Read Alec Page 22

  I smiled. "Let's go back to our room?"

  "For sex?" Alec asked, his tone hopeful.

  Yeah, I wasn't caving that easily... not on full vagina penetration anyway.

  "No, so we can decide on what I should wear to the dinner party tonight. It will be the first time I see everyone together and I want to look good."

  "If you want to show everyone how hot you are, go naked, that'd make me stop and stare."

  I stared at Alec with creased eyebrows. "You should really think before you speak, a lot of the time sayin' nothin' is really the best option."

  Alec cheerfully smiled like what I just said didn't bother him.

  I grabbed his hand and pulled. "Come, let's go."

  "What? Now?" Alec stared at me in horror. "It's only the afternoon... will deciding what to wear take hours?"

  Was he joking?

  "To find the right outfit? Yeah!"

  Alec let go of me and lifted his hands to his face. "I don't like giving opinions on clothes, I never give the right ones and always end up pissing somebody off."

  I gave his shoulder a sympathetic pat with my free hand.

  "It will be fine, I won't get mad."

  Alec looked down at me, his eyes sceptical.

  "Do you promise?"

  I waved him off. "Yeah, yeah, of course."

  Alec didn't budge and it irritated me.

  "You have to say I promise, otherwise it's not a promise."

  He sounded like a little boy.

  I blew out a large breath and turned to face Alec, I looked up at him and smiled. "I promise not to get mad over an opinion you give when I try on clothes, okay?"

  Alec nodded his head. "Okay."

  Alec walked with me then in the direction of the hotel, but he looked pained already.

  "Cheer up, buttercup, this is gonna be fun!"

  "This is not fun, you lied to me."

  I smiled as I pulled on the tenth dress that Aideen had packed into my suitcase.

  "This is the last one playboy, nearly there."

  I heard Alec's dramatic sigh before he said, "Why the fuck did Aideen pack so many dresses? This our third day here, and we're leaving on the seventh day, what was she thinking?"

  I adjusted my dress until is sat nicely on my body.

  "She was thinkin' variety, honey."

  "Variety my ass, you look hot in every one of those dresses you tried on, there was no need to pack so many."

  I shook my head and smiled.

  He was such a man.

  "I'm glad you think they all look nice on me-"

  "Hot, I said they were hot on you."

  I laughed. "I'm glad you think they were hot but I want to be comfortable in what I am wearin', that's the reason I'm tryin' on so many. I mean the fourth one was so short you could see me bum cheeks, it is definitely in the no pile."

  "That was my favourite," I heard Alec grumble and it me chuckle as I exited the bathroom.

  "Okay daddy, what do you think of this one? Yes, no, or maybe?"

  Alec folded his arms across his chest and tilted his head to the side as he examined me from head to toe. He stuck his index finger in the air and rotated it in a circle.

  I happily turned around in a slow circle for him until I was facing him again.

  "What's the verdict?"

  Alec gave me two thumbs up. "I like this one best. It has some length to it but still showcases how long your legs are. It hugs your ass showing that you do actually possess one, and it's tight around the chest making your tits look bigger than they are. Plus it's green and I love the colour green."

  I wasn't sure whether to be happy with his assessment or pissed off with it.

  "Are you saying me arse is small? I know me tits are, but I thought me arse was a decent size."

  Alec shrugged. "It is a decent size, I mean it's not a Bronagh Murphy sized ass, but it's still a nice ass. I like it a lot."

  I narrowed my eyes and folded my arms across my chest. "You like your little brother's girlfriend's arse?"

  Alec opened his mouth to answer me then immediately closed it.

  He was silent for a moment until he said, "This is a trick question, I know it is."

  "It's a straight forward question."

  Alec shook his head. "No, it's not. You're trying to trap me in a corner until I give an answer that will give you enough reason to hit me... I know how your mind works."

  I boldly walked towards Alec until my knees touched his. I then reached my hands out and placed them on his shoulders as I leaned my head down until I was very much in his face.

  "How does me mind work, Alec?"

  Alec licked his lips as his eyes flicked down to my chest, before finding their way up to my eyes.

  "In mysterious ways?" he guessed.

  I tried not to smile, I really did, but I couldn't help it.

  Alec leaned forward and pressed his lips against the side of my mouth.

  "I love your smile."

  I slid onto his lap and looped my arms around his neck as I said, "I love your smile, and your dimples."

  "I'll add that onto the list with my eyes, ass, abs, and voice."

  I snorted. "You're so cocky."

  Alec licked my lower lip. "I love when you say cocky."

  I giggled. "Give it a rest, it's your turn to try on clothes to see what looks best."

  Alec's nose scrunched up. "I'm wearing shorts, and a white tee."

  "Yeah but a V neck, a tank top, or a crew neck?"

  Alec looked at me like I grew an extra head. "You've got to be kidding me."

  I raised my eyebrows. "Do I look like I'm kiddin'?"

  Alec really looked at me then groaned. "For God's sake."

  I win.

  I smiled as I stood up. "Go on, get."

  "Is this what having a girlfriend entails? I lose my freedom?" Alec asked as he stood up.

  I snorted. "That and much more, honey."

  Alec shook his head and turned away from me as he picked up a bunch of clothes from his suitcase then walked towards the bathroom.

  "I finally see what Ryder and Dominic are talking about," he muttered to himself.

  I smiled. "I heard that."

  "You were meant to."

  I chuckled as I shimmied out of my dress and placed it on a hanger then I hung it on my wardrobe door to keep it crease free. I picked up a pair of knee length leggings and one of Alec's t-shirts and put them on. I jumped onto the bed then and relaxed.

  "Do you have a bucket list?" I randomly asked Alec.

  I heard him muttered something so I said louder, "Do you have one?"

  "Do I have one what?" Alec shouted.

  "Do you have a bucket list?" I repeated.

  Alec popped his head out of the bathroom and grinned. "I have a fuck-it list, does that count?"

  "There is somethin' wrong with you, you have an erect dick for a brain."

  "Are you calling me a dick head?"

  I bit down on my inner cheeks to keep a smile at bay.

  "I hate you."

  "No you don't, you want to dislike me but you can't and it kills you."

  That was the most accurate thing I have ever heard him say.

  Alec disappeared back into the bathroom, and I stayed put on the bed until he was ready to model for me. After a few minutes he emerged from the bathroom in a white V neck t-shirt and a pair of knee length shorts.

  "I'll wear the flip flops I bought at Pennys back home. Do you approve?"

  I pictured the outfit with his flip flops and mentally nodded my head.

  I did approve of what he wanted to wear, but I wanted him to twirl for me before I said anything so I simply lifted my hand, stuck my index finger in the air, and rotated it in a circle.

  "Are you fucking with me?" Alec snapped.

  I continued to rotate my finger in silence.

  "Women," Alec muttered before he stuck his arms out wide and slowly turned his body in a circle.

  When he was turned back in my dire
ction, I scrunched up my face and said, "It'll do."

  His face was priceless.

  "It'll do... it'll do? Come here, now!"

  I screamed with laughter as Alec dove on the bed and grabbed at my body with his hands. He pinned my hands down at my sides and all but crawled up onto me. He let go of my hands so he could use his own to hold himself up off me. You know, so he wasn't completely smothering me.

  "Can you breathe?" Alec asked, smiling down at me.

  "Kind of," I wheezed.

  Alec chuckled and rolled off me. He shook his head when I dramatically gasped for air.

  "Were you born a bitch, or does it just come natural to you?"

  I rubbed my chest. "I'd say born one, being a cunt may come natural to me."

  Alec shook his head. "I'm still amazed that some women use that word so freely over here. In the States most women freak over it."

  I snorted. "It's only a word, I wouldn't get bent out of shape over a word."

  Alec shrugged. "I guess so."

  I sat up on the bed, and criss-crossed my legs.

  "I'm kind of nervous about the dinner tonight."

  Alec turned on his side to look at me. "Why?"

  "Everyone knows that me and Jason were involved, but I'm positive that they don't know he was usin' me. I know Everly and Micah, they will have turned all of this around on me. Everyone will probably think I seduced me cousin's boyfriend. I'm dreadin' what people might say to me... or think of me"

  Alec reached out and placed his hand on my knee. "No one will verbally attack you, I'll make sure of that."

  I smiled. "You've got my back?"


  "Stop biting your nails."

  I looked at Alec as we walked down the stairs of the hotel. We were making our way to the ballroom for the welcome dinner, Alec really didn't want to take the elevator and because I needed extra time to mentally prepare myself for seeing my family, I took the stairs with him.

  "I can't help it, I'm nervous."

  Alec tied his hair back out of his face with a bobbin then took my hand, and intertwined it with his. "It's going to be fine, you'll see."

  I blew out a huge breath when we reached the bottom of the stairs.

  "I hope you're right," I muttered and walked out into the lobby from the stairwell.

  Alec lead me to the ballroom. The doors were closed, but a man was outside with a stand that had a list on it.

  "This is a private function. I'm sorry."

  "We're here for the dinner, we're guests."

  "What is your name, miss?" the man asked.

  I cleared my throat. "Keela Daley."

  "Ah, yes, Keela Daley and plus one."

  "I'm plus one, nice to meet you," Alec said to the man.

  The man grinned as he walked to the doors, opened them for us before he gestured us in with his hand.

  "You're both to be seated at table two. Enjoy your meal."

  I smiled at the man and tugged Alec behind me as I walked into the ballroom. I was a little surprised that the room wasn't dark like Micah's and Jason's personalities. It was all white with blue splashed throughout. The lighting was mostly bright neon blue, which I thought was really cool because it matched the decor perfectly.

  I grunted. "I hate that I like the room and the colours."

  "The food might be crap though."

  He was trying to make me feel better by giving me hope something would suck about the dinner.

  He was brilliant.

  "So... where is table two?" I murmured a loud.

  There were at least fifteen tables that I could see and they were all full with people. They sure managed to get a lot of people here on such short notice.

  Rich people.

  "The head table for the bridal party is table one, and that's at the head of the room. You will be at the table closest to that."

  I turned around to face Alec, my eyes wide. "Why would they seat me so close to them?"

  Alec shrugged. "You grew up with Micah, maybe she considers you close to her?"

  Yeah, right.

  "No way, she wouldn't have me here at all if she got her way. This is Everly and me ma's doin'."

  Alec lifted his hand to brush his knuckles against my cheek and said, "It doesn't matter who seated us at that table, let's just go and sit down... Okay?"

  I nodded my head and followed closely behind Alec making sure not to look at anyone seated at the tables we passed. I swallowed nervously when we reached our table and noticed every person at the table was an immediate member of Jason's family.

  Oh, fuck me.

  "Hello Keela, you look lovely," Jason's father, Mr. Bane said as he stood up to greet me.

  I think Mr. Bane was the only genuine member of the Bane family.

  "Hello Mr. Bane, it's lovely to see you again." I smiled as I shook his hand.

  I then gestured to Alec. "This is Alec Slater, me boyfriend."

  "Nice to meet you, sir," Alec said as he shook Mr. Bane's hand.

  "And you, son. These are my daughter's Krista, and Koda, and my son Jonathan. My wife will be along in a moment, she is in the restroom."

  Jason's bitchy sisters were the first to jump up and greet Alec and not with handshakes either, those sluts went in for hugs.

  "Nice to me you both." Alec smiled then turned to Jonathan when he stood up. "Nice to meet you, bro."

  Jonathan just smiled as he shook Alec's hand.

  Alec turned to Koda when she complimented his hair.

  I wanted to listen to what she was saying to him, but Jonathan touched my arm, getting my attention.

  "Hey Keela," he said, and gave me a hug which was very shocking because I knew Jonathan hated me.

  I was about to say hey back to him when he put his mouth by my ear and whispered, "It's nice to have a shameless slut at the weddin'. Can I count on you to spread your legs if I don't get lucky with any decent women tonight?"

  The nerve of him!

  "Go fuck yourself!" I growled, and promptly pulled back from the hug.

  Jonathan only grinned at me as he retook his seat.

  I brightly smiled to Alec when he looked at me, he watched me for a moment before he pulled out my chair that was right next to Jonathan. I badly wanted to ask Alec to switch with me, but it would have been rude so I bit the bullet and sat down next to Jonathan. Alec took his seat next to me and smiled to everyone.

  "I'm glad you're all dressed casual, we were a little worried about it... and by we I mean Keela."

  Mr. Bane chuckled. "Shorts and t-shirts are all I can wear over here, it's too bloody hot for anythin' else."

  Alec chuckled, and I smiled.

  I looked down to the menu just to avoid having to converse with anyone at the table. It didn't matter that I was silent though because Alec wouldn't shut up. I glanced up and noticed he had Mr. Bane chuckling, Jonathan asking questions, Krista staring, and Koda drooling.

  It really looked like the girl was drooling.

  Just... ew.

  "Knacker," I muttered.

  "What was that Keela?" Jonathan asked.

  I looked up at him, then the rest of the table and found everyone's eyes on me.

  I nervously laughed. "I said I'm knackered. Must be the heat gettin' to me."

  Alec leaned over and put his hand on my back. "You okay?"

  I nodded. "I'm fine."

  He stared at me for a moment before he straightened himself back up and looked down at his menu. A few minutes passed when the waiter came by to take our table's order. Alec ordered something that had steak in it so I got the same, simply because I didn't understand what the rest of the food on the menu was. The names were too fancy for me to know what the hell I would be ordering.

  "Steak is in what we ordered, right? I heard you say steak."

  Alec looked at me and nodded. "Yeah it's steak, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and gravy."

  "Oh thank God," I said and breathed a sigh of relief. "I didn't know what any of the names meant.
I just heard you say steak and got the same."

  Alec laughed. "You’re so cute."

  I narrowed my eyes at him. "Every time you call me cute playboy, I will bite you."

  Alec looked me dead in the eye and said, "You're a cutie-mac-cute face, cutie pie."

  I couldn't keep down the burst of laughter that erupted from me. I quickly put my head down against Alec's shoulder until I was sure my face wasn't red anymore.

  "I'm sorry, he made me laugh," I said when I showed my face to the table.

  Alec and Mr. Bane were chuckling, while Kirsta and Koda were giving me dirty looks. Jonathan, the nasty son of a bitch was just smirking at me. I didn't realise why until I felt something brush up against my left leg. I looked at Jonathan who was now talking to his father. I knew it was him touching me with his foot because Alec was on the opposite side of me.

  I moved my legs away from Jonathan, but bumped them into Alec making him jump a little.

  "You okay?" he murmured.

  For a spilt second I wanted to tell him what Jonathan said to me and that he was trying to play footsies with me under the table. I didn't know how he would react and because I did not want any attention on us I smiled and said, "Fine, I just want to be close to you."

  Alec playfully gasped. "You aren't one of those really clingy girls, are you?"

  I smirked and said, "Yes, I'm goin' to be stuck to you forever."

  "I'm sorry, did you say you're going to suck on me forever?"

  I snickered and swatted his shoulder. "You're dirty."

  Alec leaned down and kissed my cheek. "You have no idea, kitten."

  I looked down and smiled to myself. I repositioned my legs in front of me but felt my smile drop from my face when a foot touched my leg again, this time it began to rub up and down.

  I ground my teeth to keep from saying something to Jonathan, and to keep from kicking the bastard as hard as I could. I literally bit my tongue and put up with it. I managed to put up with it for at least five minutes before I couldn't take it anymore.

  "Excuse me, I've to use the rest room," I said and stood up, making sure I stomped down on Jonathan's foot as I turned.

  He yelped.

  "Oh, sorry."

  Jonathan glared at me while I walked in the direction of the restroom - I was beyond happy that I’d hurt him in some way for touching me. I found the ladies restroom and froze when I found Mrs. Bane looking into a large mirror fixing her lipstick.