Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 9


  I snuggled, and something else moved. My eyes snapped open and I stopped breathing. Mind searching. Memories blurred. The 'something' moved again, blaring alarms in my head when pressure tightened around and against me. I closed my eyes again, swallowing hard to gather courage before looking down. I was lying on my side, wrapped in blankets, my head on a pillow, and there was an arm around me? I blinked, eyes wide as I stared at the arm. It was clearly male--

  Relaxing with a near giggle, I shook my head. One mystery solved. Now I had to figure out why Zell and I were asleep in the Quad. It was still on the dark side, so I couldn’t tell if anyone else was still there. Only one way to find out.

  I tapped the arm surrounding me. Zell didn’t respond, and his breathing remained just as deep and steady. I bit my lower lip and tried again, a little firmer. Zell stretched, and I heard him mumble something while he smacked his lips. Then his arm tightened around my mid-section.

  Flushing, I took in a slow breath before carefully rotating myself around to face him. I gave his shoulder a slight nudge. No response.

  “Zell,” I whispered with a firmer push. “Zell, please wake up.”

  Zell’s one arm pulled me closer as the other came to complete the circle. He mumbled something unintelligible yet again and adjusted his head on the pillow. I swallowed hard, my hand going behind me to grab his wrist and disengage one arm from its hold--desperate to keep my heart from noticing how adorable he looked when sleeping.

  Zell’s eyes slowly opened, and he smiled--He blinked and pulled his arms quickly away, sitting up sharply as his ears pinked. “Sorry, Sally. Fell asleep.” Zell rubbed at the back of his neck with occasional glances toward me.

  I smiled and sat up as well. “It’s OK, Zell.” I looked around. “No other blankets. Looks like everyone else stayed awake long enough to finish the movie and get dinner.”

  Zell stood and helped me up. “Geez. It’s after one in the morning! Ma’d kill me if she found out about this.”

  I timidly smiled at him. “I promise I won’t tell.”

  Zell’s serious expression melted to a smile. Then he gathered up the blankets. “Thanks, but Selph’ll probably blab without meaning to.” He straightened, blankets and pillows in arms, and motioned to the exit with his head. “Come on. Scoot. Gotta get you to bed.”

  I fell into step beside him. “Not much of a first date,” I observed somberly. “I’m sorry, Zell.”

  “Tch! What are you talking about?” He gave my arm a nudge, drawing my attention. “Taking a nap surrounded by friends having fun is just as good a first date as anything. We’ll just have another one later.”

  I sheepishly smiled with a slight nod. “This time I’ll be sure to nap before our date.”

  Zell grinned. “You don’t have to do that.”

  I giggled, stuffing my hands in my pockets with a shiver. “I knew you were going to say that,” I accused.

  “Uh-oh. Time to change tactics.”

  I shivered again, and my teeth began to chatter.

  Zell's grin waned to a serious expression as he said “Hold on” and stopped to drop the pillows and blankets. He freed one from the tumbled stack and wrapped it around me. Then Zell smiled as he rubbed my upper arms. “There ya go.”

  I held his gaze, holding the blanket in place. “Thank you,” I said softly, hoping for the coming of the felt 'mushy-moment'.

  Zell smoothed some hair from my face. “Sure.” His smile widened. “You’ve got a pillow mark on your cheek.”

  I giggled softly. “So do you.” And I reached up to caress it with a whisper of “It’s all red.” Then I lowered my hand and gaze with a clearing of my throat, my cheeks flushing crimson.

  Zell chuckled. “So are yours.”

  I snuggled into the blanket with a smile, enjoying the silence and the sound of him breathing and the warmth of his hands on my arms through the blanket.


  I didn’t look up. “Yeah?”

  “You want to go walk on the beach or something? I’m not really tired.”

  Neither was I. “OK.”

  Zell gathered up the blankets and then walked close beside me. Walk on the beach? The most romantic place on the planet? My lips were in a continual smile as we climbed the steps of the Quad and entered Balamb Garden. We didn’t say anything as we navigated our way through the main corridor of Garden to the front gates. I didn’t mind the silence this time, either. Usually it made me nervous or uncomfortable, I don’t know why, but this didn’t. I suppose I was too busy enjoying the fact that Zell really walked beside me as we approached the beach on our first date. I sighed.

  Zell nudged my arm with an elbow. I looked over at him with a silly smile as my eyes crinkled at the corners. “I’m not stressing. Promise.”

  “I know. You look different when you stress.”

  I blinked at him, my expression serious. “I do?”

  Zell laughed. “Come on, Meg, that’s a 'duh'.”

  “Did you know you rub your tattoo?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “I do?”

  I nodded, matter-of-fact. “When you’re trying to figure out if you want to do something or not, you rub at it.” My eyes crinkled again. “I know this’ll sound mushy and corny, but I think it’s cute.” Zell cleared his throat and looked away, his ears flushing pink. I blinked at him. “I-I didn’t m-mean to embarrass you,” I whispered.

  Zell’s gaze moved to my face. He gave me another nudge and a reassuring smile. “Never been embarrassed before. Kinda weird feeling.”

  I looked down at the grass at our feet. “I get embarrassed all the time. Mostly it’s because I don’t want to do anything that will make me look--” I cleared my throat, “--for lack of a better word, stupid.”

  “You’ve never gotten used to compliments either, I bet,” Zell offered.

  I shook my head. “Nope.” I sent him a sidelong glance. “Neither have you.”

  Zell chuckled, adjusting his hold on the blankets and pillows. “When you grow up being called chicken-wuss?”

  I smiled as I watched his profile in the moonlight. I’ll give you as many compliments as you need, Zell. You deserve every one of them. “I don’t think you’re a chicken-wuss.”

  Zell laughed--always a glorious sound in my opinion--and gave me a wonderful smile and nudge. “Yeah, but you would say that.”

  I giggled. “Yeah. Because it’s true.”

  “No. Because you like me.”

  “Well, that’s a silly reason,” I said, matter-of-fact.

  Zell halted, his mouth gaping as he stared at me. “Huh?”

  My expression was serious as I faced him. “Someone should never say something just because they like the person.”

  “Oh really?”

  I nodded again, eyes wide with an expression of 'didn’t you know'. “Of course. For example, I can say you’re gorgeous”--my face flamed--“because I know that’s not only my opinion. Selphie said it, too. I can also say you’re one of the best Instructor’s at Garden because I know that other people have said the same thing. I would never say something just because I like you.”

  Zell stared at me, and I couldn’t tell if he realized I teased him or not. Teasing was still unexplored territory for me–-

  I saw a recognizable twinkle and took a step backward. I put my arms and hands out. “Now Zell.”

  “So you don’t say anything just because you like me?” He dropped the blankets and pillows with a deliberate motion, hiking up his sweatshirt sleeves as I continued to slowly back up. “Wanna bet?”

  The twinkle brightened as he took one step closer. I backed off two. My lips twitched. “Zell, come on. Play nice.”

  Zell wiggled his eyebrows at me, and his lips stretched in a slow grin. “You better run, beach bunny.”

  “Uh-oh.” I squealed and fled, the blanket dropping from my shoulders as I ran for the beach.

  “You better move faster than that!”

  I dodged to the ri
ght, ducking on impulse, and felt the swoosh of his arm pass my head. Giggling, I sounded another squeal as I dodged to the left. “Missed me!”

  Zell’s ever-familiar maniacal chuckle sounded not-so-far behind. I rolled, again keeping myself free of a reach, and hit the ground running. I dodged left and rolled again, still hearing Zell’s quick steps behind. When I got to my feet this time, however, I knew Zell had me. I just couldn’t run as fast.

  Sure enough, Zell gently gripped an arm, quickly spinning me around and lifting me up to thwump me onto his shoulder.

  I giggled and kicked. “Zell! Put me down!”

  “Nope. Got you fair and square.” Zell turned to go back the way we’d come, making his way for the stack of blankets and pillows.

  I fisted his back a couple times, doing my best to play the damsel-in-distress. “Zell!”


  And we back-and-forth-ed like that all the while he made his way to the blankets and pillows, scooped them up in his other hand, and then headed back to the shore. I nearly cried I laughed so hard. Then he dropped the blankets and pillows onto the beach and adjusted his hold on me so that he could set me on the ground.

  Zell held onto my arms and grinned down at me. “I run pretty good for a chicken-legged spaz, huh?”

  I frowned playfully, placing my hands on my hips. “You aren’t a spaz, and you aren’t chicken-legged either. I don’t care what anyone else says.”

  Zell chuckled and then released my arms to sit on the ground and pull up his jeans. He looked up at me. “Sally, how can you say these aren’t chicken legs?”

  I crossed my arms. “Oh I don’t know, because you aren’t a chicken?”

  Zell threw his head back and laughed. Then he grabbed hold of an arm and tugged me down beside him. His arms enfolded me in a tight hug. “See? Everybody knows I’ve got chicken-legs. You deny it because you like me. Admit it.”

  I pushed at his chest, flushing molten. “I don’t admit anything,” I said with a lifted chin. “You’re not a chicken, therefore you can’t have chicken legs.”

  “Come on, Sally. Admit it. You don’t think I’m a spaz because you like me. It’s the same reason I think your being shy is cute and not annoying, or whatever other people say.”

  I blinked at him, eyes wide and face pale. “A-Annoying?”

  Zell’s smile faded. “I’m sorry, Sally, I only wanted to--Damn.” He released a deep breath. “What the hell’s wrong with me?”

  I looked away, and I could almost feel Zell watching my face as I stared out at the moon’s reflection on the water.

  “Sally, screw 'em all. If being shy in front of people is who you are, then you gotta be true to that. I don’t care, and you’re not as bad as you think. It just takes you a bit to warm up to people, that’s all.”

  I silently nodded, lowering my gaze to the sand near us.

  Zell released another quick breath as he withdrew his arms to just hold my upper arms with his hands. “Sally.” He waited, but I didn’t look up. “Come on, Sally, let it go. People are going to think what they’re going to think.”

  I knew that was the truest statement anyone could have said.

  I took in a deep breath and released it slowly before looking at him. “I know they will,” I whispered.

  “But it still hurts like hell,” Zell stated.

  I nodded, my eyes lowering again.

  “Yeah. I know.” Zell brushed some hair from my face, and then he guided me into a much-needed hug. “People suck sometimes.”

  I sniffed, giving a slight nod as I wrapped my arms around him. “Only sometimes,” I whispered.

  Zell chuckled. “There ya go. Look at the bright side. Good girl.”

  A slight smile pushed through the hurt. I pulled back and gazed up into his handsome face. “And I admit that I do say some things because I like you.”

  Zell grinned. “Fine with me.” He motioned toward the water with his head. “Come on. Let’s go get our feet wet.”

  My eyes crinkled at the corners as my lips lifted in a smile. “OK.”

  Zell and I pulled off our shoes. Then he helped me to my feet, holding my hand as we made our way to the water’s edge. The water occasionally tickled and pulled at the sand under our feet as we walked along.

  That walking along with his hand holding mine was almost too much for me to believe. After all, why would someone outgoing like Zell Dincht be attracted to a shy mouse like me? It belonged in a romance-novel storyline, not in real life.


  His eyes moved to examine my profile. “Yeah?”

  “You’re not just--” I cleared my throat. You can do this, Sally. One word at a time. “You’re, uh, you really want to go out, right?”


  “A-Anytime.” I sent him a sidelong glance.

  Zell watched my expression. “I don’t know if I get what you’re saying,” he said slowly.

  I cleared my throat yet again. “Um, I, uh.”

  Zell stopped walking and faced me. “Take your time, Sally.”

  I rubbed at my forehead. “I just want to make sure that you, erm.”

  “That I what? That I want to go out with you?” Zell examined my down-turned face. “Sally, we’ve already dealt with this. Did somebody mouth off earlier about something?”

  “No, I just want to make sure.” I finally lifted my eyes to meet his gaze. “Why, no. I mean, how come?” I released a frustrated breath. “Why me?”

  “Sally, come here,” Zell said with a motion for me to step closer.

  I cleared my throat, resisted the temptation to pull my hand from his, and stepped a smidgen closer.

  Zell took my other hand. I looked up to meet his intense eyes and didn’t look away. “Sally, why shouldn’t I go out with you? Because you wear t-shirts over swimsuits? Because you don’t want me to grope you?”

  I flushed and lowered my gaze.

  “If me wanting to go out with you is weird or whatever, so what? I know I want to get to know you a lot better. Never really wanted to do that before.” Zell released a hand to hold my chin between his thumb and forefinger, lifting my gaze to meet his. “I like you, Sally. Why’s that so hard to believe?”

  “B-Because you’re Z-Zell,” I whispered, “and I’m the l-library girl.”

  Zell shook his head, lowering his fingers from my chin. “No, you’re Sally Regal. You’re my sparring partner. You’re my friend. I’m Zell Dincht. I’m your sparring partner. I’m your friend. That’s it. Just Zell and Sally. Just a boy and a girl who like hanging out and stuff.” He watched me for a silent moment. I lowered my gaze. “Is this what had you stressed in the spa yesterday?”

  “A little,” I admitted in a whisper.

  Zell released a deep breath. “Come here, you.” He reached out and pulled me into a warm embrace. “Let’s get mushy.”

  I reluctantly giggled.

  “You’ve got to stop thinking you deserve a different kind of guy, Sally,” Zell informed me; seriousness and Instructor-like tones resonated in his voice. “You get what you get. Me.”

  I hiccupped a tear. “Are you sure I’m not sleeping?” I whispered.

  Zell chuckled and pulled back, smiling down into my face with twinkling eyes. “I could toss you into the water to prove it.”

  I giggled, raising my hands to wipe the tears from my face. “I know you would, too. Please don’t.”

  “Only because you’ve been crying.” Zell wiped another tear from my face. Then he lowered his head to place two gentle and simple kisses on my lips. When he raised his head, he brushed a couple more tears from my cheeks. “Thanks for talking about it, Sally. I can see how hard it is for ya.”

  I swallowed my tears and my heart as I slightly nodded.

  Zell encircled my shoulders with an arm and drew me forward along the beach. “We should probably call it a day pretty quick. Don’t you have to work?”

  I nodded again as I wrapped my arm around his waist. I smiled. “And you’ve got c

  “And we have to work-out.”

  I rested my head against him, closing my eyes as I walked along beside him.

  Zell kissed the top of my head. “We’ll give it a couple more minutes.”

  I reached up to entwine my fingers in the dangling hand of the arm so warm and comforting around my shoulders. “OK,” I whispered.