Read After the Fact (Bookworms and Booya #2) Page 8



  I voiced a startled yelp as I straightened from leaning toward my computer monitor. When I glanced to my left, I gave a surprised blink. “Instructor Trepe. What can I do for you?”

  Quistis absently tapped on the counter of my 'desk' in the library with a solitary finger, which she dutifully watched. “I'm sorry about being a bitch before.”

  I blinked yet again before lowering my attention to the desk top. I picked at a corner and shrugged. “It's fine.” I mean, I knew how cranky I was after Zack, my older brother of 8 ½ years, pulled a prank. And knowing Zell, it was probably a ‘whopper’.

  “Being pathetic is okay?” Quistis scoffed. “It's no one's fault but mine that I'm--” Quistis shook her head and released a deep breath. “You and me are a lot alike, Sally,” she confessed quietly. “I had a crush on someone.” She nearly snorted. Then she looked up and met my gaze. “On Squall. All right? I had a crush on Squall for years. I don't know why. I never told him, either. Then Rinoa came into his life and it was 'save Rinoa, save Rinoa, save Rinoa'. He risked his life for her more than once. Me? I had to save my own butt.”

  She shook her head again, her gaze focusing on her tapping finger. “I guess I was in denial that our past at the orphanage didn't mean anything to him. We're friends. That's it. That's all it will ever be. He and I just don't have enough in common. And I don't accept him for who he is. Not like Rinoa. I tried too hard to change him. She just listens.”

  I watched Quistis' face and saw my own expression not so many days before I had told Zell just how I felt. The only difference being that Squall didn't feel anything for her but friendship. “I'm sorry it didn't work out,” I said softly. And I really was.

  She shrugged, raising her focus from the counter. “Don’t be. Squall never did get my sense of humor. Always irritated him. Thought I was making fun of him all the time. Who knows? Maybe I was because he never paid attention to me.” Quistis looked over at me. “You're lucky, Sally. Really, really lucky.”

  I nodded as I swallowed hard. “I know,” I whispered.

  “And I'm sorry I sprung it on Zell like that. Like I said, I acted a bitch because I was mad. But I shouldn't have taken it out on you.”

  “I was telling him when you came in,” I said softly. Then I gave a shrug. “I just had to tell him a little differently.”

  I could feel Quistis examining my face. “How in the world do you do it? Doesn't he drive you crazy?”

  I blinked and looked up at her. “What do you mean?”

  “Zell. Him and his, I don't know what a person calls it. The only time he’s even a little serious is when he’s on a mission. Otherwise he's hyperactive, irresponsible, annoyingly positive, and doesn't let anything bother him. Well, except for some of Seifer's practical jokes. He's not exactly the brightest candle in the church, either.” Quistis motioned toward me. “You're intelligent. Not exactly aggressive or outgoing--”

  “Not Zell's type,” I whispered. And, boy, did I know. Why do you think it took me more than three years to get up the nerve?

  Quistis released a quick breath. “I never knew Zell had a type. Maybe Selphie, at one time, but it seemed to me he treated girls the same as guys. He's not exactly very sensitive.”

  I cleared my throat. “I just let him be himself,” I said, still almost in a whisper. “He does the same with me. We're friends, and we like the other for who they are.” I cleared my throat again, feeling the blush rise to dangerous levels. “We have fun together. That's all.”

  Quistis continued to watch me. “You like it when he pushes your boundaries, don't you? You like being pulled out of your shell.”

  “It has its moments.” I reluctantly smiled as I peeked up at her. “But if I give him an inch, he takes a mile.”

  Quistis smiled, and then she chuckled. “I can see that.” She reached out and gave my hand a squeeze. “Good for you, Sally. I'm glad you said something. It's more than what I've ever done.”

  I flushed. “Thank you, Instructor Trepe.”

  “Call me Quistis.” Then she turned and walked out.

  I heard Zell give her a passing greeting, to which she grumbled a response--she was probably still annoyed at his attempted prank--and then there was silence. Zell probably watched her leave while rubbing at the back of his neck as he tried to figure out what he could do to make it up to her. I smiled and packed up my stuff.

  “I’m going, Val. See you at the movie tonight?” There came a muffled and indistinguishable reply from the other side of the library as I slung my bag onto my shoulder.

  Zell entered the library, looking fabulous in jeans and a sweatshirt, and came to lean against the counter. “Hey, beach bunny.”

  Flushing with all the visions of fun and laughter from that morning, I came around the counter with a soft “Hi, Zell.”

  He relieved me of my bag to sling it over his own shoulder, and then took hold of my hand while sending me a wink.

  Making our way from the library to the dorms--to get our blankets and pillows--I sent him a sidelong glance. “Please tell me you’re not sore.”

  “Wha?” Zell focused on me, expression showing confusion. “Sore? What do you mean?”

  My eyes drifted to that remembered red spot on his chest as I very hesitantly reached out a finger to point. “Remember?”

  He looked down. “Oh! Right.” Grinning, he gave my hand a squeeze as he once more met my gaze. “Nah. I told you I’m fine.”

  But I didn’t believe him. I could just imagine him with a bruise, sitting at his desk holding an ice bag to his chest.

  “Meg, I’m fine. Geez!” He laughed and draped an arm around my shoulders to draw me close. “I told ya, it takes more than that to break me.”

  Sending his chest another quick glance, I released a breath and said, “OK.”

  Zell once more took up my hand. “Quis wasn't giving you a hard time, was she?”

  I smiled, loving the fact he wanted to protect me from stuff. “No. She apologized.”

  “Seriously? Cool.” He sent me a glance. “She still pissed at me about the Zone prank thing?”

  I sent Zell a reassuring smile. “A little, more than likely. I know I would be, especially if I thought the person did it just for laughs, which my brother has done before.” I'm having a conversation like this with Zell Dincht?

  He nodded and looked away with a cutely adorable expression of guilt that tugged at my heart. “Yeah. I guess I can see that. Geez. Not one of the brightest things I've done. Huh?”

  My lower lip quivered and I gave his hand a squeeze. “Zell, just give her a bit to cool off,” I said softly. He met my gaze. “Then you can try and apologize again.”

  He nodded, expression still serious. “It wasn't just about the laughs, Sally. I seriously was trying to help Zone out.”

  “And she'll understand that,” I assured. “After all, she knows you.”

  Zell grinned and wrapped his arm around me. “Not half as good as you do.”

  I flushed. Warm fuzzies!

  “So, how close do I get to sit next to ya, anyway?”

  I would have laughed at him, but I knew he was being serious. I liked knowing he did his best to help me feel more comfortable with the idea of 'us'. “We’ll take it as it goes, I guess,” I said quietly.

  “Cool. I can do that.”

  I giggled and looked over at him. “Try not to push too many boundaries, though.”

  Zell chuckled. “OK. No snapping, no pinching, no groping. Got it.”

  I giggled again. “Now that I’ve taken all your fun.”

  Zell grinned over at me. “Nah. Just made it more of a challenge.” His grin faded. “Uh-oh.”


  “If someone asks, what am I supposed to say again?”

  “Asks?” I wrinkled my nose as I met his gaze. “Asks about what?”


  I blinked. “What do you mean? Just say whatever you want.”

“You sure?”

  I smiled. “Well, as long as it’s not something completely ridiculous.”

  “You’ll give me 'the look' if I step out of line, right?”

  I giggled. “Oh, Zell. I won’t humiliate you. At least, I’ll try not to.”

  Zell’s expression relaxed. “Hey. That’s all I needed to know.”

  He let go of my hand when we reached my dorm room, so I dug my keys out of my pocket to unlock the door, absently informing, “I’ll be right out.”

  “You mean I can’t watch?”

  My jaw dropped and my fingers stopped working the key as I looked over at Zell’s semi-serious face with wide eyes. “I’m changing my clothes, Zell. Of course you can’t watch!”

  He snapped his fingers and then crossed his arms as he leaned against the wall. “Man. I don’t get any fun.”

  I slugged his arm. “You saw me in a swimsuit, Mr. Dincht. That’s all the fun you get.”

  “What? You were wearing a t-shirt over it,” Zell complained.

  I opened the door and put my keys back in my pocket. “That isn’t my problem. Wait here. I’ll be out in a little bit.” I snickered as I closed the door.

  True to my word, I changed and had my hair combed in less than 10 minutes.

  I opened the door to let him in and turned away. “Help me grab--” Suddenly arms lifted me. I squealed. “Zell Dincht! Put me down!”

  “You told me to help you grab.” Zell set me on my feet again. “Didn’t I grab the right thing?”

  I turned, forcing a scowl as I put my fists on my hips. He looked adorably serious and confused. “Blankets and pillows, mister. Not me.”

  “How come?” Zell asked with a somewhat innocent expression. “You feel better.”

  “Zell!” I protested, flushing molten. He grinned. “You are impossible.” Absolutely adorable, but impossible nonetheless.

  Zell stepped up to me, taking hold of my pointing finger and using it to pull me close. “Yep,” he admitted as his arms went around me. “That’s me.”

  I blinked up at him. Then I lowered my eyes with a self-conscious clearing of my throat. “Could you please help gather my extra pillows and a couple blankets?” I whispered.

  “Sure,” Zell said. And his tone was actually soft and quiet.

  I smoothed some imaginary wrinkles from the front of his dark blue sweatshirt. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  The ends of my lips twitched upward, and I raised my gaze from his shirt. Zell still stared down at me, smiling. I giggled. “What?” I asked.

  “Nothing. I just like looking at ya.” Zell grinned. “Sounds kinda corny, huh?”

  My eyes misted as my smile wavered. “No.”

  Zell’s grin faded. “Oh geez. Don’t cry, Sally.”

  I sniffed and sent him a teary smile. “Sorry. I--That was the sweetest thing you could have said,” I whispered. I wrapped him up in a hug and pressed my cheek against his chest.

  “Well then what are--”

  “Because that’s what I do,” I said, giggling. “Shy people have a tendency of bawling at the weirdest things.”

  Zell chuckled. “Oh.”

  I yawned suddenly, immediately giggling as I stepped back. “I guess I’m tired from this morning, so I hope I stay awake for the movie. I've heard it's good, filled with car chases, fights, and lots of things blowing up. Your favorite kind of movie.”

  “Come on, sleepy head. We better get our stuff and get over to the Quad before all the good seats are taken.”

  We gathered the extra pillows and blankets and passed to the hallway beyond. Zell took the blankets and pillows from me, adjusting them in his arms as I locked the door. Then I looped my arm through his and matched his easy stride. I guess being shy’s not so bad. Just a challenge. An obstacle to climb over to get to the good stuff. Zell being the good stuff, of course.

  Zell kept quiet, so I looked over at him. “What’s the matter?” I asked when I saw his serious expression.

  “Huh?” Zell met my gaze. “Matter? What d'ya mean?”

  I pointed at him. “You were all serious. You OK?”

  “Sure.” Zell grinned. “Can we make out?”

  I gasped and flushed, saved any response by the laughing tone of “I wouldn’t recommend it,” sounding behind us.

  Zell looked over his shoulder while I tried to grab my wits and imagination back from how it would feel to make out with Zell Dincht at a movie under blankets--Sally! I released my hold on Zell’s arm to clench my hands behind my back as we stopped to face the approaching pair of Commander Squall and Rinoa.

  “Why not, Squall?” Zell protested. “It’s fun, and you and Rinoa do it all the time.”

  Commander Squall’s lips lifted in a slight smile, but he didn’t answer. He only looked over at me in my humiliation. Okay, so it wasn't really humiliation.

  “Hi, Sally. Good job on your Fire Cavern score. Rinoa,” he said as he looked to the pretty and slim brunette beside him, “this is Sally Regal. Remember?”

  Rinoa smiled, and it brightened her already pretty face. She extended a hand as she stepped forward. “Hi. Nice to meet you.”

  I took her hand, flushing as we shook. “Nice to meet you, too.” Although I’d met her in the library before, giving them the Mega Phoenix. It was okay that she forgot. Most people did.

  “Aren’t you the one that gave us that Mega Phoenix?”

  I blinked and Zell grinned. “Yep.” He nudged my arm with his shoulder. “That’s Meg.”

  Rinoa released my hand, still smiling, and looked over at Zell. “Meg? How cute.”

  “Short for Mega Phoenix,” Commander Squall informed as he stepped forward.

  Zell looked at his friend with an expression of amazement. “Hey. How’d you know?”

  I giggled and the commander laughed. “It’s kind of obvious, Zell,” he said. He nudged Rinoa’s arm. “Come on. If we don’t go now, all the best seats will be gone.”

  “Oh. All right.” She looped her hands around Squall’s arm, sending a smile over her shoulder at me and Zell. “Come and sit by us. OK?”

  I nodded and watched them head for the Quad. “I always liked her. I’m glad her and the commander are working it out.”

  “Yeah. Me, too. She’s grown up a lot since we first met her. She was a little annoying back then.”

  “I guess all of us can be,” I admitted. I sent him a glance. “Although you were only cute,” I told him, flushing a bright red.

  “Cute?” Zell grinned. “Hey. I'm cute.”

  I giggled. “Didn't you know that?”


  I gave into an urge and stepped on tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek. “Well, you are.” Then I gave his spike a gentle tug and wrinkled my nose at him. “Painfully so.” Sally Regal?

  “I like it when you do that,” Zell said suddenly.

  I blinked at him. “Do what?”

  “Get aggressive.” Zell wiggled his eyebrows at me. “I think I’m rubbing off on ya.”

  I flushed and wrapped an arm around him before we stepped again toward the Quad. “And it’s no wonder,” I said softly, “with your need for constant contact.”

  Zell gave me a nudge. “Hey. I don’t need constant contact from everybody.”

  I smiled, and the blush deepened as I glanced over at him. “Thanks.”

  He grinned.

  We stepped down the steps into the Quad, immediately welcomed by both Rinoa and Selphie’s arms in the air. Selphie and Irvine sat on one side of Rinoa and Squall, but there was enough space that Zell and I could sit between. Zell and I moved forward, me not feeling up to the task of releasing his arm, and headed toward the pairs. Thankfully, neither of them made any comment.

  I released Zell’s arm, freeing him of one of the thicker blankets to fold it in half and then spread it on the ground. Then he and I arranged the pillows against the newly built wall and lowered ourselves onto the space, gathering blankets around us to block the night chill a
nd hide the unexpected position I was in. Zell had somehow guided me to lean against his chest while sitting between his bent legs--yes, I said between--with his arms very snugly surrounding me.

  “Is that OK?” he whispered.

  I sighed with a silly smile as I snuggled in. “Perfect.” Where shy ‘Sally Regal’ had gone I had no idea.

  Zell chuckled.

  I heard a stifled giggle and glanced to my right. Rinoa and Squall were in a very similar situation and position.

  Rinoa met my gaze and smiled. “You guys are cute together.”

  I flushed, as I always did when a cue was spoken, and smiled. “Thank you,” I whispered. We’re cute together! We’re cute together! It would be my new life’s motto. “So are you,” I told her. Truthfully, too, because I don’t remember ever seeing the commander that relaxed.

  Rinoa snuggled back the same as I had done, resting her head back on Squall’s chest. “Thanks.” Squall adjusted his arms around her under the blanket, resting his chin on her head. It was the cutest thing I could ever remember seeing.

  “Hey, Sally.”

  I looked to my left. Selphie sat beside Irvine, his arm around her shoulders. Apparently they weren’t to the same point in their relationship as Rinoa and the commander, which made me briefly think of what Zell had asked the day before. Then Selphie gave me a bright smile and a thumbs-up, to which Irvine shook his head, chuckling.

  “Everyone’s gonna know now,” Zell whispered in my ear.

  “That’s fine,” I said as I looked to the movie screen ahead. “I told you that wasn’t the problem.”

  Zell adjusted his crossed arms around me, and I could almost hear his smile as he snuggled down into the warmth of the blankets and pulled me closer against him. The movie started then, but who cared about that when I could take a nap in the circle of Zell’s arms?

  So I did.