelings if she's wanting him to be her boyfriend, don't you think?”

  I nodded, and my eyes crinkled. “Uh-huh.”

  Zell laughed and gave my calf another nudge as he picked up his next hot dog. I smiled and sent him another twinkling glance. His eyes grinned, but his mouth worked busily on his current bite. He nudged me again, his expression a clear dare to make him stop. I nearly choked on my giggle. He definitely likes pushing boundaries. But it was fun, too. I did my best to recreate his 'I’ll take steps' expression, but he was less than intimidated. Sternness fled and I found myself smiling at him. Then I reached out to push him gently on the side of the head, loving the feel of his hair on my fingers.

  Zell's eyes twinkled.

  We finished lunch and dumped our garbage, setting the trays on top of the bins before sauntering from the cafeteria to the empty hallway outside. There, Zell clasped my hand. That simple act meant more to me than any kisses or hugs would have. I don’t know why. It just did. I guess I’m odd.

  “You’ve got class soon,” I said softly.

  “Yep. Wanna come and be my punching bag?”

  I giggled. “Sorry. Can’t. I’ve got to finish my paper today. I don’t want it looming over my head the rest of the week.”

  “Your loss.”

  A couple pairs of candidates passed us. I felt them eyeing us very closely, as I’m sure Zell did. I worried my lip and cleared my throat, trying to figure out why it would matter whether they felt uncomfortable with Zell and me being close. Why would they care? And why would I care what they thought when that didn’t do anything to what I felt, or what Zell felt for me.

  “You want to go to the movie they’re setting up in the Quad for tomorrow night? It'll be our first date.”

  I smiled. I liked how that sounded. “Yes, please.”

  “I’ll stop by the library about six and walk you over to your room, to help you with the carrying of blankets and stuff.”

  I nodded, only barely noticing when I stepped a little closer to him. “All right.” A first date. With Zell. I really had told him I liked him.

  “Hey, Sally?”

  I really liked it when he said my name. “Hm?”

  “Can I put my arm around ya?”

  There were a couple SeeD’s coming but--I cleared my throat. “Yes.” I had to come out of my shell sometime.

  Zell’s hand released mine, his arm drawing me closer as it enveloped my shoulders. I smiled at the floor as the candidates passed by.

  Zell gave my upper arm several gentle rubs. “That wasn’t so bad,” he said, chuckling.

  “Nope,” I said quietly. Then I sent him a sidelong glance, catching his gaze. “Just no groping.”

  Zell laughed. “Okay, shy girl. No groping.” He gave me a jostle, inviting a soft giggle. “But you’ve got to promise to come and hang out with me tonight after class? Deal?”

  I eagerly nodded because, to me, hanging out with Zell was the most fun experience I had ever had in my timid little life.