Read Alec Page 29

  "Damn it," I muttered and went back into the bedroom.

  Alec was playing on his phone whilst he was lying down on the bed.

  "Do I need to put on foundation or powder?" I asked him.

  He looked up at me and shook his head. "No, you look beautiful."

  My stomach burst into butterflies at his unexpected compliment.

  "Oh, thank you."

  Alec smiled. "Why do you ask anyway?"

  I leaned down and pointed to my nose. "I have freckles on m nose and under m eyes from the bloody sun."

  Alec put his phone down and took my face in his hands then kissed my nose and my now closed eyes.

  "I like them, don't cover them up."

  "Okay," I murmured as my face flushed.

  "Are you ready to go?"

  I sighed, pulled back then went and slipped on a black pair of heels.

  "Yep, I'm go to go."

  Alec stood up and looked down at me, making a point of showing me he was still taller than me.

  "Can you walk in those things?" he asked.

  I looked down at my feet then back up to Alec's face.

  "We shall see."

  "I cannot walk in these fuckin' things!" I snapped as I grabbed onto Alec’s arm to steady myself for the third time since we left the hotel room.

  Alec laughed as he slowed his pace to match my own.

  "Do you want go back up and put your flat shoes on?" he asked.

  I would never admit defeat!

  I shook my head. "No, I'll be fine."

  Alec snorted. "Just hold onto me."

  The problem was going to be letting go of him.

  Alec and myself entered the ballroom where dinner was served earlier¸ and I instantly spotted my family at the bar.

  "Typical," I muttered.

  "What's typical?" Alec asked as I gripped his arm and steered us towards the bar.

  "That is where me family always end up at functions."

  Alec laughed. "You're all Irish, I expect nothing less."

  I rolled my eyes but said nothing.


  I plastered a smile across my face when Everly's plastic face came into view.

  "Stay next to me, Everly will talk the ears off you about herself otherwise."

  Alec said nothing, he only nodded.

  "Darlin', you look adorable."

  I looked adorable?

  Fuck you too, lady.

  "Thanks Everly, you look cute."

  Everly cast me a cold stare before she flicked her eyes to Alec and smirked.

  She actually smirked.

  "And who is this handsome devil?"

  Here we go.

  "This is Alec Slater, me boyfriend. Alec, this is me Auntie Everly."

  Evil step auntie.

  Everly held her hand out to Alec and he took it in his and brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it.

  What the fuck was that about?

  "Everly," he murmured. "Nice to meet you."

  "And you Mr. Slater," she said keeping eye contact with him - she never once blinked.

  Alec lowered her hand then released it. "Please, call me Alec."

  Everly smiled. "Alec."

  I stared between Alec and Everly and felt like they knew something I didn’t.

  "Can I get you both a drink?" Everly asked us, snapping out of her staring competition with Alec.

  I removed my hands from Alec's arm with a pull.

  I was suddenly mad at him and I had no idea why.

  "No, I'm can get me own but you can get Alec one. He might enjoy that."

  I walked forward then to the bar and got the bartender’s attention.

  "Vodka and coke, please."

  I felt a hand on my lower back and then a breath by my ear a few moments later.

  "What was that?"

  I turned to Alec who was very close to me.

  "You tell me."

  Alec frowned. "I don't understand."

  I did, it just hit me.

  "You flirted with me auntie, right in front of me."

  Alec blinked then laughed.

  His laughing pissed me off.

  "Go fuck yourself!" I growled and turned my back to him.

  Where the hell was my drink?

  Alec was still laughing when he slid his arms around my waist and leaned his head down to rest his chin on my shoulder.

  "I was being polite, I wasn't flirting."


  "You kissed her hand and looked at her like your adored her or somethin'."

  Alec was silent for a moment then his kissed my cheek. "I adore you, no one else."

  I snorted. "Yeah right."

  Alec pressed his groin into my behind and I hissed.

  I was tender and the bastard knew that.

  "I adore you kitten, trust me on that."

  I didn't reply, but I did perk up when the bartender suddenly appeared in front of me. I happily took the drink and ordered another one - it was an open bar after all.

  "Keela," Alec murmured.

  I turned to him and looked up. "Yes."

  "Don't get drunk out of spite, if you're annoyed at me let's talk it out."

  I laughed. "It's very big headed of you to think I would get drunk just because you annoyed me."

  Alec grinned down at me. "You annoyed yourself by thinking I flirted with your aunt when I didn't."


  "I may not be an expert like you when it comes to sex, but I know flirtin' when I see it."

  Alec sighed. "We've only been here five minutes and you're already arguing with me."

  "Because you're bein' a dickhead."

  "I didn't do anything."

  "Keep tellin' yourself that buddy."

  "Okay fine, I'm sorry for whatever I did to upset you."

  I narrowed my eyes. "So you admit you did somethin'?"

  "Keela! What do you want from me? I say one thing and you get pissed. I try to fix it and you get even more pissed. You're so damn confusing - you should come with a fucking instruction manual!" Alec bellowed.

  I snorted. "At what point in time would you ever read an instruction manual?"

  He looked like he wanted to strangle me. He took a deep breath and looked away from me then up to the ceiling.

  "God, give me strength."

  I turned my head and made a move to walk off but Alec wouldn't let me.

  "Where are you going?"

  "To congratulate the groom." Alec's eyes narrowed and his face turned to stone.

  Why did I say that?

  "Keela do not threaten me, it will not work out in your favour. Do you understand me?"

  I looked down.

  What I said was a dickhead move and I knew it.

  "Say you understand or things will get bad between us fast."


  "I understand."

  "Good, I'm not a fucking tool. Don't ever try and make me jealous with another guy because it will only hurt you in the end."

  What the fuck did that mean?

  "How would it hurt me?"

  Alec looked me dead in the end. "Because I don't stick around for bullshit like that to be thrown in my face."

  "Got it," I mumbled.

  Alec lowered his head to mine and kissed my lips. "Stop this. We had an amazing day today, please don't ruin it by arguing."

  I looked up and nodded my head.

  He was right.

  Alec smiled and kissed my lips once more.

  We both turned as my Uncle Brandon came over to us, Everly next to him.

  "I told you she was here."

  My uncle smiled. "I wasn't sure you would come back down."

  I shrugged. "I wasn't goin' to, but Alec convinced me."

  "Did he now?"

  Things got a little tense then as my uncle and Alec stared at one another.

  I didn't like the tension so I snapped, "You both need to cut the bullshit and pretend to be nice to each other. It will make these encounters a lot fucki
n' easier."

  "Keela!" Everly snapped.


  "You're a lady, you shouldn't curse," she said in a snotty tone.

  I smiled. "You're a prude and you should mind your own business."

  Everly glared at me. "I'm not a prude and just because I don't like putting curse words in every sentence doesn't make me one!"

  "You are a prude if any curse word bothers you, and do you want to know why? Because they are exactly that, just words. For example, 'fuck' isn't a bad word and the only reason it is considered a bad word is because society has branded it as one. I could call you a flower and mean it in the meanest possible way, and it will have the same effect as a 'bad word' because I am putting an emotion behind it."

  "You're stupid."

  I shrugged. "You're a cunt."

  Alec face palmed himself while my uncle set his jaw.

  "Keela Daley," he growled.

  "Don't say my name like that, I'm twenty-three years of age. I not a bloody child and I'm not her child, so tell her not to chastise me."

  "You two and Micah will be the bleedin' death of me."

  I sighed but I didn't apologise.

  "Let’s go greet more people, we still have so many to get around to."

  Uncle Brandon narrowed his eyes at me. "We will continue this another time."

  "Can't wait."

  He sighed as Everly led him away.

  "Fuckin' bitch, I can't stand her."

  Alec didn't say a word as he took my hand then led me to the dance floor. When I realised what he had planned I widened my eyes and tried to pull back.

  "I can't dance."

  "Everyone can dance," Alec smiled.

  I shook my head. "I mean I can't dance with another person. I've never danced with someone else... I'll step on you or somethin'."

  Alec turned to me and smiled as he held out his hand.

  "Give your first dance to me, kitten."

  I looked up at him, hesitant to place my palm in his.

  He smiled at me. "I promise I'll be gentle with you."

  Oh damn.

  How could I refuse that?

  "I'm goin' to make a holy show of meself."

  Alec laughed. "You won't, I've got you."

  A fast song was playing but as soon as we stepped on the dance floor "Rude" by Magic! came on and Alec grinned.

  "Reggae. Nice. We can slow grind."

  What the fuck did that mean?

  "I don't know how to slow grind."

  Alec smirked. "It will be my pleasure to show you, Miss Daley."

  I couldn't help but snort, he sounded like a Sir I've read about in books.

  I moved close to Alec then raised my eyebrows when he turned my back to him and pulled my body back against his. He put his mouth my by ear and said, "Look at that couple."

  I looked to the couple he was talking about and widened my eyes at the girl who was grinding her arse into a fella's groin, but did it while dancing in front of him.

  "You think I can move like that?"

  "I know you can."

  He had more faith in me than I did.

  "Okay, sure."

  Alec laughed and placed his hands on my hips and ever so slightly rolled his pelvis into my behind. I placed my hands on Alec's and copied what the girl in front of me was doing. No one stopped and stared because everyone was doing their own thing on the dance floor and I quickly fell into a comfortable rhythm.

  I smiled when Alec sang in my ear the chorus of the song.

  "Why you gotta be so rude, don't you know I human too?

  What you gotta be so rude? I'm gonna marry you anyway."

  I laughed when he changed the word 'her' to 'you'.

  I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against Alec's chest as he sang in my ear. His voice was so relaxing that if he wasn't careful, I would fall asleep standing up.

  He seemed to sense this because he took hold of my right hand and spun me out away from his body then pulled me back to him so the front of my body was pressed against his as we danced swaying side to side. I laughed up at him as he continued to sing the song without a care in the world.

  He grabbed my hand to spin me out again, but this time it didn't go as smoothly because I stumbled a little in my heels and crashed into a man's back.


  "I'm so sorry!" I squeaked and grabbed onto the man's arm just in case I knocked him over.

  Luckily the man didn't fall, he actually turned around and laughed down at me.

  I stopped myself from letting my jaw drop, not only was this man taller than me, but he was also gorgeous... extremely gorgeous.

  "It's fine beautiful girl, are you okay?" he asked.

  He was another American, but instead of focusing on his accent, I focused on what he just said.

  Beautiful girl?

  I felt my cheeks flush. "Yes, I'm fine. Thank you."

  The man smiled and stuck his hand out. "I'm Dante Evans."

  I swallowed and slowly placed my hand in Dante's. "Keela Daley."

  His eyes lit up. "Ah, so you're the infamous Keela Daley."


  "Why infamous?" I asked.

  The man brought my hand to his mouth and kissed my knuckles before he replied, "You are apparently the reason why my boy isn't in the game anymore."

  What is he talking about?

  I pulled my hand back from Dante and took a step back only to knock into another person. I was about to say sorry until I felt hands slide around my hips holding me in place.

  Dante looked to the hands then looked up over my head and smiled.

  "Speak of the devil."

  What was going on here?

  I tilted my head back and looked to Alec. "You know this man?" I asked.

  He nodded his head and without looking away from Dante he said, "He is an old... colleague."

  From his escort days?

  I looked back to Dante as he chuckled, "An old colleague... is that all I am to you?"

  Alec's fingers dug into my hips as he snarled, "Don't."

  I looked to Dante as an evil smirk appeared on his face. "Oh, this is interesting... she doesn't know?"

  I frowned. "Know what?" I asked Dante.

  Alec suddenly moved and pulled me behind him. "I'll kill you."

  Dante laughed. "For telling your girl who you really are? Why haven't you told her? Are you ashamed?"

  I could feel the anger radiate from Alec.

  "I'm not ashamed."

  "Then why not tell her?"

  "Because I just met her a few days ago and we hit it off really fucking well. It's not something you spring upon a partner."

  What the fuck were they talking about?

  I moved from behind Alec and got back in front of him. I fisted his t-shirt in my hand and pulled to get his attention.

  "What is goin' on? What are you keepin' from me?"

  Alec looked nervous, very nervous.

  Dante laughed from behind us. "Go ahead Alec tell her, and while you're at it tell her who I am to you."

  "Was," Alec snarled.

  "Fine, tell her who I was to you."

  "Somebody better tell me somethin' because I'm gettin' mad."

  Alec looked down to me and sighed. "I'm sorry to do this here, I tried to tell you earlier," he said as he lowered his voice, "Before we had sex but you wouldn't listen."

  I swallowed. "You don't have an STD do you?"

  We used a condom, but I still had his junk in my mouth without one!

  Alec frowned at me while Dante laughed behind me.

  "No, I don't."

  Thank God.

  "Then what do you have to tell me? Who is Dante?"

  Alec licked his lips and said, "Dante used to be my partner on jobs."

  "How so?"

  Alec sighed. "Can we go upstairs and talk?"

  "No, I want to talk here."

  "Okay, fine," he murmured but took my hand and lead me from the dance floor and to the side of the room.<
br />
  "Dante and I... we used to be involved."

  "I don't understand, how were you involv-"

  I cut myself off and widened my eyes when realisation hit me and I took a step back. Alec began to look distressed so he took a step forward and held me close to him.

  "Please don't think differently of me. Please Keela."

  I was so confused.

  "Alec, are you gay?"

  "What? No I'm not gay, why would I be with you if I was gay?"

  I frowned. "You could be pretendin'."

  "Keela, I'm not pretending with you. I swear I'm not."

  I nodded my head. "So if you're not gay then what are you?"

  Alec looked at me and said, "I'm bisexual."

  Oh, God.

  He liked the V and the D.

  Now all those random sayings from his brothers about him being a bum boy and his job having variety, and his expert knowledge on giving head made sense!

  "That's just greedy," I muttered.

  Alec stared at me for a moment then laughed, he full on laughed. Hard.

  "You have a gift, you can turn the most tense conversation into the funniest."

  I lightly smiled. "I'm blessed."

  Alec chuckled then kissed my forehead. "You aren't disgusted by me then?"

  I gasped. "Disgusted because you like men and women? No, of course not. Is that why you didn't tell me, because you were worried I'd look at you differently?"

  Alec shrugged. "When we met you didn't lead with telling me you were straight, so I didn't lead with telling you I'm bisexual. It shouldn't matter."

  "It doesn't matter."

  Alec smiled. "I'm glad you feel that way... Most people aren't so accepting but I'm going to be criticised for whatever I do, or whoever I do, so why should I give a shit? I am content and happy with who I am. No one else's opinion matters."

  He was dead right.

  "I don't care that you're bi... but I am worried."

  Alec frowned. "Why?"

  I hesitated.

  "Kitten, why are you worried?"

  Just spit it out!

  "Do you go through a phase of which gender you prefer to be with more? What if you're in the vagina stage now, but the dick stage tomorrow and want a lad instead of me?"

  Alec burst out laughing which I thought was rude.

  "I'm serious."

  Alec laughed harder.

  "Alec!" I snapped and punched his arm.

  He didn't flinch from my hit, but he did calm himself down enough to speak.

  "Baby, I'm with you because I like you. Sure I'll think other men and women are attractive, but that doesn't mean I'm about to up and leave you for them. I mean, if you think some other guy was attractive would you leave me just to take a tumble with them?"