Read Aideen Page 5

  I rolled my eyes having heard this excuse a billion times over the last week and a half.

  “Is it weird that I’m picturing what Aideen’s pussy looks like now?” Nico muttered aloud.

  I gasped. “Yes, you pervert!”

  “Don’t blame me,” Nico stated and looked at Kane, “he brought your pussy into it.”

  The word pussy was starting to sound weird to me.

  I held my hands in the air. “Let’s just stop talking about me vagina, okay? Brilliant.”

  A veil of silence fell upon the room until Alec opened his mouth.

  “I’ll do it if Kane won’t.”


  I looked at Alec with a raised eyebrow. “Are you offerin’ to have sex with me?”

  “Yes,” Alec replied without hesitation. “I really want you to have my nephew... I’m willing to do anything to help bring on labour.”

  Was it weird that my first reaction was to defend the gender of my unborn child as female instead of rejecting my boyfriend’s brother’s offer to bed me?

  “Five seconds.”

  I blinked when Kane’s voice got my attention. His body was no longer under my legs. I looked up and found Kane, who was now standing over Alec like an animal ready to attack.

  Alec leaned as far back into the sofa as he possibly could. “Bro, I’m trying to help-”

  “Three seconds.”

  “Oh, come on, this is a sweet gesture when you-”

  “One second.”

  Alec jumped to his feet and exited my apartment shouting, “At least think about it,” as he ran.

  “I’ve never seen him move so fast in my life.” Nico snickered. “It’s like he caught a glimpse of the Magic Mike cast and took off after them.”

  I burst into unexpected laughter and laughed so hard I thought a little pee came out.

  “I. Love. Your. Brothers.”

  Kane looked from the sitting room door to a laughing Nico, Damien and Ryder and grunted, “I hate the bastards.”

  “Shut. Up!” Female voices screamed over one another.

  I covered my ears and laughed.

  My left hand was snatched away from my ear as Bronagh pulled it up to her face and inspected my killer engagement ring.

  “It’s gorgeous,” she gushed.

  Keela and Branna huddled closer and gushed over the ring, too.

  “How did he ask?” Keela squealed. “And when?”

  I had a massive smile on my face as I told them how Kane proposed and what he said and did whilst proposing. Each of the girls clutched their chest and sighed dreamily.

  “I love your fiancé,” Keela giggled, emphasising the word.

  I chuckled. “Yeah, he’s a bit of all right.”

  “Is it goin’ to be a forever engagement like mine, or a quick one?” Branna asked. Her eyes were on me, but her mind was clearly elsewhere.

  I hesitated and said, “Sooner rather than later, I think. He wants to get pregnant again right after the baby is born so all our kids are close in age. I don’t want to be whale sized in my dress, so sooner. Definitely sooner.”

  Keela’s jaw dropped. “What? How many children does he want?”

  “Five,” I replied.

  Bronagh gasped. “Dominic wants five, too.”

  I looked between the girls and blinked. “They all want five?”

  Keela held up her finger and plucked her phone from her pocket, tapped the screen, put the phone on speaker and held it face up in her palm as the ring tone sounded.

  “Kitten,” Alec’s voice purred through the speaker only a few seconds later.

  Keela smiled. “I’ve a question for you.”


  “When we do eventually have kids, how many do you want?”

  “Five,” Alec instantly replied.

  I stared at the phone.

  “Why five?” Keela asked.

  “Because I come from five... it’s a thing me and my brothers have always liked. If we were to have kids, we’d all like five.”

  “Okay, thanks, babe. Talk to you later.”

  Keela hung up before Alec could say another word.

  “Five fuckin’ kids each.”

  “That’s twenty Slater children if we all meet the quota,” Branna mused. “Twenty-five when Damien eventually settles down.”

  I blew out a large breath. “Our poor fuckin’ fannies.”

  We burst into a fit of laughter.

  “So, I heard Alec grumbling about Kane not appreciatin’ him eariler,” Keela said to me with a raised eyebrow when our laughter subsided. “You know what that is all about?”

  I laughed. “Yeah, I do.”

  “Do tell,” Bronagh said as she ate a chocolate bar and leaned on the counter in Branna, Ryder, and Damien’s kitchen. I came over with Kane so he could spar with Nico and lift weights with Alec. Bronagh and Keela tagged along with them so we were having a girly chat while they worked out.

  “Earlier, in me apartment, Nico was askin’ what would help me go into labour. Naturally, I listed the things that are supposed to help, but the lads zeroed in on one act in particular.”

  “Sex,” Bronagh and Keela said in unison.

  “On the money,” I chuckled. “Well, I told the lads Kane is scared to have sex with me while I’m so heavily pregnant and Alec stepped up to take one for the team.”

  Keela burst into laughter.

  “He didn’t!”

  “He did.”

  Bronagh fanned her face. “So what exactly did he do?”

  “Alec offered to have sex with me to help me go into labour.”

  Keela snorted. “I’ll have sex with you if it’ll help you go into labour.”

  “Me too, I’ll happily do it,” Bronagh chirped.

  “You will happily do what?”

  We looked to the doorway when Nico and Kane walked into the kitchen. Bronagh grinned knowingly at her boyfriend.

  “Me self and Keela are offerin’ to have sex with Aideen to help her go into labour.”

  I heard a high-pitched scream come from the hallway.


  I stared wide-eyed as Alec skidded into the kitchen, barrelling into his brothers like they were pins and he was a bowling ball.

  “Accept the proposition, Aideen,” he pleaded as he tried to remain on his feet. “I’ve dreamt of shit like this for years!”

  “I’m going to fucking kick your ass when I get up!” Nico growled from the floor.

  Alec turned and kicked him in the stomach. “Shut up and let them think about this! This is important.”

  I laughed at Alec and looked to the girls who were shaking their heads. I decided to play with him and his brothers simply because I could use the entertainment.

  “Fine, go get the dildos.”

  “Oh, my God.” Alec placed his hands on either side of his face. “This is the best day of my life.”

  Keela bit down on her lower lip. “What do you want me to do to them?”

  His eyes welled up. “It’s finally happening.”

  Bronagh covered her mouth with her hand when she couldn’t control the giggle that erupted from her. Alec’s attention zoned in on her and her mouth.

  “You … you’re playing … aren’t you?” he whispered, legit tears falling from his eyes.

  Keela laughed then, too.

  “That was cruel, Aideen,” Alec whispered and wiped his tear stained cheeks. “So fucking cruel. Don’t ever talk to me again. I don’t like any of you anymore.”

  He stormed out of the kitchen with Keela laughing as she ran after him. I looked to Kane and Nico when they grunted and found them staring at me.

  “What?” I asked.

  Nico blinked he eyes. “You shouldn’t lie like that, not about threesomes. It’s hurtful.”

  “It’s only hurtful because this is one threesome that isn’t comin’ true and it’s killin’ all of you.”

  Kane chimed in. “That doesn’t make it any less evil to lie abo
ut it. You got poor Alec’s hopes up.”

  “Just Alec’s?” I grinned.

  Kane glared at me. “Mine and Dominic’s too.”

  “Damn right,” Nico snarled.

  I laughed. “You’re all too easy to play with.”

  “You made Alec cry.”

  And I actually felt guilty about it.

  “Alec cried yesterday when he found out KFC were updatin’ their menu,” Bronagh cut in. “Him cryin’ isn’t that big of a deal, trust me.”

  That knowledge instantly made me feel better.

  “He is too perfect, I love him.” I smiled gleefully.

  Bronagh nodded in agreement. “Me too.”

  “Hey,” Kane growled.

  I rolled my eyes. “I love you, too, obviously.”

  Kane was appeased with that.

  “Bronagh,” Nico grunted.

  She looked at him and said, “What?”

  His lips thinned to a line. “Say you love me, too.”

  She smiled wide. “I love you too, Dominic.”

  Nico smiled then and it caused me to shake my head. For big men, with looks and personalities to die for, they needed constant reassurance from us girls that we loved them.

  Either that or they just liked hearing us say it so often.

  I yawned as I walked out of my bathroom. I was about to turn and head into my bedroom so I could go back to bed, when I heard a familiar voice in the kitchen. I frowned as I turned and walked down the hallway and into the room.

  “Hey, Ryder,” I said when I saw him sitting across from Kane at our kitchen table.

  Kane raised his brows. “I thought you were already in bed.”

  “I was, but woke up to go to the toilet and I heard his voice and thought somethin’ might be wrong. It’s past midnight.”

  Ryder scratched his neck. “Sorry about dropping by so late.”

  “Is everythin’ okay?” I asked, concerned.

  He nodded. “Yeah, just need to talk to Kane.”

  I knew that was my cue to bid them a goodnight, but I looked to Kane and saw he was fully dressed when only a few hours ago he was topless and in a pair of shorts.

  “Why are you dressed?” I asked, frowning.

  Kane looked down at himself then to me and said, “I was just going to head out with Ryder for a bit.”

  “And leave me on my own?” I asked, my eyes wide with panic.

  He wouldn’t do that, not with Big Phil still out there.

  “No,” Kane instantly replied. “I was going to wake you up and drop you off at Alec’s so you could sleep there with him and Keela.”

  I blinked. “What is so important that you would trouble them with me so late?”


  I frowned. “Kane, where are you goin’?”

  Kane hesitated and glanced at Ryder who averted his gaze.

  They were up to something.

  “You’re stayin’ here with me,” I stated to Kane.

  Ryder sighed and glanced to Kane. “Stay with her, I’ve got this.”

  “Are you sure?” Kane questioned.

  Ryder nodded and stood up, winking at me before he left the apartment. I looked to Kane and folded my arms across my chest.

  “What the hell was that?”

  Kane scratched his neck. “What the hell was what?”

  “Don’t treat me like I’m stupid. Where were you goin’ with Ryder?”

  He looked away. “I don’t need to tell you everything, Aideen.”

  “Hold on a bloody second,” I snapped and grabbed hold of his jacket to stop him from walking away from me. “You do have to tell me because I know he is involved in drugs and God knows what else.”

  “What Ryder does is his business—”

  “I’m with you!” I cut him off. “What you do is me business if it’s associated with that bullshit.”

  Kane set his jaw. “Can’t you just trust me?”

  “On this?” I questioned. “No, I can’t. I don’t want you goin’ off with Ryder.”

  Kane humourlessly laughed. “He’s my brother.”

  “I don’t care if he is Jesus Christ himself,” I bellowed. “He is up to no good and I don’t want you involved in whatever he has his hands in.”

  “What would you have me do?” Kane demanded. “Turn my back on my brother? The answer is hell fucking no. Being loyal is a part of who I am; I will never turn my back on my own. You know that.”

  I shook my head in disbelief. “I’m not askin’ you to turn your back on Ryder, just the shit he is involved in.”

  “Why’re you so sure he is up to something?”

  That was a loaded question.

  “Because you’re all actin’ differently. A few months ago, before I moved here, I was in your old kitchen at six in the mornin’, and he and Nico were goin’ somewhere so he could do some ‘business’. He doesn’t have a job so I know he is gettin’ his money from somewhere,” I angrily stated. “He wouldn’t let up on what that was, but deep down I knew it was somethin’ messed up. I had too much on me mind to take proper notice at the time. Oh, and not to mention the time that I almost sniffed cocaine that got onto my hand from his jacket in the same kitchen. Explain that.”

  Kane pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m not telling you Ryder’s business, so drop it.”

  I blinked at the dismissal.

  “I warned you that I would not be with you if you weren’t honest with me about stuff like this. I wasn’t jokin’ when I said I’d be gone if you went back to that life.”

  Kane’s eyes narrowed to slits. “Don’t threaten me, Aideen. You’re mine.”

  “And I’ll be yours forever, but that doesn’t mean I’ll stand by you while you do God knows what with your shady brother. I love Ryder, but he is an arsehole!”

  Kane’s eye twitched so I turned and walked away from him knowing good and well he was past the point of reason. I walked into our bedroom and over my shoulder I said, “Enjoy the sofa.”

  I reached for the door and turned to close it, but jumped back when Kane stepped into the room, blocking the way.

  “You’re not kicking me out of our bed.”

  “I don’t want to be near you right now so yes, I am.”

  He didn’t move.

  “Don’t make me choose. I can’t choose between you and Ryder, I love you both.”

  I placed my hand over my face in despair for a moment before dropping it back to my side. “I’m not fuckin’ askin’ you to choose. I just don’t want you helpin’ Ryder with whatever it is that he has goin’ on. That’s it.”

  “He needs my help though.”

  I was furious.

  “Just tell me what you’re doin’ with him.”

  Kane hesitated then sighed and said, “I can’t. It’s up to him whether he tells people or not.”

  I held up my hand.

  “Last chance. Tell me where you were going to go with Ryder.”

  Kane was torn between his loyalty for me, and his loyalty for his brother.

  “I can’t, baby. Please just trust me that it’s not shady. I’m just trying to help him.”

  I shook with anger. “I know he is involved with things from his past, and now you’re too. You promised me all that was behind us.”

  “It is—”

  “It’s not!” I shouted. “He is still out there, and instead of tryin’ to find him, you’re off playin’ gangster with Ryder.”

  “What?” he asked, his eyes wide with shock. “I’m putting everything I have into finding that son of a bitch. I just don’t mention it to you because I don’t want you so aware of the prick.”


  He looked away from me. “You don’t understand shit with Ryder.”

  “Then help me to.”

  “I. Can’t. Ryder made me promise not to tell you because you would tell Branna.”

  It was definitely something shady.

  “I knew it was somethin’ fucked up,” I spat.

  “Tell me.”

  He stared at me, but remained mute.

  “Leave!” I screamed. “Take what’s yours and get the fuck out. I can’t deal with this right now.”

  “Fine,” he bellowed back and rushed me. “I’ll take what’s mine and go.”

  For a second I had no idea what was happening, but then realisation hit me. This motherfucker was trying to lift my pregnant arse up.

  “Kane!” I screeched when he hooked his arm behind my knees and slid his arms around my waist and lifted me. My arms instinctively went up into the air then tightly wrapped around Kane’s neck.

  “What the hell do you think you’re doin’?” I asked on a gasp.

  He walked towards the door of our apartment. “You said to take what’s mine and get the fuck out. I’m doing exactly that.”


  He meant me.

  I was his.

  For a moment I stared at him, then my heart kicked into overdrive and pleasure filled me. I’d be damned if I didn’t love him and his alpha ways. I looked at him and then I started to cry.

  He stopped walking.

  “Why are you crying?”

  “Because I love you,” I stated and swatted at him. “I don’t want you to leave, but I also don’t want secrets between us.”

  Kane sighed. “I love you, too, so please just trust me when I say it’s nothing I can’t handle, and it will be done soon.”

  I swallowed. “You promise it won’t take you away from me?”

  “Aideen, baby, I promise,” he said and kissed the side of my head. “I’m not going anywhere.”

  I nodded. “I’m sorry for fightin’.”

  I was. I wasn’t happy that I still didn’t know what Ryder was up to, but I respected and loved Kane too much not to take his word that he would be okay.

  “Are you sorry because you’re genuinely sorry, or just because you don’t want me to carry you out of the apartment because it’s cold outside?”

  I lightly smiled. “Both.”

  Kane chortled and leaned his head down so he could kiss my cheek. I sighed as I played with the ends of his hair. “You wouldn’t think so, but I’m so hot for you right now.”

  Kane looked down at me and said, “Really?”

  “Oh, yes.” I nodded. “I love when you claim me as yours. It’s so sexy.”