Read Alec Page 17

  I inwardly smiled. "I'm sorry for threatenin' you, and while I'm at it, I'm sorry for bein' such a bitch to you. Why don't we start over. Hey, I'm Keela Daley, nice to meet you."

  Alec smiled at me and took my hand in his. He lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles before he said, "Nice to meet you, Keela Daley. I'm Alec Slater."

  I sighed as I blew out a breath, which caused Alec to chuckle.

  "So, Alec, what do you like to do for fun? Keep it PG."

  Alec smiled, then shook his head and said, "I like animals. When I'm back home, I help out with the local shelters that the DSPCA runs. They have very limited funds so volunteers are always welcome. I donate money as well, but donating my time is something I enjoy. What about you, what do you do for fun? You can get as explicit as you want with your answer, just throwing that in there."

  I wanted to laugh at the ending to his sentence but I didn't because I was too busy processing the fact that he volunteers at animal shelters because he enjoys it.

  That just added to how attractive he was.

  "Um, I like to write. It's nothin' as cool as volunteerin', but-"

  "Don't do that, don't put something you like to do down. Don't even compare it to something someone else likes to do. It's yours so put it on a high pedestal."

  I blinked.

  "What?" Alec asked as I stared at him.

  I cleared my throat and said, "I've never had someone, besides Aideen, be so direct with me before."

  Alec shrugged. "Spend a little time with me and you can see how direct I can be, kitten."

  I raised my eyebrows. "Was that suggestive? I can't really tell."

  Alec chuckled. "Never mind, let’s get back to you, what do you like to write."

  I felt my cheeks heat up with the spotlight suddenly on me and my writing, I was about to take an out when Alec leaned and gripped my chin with his fingers and said, "Don't even think about it, kitten. You started this conversation and I'm seeing that we finish it."

  Well, excuse me.

  "You have to understand that this is a sensitive topic for me, only Aideen knows I write and now you. You're still new-"

  "I'm trying to get in a little wear and tear with you so I'm not so new anymore. The more we talk, the more that happens. You talk, I’ll listen. Tell me about your writing."

  I furrowed my eyebrows together and asked, "Are you serious? You really want to talk and listen to me?"

  Alec frowned at me. "Why is that so shocking to you? People converse daily."

  "You have only talked about sex since we met. I'm honestly haven' trouble separatin' that part from 'serious' you right now."

  Alec smiled. "You don't know me, kitten. You know what I want from you but that's it. You don't know me at all."

  I felt like he was challenging me.

  "Well, maybe I want to get to know you. Maybe I want to get inside your mind and figure it out too. I want to understand you."

  Alec reached his hand up to my face and ran his fingertips over my cheek.

  "You'd lose your mind trying to understand mine, kitten."

  "Don't be cryptic with me, I like you better when you're straight forward."

  Alec drew back his hand and laughed. "I like your honesty kitten, don't ever lose it."

  "I don't plan on it."

  "Good. Come on, we can finish this conversation later, I want to go out."

  "And do what?"

  Alec pulled me from the bed and onto my feet then into a hug. "Now that we're friends, let's go get our hair done."

  I pulled back and gave him a look.

  He smiled at me. "You need a wash and blow dry."

  I rolled my eyes then looked up to the Heavens. If I didn't kill him by the end of this trip then I would believe that miracles really did exist.

  "I got my hair done because you hounded me for the last hour, but I'm not gettin' a tattoo and you can't make me."

  Alec groaned out loud for the tenth time in thirty seconds.

  "For the last time, I'm getting inked, you're just going to sit there and be quiet. I won't be long-"

  "No, you're not leavin' me out here on me own, what if one of the artists thinks I want to get a tattoo and then they force me into gettin' one?"

  Alec rubbed his eyes with both hands before he focused on me. "Sweetheart, I don't think anyone could force you into something you didn't want to do even if they tried."

  "Whatever, I'm comin' into the room with you."

  Alec groaned out loud again but instead of arguing, took my hand and interlocked it with his. "Come on then."


  I huddled close to Alec as we moved closer to the reception desk in the tattoo parlour. Okay, it wasn't exactly a reception desk, but it was clearly the place to go when you wanted to talk to the person in charge. The man in charge just so happened to be a six foot tall black man who was covered in tattoos.

  "What can I do you for, mon?" Ink God asked Alec.

  I smiled, he said 'mon' instead of 'man'.

  It's pretty self-explanatory why I have dubbed the man Ink God.

  He. Was. Stunning!

  "I'm looking to finish my sleeve. I've a patch of white skin on my tricep that I want covered and blended."

  Ink God nodded his head. "Let's have a look at what I'm workin' with."

  I noticed the man's Bahamian accent caused him to drop his G's and I liked that because I did that when I spoke too.

  Alec was complying with Ink God and opened his hand and tried to pull it from mine, but when I didn't let go he laughed and kissed my head. "I'll give it back to you in a second, promise."

  I flushed with embarrassment when Ink God chuckled and tried to cover it up by coughing. I let go of Alec's hand and stood idle next to him as he took off his t-shirt. When he was bare chested, he bent his elbow then lifted his arm up in the air, showing the ink free part of his arm. Ink God looked it over few times before nodding his head.

  "Forty minutes, tops. You got a design in mind?"

  Alec nodded his head and stuck his hand inside the pocket of his shorts, pulled out his phone, tapped on the screen then turned it to Ink God. Ink God didn't say anything, he only put the phone down, got some see through paper then started drawing on it.

  I was bored just standing there so I turned my head to look around the shop and when I spotted a huge wall with nothing but tattoo designs on it, I moved towards it without evening realising. I flicked my eyes over hundreds of beautiful designs. I smiled when a slight breeze hit my back just before a body pressed into mine.

  "See anything you like?" Alec asked as he lowered his mouth to my ear and kissed it.

  I shivered making him lightly chuckle.

  I cleared my throat and said, "I like loads of them, they are gorgeous."

  "Why don't you get one then?"

  "Because tattoos are not somethin' I can take back after few days if I change me mind. They don't have a thirty day guarantee."

  Alec turned me to face him. "You're one of those chicks who keeps the receipt for everything, aren't you?"

  Were there some women who didn't keep their receipts?

  "Of course, I wouldn't trust anyone who didn't keep the receipts for the items they buy."

  Alec chewed on his lower lip. "I don't."

  I snorted. "You're datin' me now honey, that will change."

  A smile stretched across Alec face as he lifted his hand and brushed loose strands of hair out of my face.

  "I like you, kitten."

  I smiled. "I don't believe you."

  "I do, I like you a lottle. It's like a little, except a lot."

  I rolled my eyes. "You can't take cute sayin's from the internet and try to make them yours."

  Alec gasped. "I would never! I made that up-"

  "I've seen the little penguin picture with the lottle word on it, you're lyin'."

  Alec grunted. "Fine, whatever. I saw it on Facebook somewhere, but it's cute and it fits how I feel about you."

  "I s
mell bullshit."

  Alec smiled. "You know I'm serious."

  "No, I don't believe you," I whispered.

  Alec raised an eyebrow. "You want me to convince you?"

  "I don't think anythin' you do will convince me."

  Was I flirting?

  "You think so?"

  "Oh, I know so."

  Yes, yes I was.

  "You really shouldn't challenge me, little girl," Alec said in a low, threatening voice that I didn't find scary, only sexy.

  "Or what?" I asked, keeping direct eye contact with him.

  "I'll accept and see that I complete the challenge to the best of my abilities."

  I swallowed. "Prove it-"

  His mouth was on mine before I could finish my sentence.

  Alec has kissed me a once or twice before, but those were pecks on the lips and were mostly to annoy me. But this kiss, this kiss was something else entirely. I felt it not only in my mouth but in other parts of my body as well.

  "Alec, stop," I mumbled into his mouth.

  He lifted his hands from my waist and placed them on the side of my face, holding me in place connected to him. He applied more pressure to the kiss, and swirled his tongue around mine, thoroughly kissing me. My hands were frozen on his bare biceps and I don't know whether my grip was to keep him from getting closer to me or to keep him from moving away from me.

  I felt him pull back from me, and the little nip he gave to my bottom lip was the jolt I needed to come back down to Earth, because after that kiss I was somewhere miles away.

  "Keela?" Alec whispered.

  My eyes were still closed as I hummed in response.

  "I don't like the word 'stop', but I do like hearing you say my name."

  I blinked my eyes open and through my thoroughly kissed daze, I smiled.

  "You're a really good kisser."

  Alec laughed and kissed my forehead. "Kitten, you have no idea. Just wait till I get you back to our room."

  I blinked and snorted at his cockiness.

  "You're a good kisser, a really good kisser, but don't think that will be enough to get me into bed."

  Alec winked. "We sleep in the same bed."

  I playfully swatted his shoulder. "You know what I mean."

  Alec chuckled. "Yeah I know, and I already accepted that challenge back home. As you just found out, I'm very good at completing challenges."

  I raised my eyebrow. "What challenge did you just complete?"

  "I convinced you that I like you."

  He did?

  I rolled my eyes. "You convinced me that you're a good kisser, that doesn't mean you like me."

  "I'm here pretending to be your boyfriend with the possibility of getting zero benefits from you. Trust me kitten, I like you. I like you a whole lottle, remember?"

  I groaned. "You should not be able to say things like that."



  "Because it's too bloody cute, that's why."

  Alec smiled. "Yeah? Well, it's true."

  I was wary, I wanted to believe that someone like Alec could even remotely think of liking someone like me, but I couldn't because my mind and heart wouldn't allow me to.

  "Yeah, yeah, Romeo."

  Alec frowned at me. "Why do you do that?"

  "Do what?"

  "Play off what I say to you as if it's a bunch of lies? I'm a very honest person Keela. If I say I like you, then I fucking like you!"

  I jumped with fright and took a step back as my eyes filled with tears. "Why are you shoutin' at me?"

  "Because I don't like that you think I'm playing you. I'm not, I'd tell you if I was."

  I forced my tears not to fall as I narrowed my eyes. "You aren't playing me? Did you or did you not tell me that while you were here it wasn't for romance, but only for you to fuck me?"

  Alec set his jaw and glared down at me. "I did say that, but that was before I knew you."

  "You don't know me Alec, you've been in my life a few fuckin' days."

  "Is a few days not enough to know someone? I already know you kitten. You're moody in the mornings, afternoons and sometimes in the evenings. You wet your toothbrush after you apply the paste, which is weird by the way. You like One Direction way too much for a grown woman, their song "Little Things" is your favourite. I know that because you have played it more than any of their other songs. You want to be really skinny but love food too much to fully stick to the diet you're on. Coronation Street, and Eastenders, are your favourite soap operas, I know that because you set your Sky box to record all the episodes that you will miss while you're here. You love Storm like a mother loves her child, and really hate when Aideen calls him names. You also love Aideen like a sister and cherish her friendship. I've studied you Keela, I know you."

  I stared at Alec for a moment before I said, "Knowin' me routine doesn't mean you know me."

  "I know you not just your routine. I probably don't know how many cousins you have, what your mother's maiden name is or who your first kiss was, but I do know the little things that make you who you are. You bite your fingernails when you're nervous, you talk to yourself and answer yourself when you think no one is listening, you make up your own lyrics when singing along to songs you don't know, and cry easily when people shout at you."

  I blinked, still trying to hold my tears back. "I do not."

  "You're also the most stubborn human on the planet."

  "No, I'm not... you are," I mumbled and then sniffled.

  I was going to cry.

  I was actually going to cry in a tattoo parlour because Alec listed shite I didn't know he knew about me.

  I was a mess, a colossal mess.

  "Why are you upset?"

  "Because you being very deep right now with all this 'lottle and like' talk, Can’t we just talk about this some other time?"

  Alec eyed me, but nodded his head. "Okay."

  "Thank you."

  "You and your girl finished, mon?" Ink God called out.

  I flushed with embarrassment and quickly wiped my eyes with the back of my hands.

  "Yeah bro, we're good," Alec said then turned and moved back over towards Ink God.

  I followed silently, making sure my eyes never landed on either man, but instead roamed around the parlour. I looked over my shoulder when the door of the parlour open and in walked four girls. The oldest looked to be about twenty.

  I moved away from Alec and walked towards the large sofa across the room. I wasn't really interested in listening to Alec and Ink God hammer out a design for Alec's tattoo. I sat on the chair and inwardly groaned because it was the definition of comfortable.

  "Look at him."

  I looked to my left and raised my eyebrows.

  All four of the girl's eyes were on Alec and it was then that I realised he was still shirtless. I narrowed my eyes at the group and folded my arms across my chest.

  "He is so fit," one of the girls whispered.

  "Fit doesn't do him justice, he is bloody stunning," another one whispered then giggled.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Of course they would have to be English. I think they were from London based on their accents and that didn't make me feel better, because not only were they all really pretty, but their accents were really cool and nice to listen to.

  When Alec and Ink God were done talking, Alec turned and looked for me but when he found the girls in my place, he smiled. It wasn't a suggestive smile either it was a polite smile.

  "Hey ladies."

  "Hey," four voices sang in unison.

  Fucking bitches.

  "Have you seen my girlfriend?" Alec asked.

  My eyebrows jumped up to my hairline.

  "Girlfriend?" the girls repeated dolefully.

  Each girl looked around then and their eyes soon landed on mine, they looked at me with me envy... and I liked it.

  "I'm here," I said, waving to Alec who looked over the girls and to me.

  He smiled and held out his hand. "
What are you doing back there? Come on, you wanted to come into the room while I get this done, right?"

  I nodded my head and got up from the settee. I walked towards Alec and was surprised when the four girls separated and allowed me to walk through them.

  "Me legs got tired," I said when I took his outstretched hand and interlocked it with mine.

  "I'm not surprised, they probably weigh her down."

  I felt my jaw drop open as I let go of Alec and spun around.

  "Which one of you said that?" I snapped and took a step forward only to be lifted backwards when arms closed around me.

  "Easy, kitten."

  I struggled in Alec's arm as he turned and walked off into the back of the parlour with me in his arms.

  "Don't tell me to take it fuckin' easy, she basically just called me fat!"

  "And it was a stupid thing to say considering you aren't fat. If you were fat I wouldn't be able to carry you."

  "Bullshit! You have arms the size of a tank, you can easily lift heavy things."

  Alec laughed. "Okay, that's true, but I can't hold them for long periods of time and I'm perfectly fine with carrying you right now."

  I grunted and gently smacked at Alec’s arms and it caused him sigh and set me down on the ground like I wanted.

  "Fat or not, what one of those slappers," I shouted the word 'slappers' loud so said slappers could hear me, "said was just uncalled for, and fuckin' mean. I would never call somebody names like that."

  "You called me names when you first met me."

  I screeched and pushed on his shoulders. "You were a pervert and you baited me! Wait, whose fuckin' side are you on here anyway?"

  Alec grinned mischievously. "Yours, always yours."

  I regarded him. "Good answer."

  Alec bit down on his lower lip, grinned then leaned down to kiss me. I allowed him to do so because I wanted to kiss him again, but as his lips touched mine he made his eyes cross and it caused me to burst out laughing.

  "Do you take anythin' serious?" I asked.

  Alec snaked his arm around my waist and used his free hand to grab my behind.


  I cast my eyes downwards as a sly smile curved around my mouth.

  "Why do you take me seriously, Alec?"

  Alec squeezed me. "Because you're my girl."

  I bit down on my lower lip so hard that it hurt, I did that so I wouldn't smile with delight at hearing Alec call me his girl. It made me happy, and it shouldn't. We weren't a real couple, and we both had to remember that.