Read Alec Page 23

  She looked at me through the reflection.

  "Keela," she nodded curtly.

  I nodded back. "Mrs. Bane."

  She left the restroom without another word or glance in my direction and I thanked God for it. She greeted me by name which is more than I expected to get from her so I considered it progress.

  I shook off the encounter then went into the toilet stall and relieved myself. When I was finished, I exited the stall and washed my hands. I checked my appearance in the mirror, nodded to myself then turned and headed back into the ballroom and to my table.

  Alec was looking down at his phone as I reached the table. I raised my eyebrows as I sat down.


  "It's about fucking time, Keela!" Alec snapped lowly.

  He shoved his phone into his trouser pocket and stood when I moved to take my seat next to him. He gripped the back of my chair and pulled it out for me. I was shocked as hell - he was displaying manners and was acting like a... gentleman. I was about to thank him when he slapped my arse as I positioned myself to sit down.

  I rolled my eyes and tried not to react because honestly, I should have seen that one coming.

  "You're a pervert," I muttered lowly as I moved my seat closer to the table.

  He grunted as he retook his own seat. "Be thankful I didn't leave a mark, you deserved it for leaving me out here on my own for hours."

  Hours? I was gone five minutes at most.

  "I'm back now so why are you complainin'?" I asked, sighing.

  "I was bored... and Jason's sisters keep hitting on me."

  See, sluts!

  "I'll give on the girls annoyin' you, but it couldn't have been that borin'-"

  Alec cut me off with a wave of his hand and said, "It was. Trust me."

  I gave him a look and asked, "On a scale of one to ten, how bored were you?"

  He looked me dead in the eye and said, "I read the terms and conditions for the new iOS update on my phone. Twice."

  That bored?

  "Jesus," I said.

  Alec dramatically nodded his head.

  I chuckled at him. "Well, I'm back now... and just in time for dinner it seems."

  Waitors arrived and began placing plates with different meals in front of the people seated at the tables. I inhaled the smell of the food and heard my stomach growl.

  Oh, I was going to enjoy this.

  When dinner was over, music started to play and the large dance floor that was to the far right started to fill up with both young and old people. Mr. Bane and Koda got up to dance and so did Jonathan who took his mother to the dance floor. I was ecstatic over because I was one more toe stroke from knocking the cunt out.

  Alec asked me to dance as well, but I told him I couldn't move and that I had to let my food digest. He only laughed at me. Since I declined to dance with him, Krista Bane made sure to ask him to which he accepted.

  "You don't mind, do you?" he murmured to me.

  Did I mind?

  "No, I don't care."

  Yes, yes I did.

  Alec hesitated. "When you say you don't care is that Man Bible code for you really do care? I'm not very good at reading people so I don't know what you're trying to say."


  I rolled my eyes. "It's not code for anythin'. Go dance, whatever."

  Alec snapped his fingers at me. "Whatever is another way for woman to say fuck you, I remember that one."

  I was going to strangle him.

  "Alec you're startin' to annoy me."

  He chewed on his lower lip. "It's only a dance."

  "Go dance then."

  His smile was only annoying me further.

  "Keela, you don't have to be jealous, it's only a dance."

  I nodded curtly.

  Alec chuckled, then leaned down and kissed my cheek.

  "I won't be long."

  Damn right you won't be long.


  I sulked as I watched Alec take a beaming Krista by the hand and lead her to the dance floor. The music was fast, so they didn't actually have to touch each other while they danced and I felt a bit better about that.

  "Jesus, what is wrong with me?" I muttered to myself.

  How the hell could my feelings and attitude change so rapidly towards Alec? A few days ago I would have been delighted for anyone to take his attention away from me, but now... now I don't want his attention on anyone else but me.

  Maybe I was being clingy with him.


  It has only been five days since I met him. Three of those days I was hostile towards him, and now we were in the early stage of dating where everything is perfect and I was the picture of happiness.

  Once again, it has only been five fucking days since I met him.

  Why was I allowing myself to get emotionally attached to him? Especially after what happened the last time I allowed myself to be emotionally swept away by a man.

  I was not comparing Alec to Jason - because Jason is a wank stain and Alec was not - but there was a similarity at how fast I let myself get lost in both men. Jason emotionally cracked me in about two weeks, and Alec in just two days.

  Was I a hopeless romantic, or just hopeless?


  I was definitely hopeless.

  After all, I fully knew this could come crumbling down at any given second so why did I agree to be Alec's real girlfriend? Why couldn't I have just said no?

  Because I was a fucking eejit who thought with her vagina instead of her head.

  I was so bloody stupid.

  I mean, let's just look at how Alec came to be my boyfriend. He was a retired escort for crying out loud! He was doing me a favour by coming with me to this wedding, and here I was mad that he was dancing with someone when we both know dancing with women is nothing compared to what he can do with them.

  Sexually, I've only had a taste of Alec - or he has only had a taste of me - but be that as it may, I knew he would ruin me for any other man. I just knew it.

  I liked Alec, I didn't like when his arsehole trait came out to play, but I did enjoy his company and how he made me feel anything other than homely.

  This confused me because unlike my relationship with Jason, I knew there was a higher percentage of things that could go belly up with Alec and yet I still wanted to be with him.

  What. The. Fuck?

  "I hate being a woman," I muttered out loud earning a chuckle from my left, which caused me to jump with fright because I didn't hear anyone sit down next to me.

  "I didn't mean to startle you, miss?"

  "Daley," I replied to the middle aged, American man who was sat in Jonathan's seat.

  "Miss Daley... a relation of the bride?"

  I nodded my head. "Yes, Micah is me younger cousin."

  The man smiled at me and I noticed the creases around his eyes deepened. He was a good looking man, tanned skin, dark hair with an impressive beard.

  "I'm afraid I don't know the bride, only her father."

  I raised my brows. "You're a friend of me uncle?"

  The man nodded. "Yes, well more of a business associate, than a friend."

  I smiled. "Can't mix business with pleasure, huh?"

  The man chuckled. "Precisely."

  I continued to smile as I looked out at the dance floor where everyone was having fun dancing.

  "Shouldn’t you be out there dancing and having fun?" the man from my left asked.

  I shook my head. "Nah, I just ate and unlike everyone else, I need time before I can move again."

  The man laughed. "When you can move, I'm sure Alec will happily take your for a twirl on the dance floor."

  I looked to the man and said, "You know me boyfriend?"

  The man looked shocked, extremely shocked. "Alec Slater is your boyfriend?"

  What the hell was that tone supposed to mean... did this man think Alec was too good for me, too?

  I openly frowned at the man who quickly cleared his throat and said, "Forgive me
, I think out loud sometimes... Yes, I know Alec. I am an old friend of his."

  Now it was my turn to be shocked.

  "From America or Ireland?"

  The man chuckled. "America... we go way back."


  "Really? Might I ask your name?"

  "Of course sweetheart." The man smiled wide.

  "My name is Marco, Marco Miles."

  "Nice to meet you, sir, I'm Keela."

  Marco smiled as he accepted my outstretched hand and raised it to his mouth were he kissed my knuckles.

  "The pleasure is all mine, Keela."

  I smiled. "Alec will be so surprised to see someone he knows here."

  Marco chuckled. "Trust me sweetie, he will be more than surprised to see me."

  I grinned. "A good surprised or a bad surprised?"

  Marco wiggled his fingers. "I'm going to go with the latter, but Alec is a free spirit so I can't really be sure."

  "I doubt that, sir. Alec is always happy, I doubt anythin' could upset him."

  Marco looked out to the dance floor. "You'd be surprised."


  "I'll excuse myself so I can seek out your uncle, business can't wait today it seems." Marco smiled.

  I nodded to him. "It was nice to meet you, sir."

  "Marco please, just Marco. I'm no sir, sweetie."

  Umm, okay?

  "It was nice to meet you, Marco."

  Marco bowed his head to me and said, "Until our next meeting."

  With that said he moved away from me and got lost in the crowd of people. I spent a minute or two trying to spot Marco again but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

  "Well, that was weird."

  "What was weird?"

  I jumped at Alec's voice.

  "You frightened me!" I snapped and smacked Alec who was now laughing at me as he retook his seat.

  "Sorry, kitten."

  I waved him off. "It's okay, I was in a world of me own."

  Alec nodded to my belly. "Is there still a threat of your stomach exploding?"


  I shrugged. "Press on it and you can find out."

  Alec pulled back from me. "Uh, no thanks."

  I snickered and said, "So how was dancin' with Jason's tramp of a sister?"

  Alec raised his eyebrows at me. "Is she a tramp for dancing with me or for another reason?"

  "For dancin' with you and for another reason," I replied.

  Alec shook his head. "Damn, who would have ever guessed you would be possessive of me."

  "Not me," I muttered.

  Alec nudged my leg with his knee. "I like it," he said.

  I rolled my eyes. "Yeah? Well, I don't. We're only datin' two days and have known each other five. It's too soon for either one of us to feel possessive."

  Alec snorted. "Not in my world, kitten."

  "Your world is mess up."

  "That is already known knowledge," Alec teased.

  I tried to keep a straight face, but I caved and giggled when he leaned into me and kissed my face.

  "I could eat you up."

  I raised my eyebrows.

  "Oh, really?" I asked suggestively.

  Alec narrowed his eyes. "Don't even think about whatever it is you're thinking."

  I crossed my eyes. "Your words confuse me."

  "Bitch," he murmured and latched onto my neck with his teeth making me convulse with laughter.

  Alec pulled away looking very pleased with himself, so for some weird reason I leaned forward and flicked his ear with my fingers.

  "Oh dear God! That hurt!"

  I almost choked on air from laughing so hard.

  "You're damn evil. Small, but evil."

  I shrugged. "You speak the truth."

  Alec rolled his eyes and rubbed his ear. "What were you thinking about when I frightened you?"


  "You said something was weird."

  Oh, Marco.

  "Oh, an old friend of yours is here at the weddin'! How cool is that?"

  Alec dropped his hand from his ear and turned to face me. "An old friend of mine?"

  I nodded. "Yeah, he said you by name."

  Alec furrowed his eyebrows together. "Did he say what his name was?"

  I nodded. "Yeah, his name is Marco Miles. Do you know him? Because he knows you, he said you both go way back."

  Alec stared at me for a long moment without blinking or saying anything. I was about to repeat my sentence because I didn't know if he heard me or not, but he suddenly reached for my hand and held it tightly in his.

  "We're leaving, right now."

  I pulled my hand back from his hold. "What? Why?"

  Alec was on his feet and looking around our surroundings before I even finished my sentence. When he looked back down at me his eyes scared me.

  "Alec, what's wrong?"

  He licked his lips and said, "Marco is not my friend Keela, he is my old... boss."

  Excuse me?

  "I don't understand."

  "I know and I know I'm probably scaring you right now, but you need to leave with me before he comes back."

  I felt my heart start to pound against my chest.

  "I don't know why you're freakin' out, but it's okay... He is off with me uncle somewhere, you don't have to worry about him."

  Alec instantly retook his seat and placed his hands on my cheeks.

  "What does your uncle do for business, Keela?"

  I tried to look down, but Alec wouldn't allow me. "Baby, this is important."

  I sighed. "I honestly don't know what he does for business. Me uncle is very private and never spoke of business around myself, or Micah... But I know whatever he does, it's not exactly legal."

  "You said your uncle’s name was Brandon Daley, right?"

  I nodded. "Yeah, that's his name."

  Alec shook his head. "I've never heard of a Brandon Daley, and if he is in business with Marco I should know him."

  I bit down on my lower lip. "I don't think me uncle is involved in the escort business, Alec... No offence."

  Alec looked at me and his eyes wavered. "Marco was my boss Keela, but he was also my brothers' boss."


  "I don't understand, you said your brothers had different jobs-"

  "They did, but we all worked for the same man. Marco has a hand in a lot of different trades."

  I laughed. "Are you sure? Because he was nice to talk to, he doesn't look like a man who would-"

  "Manipulate a family by using the life of one brother to control the rest?" he snapped.

  I jumped when Alec's hand encircled my arm.


  This was the first time he had ever snapped at me and handled me to the point where I got scared.

  "Alec, you're hurtin' me... let go of me arm," I said, my voice firm but also cracking.

  Alec looked down to his hand, but before he could say a word or remove his hand, a man appeared next to him and sucker punched him in the gut.

  "Oh my God!" I screamed.

  Alec bent forward and grasped his stomach with both hands. His mouth was open, but no sounds came out and that freaked me out.


  I jumped up and swung around when I heard my named being bellowed.

  I relaxed a little when I saw my uncle Brandon, but frowned when I noticed his pissed off look as he stalked in my direction.

  I held up my hands in front of me. "I didn't to anythin'. This wanker," I said as I looked to the man who hurt Alec, glared at him, then looked back to my uncle, "punched me fella for no reason!"

  "Your fella had his hand on you!" my uncle snarled.

  When he was close enough to do so, he took me by the hand. "Let's do this in private."

  "But what about Ale-"

  "Timmy, bring him too."

  My uncle smiled then and looked to the many guests who were staring at us.

  "Shouldn't you all be drinkin' and dancin'?"

  Everyone laughed and went back
to their conversations as if they didn't just witness my boyfriend getting assaulted.

  "What the fuck is goin' on?" I snapped.

  My uncle glared down at me. "Watch your mouth or I'll smack it."

  I looked down, fully aware he would follow through with his threat if I cursed again.

  "Sorry," I mumbled.

  My uncle didn't say anything, he simply walked towards the double doors on the far side of the room and pulled me along with him. I looked over my shoulder to see where Alec was and found him also being pulled along by the prick who had hurt him.

  I let go of my uncle’s hand when we entered a large empty room with a huge table at the centre of it.

  I guess it was a conference room.

  "Take a seat, sweetheart," my uncle said to me.

  I huffed but did as I was told and sat down.

  I looked at Alec when he stumbled then fell into the seat next to me.

  "Are you okay?" I asked him.

  "I'll let you know," he murmured, his face twisted in pain.

  I frowned then snapped by head in my uncle's direction when he sat three seats up from me at the head of the table.

  "Care to explain why a strange man assaulted me boyfriend in front of the entire family?"

  Uncle Brandon bared his teeth and snapped, "Because he was hurtin' you!"

  I rolled my eyes. "If he was hurtin' me that bad I would have hit 'em meself... I'm not a child, I am an adult and I know how to take care of meself."

  Uncle Brandon laughed and rubbed his chin. "You know how to take of yourself? Is that why you're datin' a whore?"

  I bristled. "I don't know what you're talkin' about-"

  "Oh I think you do, baby girl."

  I tried to keep eye contact but failed and looked down to the table's surface.

  "You couldn't have brought a decent man to my daughter's weddin', Keela? You wish to disrespect me that much after I have done nothing but love and care for you all your life."

  Excuse me?

  "Disrespect you? Are fuckin' serious right now? The only thing disrespectful about this sham of a weddin' is that you're allowin' your slutty child to marry a wanker who fucked me over!"

  I jumped when my uncle slammed his hands down onto the table.

  "You listen to me, Keela Daley. I will smack that attitude right out of you if you speak like that to me again. Do you understand me?"

  I narrowed my eyes at my uncle and snarled, "Yes, I understand."