Read Alec Page 24

  My uncle shook his head and laughed, "Dammit, baby girl you have me temper that's for sure."

  I rolled my eyes and folded my arms across my chest.

  My uncle smiled at me but dropped any trace of amusement when he switched his gaze to Alec.

  "Slater? You're aware she is my niece? That's a bold move, boy."

  Alec cleared his throat and rasped, "I didn't know she was your niece, Brandy. I swear it."


  What the hell?

  "You know me uncle?" I asked Alec, shocked laced throughout my tone.

  "Yes," Alec replied without looking at me.

  I stared at him in disbelief. "You lied to me, you told me less than five minutes ago that you didn't know who he was!"

  "You said your uncle name was Brandon Daley... I only know him by Brandy."

  I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

  "I don't understand any of this... Uncle, what the hell is goin' on?"

  My uncle clasped his hands together and said, "Alec is goin' home. Tonight."

  "What? No he isn't! He is stayin' right here with me."

  My uncle's eye twitched in irritation.

  "You're goin' to defy me?" he asked, giving me time to change my mind.

  I quickly thought it over and I knew I shouldn't go against him but I was too mad to care.

  "Yeah, I am. You can't just poke your nose into me life and try to change things. I'm twenty-three, not thirteen!"

  My uncle let out a loud belly rumbling laugh, the sound almost drowned out the noise of the door behind me opening and closing, but I heard it.

  "You can hear the arguing from outside... I'm glad I don’t have any kids."

  I looked over my shoulder and glared. "What the fuck do you want?"

  "Keela," my uncle said in warning tone, but had a smile on his face, "be nice to Mr. Miles."

  "Ha! Fat chance of that."

  Marco chuckled as he took up the seat next to my uncle.

  "No it's fine, I think I deserve it."

  I scoffed. "You think? I thought you were a nice man."

  Marco smiled. "I know you did, which is a worry for your uncle."

  I narrowed my eyes. "Why is it a worry?"

  "Because you take people at face value and that's dangerous, it doesn't take much for someone to charm you."

  "Are you tryin' to say I'm easy?"

  Marco burst out laughing and even my uncle shook his head while smiling.

  "No, I'm saying you’re gullible and you trust people too easily."

  I opened my mouth to snap off a snarky reply, but when I happened to glance to my left to Alec, I seen he was sitting upright now and he shook his head at me.

  "You don't want me to speak to him?" I murmured.

  Alec shook his head again.


  He knew Marco better than I did.

  I ignored Marco and refocused on my uncle. "If Alec goes home, so do I."

  My uncle narrowed his eyes at me. "You're purposively bein' difficult, Keela."

  "Yes uncle, I am."

  My uncle didn't break eye contact with me for a few moments and I made a point not to blink to show him how serious I was. It got a little hard to keep my eyes open so when my uncle sighed and looked down, I blinked so many times in ten seconds that I might have set a new world record.

  "Keela, I don't want you mixed up with anyone in my world."

  I swallowed. "Alec isn't in your world anymore."

  Marco laughed and rubbed his right shoulder. "Yeah, him, his brothers, and a certain bitch made damn sure of that."

  I didn't know what he was talking about so I looked at Alec and said, "What is he wafflin' on about?"

  Alec's hand suddenly touched my thigh and his thumb gently rotated in a circle as he said, "I'll tell you everything later, I promise."

  I nodded my head to him, then looked back to my uncle. "He is stayin' with me."

  My uncle's jaw set as he watched me. After a moment he flicked his eyes to Alec and said, "I want to speak to you without her present."


  "Her can hear perfectly fine," I snarled.

  My uncle grinned when Marco chuckled and said, "Are you sure she is not your daughter?"

  My uncle cut his eyes to Marco then softened them when he looked back at me.

  "She is my niece by blood, but my daughter by every other means... I can't be angry when she acts like me, can I?"

  Marco chuckled and shook his head.

  I looked my uncle in the eye and said, "I want your word that you won't have dickhead Timmy, or anyone else, lay a finger on him."

  My uncle sighed. "You have my word."

  I looked to Marco and spat, "He doesn't like you for a reason, so leave him alone or I'll bite a chunk out of your hairy face."

  Marco raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Damn, I could use someone like you for-"

  "Don't make me punch you Marco," my uncle cut him off making Marco laugh.

  "Noted, and noted," Marco said to my uncle then to me.

  I eyed him and my uncle.

  My uncle gave me the nod to leave the room and I felt sick because I did not want to leave Alec alone with him and Marco.

  I turned to him. "Will you be okay?"

  Alec smiled. "I can take care of myself kitten, but having you defend me is pretty awesome, I won't lie."

  He nodded down to his groin, and when I looked down and saw the bulge of his penis, I rolled my eyes.

  "Only you could find something in this situation to get hard about," I whispered making him laugh.

  I made a move to get up but Alec grabbed onto my wrist and pulled me back down to my chair.

  "Kiss me before you go," he whispered.

  I didn't know what to say, so I did as he asked and kissed him. I placed my hands on his cheeks and pressed my lips against his and got lost in feeling his mouth and tongue on mine.

  "Slater!" my uncle's voice growled.

  Alec pulled back from our kiss with a sigh, before he moved his head from mine he kissed my nose and said, "I'll be okay."

  "You better be," I whispered.

  He smiled and kissed my nose once more before he let me go.

  I stood up and turned to face my uncle and Marco. I looked my uncle in the eye and said, "You gave me your word. Don't forget it."

  My uncle nodded.

  Marco blew me a kiss and waved at me. I narrowed my eyes at him suddenly taking a huge disliking towards him. Before I turned I gave his disgusting self the finger and that made everyone laugh, even Alec.

  I left the room and re-entered the ballroom where guests were dancing and drinking like nothing serious was happening in the room next door.

  I was going to go sit down at our table and wait for Alec, but I suddenly felt a hand on my left arm halting my movements.

  "Keela, sweetheart. You look... put together."

  I looked to my left and wanted to die.

  "Hello, Everly."

  "How are you, darlin'?" Everly asked me.

  The smile on her face was as small and as fake as the botox in her face.

  "I'm... not too bad Everly, thanks. How are you?" I asked and looked over my shoulder at the double doors of the conference room that Everly was leading me away from.

  "I'm fabulous, sweetheart. My little girl is gettin' married after all."

  I swallowed down a snort.

  Everly was a wicked stepmother - not a mother, not even to Micah.

  "Where is this boyfriend I've heard about?" Everly asked me as we walked.

  I jammed by thumb over my shoulder and said, "In that room with Uncle Brandon."

  Everly smiled. "Your Uncle is probably just givin' him a talkin' to."

  I rubbed my neck. "I hope so."

  "What is your boyfriend's name?" Everly asked.

  Why did she care?

  "Alec Slater, he is- Ow!"

  I pulled my hand back from Everly's grip and held it to my chest.

  She pinched me.
  She actually pinched me.

  "What the hell was that for?" I snapped.

  Everly looked like she was in her own world before she looked back in my direction.

  "I'm sorry, hun."

  She didn't fucking look sorry.

  I rubbed my stinging palm and followed her when she began walking again.

  "How long have you been with Alec?" Everly curiously asked over her shoulder.

  She was interested?

  "A little over three months now."

  She didn't reply.

  I closed my eyes when I realised Everly was bringing me to the head table. I opened my eyes and smiled when I was greeted with smiles and hellos.

  "Where is Alec, Keela?" Krista Bane asked.

  She was sitting on her brother's lap because there were no free chairs at the table. Loads of people were at it, Jason's siblings as well as his mother, Everly, Micah, and her bridesmaids, the Brennan sisters.

  "He is havin' a chat with me uncle, he will be along soon enough."

  Krista smirked. "I hope so."


  I raised my eyebrow. "Yeah, you can ask him for another dance. I'm sure he won't mind dancin' with a little mutt in heat."

  Whoa, were did that come from?

  "Keela!" Everly bellowed.

  Everyone at the table - and I mean everyone - gawked at me.

  "Yes, Everly?" I asked, sweetly.

  "You watch your mouth!" she hissed.

  I looked her up and down. "Or what?"

  Her face went red with anger.

  "Or else I'll have to have a talk with you, cuz," Micah's voice chimed in.

  I looked at her and laughed. "We aren't kids anymore Mi, your sly threats don't worry me."

  Micah furrowed her eyebrows when I looked at her.

  "What is with you... you're actin'... different."

  I was... I really was.

  I shrugged. "I don't feel like bein' a doormat to people anymore."

  Micah looked surprised for a moment then smiled. "Good for you."


  Everly angrily folded her arms across her chest and spat, "Wait till I tell your mother about this."

  I looked to her and laughed. "I'm twenty-three Everly, me ma can't do anythin' about me not taken shite off a Bane."

  Jason laughed. "You really are feisty now!"

  Micah cut her eyes to Jason and glared at him.

  I completely ignored Jason, Micah, and Everly as I glanced over my shoulder hoping to see Alec, but I didn't.

  "I don't want any arguments this week."

  I looked at Everly and said, "You won't hear a peep from me."

  Everly nodded then looked to the rest of the table. "I expect the same from each of you."

  Everyone mumbled okay and it made me shake my head. Everyone at this table was an adult but yet mumbled and grumbled like a bunch of children when Everly put her foot down.

  "Brilliant, now everyone get up. The photographer will take a group picture."

  I did not want to get in a picture with any of these people, but to save myself from an argument I kept my mouth shut.

  "Keela move to the back in front of the lads since you're the tallest girl," Everly said to me.

  Oh, crap.


  I stood behind Micah and the girls, and between Jonathan and Jason who both towered over me.

  "Fancy seeing you here," Jonathan murmured to me.

  I glanced to him. "Go fuck yourself."

  Jason laughed while Jonathan glared down at me.

  "Leave her be, the new Keela might hit you when she is mad."


  "More like will," I said.

  I felt Jason's eyes on me and noticed how different I felt.

  I used to love his gaze on me and now... now it gave me shivers of disgust.

  "Eyes forward, groom," I muttered.

  Jason chuckled. "Yes, ma'am."

  "Is everyone ready?" the photographer asked.

  "Yes," we replied.

  "Smile!" the man shouted.

  I smiled along with everyone else and for a spilt second it felt like I was part of a real family picture, that was until a hand touched my arse.

  "Whoops, my bad."

  I turned and glared at Jason. "Don't do it again, I'm warnin' you, Bane."

  Jason smiled. "Understood, Daley."

  He was trying to be funny but I just found him annoying.

  "Oh, here's daddy."

  I looked over my shoulder when Micah's voice chirped.

  Uncle Brandon was walking in our direction, but Alec wasn't with him.

  I panicked and rushed forward.

  "Where is he?" I asked.

  My uncle put his hands on my shoulders.

  "He has gone up to your room, he said join him when you're ready."

  I was ready now.

  I made a move to walk away to go upstairs when Everly shouted, "Brandon, get a picture with your girls."


  "Great idea, sweetheart."

  I sighed and my uncle frowned.

  "You don't want a picture with me?"

  Oh, for the love of God.

  "Don't frown, you should not be allowed to frown. That look isn't fair on an old man's face."

  My uncle gasped. "I'm forty you cheeky little shite, that's not old."

  I laughed and so did my uncle as he looked down at me. I turned to my right when a flash went off and found the photographer smiling at us.

  "Sorry, but unexpected pictures are the best."

  I smiled then looked to my uncle. "I want a copy of that one."

  "You got it, baby girl."

  I smiled and my uncle beamed down at me then kissed my head.

  "I only want what's best for you... You know that don't you? I love you, Keela."

  I smiled. "I know you do and I love you too."

  I looked to Micah when she came up beside me then switched to the other side of my uncle.

  "Make this a good picture you two, the last picture we have of the three of us is from years ago when we were kids."

  I glanced at Micah surprised that she knew that.

  "There would be more pictures of us all together if I could stand to be around you."

  Micah cleared her throat and looked down. "Yeah, I know."

  No smart reply?

  "Can you two please just get along? I'd like to be in a room with me girls without an argument starting between the two of you for once."

  I nudged his side. "We wouldn't be Daley’s if we didn't argue about everythin'."

  My uncle laughed. "Right you are, sweetheart."

  We each looked to the photographer when he stood a few feet in front of us.


  "Keela," Everly murmured in a low voice while gesturing to my tummy with her hand. "Suck it in."

  I flushed with embarrassment and nodded to my auntie before sucking in. I bloody hated sucking it, after a while it just got uncomfortable and just plain hurt.

  "What are you doin'?" My uncle asked me.

  "I'm just standing here waitin' for the man to take our picture," I replied.

  "No, you look constipated or somethin'."

  I couldn't suck in anymore so I gave in and let my gut relax.

  "I was suckin' it in," I murmured to my uncle.

  Uncle Brandon looked at me like I had ten heads.


  I shrugged. "'Cause me belly sticks out."

  My uncle looked at me for a few seconds longer then shook his head. "You don't need to 'suck it in', you're perfectly fine the way you are."

  I smiled. "You're just sayin' that 'case you're me uncle."

  "No, I'm sayin' it because it's the truth. You're beautiful Keela and it's time you realised it."

  I felt my cheeks heat up.

  "Thank you."

  My uncle kissed my head and said, "Who told you that you have to suck it in anyway, your mother?"

  Micah heard what my uncle said
and listened in.

  "Um, no... Everly just told me to suck it in a minute ago."

  "Everly!" my uncle snarled making Everly jump. "Don't be tellin' Keela she has to suck it in, she doesn't have to do anythin' like that."

  "Hun, I just want her to look her best in the weddin' album. A chubby stomach isn't attractive."

  Thanks very fucking much!

  I’d had it with Everly and her mouth and I was about to turn and walk away when Micah reached over and stopped me by taking hold of my hand.

  "Don't you move," she said to me then looked at Everly. "Leave her alone, she looks great."

  What. The. Fuck?

  "What is goin' on here?" I asked Micah.

  She looked at me a shrugged. "Looks like you aren't the only one who is turnin' over a new leaf, cuz."

  I widened my eyes. "You want to change?"

  Micah nodded. "Yeah, I'm gettin' married. I can't act like a spoilt brat for the rest of me life. Besides, you're me family and we should stick together not tear each other down which is what I've always done to you. But I'm workin' on makin' it up to you."

  I was suspicious. "How?"

  Micah laughed. "By not bein' a miserable bitch all the time."

  I didn't trust her obviously, but I was open to the idea of her not being a bitch anymore because that would make everyone's life easier.

  "Okay," I said to Micah.

  Myself, Micah, and my uncle smiled as the photographer took our picture.

  "The dinner was lovely, but I'm goin' to get goin' on up to me room."

  Micah was whisked away by Everly for more pictures so my uncle nodded his head to me and said, "Have fun... but not too much. I don't want to have to hurt Alec."

  I didn't know whether he was joking or not so I just smiled and gave him a tight hug.

  "I'll see you later."

  I moved through the crowds of people in the ballroom until I was in the lobby.

  The nice, quiet, and spacious lobby.

  I took the lift up to my floor and when the doors opened I reached down and took off my heels.

  "That's so much better," I murmured to myself.

  I walked down the hallway in my bare feet with my heels in my hand. I didn't bring a bag with me but I had put my key card in the back of my iPhone case earlier.

  Once the keycard was in my hand I put in the into the card slot in the door and when the green light flashed, I pulled down the handle and opened the door.

  "You don't understand. She is Brandy's niece, his fucking niece! Do you realise how serious this is? Bronagh fucked around with Micah who is his daughter, if he'd interfered back when they fought we could have been destroyed... He won’t make the same mistake now that he knows I’m with Keela."