Read Alec Page 18

  "I can see you fighting a battle against me in your head and I'm putting a stop to it right now. What do you say to this; instead of us being fake let's be real, okay? Let's really be a couple for this vacation and feel whatever we feel."

  I laughed. "Are you serious?"

  "Serious as a heart attack."

  I looked up into Alec's blue eyes and focused. "Is this another ruse to get into me knickers?"


  I smiled, hoping to draw out a laugh from Alec indicating he was playing with me but he face remained expressionless.

  "You really are serious, aren't you?"

  "I said I was a serious as a heart attack, how much more serious can I be?" he asked.


  "I don't know what you want me to say."

  "Say you'll be my girlfriend."

  "Have you ever asked someone to be your girlfriend before?"

  "No, I've never had a girlfriend."

  I swallowed. "And you want me to be your first?"

  Alec laughed. "Yeah, I want you to be my first. Will you be my girlfriend?"

  This felt weird, not bad weird, but not good weird either.

  I wanted to shoot him down and say no, but I thought about what Aideen said to me on the phone and realised she was dead right. Alec was here to help me so I should let him and for him to help me I'd have to bend - not literally - to him and meet him half way.



  "Yeah, really."

  Alec furrowed his eyebrows. "Who are you and what have you done with Keela?"

  I laughed. "I'm not goin' to fight you on this."

  Alec raised his eyebrows then glanced around the room. "Am I being punked?"

  I laughed. "No, I'm just agreein' to be your girlfriend."

  "For real, no joke?"

  "No joke."

  Alec looked liked he was both happy as well as confused.

  "Well, okay then. We're a couple."

  "We're indeed."

  "Will you let me get to second base before we go to bed now that we're dating for real?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Just go get your tattoo before I change me mind, you dirty fuck."

  Alec waggled his eyebrows. "I'd give you a dirty fuck, kitten."

  I grinned. "I don't like bein' dirty, I'm clearly a good girl."

  Alec snorted, then turned around and walked in the direction of the room Ink God disappeared into. He stopped by the door though and looked over his shoulder as he said, "There is no such thing as a good girl, kitten. Good girls are just bad girls who haven't been caught."

  He disappeared into the room and left me staring at the spot where he stood moments ago. I licked my lips, balled my hands into fists and forced myself to ignore the shivers that Alec's words caused to shoot up my spine.

  I hated that a simple sentence from him could cause me to overthink and feel so... turned on.

  "Are you coming, kitten?" Alec called out, his tone welcoming.

  Well, fuck.

  If he wanted to mess with my head with his alluring voice and body, damn him I would do the same!

  "Yeah," I replied with a firm nod, "I'm comin'."

  "I lost Alec."

  "How the fuck can you lose a six foot four God?" Aideen asked me, her tone bemused.

  I could imagine her confused face as I switched my phone to my right ear.

  I shrugged my shoulders as I walked in the direction of my hotel. "We were in a tattoo parlour and he was gettin' inked and it took ages, a lot longer than the tattoo man said. I got bored and decided to go out to the market to have a look around but when I got back to the parlour he was gone. The man who tattooed him said Alec had finished getting his tattoo and went to look for me. I couldn't find him when I went back to the market so figured I'd go back to the hotel, and we'd meet up when he comes back."

  Aideen clicked her tongue. "You can't ever sit still, can you?"

  I scrunched my face up in annoyance. "Eh, hello, it was borin'! I was just sittin' there while Alec was gettin' a tattoo so sue me for goin' for a walk. I told him I would be back soon so technically it's his fault for not stayin' put."

  "You'd say anythin' to put the blame on him."

  I felt my jaw drop open.

  What was she, Alec's cheerleader?

  "Either you're hard up for me fella, or you are sidin' with him to piss me off."

  "Your fella? Since when is he your fella? I thought all this was fake, or was there another reason you have been stressin' that fact since he agreed to help you?"

  I rolled my eyes. "Who pissed in your cornflakes? He is me fella since an hour ago when he asked me to be his girlfriend for real. It might only last until we get back home but he asked me and I said yes, so there you go."

  "Are you jokin'?"

  I shook my head. "Do I sound like I'm jokin'?"

  "I can't tell, you're sarcastic ninety-nine point nine percent of the time."

  I felt a small grin curve around my mouth. "Well, this is the point one percent of the time that I am bein' serious."

  "Fuck. Off!"

  I laughed. "That's not nice."

  "Are you really fuckin' serious? Don't play with me."

  I covered my mouth to smoother my laughter.

  "I'm not playin', I swear on Storm's life."

  Aideen gasped. "Oh my God!"

  "I know!"

  "I told you he liked you. Didn't I tell you?"

  I nodded my head even though she couldn't see me. "Yeah, you told me."

  "I fuckin' love bein' right!"

  I snorted and quickly lowered my head as I passed the doorman on the way into my hotel so he couldn't hear the unlady like sounds that were coming out of my mouth. However, keeping my head down cut off my vision of what was in front of me so when I literally walked head first into somebody, I didn't see coming.

  "Ow!" I yelped as I fell back and landed on my arse with a thud.

  My head stung from knocking it off the body in front of me but the real pain was in my behind, the concrete floor that kissed my arse saw to that.

  "Fuck! I'm sorry, are you okay?"

  I froze.

  All the pain in my head and behind fell away when I heard that voice.

  I knew that voice.

  I hated that fucking voice with every fiber in my body.

  I removed my hand from my throbbing head, and looked up.

  Jason Bane was staring back down at me and when his eyes landed on my face they widened ever so slightly indicating he recognised me. That look vanished as quickly as it appeared though and what replaced it caused me to curl my lip in disgust.

  Jason grinned down at me looking smug as fuck.

  "Keela, you made it... here let me help you up-"

  "If you touch me, I swear to God I will go fuckin' crazy!"

  Jason's flashed his pearly whites as he smiled at me stumbling up onto my feet.

  I cleared my throat and once I got my balance I quickly bent down to pick up my phone. The screen was back on my home screen which told me my call to Aideen had been disconnected. But I didn't want to show any sort of emotion in front of Jason so I bit my inner cheeks and shoved my way past him.

  "Damn it Keela, don't be like this-"

  "I'm not bein' like anythin', I'm goin' to me room. Now fuck off."

  I slapped my hand against the lift button and angrily folded my arms across my chest and muttered obscenities.

  Why did I have to bump into Jason of all people, and why did it have to be at a time when Alec wasn't next to me?

  I tensed up when Jason's came up beside me. "That's just rude, I'm only tryin' to make sure you're okay. Come on gorgeous, don't be mad at me still. I've said sorry for what I did."

  No. He. Did. Not.

  How dare he mention it.

  How dare he call me gorgeous.

  How fucking dare he think saying sorry suffices what he did to me!

  "You think sayin' sorry makes up for what you did to me, you fuckin' scum bag? I s
wear on all that is good in this world that if you don't turn and walk away, I will put me fist down your throat."

  Jason's chuckle didn't help douse my rising temper, it only added fuel the flames.

  "I've never seen you this... heated before. I kind of like it."

  "Go and fuck yourself!" I spat, and surged forward when the lift doors open.

  The people who were in the lift glared at me when I shoved into them as they exited the steel box. I repeatedly pressed onto the button for my floor, but when Jason got into the lift and the doors started to close I tried to get out. The bastard moved in front of me and blocked my path.

  "What are you doin'? Move!"

  The doors of the lift closed as Jason frowned down at me. "Keela, please. Can we talk?"

  I humourlessly laughed. "You can talk to yourself because I don't care for a single word that leaves your mouth."

  "People make mistakes every day, Keela. Are you goin' to hate me forever for makin' a mistake?"

  Was he serious?

  "Yes, Jason, hatin' you forever is exactly what I intend to do."

  Jason shook his head and stepped forward. "You hate what I did, you don't hate me."

  I took a step back. "No, I'm pretty sure I hate you and what you did."

  He took another step forward. "Are you sure about that?"

  I stepped back, and jumped with fright when my back hit the wall of the lift.

  "Yes, I'm sure."

  Jason stepped forward again until his chest was a hair's breadth away from being pressed to mine. He placed his hands on either side of my head and leaned down.

  "I don't think so. I think you're hurt and upset, which you have every right to be, but I don't think you hate me. I think you still love me, isn't that right gorgeous?"

  The doors of the elevator opened on my floor, and no one got on or off so the doors shut and head back down to the lobby leaving me alone with Jason, again.

  I swallowed. "Don't call me that. Please, just get away from me."

  "You didn't answer me question."

  I turned my head to the left and looked away from Jason's face. "I don't love you. I love me boyfriend, who is no shape or form you. He is a real man who takes care of his woman."

  Jason, who was in the middle of moving his face down to my neck, froze when I finished speaking.

  "You have a boyfriend?" he asked.

  "Yeah, I have a boyfriend."

  Jason raised his head and used his left hand to grip my chin and turn my head to face him. The smile on his face caused me to narrow my eyes.

  "I must say gorgeous, I'm very impressed. You plucked up the courage to come to me weddin', and also brought along a boyfriend."

  I rolled my eyes. "I'm only here because I'd rather put up with your disgustin' self and me slutty cousin, rather than listen to me ma moan for the rest of me life."

  Jason laughed. "Glad to see you still have your sense of humour."

  Sense of humour?

  I was being dead serious with him.

  "Why are you so close to me? Back off."

  Jason raised his brows. "Once upon a time you loved me bein' this close to you. You loved me gettin' close to you and whisperin' dirty things to you, it always resulted in you fuckin' me."

  I shivered in disgust.

  "That was the past. You only repulse me now, Jason."

  If he was insulted, he didn't express it.

  Jason smiled. "Tell me about your lad."

  "Why?" I questioned.

  "Because I want to know the name of the lad whose girl I'll be fuckin' throughout this week."

  I felt my jaw drop open just as the doors to the lift opened.

  "You're unbelievable! Stay the hell away from me!"

  "And if I don't?" Jason asked, a smug grin plastered on his face.

  "If you don't-"

  "If you don't, I'll kick your fucking ass."

  I jumped like a fish out of water and quickly put all my strength into pushing Jason away from me. Jason moved, but did it with a lazy attitude.

  When I moved away from Jason I stared at Alec who was focused on Jason with his eyes narrowed to slits. I moved forward, and when I was close for him to do so, Alec took me by the arm and gently put me behind his back.

  "I don't personally know you, but my brothers know you, and they don't like you. My girl knows you, and she doesn't like you. From what I've seen and heard from you, I don't like you very much either. So here is how this is going to go down, you're going to go about your business during this trip and stay the fuck away from my girlfriend. If you don't, I'm going to enjoy making you sorry. Do you understand me, kid?"

  "Who are you brothers?" Jason asked.

  "Dominic and Damien Slater."


  I peeked my head out from behind Alec and looked to Jason who was glaring at Alec, he flicked his eyes down to me and snarled, "You're with a Slater?"

  He spat out the word 'Slater' like it left a bad taste in his mouth.

  "His name is Alec, and yes, I am with him."

  Jason glared at me until Alec moved, and blocked me with his body.

  "Eyes on me you little shit, only me."

  "Little? Are you fucking with me? What about me is little?"

  "According to my girl, your cock."

  I covered my mouth as an unexpected laugh escaped it.

  "Fuck you, man!" Jason snapped.

  I lowered my arms, and put them around Alec's waist then popped my head out from behind him and said, "That's my job."

  Alec laughed as Jason leaned over and hit a button inside the elevator. He glared at us both until the lift doors closed. I blew out a large breath and removed my arms from around Alec so he could turn to face me.

  "You go off on your own for five minutes and somehow end up in close quarters with your ex... I can't bring you anywhere, can I?"

  I smiled at Alec. "Bite me."

  Alec waggled his eyebrows. "Anytime, sweetheart."

  I stuck out my tongue, trying to be funny, but Alec dipped his head and latched onto my tongue with his teeth before I could pull away.

  "I was okin', d-hon' yew bi meh."

  Alec gave me a little nip then let go of my tongue and laughed before he gave me a long closed mouthed kiss.

  "You're too cute."

  I swirled my tongue around my mouth before I rolled my eyes.

  "I'm a lot of things buddy, and cute isn't one of them."

  I pressed the button for the lift, and folded my arms across my chest while Alec put his arm around my shoulders and chuckled. "I can't wait to meet everyone that is attending this wedding."

  I looked at him, bemused. "Why? None of them like me and that means that won't like you... They will probably try to make this week hell for us."

  "Exactly, it will make things even more interesting."

  I stepped into the lift with Alec when the doors opened and smiled when I thought about how Alec could actually make everything with my family, and Jason's, interesting. I didn't share his enthusiasm on the subject, but I couldn't deny that it would be an interesting week.

  A damn interesting week.

  When I opened my eyes on the third morning of our trip to the Bahamas, a nipple was practically pressed into my left eye socket. I peeled my face away from the hard chest I was lying on, and looked upwards.

  Alec was still asleep, but he was starting to stir thanks to my movement.

  "Alec," I muttered. "Wake up."

  He did and noticed how close we were. My leg was in-between his, and I was half on him and half on the bed while wearing a t-shirt and pyjama shorts.

  He raised his eyebrow at me and I shrugged because I could think of nothing else to do.

  Alec grinned. "I didn't know you were the type of girl to crawl on top a guy when she wanted him."

  I rolled my eyes at his teasing and said, "You don't know what type of girl I am, playboy."

  Alec poked me in the cheek with his nose and said, "Tell me then, what type of gi
rl are you?"

  I thought about it for a moment then murmured, "A realistic one."

  Alec smiled. "I could have guessed that, kitten."

  I shyly smiled then moved back from Alec and snuggled into my pillow. He remained on his side, looking at me so I took the opportunity to ask him something that had been on my mind since I found out what his old job was.

  "What was it like bein' an escort?" I asked.

  Alec eyes widened a little before a scowl took over. "You mean with the sex, and money-"

  "No," I cut him off. "I mean was it a fulfillin' job or a lonely one?"

  Alec stared at me for about twenty seconds without responding. I was about to say something when he suddenly cleared his throat and said, "No one has asked me that before."

  I frowned. "Really? Not even your brothers?"

  Alec smiled. "We don't talk about our jobs to each other, we never talk about business when we're together."

  "Why not?"

  "Because business is all we ever heard about growing up, so when we're together we leave it out of our conversations. Some things from work may still be on our minds, but we don't bring that shit into our house."


  "This may seem stupid, but if you ever want to talk to me about anythin' you can. Aideen says I'm a good listener."

  Alec looked at me, his eyes unblinking as he said, "Thanks kitten, I'll keep that in mind."

  I smiled.

  "So, what type of job was it?"

  Alec cast his eyes down and chewed on his lower lip, he didn't looked at me as he said, “I guess it was a lonely one. I don't want to sound pathetic, because most of the time is was great. I got wined and dined on by some very wealthy and important people. I even got laid a hell of a lot, but because I was an escort nobody ever really treated me like a person. I was treated more like an object. I like money, and I really like sex but I like conversing with people too and that rarely happened unless they wanted dirty talk while I was fucking them."

  My heart broke.

  It literally broke in two.

  "Alec," I whispered. "Why would keep a job like that? The pros of that job do not outweigh the cons. If I knew you back when you still had that job I would slap the shite out of you!"