Read Aideen Page 4

Damien laughed and stretched his neck so he could see over Ryder and Branna. “Dominic cried, too, if it makes you feel better.”

  “You asshole!” Nico angrily spat making Damien crack up laughing. “You said you wouldn’t tell anyone.”

  Alec wiped under his eyes. “That does make me feel better, actually.”

  “My bad, bro,” Damien chuckled to Nico.

  Nico rolled his eyes, but smiled at his twin. He looked to Bronagh then who was staring at Damien with a cheek-splitting smile.

  “Happy, are we?” he murmured and slipped his hand around her waist and tugged her closer to his side.

  Her hands instantly went to her abdomen as her head bobbed up and down. She looked at Dominic as her eyes welled with tears. “I’m happier than I’ve ever been. He’s home, and we’re goin’ to have a baby. A real baby, Dominic.”

  Dominic leaned his head down to Bronagh’s and brushed his lips over hers. “The first of many, pretty girl.”


  Everyone looked at me, and it caused me to blush. Kane chuckled at me and nudged me to scoot over on my bed so he could climb up and sit next to me.

  “I love you,” I whispered to him.

  He looked me dead in the eye and said, “I love you, too.”

  “Hell must have frozen over for Kane to be in love,” Damien commented, making everyone snicker.

  I grinned and nudged Kane’s cheek with my nose.

  “You mean you didn’t see the pigs flying around outside?” I teased.

  Damien laughed.

  “Dimples!” I rasped. “Nico has dimples and you don’t… wait, no, you kind of do. Little ones. Damn it.”

  Damien focused his devastating smile in my direction.

  “Just stick with the hair, beautiful. It’s what everyone else does.”

  I melted. “I’ll find something. Eventually. I’ll just have to stare at you a lot until I do.”

  “Fine by me.”

  “But not by me,” Kane growled.

  “Please,” Nico laughed. “I catch her staring at me all the time. All those crotch stares were wannabe cock stares.”

  Kane was off the bed and tackling Nico to the floor within seconds. Damien took Kane’s spot next to me on my bed and together we watched Nico and Kane go at it in the middle of my hospital room. He laced his hand behind his head and he grinned. “It’s so fucking good to be home.”

  It was good. Our family was whole now, and growing.

  With his brothers was where Damien belonged.

  I leaned my head on his shoulder and smiled.

  Who would have thought I’d be falling in brotherly love with another Slater brother?

  Not me, that was for damn sure.


  I shook my head and pulled my thoughts from Damien’s homecoming and popped my head out of the shower when I heard Kane’s voice.

  “I’m in the shower. Is everythin’ okay?”

  “Yeah, I just wanted to see how long you will be? I wanna shower too.”

  I wasn’t even in the shower that long.

  “I don’t know,” I replied. “I’m trying to wash my legs, but it’s hard to bend.”

  The bathroom door opened, and in stepped Kane in just his boxer shorts.


  I let my eyes trail down his body, and bit down on my lower lip at the sight.

  “You’re lucky you’re already pregnant,” he growled, watching my eyes admire him.

  I flicked my gleaming eyes to him and grinned. “You joinin’ me?”

  He nodded so I stepped back into the shower to make room for him. I turned to put my pouf down but jumped and let it fall from my fingertips when I felt Kane’s hard body press up against me. His strong hands flattened against my belly and turned me to face him as they slid around and down to my behind.

  I stood up straight and gave Kane a knowing look. “Don’t play, you don’t want to get me worked up today. I’d eat you up.”

  Kane smirked. “Is that a challenge?”

  I closed my eyes when his head dipped, and his lips came into contact with my neck. I groaned in response and Kane gave my behind another squeeze before bringing his hand up to my waist.

  “You’re so warm,” he murmured against my skin.

  I smiled and opened my eyes. “Are you callin’ me hot?”

  “Smoking hot.”

  I giggled and looked down. “Can you get me the pouf, it fell.”

  Kane bent, grabbed the luffa, kissed my belly then stood up and towered over me.

  I gazed up at him. “I love that you’re taller than me.”

  “It doesn’t hurt your neck looking up at me?” he questioned.

  I wickedly grinned. “You usually get me on my back before I get a chance to feel any kind of strain.”

  Kane laughed as he stuck his head under the spray of hot water, soaking his hair and face with the droplets. I squeezed some liquid body wash onto my pouf and continued my job of scrubbing myself. Kane took it from me when I was done; he bent down and rubbed it over my legs and behind, cleansing my skin.

  “Open your legs for me,” he asked, his voice gruff.

  I did as requested as he lathered his hand in body wash. I licked my lips when his hands rubbed up and down my inner thighs before cupping my pussy. I reached down and fisted my hand in his hair when his fingers moved closer to my clit and began to swirl around the sensitive bundle of nerves.


  I felt Kane move his body, but was glad he kept his hand between my thighs. His teeth suddenly nipped my nipple and it caused me to open my eyes and hiss at him.


  He smiled coyly at me before putting his mouth on me, rubbing his lips gently over the now hardened peak. My breathing turned rapid as toe curling sensation quickly flooded my body. I felt Kane’s free arm wind around my waist as he picked up the pace with his fingers.

  “Come on, baby,” he whispered when he detached his mouth from my nipple and moved it to my ear.


  He stuck his tongue in my ear and it caused my eyes to roll back just as my core exploded. I think I screamed when he pinched my pulsing clit only to massage it once more causing my hips to buck into his hand as I rode out my orgasm.

  Time silently passed by as I came back down to Earth, and when I opened my eyes I found my stunning boyfriend looming over me with a smug expression on his face.

  “Ninety seconds.”

  I lazily smiled at him. “It happens so fast because I’m sensitive, you know that. I will go back to normal after the baby is born.”

  His smug-as-fuck grin deepened. “I got you off in less than two minutes the night I knocked you up.”

  I raised my eyebrow. “You counted the seconds it took for me to come?”

  “Of course.”

  I guffawed. “Is that a lad thing?”

  Kane shrugged. “Probably just a me thing.”

  I leered at him for a few moments before bowing my head and pressing it against his hard chest. Seconds passed by when I suddenly shivered. Kane felt my shiver and turned us so my back was directly under the hot spray of the showerhead.

  I hummed. “That is so nice.”

  “Is your back still sore?” he quizzed as he rubbed his hands over my shoulders.

  I nodded. “It’s just because of all the weight I’m carryin’ around my front with the baby.”

  “How about a massage after we finish showering?”

  “Sounds good to me, daddy.”

  I was about to speak when Kane suddenly said, “Did you just pee?”

  I scrunched up my face in disgust. “Ew. No. Why would you ask that?”

  “The water got a little warmer all of a sudden.”

  I frowned. “I didn’t wee.”

  “It’s okay if you did—”

  “Kane.” I cut him off. “I didn’t wee.”

  He grinned teasingly at me. “There are two types of people in the world, those who pee in the
shower, and those who lie about it.”

  I balled my hands into fists.

  “I did not piss in the bloody shower.”

  “You’re a liar.”

  “KANE!” I screeched. “I went to the toilet before I got in. If I pissed in the fuckin’ shower, I’d say it.”


  “I’ll piss on you if you keep this up.”

  “Is that a way of marking your territory?”

  I covered my face with my hands.

  “I hate you,” I grumbled.

  “Now I definitely know you’re lying.”

  I lowered my hands and glared at him. “I do hate you.”

  He smiled. “Then I love the way you hate me.”

  My lip quirked and he saw it.

  “Ah-ha! Made you smile, you can’t be mad anymore.”

  I grunted, “How old are you? Fifteen? A smile doesn’t get you off the hook, I can mutely be pissed for weeks, even years.”

  Kane blinked. “Even against your baby daddy?”

  “Especially against my baby daddy.”

  Kane’s look of horror caused me to laugh. He pulled me close and kissed the crown of my head and helped me finish washing myself in places I couldn’t reach. He even washed and conditioned my hair simply because he enjoyed doing it for me.

  I did my part and scrubbed his back for him, every so often stopping to kiss one of his many scars which made him smile as he watched me through the reflection of the glass. He kept rubbing the steam away so he could watch what I was doing, and it gave me excited chills knowing he couldn’t keep his eyes off me.

  We both stayed under the spray of water, just touching and kissing one another until the water began to run cold. We got out then and Kane wrapped me in a huge white towel that I snuggled into. I watched as he wrapped a smaller towel around his lower half.

  “I do be freezin’ gettin’ out of the shower; it’s why I snuggle into towels like this. Do you not get cold since you have nothin’ coverin’ your upper body?”

  Kane snickered at my question. “Sometimes I do, sometimes I don’t. It never matters because it only takes me a few minutes to dry and put some clothes on.”

  I exhaled. “I’m not like you at all. I sit on my bed, wrapped in my towel for ages before the urge to get dressed hits.”

  “Is that a woman thing?” Kane teased, repeating my earlier words.

  I chortled. “Probably just a me thing.”

  “Doubtful,” Kane joked. “I can imagine Bronagh doing the same thing as you though she’s much lazier than you are.”

  I took no offence at being called lazy because it was true.

  I giggled. “Don’t let her hear you say that. She’s been doin’ so well after finishin’ her anger management program, but you know her anger is somethin’ she has to deal with for life. Don’t be the cause of her relapse.”

  Kane held both of his hands in the air. “Dominic can do that all on his own without my help.”

  I rubbed water from my nose onto my towel, then I watched as Kane dried his delicious body before he slipped on a pair of skin-tight boxer shorts. I frowned when my eyes landed on his left thigh.

  “Switch to your right leg when injectin’ your insulin for a while,” I mumbled. “Your left one is all bruised up.”

  Kane looked down to his leg then up to me. “Hey, don’t be sad, it’s only some bruises. I can’t even feel them.”

  But I can see them.

  “I just hate that you have to inject yourself every day for the rest of your life, and balance your diet otherwise bad stuff happens.”

  Don’t think about the bad stuff.

  “It’s a small price to pay, babydoll. You know it is.”

  I did, but it still sucked.

  “You’re doin’ okay, aren’t you?” I asked with hopeful eyes.

  He nodded. “I’m doing awesome, sweetheart.”

  “You promise?”

  “I promise.”

  That relaxed me.

  The last thing I needed was Kane being ill from his diabetes again. The last time that happened it fucking sucked. It also scared me, and everyone else, to death.

  “Get dressed.”

  I blinked at the sudden request. “Why?”

  “My brothers are here. The rest of them, I mean.”

  “Kane,” I groused. “You could have told me that. This is so embarrassin’. I could deal with Damien because he has that video game volume on high, but I wouldn’t have let you in the shower with me had I known they were all here.”

  Kane smirked at me. “Like you could have stopped me.”

  “Good point,” I grumbled.

  Kane stared at me so I sighed and waved him on.

  “You go on out to them, I can dress meself. I’m not an invalid.”

  Kane didn’t argue with me. He kissed my head and rushed out of the room, closing the door behind him. No doubt he wanted to get back to playing that stupid football game.

  I took my time drying my hair and my body before dressing myself in leggings, a tank top and one of Kane’s hoodies. I slipped my feet into my slippers and tied my hair up in a bun before I exited my room.

  I heard Kane and his brothers talking, so naturally I remained quiet to hear what they were saying. I crept closer to the sitting room, paused next to the open door and listened.

  “How can you be scared of her? She’s tiny with a pregnant belly.” Nico belly laughed.

  Kane lowered his voice. “I’m not scared of her. I’m scared of the hormones.”

  Nico matched his voice to Kane’s in volume. “Why are you talking about them like they’re a separate being?”

  “They are a separate being,” Kane stated. “They’re pure fucking evil. Do you understand me? Evil.”

  Damien snickered. “Hormones don’t go away, you know? Women are always hormonal, it just triples during pregnancy.”

  “Exactly, I just have to survive the next few weeks, then things will go back to the way they normally were.”

  Ryder guffawed. “You mean when Aideen spat curse words whenever she saw you?”

  “Ahhh,” Kane sighed. “The good ol’ days.”

  I covered my mouth so they wouldn’t hear me giggle. With a smile, I walked backwards a few steps and that made a little stomp sound which sent the sitting room into dead silence. I wiped the smile off my face as I walked into the room, raising my eyebrows when I found all eyes on me.

  “Are you all okay?”

  They nodded, but didn’t reply to my question.

  “Are you sure?”

  Again, they mutely nodded their heads.

  I eyed them and said, “Okaaaay.”

  I walked over to the sofa and took the free space next to Alec. He absentmindedly put his arm around my shoulders, so I nestled into his side and watched as the others played their football game and chatted amongst themselves.

  “Alec,” I murmured.

  He glanced down at me. “Hmm?”

  “Do you still think Matt Bomer is hot?”

  He snorted. “Yeah, why?”

  I shrugged. “I thought Keela might block out all the good looking dick holders of the world.”

  Alec burst out into laughter, and even Kane—who was close to us—laughed.

  “I’m not blind, darling, just too in love to notice anyone else.”

  My heart melted.

  “You’re strictly a female worshipper now?”

  “I’m strictly a Keela worshipper now.”

  I smiled. “When did you know you were bi?”

  “I’ve always known.”


  He nodded.

  “I was never straight and I was never gay, I have always been bi-sexual. I just happened to have slept with more men than woman. I mean, it’s not like I flipped a switch and decided its dick o’clock for the next six hours then it’s pussy time. I liked who I liked, regardless of gender.”

  Alec’s brothers laughed, but I was too into the conversation to cra
ck a smile.

  “And now?” I questioned.

  “And now I don’t see anyone but Keela. No man, no woman, just her.”

  I beamed. “That’s so sweet.”

  Kane chortled. “Alec isn’t sweet.”

  “I beg to differ,” I shot back. “He is very sweet.”

  Alec pounded his closed fist against his chest. “Don’t hate, bro, embrace that your girl thinks I’m so... sweet.”

  Kane tried to get up so he could hit Alec, but I held Kane in place with my legs and sprawled over the sweet human as I stopped the impending fight.

  “Leave him be!” I shouted.

  “He is referring to something sexual!”

  I rolled my eyes. “How do you know that?”

  “Because he is my brother and I know him.”

  I leaned my head back and looked up to Alec. “Are you tryin’ to piss him off?”

  Alec shrugged, a knowing grin playing on his lips. “I’m bored, baiting him amuses me.”


  “Don’t fight,” I groaned and turned into Kane’s body. “I’m too pregnant to try to stop it.”

  Kane placed his hand on my hip. “Why don’t you go to bed?”

  “Because if I sleep now then I’ll be awake all night.”

  Nico scoffed from across the room. “Go into labour and get the brat out then.”

  I snickered, “I can’t just go into labour. It will happen when it happens. I’ve two weeks left until me due date anyway, and it’s very common to go overdue... up to two weeks over, now that I think of it.”

  “Oh, my God,” Alec gasped with a hand placed dramatically over his chest. “We can’t wait that long. Eight and a half months is long enough!”

  Tell me about it.

  “What helps induce labour?” Nico curiously asked.

  I shrugged. “Long walks, spicy food, herbal teas, sex—”

  “Do that!” Alec cut me off.

  I snorted. “I would, but Kane won’t have sex with me.”

  “What?” Alec and Nico asked in unison then looked at their brother with a mixture of shock and disgust.

  Ryder and Damien looked at him with disbelieving eyes, too.

  “Don’t you pricks judge me,” Kane snapped and pointed his index finger at them. “You try having sex with your girl when she is close to birthing a child. I’m fucking terrified I’ll bump his head or something... he is so low. He has a secure hold of her pussy now. It’s literally off limits. I just... I can’t touch her like that. That’s my kid’s mom!”