Read Alec Page 14

  "You should take Aideen's advice and fuck me."

  How romantic.

  "Put a sock in it, Romeo," I grunted as I folded my arms across my chest.

  Alec lay back down on the bed and patted his stomach. "Feel free to straddle me at any given time."

  I squeezed my eyes shut and convinced myself not to punch him in the nuts.

  "Why did you tell Aideen to bring Storm out on two walks a day, he is not your dog-"

  "Did we not discuss us being a we until this favour is fulfilled?"

  I pinched the bridge of my nose. "We or no we, he is my baby and-"

  "He is a dog, Keela, a dog."

  I growled, "I've more respect for that dog than I do you, you piece of shite."

  Alec laughed. "Nobody has ever shown me that many ounces of dumb fuck before."


  "Excuse me?"

  Alec got up from the bed, stood in front of me and looked down. "I'm looking out for your baby. If you want him to live a long life take my advice and get him healthy."

  I held my tongue.

  As much as I didn't want Storm to be uncomfortable by testing his limits, I did want him to be healthy.

  I slumped my shoulders and blew out a breath. "Yeah, okay, fine."

  I looked down and closed my eyes. I smiled a little when I felt Alec's arms wrap around me. He snuggled me close to him and I was aware that I was pressed against his shirtless torso and I didn't mind it in the slightest.

  "You give nice hugs," I murmured as I wrapped my arms around his waist.

  "I know," Alec replied.

  "You're so damn cocky."

  "Say 'cock' again."

  I laughed and pushed away from him. I moved to the window, squealed as I gazed out it then I twirled around which made Alec laugh. "You cannot be this excited over a view."

  I stopped and gave him a look. "No disrespect to me country but it's nice to see somethin' other than the mountains. It's sunny here and the sea is two minutes from where we're stayin'. I'm surprised I'm not explodin' right now, this is me first holiday!"

  Alec shook his head as he moved his suitcase against the wall next to the wardrobe. "That is wrong on so many levels. How did your parents not bring you on vacation when you were younger?"

  I instantly frowned. "Me ma went away a lot, but I stayed home with Micah and her stepma and da because me ma said I wasn't allowed to flaunt around in a bikini unless I looked the part and-" I cut myself off, and blushed fiercely.

  I cannot believe I almost told him how tight of a leash my mother had me on when I was younger.

  "Where is your dad?" Alec asked me, overlooking the fact that I cut myself off mid-sentence.

  "Me da? I don't know, I never met him."

  Alec nodded his head but didn't say anything further.

  Silence stretched for a few moments until I spoke.

  "Do you want to come to the beach or just hang out here until the dinner tonight?" I asked, avoiding looking at Alec.

  He didn't say anything other than, "Sure."

  "Sure to the beach or to hangin' out in here?"

  "The beach, obviously," he said glancing around the room like it was a joke to be asked to stay here.

  I rolled my eyes; I loved the room, I thought it was great.

  "Okay, well, you go get changed in the bathroom, and I'll get changed in here."

  Alec nodded as he opened his suitcase and grabbed the first item on the top then headed into the bathroom. I opened the wardrobe and got what I wanted to wear then turned back to the bed only to stub my toe on Alec's suitcase in the process.

  I let out a loud pitched scream.

  "What's wrong?" Alec shouted, bursting from the bathroom with a tube of toothpaste in his right hand raised in the air like a weapon.

  I fell back onto the bed gripping my foot. "I hurt me toe."

  "We haven't being here five minutes, how did you hurt yourself already?" Alec snapped in annoyance.

  I sat upright ready to give him a piece of my mind, but stopped dead in my tracks when I noticed a sculpted torso in front of me. I wasn't joking - a six pack of abs stared me directly in the face.

  I swear one of them moved as well.

  "Up here, sweetheart," Alec's voice said in an amused tone.

  I snapped out of my trance and looked upwards pretty quickly. "I wasn't perving on you. Your body was practically in me face, and it still is so back up off me and give me some personal space."

  Alec did as asked with a grin on his face.

  I involuntary dropped my eyes then and read the words Calvin Klein. He was in just his boxer briefs!

  "Oh my God!" I gasped as I flung my hands over my eyes and dropped backwards onto the bed. "Cover yourself!"

  Alec burst into belly rumbling laughter. "That brought back a flashback of my sixteen year old self stripping in front of a girl I was trying to seduce. She reacted just like you."

  I glared into my hands. "She didn't want your half naked arse near her either?" I guessed.

  Alec snorted. "No, she did. She was just shy and virginy about it."

  "Virginy isn't a word and I'm not shy, I just don't want to see you half naked."


  Huge, big, fat, fucking lie.

  Alec chuckled again as he moved away. "I'm moving back into the bathroom now, kitten. You can uncover your eyes and stop blushing."

  I sat up when the bathroom door clicked shut.

  I felt my cheeks and they were indeed hot.

  Damn him!

  "I'm not blushin', you just made me mad that's all!" I shouted.

  He replied with a laugh that made me curse him.

  I angrily bent to pick up my items off the floor. I picked up a black bikini and black cover up, some flip flops, sunscreen, and sunglasses.

  "Do not step into this room until I tell you to!" I shouted to Alec.

  "Yes, ma'am."

  I glared at the bathroom door and didn't take my eyes off it as I quickly changed. I was in the middle of putting my bikini knickers on and screamed when the handle of the bathroom door twisted.

  "Not yet!" I yelled as I dove onto the bed, hiding myself with pillows.

  Alec's laughter got my attention. "Sorry, I just wanted to see if you would freak out and you did."

  I growled as I pulled on my bikini knickers then put on my cover up. I smiled maliciously when it fell to my knees. I tied my hair up into a messy bun and then slipped on my sunglasses and pink flip flops before I grabbed my beach bag from my suitcase. I crammed towels, sunscreen and other beach necessities into my bag.

  "Okay, you can come out now," I shouted.

  The bathroom door opened and out stepped Alec in just knee length shorts. I widened my eyes and was thankful I had sunglasses on.

  "That is what you're wearin'?"

  Alec shrugged then froze when he saw me. "Please tell me you have a decent swimsuit on underneath that curtain."

  I gasped. "It's a cover up!"

  "It's plain, shapeless and makes it look like you have a big butt... and not in a good way."

  It did?

  I pushed past him, annoyed that he said my arse was big in a bad way.

  I heard him moving around in the room behind me just as I stepped out into the hallway. I took the elevator down to the lobby while Alec took the stairs. When I reached the lobby he fell in line beside me. I smiled and waved to the lad at the desk who instantly smiled and waved to me. His smiled dropped though when an arm snaked around my shoulder.

  "Look at his face," Alec snickered.

  I moved his arm from my shoulder when we got outside. "Stop being such a dick."

  Alec pulled a face at me, so I turned and walked ahead of him and took one of the three paths that the signs said led to the beach. I picked the one that didn’t have many people on it.

  "What did you call that thing you're wearing?" Alec asked from behind me.

  "A cover up," I said without turning around.

  He snorted. "What exactly
is it meant to cover up? When the sun hits it, it goes see through."

  I gasped and turned around. "Are you jokin'?" I asked.

  He shook his head.

  "I'm going to kill Aideen, she said it was matte black!"

  "Why are you wearing it? You have a bikini on underneath - I can see it."

  I flushed. "I'm... I'm just not comfortable with meself."

  Alec looked at me, bemused.

  I grunted. "I'm not happy with me body, and I doubt anyone else will be, so I'm not puttin' it on view for everyone to see."

  Alec just shook his head at me. "You're such a girl."

  I gaped at him. "Excuse me?"

  "Yeah, you complain about your body when you have to know how good you look."

  I gaped at him. "I have no idea what you're talkin' about."

  Alec pinched the bridge of his nose and held up his hand. "What I'm about to say doesn't change the fact that I only want to fuck you, okay?"

  "Okay," I replied, unsure of where this conversation was going.

  He took in a breath and blew it out. "You're beautiful," he said real fast. "There, I said it."

  I stared at him for a moment then shoved him hard causing him to stumble backwards. "I just told you I'm self-conscious and you decide to make fun of me by tellin' me you think I'm beautiful? You're such an arsehole!" I turned and stormed away.

  I stopped a few meters away from the shoreline when I got onto the beach and set down my beach bag. I took out my huge towel and lay it down on the sand. I sat near the middle of the towel, raised my sunglasses over my head and looked out at the ocean and let a huge smile spread over my face.

  I noticed the shadow next to me and out of the corner of my eye I saw twat face sit down on the other half of my towel.

  "You like the ocean, huh?" Alec's voice murmured.

  I shrugged. "I just think it's all pretty lookin'. I don't know why, but it makes me smile."

  Alec was quiet for a moment then said, "I do think you're beautiful. I wasn't making fun of you."

  I glanced to him and he just looked right back at me. He didn't grin or smirk or make any facial expression that told me he was fibbing, so I shrugged.

  "Okay, well... thank you," I replied before turning away.

  "You still don't believe me, do you?" he asked.

  I shrugged. "I'm eighty-twenty on it right now, but it doesn't matter. Looks don't mean anythin' other than lustful attraction from one person to another - it's what's on the inside that counts. You know, a thing called personality?"

  Alec snorted. "Something you seem to lack."

  I smacked him on the arm making him hiss and rub it.

  "I have a personality, a grand one. It's you who is the arrogant arsehole here with the pathetic excuse for a personality, not me."

  "Are you trying to insult me? I can't tell," he asked, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

  "Let's just say that you're so lucky mirrors don't base looks on personality."

  "Why?" Alec asked.

  I devilishly grinned. "Because if they did, you would be one ugly motherfucker."

  Alec glared at me for a few seconds before a grin spread across his face.

  I was annoyed by this - I wanted him to feel like shite over that insult, not happy about it.

  "Why are you smilin'?" I snapped.

  He continued to smile before laying down on his back. "No reason, kitten. No reason at all."

  I angrily crossed my arms. "I hate you so much, you know that? I don't think I've ever met such an annoyin' arsehole in me entire life."

  "I'm honoured," he chirped, mocking me which made me seethe in anger.

  He closed his eyes as I turned away from him and rooted through my beach bag until I found the book I was currently reading. Ironically, it was the book Alec was reading in my apartment the day he moved in.

  Fifty Shades of Grey.

  I opened the cover, flipped to page fifteen - where I left off - and began reading. An hour or so passed and I had gotten about a hundred and twenty pages in when I felt movement beside me and then felt a breeze over my shoulder.

  "What are you reading?" Alec asked in a groggy voice like he had been sleeping.

  It didn't surprise me - we were out on the beach for a long while.

  I shouldered him away from me. "Nothin'," I replied.

  "No, it's something. The redness in your cheeks shone so brightly they woke me up."

  I ducked my head. "It's hot out here, what do you expect?" I muttered.

  He didn't say anything for a moment, so I relaxed a little, but that ended a second later when he dove on me knocking me sideways onto the sand.

  He pulled me onto my back, straddled me and sat on my belly making me grunt. He wasn't fat at all but he was still heavy as fuck. I screamed when he reached for my hand that held my book.

  The book that did have me blushing like a schoolgirl.

  "I just want to see the title," Alec grunted, leaning forward adding more of his weight onto me making me gasp as the air was knocked out of me.

  I struggled under him when he got the book and flipped it shut. I felt myself turn crimson when a devilish smile spread across his face as he read the title.

  "You brought this book as your vacation read?" he asked, grinning. "You're a dirty girl, aren't you?"

  "Get off me right now or I'll shout rape!"

  Alec laughed as he moved off me. "Shit like that goes on in this book and the girl likes it, right? She likes it rough, right? I didn't get very far into it but it seems some kinky shit happens."

  I blushed again. "Shut up, Alec."

  He chuckled as he leaned back on his elbows looking at me. "Look at you all hot and bothered. I bet your panties are soaked."

  I felt myself choke on air; I was horrified and I had no doubt my face matched what I was feeling.

  Alec burst into laughter. "You are a virgin."

  I was so embarrassed but tried to play it off by flipping him off.

  "I am not a virgin, playboy. Okay!"

  Alec raised his hands. "Okay, sorry." He smiled. "Go ahead and finish your book, don't mind me."

  I flushed again making Alec smile. "No, thank you. I'll read it later."

  "When we're in bed?" he asked and wiggled his eyebrows.

  I gasped at how casually he said that, as if us going to bed together was a natural thing.

  "No!" I managed to shout making him laugh again.

  My whole body felt hot. It did a moment ago from the book and the scenes that took place in said book, but now I was so embarrassed that I could feel the heat radiating from me.

  "I'm going for a swim," I said and stood up.

  "In the curtain?" Alec asked me, pointing to my cover up.

  I looked away from him. "No, I taking me cover up off so just... just turn around, and don't look, okay?" I mumbled.

  "Of course, I am a gentleman after all." He turned around and put his back to me. I hesitantly lifted the hem of my cover up and lifted it over my head. I slowly stepped away from Alec and when I was sure he wouldn't turn around I turned and walked towards the water.

  When I heard a loud wolf whistle though I froze and looked over my shoulder. Alec was now turned around and grinning and me while whistling and blowing kisses in my direction.

  He was making fun of me, the dick!

  I gave him the finger, which he smirked at before he lay back down on the towel under him, and threw his arm over his eyes in an effort to block out the sunlight. I forced myself not to cover myself with my hands as I walked towards the waterline. I dipped my toes into the water and jumped back a little - it was cool.

  I don't know why but I held my breath and I dipped my foot into the water again, I pulled it back out a moment later and exhaled. I was such a wuss but I didn't care. I wanted to take my time and let myself get used to the temperature.

  The arsehole that slammed into the back of me had other ideas though. I was about to whirl around and punch whoever slammed into me until I realis
ed that my feet weren't on the ground anymore.

  I heard Alec's laughter and that turned my panic into anger when I realised it wasn't a stranger.

  "You dickhead put me down!"

  I widened my eyes when Alec walked us out into the ocean, until my lower half was under water.

  "Stop!" I screeched.

  Alec loosened his grip on me so I turned myself and wrapped my limbs around his body.

  "Don't go out any further, I can't swim very good."

  "I've got you kitten, don't worry," Alec murmured and kissed my cheek.

  I pressed my face to the side of his as he did this, which made him laugh. He rubbed his head on mine and allowed the water to sway us from side to side.

  I relaxed after a moment and pulled back from Alec when he gripped my behind. "You should be holdin' me up by my waist."

  "That's true but I wanted to feel your ass."

  I laughed. "You're so blunt that it's funny."

  I turned and looked behind Alec and out to the ocean. I furrowed my eyebrows and focused on a black spot in the water then widened my eyes when a fin broke the surface of the water, but just as quick as it appeared, it disappeared.

  "Alec," I whispered, not taking my eyes off the spot where I saw the fin.

  The hands on my arse squeezed me as his lips touched my ear. "What is it, kitten?"

  I cleared my throat and in the calmest voice I could muster I said, "I think... I think I saw a fin in the waves behind you."

  Alec slowly pulled back from me and asked, "A fin... as in a shark's fin?"

  I shrugged my shoulders. "Either that or a dolphin, could belong a small whale too-"

  I gasped, cutting myself off after the air was knocked out of me and water took its place. I was thrown backwards into the water and flung my limbs around in a panic when I sucked water down instead of air. In seconds, I broke the surface of the water and coughed and spluttered until I was greedily sucking air down into my lungs.

  "Shark! Big fucking shark! We're all going to die! Swim for your lives!"

  I could barely stand up in the water so I moved my arms and legs until I got my footing and stumbled forward enough until the water was below my waist. I rubbed my face as I turned my body fully in the direction of the beach. I narrowed my eyes and shook my head as I saw Alec haul his arse out of the water screeching like teenage girl while he waved his arms around like it was nobody’s business.