Read Alec Page 15

  The bastard left me to die!

  He threw me to the shark-dolphin-whale so he could save himself.

  So much for him being a fucking gentlemen.

  "Keela, are you still mad at me?" Alec asked as we walked up to our room after a long day of lying on the beach and eating in the local cafes.

  I looked ahead as I sang, "Twinkle twinkle little star-"

  "How I wonder what you are?"

  "-I wish I could tie you down and run you over with me car."

  Alec groaned. "Okay, I get it, you're still mad."

  I clicked my tongue and tapped my foot against the floor as I waited for Alec to open the door when we reached our hotel room.

  "You've had the entire day to cool off. How can you still be pissed at me?"

  Because I'm female and can hold a grudge till the end of time?

  "You left me to die, Alec. You literally threw me to what you thought was a shark just so you could save yourself. Some gentleman you are," I said and shook my head in astonishment.

  I cannot believe he was still questioning why I was angry with him, it was plain as day why I was mad.

  "Excuse me for not wanting to die. It's very sexist of you to insinuate that I should be the one to throw myself to a shark just to save you just because I'm a man. It's also very selfish of you, I mean, why can't you sacrifice yourself to save me?" Alec asked and stared me down with those big blue fucking eyes of his.

  I huffed and placed my hands on my hips before crossing them across myself. "It's just the gentleman thing to do. I bet Nico would throw himself to a shark to save Bronagh."

  Alec held up his hands. "I'm sorry to disappoint you kitten, but I'm not my brother. I can't just punch a shark in the face and win."

  I screeched. "I'm not askin' you to fight a shark, I'm askin' you not to throw me to one just to save yourself!"

  Alec used both his hands to push his hair back out his face, but it was pointless because it still fell back and framed his face.

  "It was a fight or flight situation and my flight instinct took over."

  I sarcastically laughed. "Yeah, I know it took over. I was the one left to be shark food, remember?"

  Alec shook his head in frustration. "We don't even know if it was a shark!"

  "No we don't, but it could have been, that's the point!"

  Alec was about to open his mouth to reply but instead settled on biting his lower lip as he lifted his arms and gestured to my neck with both of his large hands. I snorted because the feeling was mutual - I wanted to choke him too.

  "You're the most frustrating woman I have ever spent time with. You're driving me crazy!"

  I opened my mouth to snap off a snarky reply, but the ringtone from Alec's phone cut me off. It was on the bed and before he could get it, I dashed onto the bed and rolled off on the other side like a ninja. I lifted the phone to my ear then and answered it.

  "Hello playgirl hotline, Keela speakin'. Alec is busy with a client right now, but what can I do for you today?" I purred.

  Alec narrowed his eyes and set his jaw while I grinned on the other side of the bed.

  "Um hello, Keela. I'm Damien, Alec's brother."

  The twin I haven't met.

  "Hey Damien, we haven't met but I'm Keela, your brother's fake girlfriend."

  Alec shook his head and scrubbed his face with his hands.

  "You're Alec's fake girlfriend? Why?" Damien questioned.

  I sighed and lay down on the bed. "It's a long story."

  "I've got time gorgeous."

  I smiled. "You don't know what I look like, how do you know if I'm gorgeous or not?"

  "Because my brother's, especially Alec don't date anyone - fake or not - who is less than stunning."

  I awed out loud.

  "You're so sweet."

  The bed suddenly dipped on my left as Alec climbed onto the bed and filled the space next to me. I looked at him and yelped as he pinched up my underarm causing me to drop his phone. He caught his phone with his free hand, grinned and rolled over to his side of the bed.

  He put the phone to his ear and said, "You talk to her for less than thirty seconds and already she thinks you're so sweet? You and Dominic will get an ass whopping if you keep that shit up."

  I heard laughter coming through the receiver of the phone which made Alec smile.

  "What are you up to, bro? Are you okay? I miss you."

  I felt my insides melt at Alec's admission to missing his younger brother. I've never heard a man openly say something like that before. It was really cute and I liked it. A lot.

  I crawled over Alec to get to the other side of the bed simply because I was too lazy to get up and walk around. Mid-crawl Alec caught my arm and pulled me down on top of him. He grunted when our chests connected with a thud, I looked down to tell him off, but I froze because my face was inches from his. I licked my lips and not a second later Alec kissed my lips with lighting speed which made me hiss and him smile as I pushed away from him.

  I sat up and found I was straddling him.

  I was sat directly on top of his groin and could feel everything because he only had a pair of swimming trunks on. Thin swimming trunks at that.

  "Me? Have you not talked to the guys? I'm in the Bahamas."

  I looked at Alec and found his head was lifted up and his eyes were locked down to where I was sitting on him. I looked down and spotted my bare thighs that were on display thanks to my cover up riding up my thighs.

  "Like Keela said, it's a long story bro."

  I grazed against Alec when I shifted a little and it caused him to hiss as he brought his hand up to my hip. He looked up and locked eyes with me, I smiled at him teasingly, but the smile vanished when I felt the area under me being to harden.

  "Damien, you know I love you, right? I really do bro, but I can't concentrate on this conversation when I have a sexy redhead grinding her pussy on me."

  Oh. My. God!

  I adjusted my body by a fucking inch, that did not count as grinding!

  "I'm not grindin' anythin' against you!" I shouted. "Ignore him Damien, he is just mad because I won't sleep with him!"

  With that said I climbed off Alec and stormed into the bathroom.

  "No, wait! Come back please! My cock is throbbing here!"

  I smiled at the whimpering tone in Alec's voice as I closed the bathroom door with force.

  "I hate women!"

  I laughed out loud at that.

  As I relieved myself in the toilet, I decided to take a shower when I was done so Alec could have some time to talk to his brother since he didn't get to see him very often. I took my time and my shower took at least thirty minutes, I was completely relaxed and ready for bed as I wrapped myself up in a towel.

  I exited the bathroom in a large hotel towel tightly wrapped around me. I looked at the bed as I walked towards the wardrobe and smiled at Alec who was glaring at me.

  "You think you're so funny, don't you?" he snapped.

  I put my back to him as I opened the wardrobe.

  "I don't think it, I know it."

  "You're a teasing little bitch is what you are, why did you do it?"

  I played the innocent maiden.

  "I've no idea what you're talkin' about, good sir."

  I heard movement then gasped when a hand gripped my upper arm a moment later and it spun me round.

  "You know exactly what I'm talking about. You straddled me, rubbed your pussy against me, got me hard then left me high and dry."

  I ignored his crude words and frowned at his tone.

  "I didn't do any of that on purpose Alec. You're puttin' way too much thought into this."

  Alec snarled, "I don't think I am, kitten."

  I felt bad and sighed. I didn't mean to make him mad, I meant to tick him off, not piss him off.

  "If it counts for anythin', I'm sorry."

  Alec stared down at me with hard eyes before they slowly but surely softened.

  "I'll accept your apology if
you do something for me?"

  I eyed him. "No sexual acts."

  Alec laughed. "No, nothing like that."

  I raised my eyebrow. "What then?"

  "I want to go dancing."


  Alec grinned and nodded his head. "Dancing."

  "Thank you, Jesus," I called out as the elevator doors opened on the fourth floor of the hotel.

  It was currently almost three in the morning and I was just getting back to my suite after going dancing with Alec. We left our hotel room at seven with the intentions of leaving the hotel but there was a party going on in the ballroom of the hotel and that was where we ended up. Alec was still down at the party dancing with a bunch of ladies, young and old, while I escaped and came up here. I couldn't stand up anymore and was in desperate need of a bed.

  My feet were absolutely killing me.

  I yawned loudly as I dragged myself down the hallway to mine and Alec's room. When I reached the door, I slipped my key card into the door waiting for the light to flash green so I could enter.

  When it did flash green I all but fell in the door, I managed to stay on my feet, but not for long. I tripped over something and went face first onto the ground.

  I groaned out loud as my sore thigh throbbed in pain from the impact. I struggled to my feet and felt around the wall for the light switch, when I found it and flipped it on I cursed.

  Alec's suitcase was lying open on the floor. The bastard didn't even have the decency to put it out of harms – my – way. I angrily pushed it towards the wall with my foot then kicked off my heels, unzipped my dress, shimmied out of it then removed my bra. I felt free and let it all hang loose, not caring that I wasn't sucking anything in anymore.

  I turned to the wardrobe and opened it, I hadn't drunk anything at the party but my eyes were blurry from being so tired and I couldn't see worth a shit.

  I slammed the wardrobe doors shut and considered going to bed in just my knickers but Alec flashed across my mind and I groaned. The fucker would be coming up here to sleep eventually and I couldn't be naked.

  I sighed and looked towards the bed, but caught sight of his big black case on the floor. I moved towards it before I could stop myself I reached into to it – it was already open – and picked up the first thing I touched. It turned out to be a white t-shirt.

  I checked the size on it and saw it was an Extra Large. Alec wasn't fat, far from it, he was muscular and probably needed the extra room in his clothes to well, breathe.

  Before I could stop myself, I put the t-shirt on and smiled when it fell to the middle of my thighs. I reached around to my arse and felt it just covered my bum cheeks. I usually wouldn't ever settle on just wearing this when I knew I was going to be around someone but I was so tired that I didn't give a shite. I moved to the bathroom, picked up my wet wipes and washed as much makeup from my face as I could before I gripped handfuls of my hair and tied it up into an awful looking messy bun.

  I left the bathroom, hit the lights and fell face first onto the bed before wiggling my way under the covers. I took in a deep breath and sighed as I closed my eyes and fell into a peaceful slumber.

  Banging interrupted that peaceful slumber. I sat up with my eyes still closed and didn't move. I was still kind of half asleep and didn't know whether to lie back down or stay sitting up.

  "Keela? Wake up!" Alec's voice called out.

  I groaned and moved the covers off of me so I could stand up.

  "Let me in!" Alec shouted again then pounded on the door some more.

  I held my hands out as I moved towards the door feeling my way along the walls until my head bumped the door, making me stumble back a little.

  "I'm comin', hold bloody on!" I shouted, annoyed.

  I blindly searched for the handle of the door and found it after a few seconds. I pulled the door open and looked upwards to meet Alec's blue eyes. He was casually leaning against the door frame with his arms folded across his chest. He looked like a vision, a vision of sex.

  "Well, aren't you a sight for sore eyes." He smirked.

  I could only imagine how my face and hair looked.

  "Bite me," I snarled before turning and walking back towards the bed and checked the clock on one of the nightstands, it read thirteen minutes past four in the morning.

  I heard a sharp intake of breath just as the light flicked on. I crawled on the bed and got back under the covers and rested my head on my pillow.

  "What are you wearing?" Alec voice asked.

  I thought about it for a second then opened my eyes.

  "Uh... a t-shirt," I replied.

  "Is it mine?" he asked.

  I didn't know if he sounded mad or amused.

  "Yeah," I mumbled.

  He was silent for a minute then I heard items hit the floor. I knew he was undressing and it made me tense a little. I wanted to turn around and look at him but I mentally scowled at myself and made sure I stayed in the position I was in.

  "Why are you wearing my t-shirt to bed?" he asked.

  I shrugged and closed my eyes again. "I couldn't find me shorts or tank top so I just picked this up. I'll get you a new one if that's what has your knickers in a twist."

  Alec snorted. "I don't need a new one, I've about ten more of them with me. I was just curious as to why you were wearing my clothing to bed. You do hate me after all."

  "I hate you, not your t-shirt."

  This made Alec laugh as he moved the covers aside so he could get in after he turned off the light.

  "Jesus," he breathed.

  I groaned.

  "What now?" I asked.

  "I can see your ass," he replied.

  I instantly turned on my back and turned my head to glare at him. "Don't look!"

  He held his hands up. "I can't miss it, it's right there."

  I narrowed my eyes and he saw.

  He rubbed his temples. "Forget I said anything, go back to sleep."

  I rolled my eyes and noticed then that he was in just his boxer briefs.

  I widened my eyes. "You cannot sleep next to me like that!" I said and pointed my finger to his body.

  What the hell happened to my pyjama trousers condition?

  He looked down at himself before looking back up at me with a raised eyebrow. "I usually sleep naked, I figured you wouldn't want that-"

  "Damn right I wouldn't!'" I snapped.

  "Which is why I am wearing these," he continued and gestured to his boxers.

  "Just turn off the light."

  Alec bowed to me just before he turned off the light. I gave him the finger to which he laughed at. When the light clicked off he moved back towards the bed and it dipped down on his side when he got onto it.

  He lay down and pulled the covers over himself, tugging them away from me a little. I tugged them back; he pulled them a little which just caused me tug on them again.

  This went on for about twenty seconds until he laughed and said, "Stop taking all the covers!"

  I growled. "Get stuffed, I was here first."

  "This is our bed, not just yours."

  I huffed. "Just stay on your side. Don't cross over onto my side and I won't murder you in your sleep, okay?"

  I could practically feel Alec's grin radiate from him and it pissed me off.


  "Good," I hissed and turned on my side, tugging the blanket with me.

  He snorted and didn't tug on the blanket again and that made me relax. It was warm as hell but I still needed to cover myself with the covers, I couldn't sleep with nothing covering me.

  I thought I would have been unable to sleep half naked with Alec next to me but surprisingly I hardly even thought about it as I closed my eyes again.

  When I woke up it was because wind on my face stirred me. "Close the window," I mumbled, snuggling deeper into my pillow.

  I heard a groan just as I felt my pillow move. I furrowed my eyebrows but didn't open my eyes. I groaned a little when I felt movement between my legs a
nd gasped in alarm when something hard pressed against me... there.

  I opened my eyes and screamed when I saw a face that wasn't Storm's there. The eyes on the face snapped open just as hands that were already around me tightened.

  "It's me, Alec!"

  I stopped struggling and screaming and looked to the face again. I recognised him now and relief instantly flooded me, I thought I’d had a one night stand or something.

  Relief left when Alec moved and a groan left my lips again. He looked at me, then down to our intertwined bodies and let a smile take over his face.

  "Couldn't help yourself could you, kitten?"

  I knew his leg was between my legs and it was brushing up against me. I've always been sensitive; the littlest of touches always got me going, but I did my best not to let Alec know that.

  I glared at him as he moved his leg into me again.

  "Get off me," I said breathlessly.

  He smirked and pulled me closer to him. "You don't sound like you want me to," he said just as he turned and somehow moved me under him without moving me.

  What the hell?

  "Alec," I said in a breathless voice.

  It was meant to come out in a warning tone.

  "You were saying my name in your sleep," he said as he looked down at me.

  He held himself up on his elbows, taking most of his weight off me.

  "I was probably trying to kill you and-"

  He snorted. "You said it while you groaned, it was sexy as hell. Watching you dream about me as you panted."

  I felt my entire body turn red. "You're making that up, I hate you! I wouldn't dream about you, like... like that!"

  Alec brushed his nose on mine making me snap my teeth at him which he smirked at. "Oh but you did, Keela."

  I didn't believe him.

  "I hate you," I said in the firmest voice I could manage.

  He bucked against me grinding his groin against mine. He was between my legs and the only barrier keeping him from being in me was my knickers and his boxers.

  "I hate you too," he smiled but then growled, "that doesn't stop me from wanting you though."

  I felt my eyes widened. "You can't be serious-"

  He kissed me.

  He really kissed me, not just a peck or a stolen kiss this time. His lips were on mine and his tongue forced his way inside my mouth. I said his name but it came out as another fucking groan and it didn't take long to realise I was kissing him back.