Read Alec Page 21

  Ryder sighed. "Go to bed man, you have a fever and shouldn't be up."

  "Yes mother," Kane grinned.

  Ryder shook his head. "It's your funeral, when Branna comes back and sees you're up she will hurt you and then she’ll hurt me for not keeping you in bed."

  I snorted, Branna and her sister ruled the brothers.

  "Alright, alright. I'm going back to bed, keep your panties on. Hey Keela, I'll talk to you soon sweetheart and you too, bro."

  "Love you, man," Alec said.

  Kane snorted. "Love you too, bumboy."

  Alec snickered and Ryder grinned as he shook his head and took Kane's phone from him. I rolled my eyes, brothers called each other the weirdest names.

  "Did you make him go the doctor?" Alec asked Ryder.

  "Nah, he is sure it's the flu. He has a fever, a cough and is sweating like a pig, he'll be fine in a few days. You know he is loving all the attention from the girls. He pretended to pass out this morning just so Branna would lie down with him in his bed, the bastard."

  I burst out laughing. "He is funny."

  "He likes to think so."

  "How is everything else, good?" Alec asked Ryder.

  Ryder nodded his head. "It's good man, things are quiet just the way we like them."

  "Good, that's very good."

  I had no clue what Ryder and Alec were talking about so I looked down at my nails and began picking dirt out of them. I was momentarily disgusted because for someone who had short nails, I always had loads of dirt under the damn things.

  "I have to go let Tyson out in the yard for awhile. The pup isn't house broken yet so I have to do it since Kane has gone back to bed."

  I looked up and awed, "You're doggy sittin'? That's adorable."

  Ryder narrowed his eyes at me and said, "You're lucky you're cute, Keela."

  I threw my free hand up in the air. "I'm not cute, why do people keep sayin' that to me!"

  Ryder laughed. "Have fun you two... but not too much."

  Alec chuckled. "Bye bro, love you."

  "Love you, too. Bye, cutie."

  "I'm goin' to cut you when I get back home."

  Ryder hung up laughing at me.

  I looked at Alec who made a show out of looking up at the huge umbrella that shaded us from the sun, but he didn't have to go through the trouble of hiding his smile, I could still see it on his handsome face.

  "Your family is crazy."

  Alec looked down at me and nodded his head. "I know."

  I chewed on my lip as I reached down to my beach bag and pulled out my own iPhone 5.

  "You could just use my phone to call Aideen."

  I snorted. "You would give her number to Kane."

  Alec gasped, "I would never."

  I gave him a 'really' look, which made him shrug his shoulders.

  "Okay, I probably would give it to him."

  I snapped my fingers. "Exactly."

  I pulled up FaceTime on my phone and selected Aideen from my contacts.

  After a few rings she answered.

  "I hate your devil creature."

  Do people not just answer the phone with a 'hello?' anymore?

  "Also, thanks for hangin' up on me last night, bitch."

  I winced. "I can explain about that."


  "I can."

  Aideen rolled his eyes then muttered about how much she hated Storm again.

  I sighed. "What's wrong now?"

  "He sat on the remote and deleted me recordin' of Keepin' up with the Kardashians."

  I looked at Alec who was looking at the screen of my phone with an odd look on his face.

  "It was clearly an accident," I said, looking back to my phone.

  "Nothin' is an accident when it comes to that animal," Aideen spat.

  Jesus, give me patience.

  "Maybe he was fed up listening to Kim's annoying voice," Alec suggested with a sly grin on his face.

  Aideen got that 'oh no he didn't look' on her face.

  "Are you serious? Her voice isn't annoyin'!"

  Aideen loved Kim Kardashian.

  Alec scratched his head. "Damn Ado, it's a joke not a dick, don't take it so hard."

  I gave my phone to Alec to hold as I burst out laughing and clapped my hands together which I'm sure made me look like a demented seal.

  "What are you laughin' at?"

  I coughed and rubbed my face. "Me? Nothin', nothin' at all."

  Alec chuckled and put his arm around my shoulders, I looked at him and smiled.

  "Oh my God. You shagged him! You fuckin' shagged him!"

  I hurt my neck turning my head so fast back to glare at the screen.

  "Lower your bleedin' voice, we didn't have sex!" I hissed to Aideen and quickly rubbed my neck with my hand.

  Aideen narrowed her eyes. "I don't believe you! Somethin' is different about you."

  I sighed and looked at Alec when he nudged me, he waggled his eyebrows at me which only caused me to groan.

  "We did some... stuff, but not sex."

  Aideen squealed. "Kane owes me a tenner."

  I stared at Aideen, slack-jawed while Alec cracked up laughing beside me.

  "You bloody traitor! You took part in a bet about how long it took me to buck Alec?"

  Aideen snorted. "Please, who do you think came up with the idea?"

  Oh my God!

  She came up with the idea?

  Some best friend she is!

  "You're so dead when I get me hands on you!"

  Aideen stuck her tongue out. "Come and get me, mama."

  She defined what a bitch was.

  "I can't believe you. You can kiss your cover goodbye because the next time I talk to Kane I'm tellin' him how much of a big, fat, cock lover you really are!"

  Aideen gasped. "You wouldn't!"

  "I would, blow job lips, trust me."

  Aideen covered her mouth and screeched.

  "You promise not to call me that anymore!"

  I smirked when I looked over to find Alec was in a fit of laughter next to me.

  "Please..." he laughed, "continue!"

  I looked back at Aideen who was fuming but silent.

  Just the way I liked it.

  "You're evil," she hissed at me.

  I grinned. "I was raised by the Devil, I picked up few things up."

  "I'll say," Aideen muttered.

  I chuckled. "I miss you."

  "I miss you, too. Has anythin' happened? Besides hanky-panky with one of the Slater God’s of course."

  "Slater God," Alec snorted.

  I ignored him and nodded my head to Aideen.

  "Guess who I ran into last night."

  Aideen chewed on her lower lip for a moment then guessed, "Micah?"

  I shook my head and said, "The bastard himself."

  Aideen gasped. "No!"



  "I know."



  "When you say you ran into him, do you mean literally or-"


  Aideen snorted. "I expect no less from your clumsy arse."

  I grinned. "Do you want to hear the best part of the run in?"

  "There is a best part?"

  I smiled. "Oh yes."

  Aideen frowned. "Spit it out then, don't leave me suspense."

  I cleared my throat and said, "Alec threatened to kick his arse if he didn't stay away from me. Jason was pissed, but you should have seen his face when he found out Alec was a Slater. It was priceless! He was all like, 'You're with a Slater?!' He practically spit when he said Slater."

  I burst out laughing and slapped my leg in delight.

  "You should have recorded it, I would pay good money to have seen his face!"

  I nodded my head. "I'd love to see it again."

  "Eh, you will. Whenever he sees you with Alec, he will get a stupid angry look on his face and it serves the usin' bastard right."

  I snapped my fingers.
"Amen, sister."

  "Oh man, I need to hang out with some guys," Alec groaned from my left.

  I looked at him as he scrubbed his face with his hands.

  "So leave, I'm not keepin' you next to me."

  Alec looked down to my legs that were resting over his. I raised my eyebrows because I was shocked, I didn't even notice that I put them there.

  "You're my leg rest it appears."

  Alec looked at me, his blue eyes shining. "I don't mind."

  "Oh my God. Puke. You're more attractive when you're bein' a dick."

  I chuckled and looked at Aideen who was now yawning.

  "Late night?"

  Aideen shrugged. "It's nearly ten in the mornin' here, but I didn't get to sleep till around five. Storm kicked me to death last night and no matter how many times I pulled him out to the sofa, he always snuck back into the room. Your dog can open doors Keela, that's fucked up."

  I chuckled. "That's me baby."

  Aideen rolled her eyes then widened them as she looked past me and Alec.

  "Oh, shite."

  "What?" I asked.

  "Look over your shoulder."

  I furrowed my eyebrows, but did as Aideen said and looked over my shoulder. I instantly hunched down when I spotted who Aideen had spotted.

  "She has her cousins with her from her ma's side, I can't face her with them there."

  Aideen's face came closer to the camera. "You can, and you will. You have Alec and he has your back, right?"

  I looked to Alec, expecting him to back me up, but his head was turned in the direction of my cousin.

  "I'm guessing that's Micah? Damn, she looks nothing like I thought."

  I shoved him. "Hey, pick a side, hers or mine."

  Alec held his hands up in the air when he turned back to me. "Yours, always yours."

  "Oh my God. You're so cute that it's disgustin'."

  Alec looked at my phone and touched his chest with his hand. "Thank you, Aideen."

  Aideen pumped her eyebrows. "Anytime, hot lips."

  I groaned. "Both of you shut up, what am I goin' to do about Micah?"

  "Say hello," Aideen said then scratched her neck.

  Huh? I know I wanted to get seeing everyone out of the way, but why did I have to be the one to say hello?

  "What? Why would I say hello to Micah?"

  "Because I'm standin' behind you, cuz."

  I dropped my phone to my lap and froze.

  Micah was behind me.

  Holy fuck, Micah was behind me!

  "Aren't you goin' to give me a hug, cuz?"

  I cringed as I forced myself to get to my feet. I hung up on Aideen, and even though I knew she would give me shite about out about it later, I had to because Aideen has no filter when she speaks. She also hates Micah so it was guaranteed that she would have at least cursed at her and I didn't want that because I was the one in close quarters to her.

  I blew out a breath as I turned to face Micah.

  I was glad that I was wearing sunglasses because Micah wouldn't have been able to see the way my eyes widened when I saw her. She looked incredible; her hair was as red as mine, her skin was lightly tanned, and her figured was fucking amazing.

  "Hey Mi, you look great."

  I leaned forward and put my arms around my younger cousin, giving her a squeeze.

  "You too Kay, you lost weight."

  I flushed. "Yeah, a bit."

  Almost three stone, but who’s counting?

  "More than a bit, you were huge when I last saw you."

  I set my jaw. "Yeah, I know."

  Micah smiled. "I'm glad you could come, Kay. I know this might be awkward for you after everythin' that happened but I'm glad you're here. I know Jason is too."

  Yeah, we know why he is happy I am here, the dirty bastard.

  "I'm happy too, we can put all that happened behind us."


  Micah’s two cousins chuckled then which earned a smirk from Micah.

  "Your ma said you were here with a boyfriend. Where is he? I'd like to meet him."

  Oh, fuck yes!

  I could tell she thought my mother was lying about me having a boyfriend - her tone and smug look gave it away.

  I was on the verge of bursting with joy when I stepped to the left and turned to my side, gesturing to Alec as I did. He was turned around and watching my encounter with Micah, but when I moved and gave the girls a clear view of him, he stood up from his sun chair and turned to face us.

  He had on a pair of knee length shorts and that was it.

  Seeing him shirtless would usually irked me, but right now I couldn't have been happier with him being half naked.

  "This is Alec Slater, me boyfriend. Alec, this is me cousin Micah, it's her weddin' we're here for."

  Alec smiled, his dimples creasing his cheeks, and I took the opportunity to look at Micah and her cousins. I wanted to do a happy dance because the three of them of them stared at Alec with their mouth's hanging open.

  He’d rendered them speechless.


  "Ladies, nice to meet you."


  I looked down as I smugly smiled.

  This was fucking perfect.

  I looked up as a throat was cleared.

  "I'm Kerry, and this is me sister, Clare. We're Micah's cousins from her ma's side of the family.

  I flicked my eyes to Kerry Brennan, then to her twin sister Clare. The Brennan twins weren't identical, but the bitches were both blessed with pretty as can be genes. They both had huge tits as well.

  "Nice to meet you both, I'm this little one's boyfriend."

  I smiled when Alec put his arm around my shoulder and pulled me to his side.

  I chuckled when I looked at Micah who was flicking her eyes between myself and Alec, the shock plain as day on her face. "Alec Slater, as in Dominic and Damien Slater's brother?"

  "Yeah, they are my little brothers."

  Micah's eye twitched. "I went to school with your brothers."

  "I know, they told me all about you... so did Bronagh."

  I bit down on my lip when Micah's face went red, but not with embarrassment, with anger.

  "I see, well, it's nice to meet you. I think I've seen you around me estate a few times, it's good to meet you in person, thanks for comin'."

  Alec smiled. "No prob, I'm happy to be here. Congratulations by the way, marrying your high school sweetheart, that's cute."


  I snorted, but covered it up with a cough.

  Nothing about Jason and Micah were cute. They were a sexy couple, a mean couple, a fucked up couple, but not a cute couple.

  "Thanks, we're happy. Have you seen Jason yet, Keela?"

  I looked to Micah when she said my name and nodded my head. "Yeah, I bumped into him last night. He seemed... happy I could make the weddin'."

  Micah smirked. "Yeah, he really is thrilled you can be here, we both are."

  Yeah, right, like I believe that.

  "I'm thrilled to be here. I still can't believe you're both gettin' married, it's crazy."

  Micah grinned. "It's weird how things worked out, right?"

  Why was she grinning?

  "Yeah, and in the Bahamas of all places."

  Micah shrugged. "Yeah, the weather isn't reliable back home and I love it here. I came twice when attendin' weddings before, it's perfect."

  I smiled. "It's beautiful, you made a good choice."

  "I know."


  "So, the weddin' is on Friday, are there any parties or dinners we have to attend?"

  "There is a welcome dinner tonight followed by a party. Most of the guests arrived last week. Your ma will be the last to arrive on Thursday."

  I nodded my head. "Sorry I didn't know about the schedule, I only found out about the weddin' at the last minute. Me ma arranged everythin' for us to come out here."

  Micah waved me off. "It's grand, you aren't the only one gettin' used to things. I still fo
rget when and where I have to be, me ma has to remind me."

  Her ma?


  "How is Everly? I haven't seen 'er in ages."

  Micah shrugged her shoulders and grinned, "You know me ma, she doesn't change."


  "Yeah," I said, forcing a chuckle.

  "So," Micah said and gestured between Alec and myself. "How long are you two together."

  My mind went blank.

  Fuck, how long did Alec say we were dating when he was talking to my ma?

  "Three months, and a few days give or take," Alec answered Micah and gave my side a little squeeze.

  "Is it serious?" Micah asked Alec, staring directly at him without blinking.

  It freaked me out a little.

  "We live together, so yeah it's serious."

  "Lucky bitch," Kerry muttered under her breath, but I caught it and it made me smile.

  "I'm happy for you both," Micah said, her face expressionless.

  Yeah, you look happy for us.

  "Thanks," I smiled and gave Alec's delectable body a squeeze.

  "Well, I'll see you both later at the welcome dinner, it starts at seven in the ball room of the hotel."

  I saluted Micah. "We'll be there."

  Micah nodded her head, smiled then turned and walked in the direction of the free sun chairs on the opposite side of the swimming pool. Kerry and Clare moved slowly making sure they took in all of Alec's body along the way. I suddenly felt possessive of his body, so I flattened my palm across Alec's stomach then slide it downwards until it was over his groin. I squeezed his softened member making him yelp and me laugh at the Brennan sisters who were now stalking after Micah looking pissed off.

  "Can I have my cock back, please?" Alec hissed.

  I loosened my grip on his penis and gave it a few strokes, which caused Alec to look down at me with widened eyes.

  "What are you doing?" Alec asked.

  I smiled. "Makin' Micah's cousins jealous."

  Alec put his hand on my arm and pulled until my hand was back on his stomach. "You making them jealous is making me hard, have a heart and leave my cock alone."

  I snorted then got up on my tiptoes and puckered my lips.

  Alec smirked as he lowered his head and touched his lips to mine before he slid his arms around my waist and held me in front of him while he kissed me.

  "You're so sweet," he murmured onto my mouth.

  I licked my lips and said, "Strawberry lipgloss."

  Alec licked his own lips and hummed.

  "I like it."